
hand, must cut the term Priest entirely out of her Prayerbook, and substitute for it that of Minister or Elder; the passages respecting absolution must be thrown out also, except the doubtful one in the Morning Service, in which there is no harm; and then there would be only the Baptismal question left, which is one of words rather than of things, and might easily be settled in Synod, turning the refractory Clergy out of their offices, to go to Rome if they chose. Then, when the Articles of Faith and form of worship had been agreed upon between the English and Scottish Churches, the written forms and articles should be carefully translated into the European languages, and offered to the acceptance of the Protestant churches on the Continent, with earnest entreaty that they would receive them, and due entertainment of all such objections as they could reasonably allege; and thus the whole body of Protestants, united in one great Fold, would indeed go in and out, and find pasture; and the work appointed for them would be done quickly, and Antichrist overthrown.

Impossible: a thousand times impossible!-I hear it exclaimed against me. No-not impossible. Christ does not order impossibilities, and He has ordered us to be at peace, one with another. Nay, it is answered-He came not to send peace, but a sword. Yes, verily to send a sword upon earth, Church; for to His Church He said,

but not within His

"My Peace I leave with you."



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