Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, 89. kötet1955 |
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1 - 3 találat összesen 83 találatból.
18. oldal
... Staff to succeed Marshal of the Royal Air Force , Sir William Dickson , G.C.B. , K.B.E. , D.S.O. , A.F.C. , who has been appointed Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee . Sir Dermot Boyle has been A.O.C. - in - C . Fighter Command ...
... Staff to succeed Marshal of the Royal Air Force , Sir William Dickson , G.C.B. , K.B.E. , D.S.O. , A.F.C. , who has been appointed Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee . Sir Dermot Boyle has been A.O.C. - in - C . Fighter Command ...
27. oldal
... staff duties ; H. B. Collins to Headquarters , Fighter Command , for technical staff duties . Wing Commanders : B. R. Macnamara , D.S.O. , to Head- quarters , Transport Command , for air staff duties ( with acting rank of Gp . Capt ...
... staff duties ; H. B. Collins to Headquarters , Fighter Command , for technical staff duties . Wing Commanders : B. R. Macnamara , D.S.O. , to Head- quarters , Transport Command , for air staff duties ( with acting rank of Gp . Capt ...
4. oldal
... staff duties ; D. Michell , to Head- quarters , Middle East Air Force , for administrative staff duties ; F. R. Carey , D.F.C. , A.F.C. , D.F.M. , to Headquarters , Fighter Command , for air staff duties ; P. H. Wood , to ...
... staff duties ; D. Michell , to Head- quarters , Middle East Air Force , for administrative staff duties ; F. R. Carey , D.F.C. , A.F.C. , D.F.M. , to Headquarters , Fighter Command , for air staff duties ; P. H. Wood , to ...
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