| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 oldal
...fcrapuloufly pious in fome part of his life, is known by many idle and indecent applications of fentences taken from the Scriptures ; a mode of merriment which a good man dreads for its profanenefs, and a witty man difHains for its eafmefs and vulgarity. But VOL. IV. M to to whatever... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 oldal
...fcrupuloufly pious in fome part of his life, is known by many idle and indecent applications of fentences taken from the Scriptures ; a mode of merriment which a good man dreads for its profanenefs, and a witty man difdains for its eafinefs and vulgarity. But to whatever levities he has... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 410 oldal
...fcrupuloufly pious in fome part of his life, is known \)y many idle and indecent applications of fentences taken from the Scriptures ; a mode of merriment which a good man dreads for its profanenefs, and a witty man difdains for. its eafinefs and vulgarity. But to whatever levities he... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 oldal
...fcrupuloufly pious in foine part of his Jife, is knpwn by many idle and indecent applications of fentences taken from the Scriptures ; a mode of merriment which a good m,an dreads for its profane-, nefs, and a witty man difdains for its eafinefs and, vulgarity. But to whatever levities... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 672 oldal
...fcrupuloufly pious in fume part of his lire, is known by many idle and indecent applications of fcnrences taken from the Scriptures ; a mode of merriment which a good man dreads for its profenencfs, and a witty man difdains for its eafinefs and vylgavulgarity. But to whatever levities... | |
| Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 oldal
...fcrupuloufly pious in fome part of his life, is known by many idle and indecent applications of fentences taken from the Scriptures; a mode of me'rriment which a good man dreads for its profonencfs, and a witty man difdains for its eafinefs ancj vulgarity. But to whatever levities he... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 714 oldal
...himself a sincere adherent. That he was not scrupulously pious in some part of his life is known by many idle and indecent applications of sentences taken...witty man disdains for its easiness and vulgarity. But to whatever levities he has been betrayed, it does not appear that his principles were ever corrupted,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 340 oldal
...pious in fome part of his life, is known by many idle and indecent applications of fentences tnkrn from the Scriptures ; a mode of merriment which a good man dreads for its profanenefs, and a witty man difdains for its eafinefs and vulgarity. But to whatever levities he has... | |
| Great Britain - 1804 - 716 oldal
...himself a sincere adherent. That he was not scrupulously pious in some part of his life is known by many idle and indecent applications of sentences taken...mode of merriment which a good man dreads for its profanejiess, and a witty man disdains for its easiness and vulgarity. But to whatever levities he... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1804 - 594 oldal
...little. Life of Swift. SCRIPTURE. Mle and indecent applications of sentences taken from Scripture, is a mode of merriment ^ which a good man dreads for...profaneness, and a witty man disdains for its easiness and vulgarit}r. Life of Pope. All amplification of sacred history is frivolous and rain ; all addition... | |
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