A Collection of Important English Statutes: Showing the Principal Changes in the Law of Property; Together with Some Other Enactments of Common ReferencesWaterman and Amee, 1888 - 189 oldal |
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11. oldal
... Tenant by the Curtesy with Warranty shall be void . It is established also , That if a Man aliene a Tenement , that he holdeth by the Law of England , his Son shall not be barred by the Deed of his father ( from whom no Heritage to him ...
... Tenant by the Curtesy with Warranty shall be void . It is established also , That if a Man aliene a Tenement , that he holdeth by the Law of England , his Son shall not be barred by the Deed of his father ( from whom no Heritage to him ...
12. oldal
... Tenant recover against him of the Seisin of his Mother by a judicial Writ that shall issue out of the Rolls of the ... Tenants against whom an Action of Waste is maintainable . It is provided also , That a Man from henceforth shall ...
... Tenant recover against him of the Seisin of his Mother by a judicial Writ that shall issue out of the Rolls of the ... Tenants against whom an Action of Waste is maintainable . It is provided also , That a Man from henceforth shall ...
19. oldal
... tenants without other original , and without allowing any protection in the said suit ; ( 17 ) and that of the lands which be in the King's hands , writs be granted to the sheriffs of the counties where the lands be , to deliver them ...
... tenants without other original , and without allowing any protection in the said suit ; ( 17 ) and that of the lands which be in the King's hands , writs be granted to the sheriffs of the counties where the lands be , to deliver them ...
30. oldal
... tenant of a freehold shall and may do by the course of the common law , where such ten- ant of freehold was neither privy nor party to the same recovery . III . And that the same termers , their executors and assigns , notwithstanding ...
... tenant of a freehold shall and may do by the course of the common law , where such ten- ant of freehold was neither privy nor party to the same recovery . III . And that the same termers , their executors and assigns , notwithstanding ...
39. oldal
... tenants and tenants in common . Forasmuch. as. by. the. common. laws. of. this. realm. divers. of. the. King's subjects , being seised of manors , lands , tenements and heredi- taments , as joint tenants , or as tenants in common with other ...
... tenants and tenants in common . Forasmuch. as. by. the. common. laws. of. this. realm. divers. of. the. King's subjects , being seised of manors , lands , tenements and heredi- taments , as joint tenants , or as tenants in common with other ...
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
action of debt action or suit Agent amend appointed assumpsit authority aforesaid avowry bailment bill bodies politick Body or Bodies bond charge chattels codicil common law Consignee contract contrary notwithstanding conveyance Courts of Equity courts of record covin death deceased declared deed deemed defendant Deposit or Pledge devise divers estate or interest excellent majesty execution felony feoffments Freehold further enacted hath heirs hereafter heretofore holden intent intestate justices justices of peace King's knights service lands and tenements lawfully lawfully executed lease lessors levied lords spiritual manner and form manors ment otherwise Owner party payment person and persons person or persons Personal Estate plaintiff plea pleaded Politic or Corporate possession present parliament assembled profits Provided Real Estate realm reason recover respect seisin soccage sovereign lord spiritual and temporal statute tenants tenements and hereditaments tenements or hereditaments testament Trinity term unto Wares or Merchandize Whereas wife witnesses writ writing