
oped state which it has reached in the quadrumana, it is by no means worthy of the highest place, or can be held to exhibit the most perfect development of existing animal life.


From Temple Bar.




LADY ELTON'S departure was a sort of triumphal procession. All the Dalbersdorf party were there: the count, with a huge bouquet; Dr. Niedner; and the landlord of the Hof, armed with a basket of substantial sandwiches, which Luigi had taught him to make, brought up the


Lady Elton, though genial and gracious, was somewhat annoyed at this public dem


"I wanted my last words with you, dear," she said, laying her hand on Grace's arm and Grace thought it rather tremulous. "I wish very much you were coming with me.

only was quite silent; and as she walked back towards home, with her grand-uncle, Dr. Niedner, and Balfour, the latter noticed how pale she looked, and that there was a suspicious sparkle on her long lashes. He made no remark, however; and at length Grace broke out with,

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"I suppose it is stupid and unreasonable of me, but I cannot help it. I feel inclined to have a good cry as if she had gone away forever. I cannot tell you how I shall miss her: she seems to have taken half the home feeling of Zittau away with her, yet she has been barely two months here."

"It is not like you to be so fanciful," said Balfour, with a tender smile, and drawing nearer as he spoke. "Lady Elton is a remarkably free agent, and I dare say will come to you, or bring you to her, before long. Distance scarcely exists for people of fortune in these days."

"I know all that," said Grace, "and I shall probably feel differently to-morrow. But I do love Lady Elton, and she is not happy; then I seem in some way necessary to her, and that is the sting. It breaks my heart to part with those that miss me. I was so sorry to leave Jimmy Byrne, for instance."

"Ah, Grace, then "- began Balfour I wish your moth-quickly, and paused before he went on

er could have spared you."

the fact is, you think yourself so all-essential that you shrink from withdrawing the light of your countenance from your adorers."

Here Balfour came up, and Lady Elton, letting Grace go, spoke to him aside for a few minutes; then others pressed round, and Grace had no further opportunity of "What a rude, unkind speech!" respeaking in private to her friend. Finally, turned Grace, smiling. "I do not know when Lady Elton was settled in the car- why you think me conceited; you are riage, and her books, wraps, cushions, always launching arrows of scorn at my bouquets, etc., were properly stowed weakness. You may say what you like, away, she said, "Let Grace come to me; "there are a few in this world, just two or and Grace, standing on the step of the three, to whom I am very essential." carriage, gave her both her hands. Lady Elton, looking at her with a long, yearning expression, drew her down and kissed her fondly. "God bless you, child! think of me sometimes."

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"Indeed indeed I will; and will you write from Paris?"


"Yes; good-bye-do not forget." The guard's whistle sounded. count laid a warning touch on his grandniece's arm, and the train moved on, Lady Elton looking through the window to the last, and Grace at her. Then every one turned and walked away, talking audibly of the charm, the excellence, the intelligence, the high-breeding of their late visitor, for five minutes at least; after which the current local topics of interest superseded the last bit of novelty. Grace

"I don't think you conceited too small a word; but you believe in yourself- that is a tower of strength to you. Perhaps, if you knew all, I thinkHe stopped abruptly.

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"I should have less faith in myself? No, Maurice; I think I know what I am worth. I have more humility than you believe."

"I don't know that my opinion would do much to deepen it," said he, drawn on irresistibly to utter more of his feelings than usual, but still preserving a playful tone, considering that you are my queen.'"


"Ah, that is nonsense!" replied Grace, turning to him with her frank, sweet smile; "I am your friend-your comrade!"

"Ay," cried Balfour, with a fervor he could not repress, "the best, the brightest comrade ever man had!"

"That is right, Maurice," said Grace exultingly. "I know now that we are quite friends again, in spite of Falkenberg's nonsense."

"Don't name him,” said Balfour hastily.

This exclamation brought them to the door of Mrs. Frere's dwelling, and the doctor taking his leave, the other two gentlemen ascended au premier with Grace. Mrs. Frere had not followed the multitude to the railway station, but sat serene and picturesque in her black silk and soft white lace, ready to receive the news and condolences of her visitors.

"We had quite a little crowd of leavetakers," said Balfour, after they had exchanged greetings and the count had accepted an offer of Schnaps.

"I am glad I made my adieux quietly at the hotel," returned Mrs. Frere. "Poor Lady Elton! she seemed exceedingly low. I cannot think why she went away if she would rather stay."

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"It is not easy to read the riddle of a fine lady's mind,” said the count, with an air of supreme experience. "It's not often they could tell you the reason why themselves; but somehow, though they can't explain, they are generally right."

"That is what they say in Ireland of the omadhaun, or village fool. You know the sort of creature, lieber uncle," returned Grace, laughing; "the countrypeople say, 'Ach, God help him! he knows a dale more than us, only he can't tell.' It is not a flattering likeness!

"You are too sharp for your old uncle, my darling," said the count. Faith, the ladies are no fools—at least those I have known."

"We shall miss dear Lady Elton terri bly," said Mrs. Frere; "however, I am glad to say that I expect a visit from another connection, or rather relation very charming person."



Who, mother?" cried Grace, with sudden eagerness, a look almost of alarm in her wide-opened eyes.

"Your cousin Max. I had a letter from him just now. He wants to know what we are going to do this summer; because he will have his holiday early in June, and would like to pay us a visit en route perhaps to Vienna. I shall be quite pleased to see him. He is really a good specimen of a young Englishman."

"Max coming here?" said Grace. "It's quite astonishing!".

Balfour looked watchfully at her from under his half-closed lids.

"I must say it is quite natural that he should come and see us, Grace. I do not think you ever appreciated Max."

"Perhaps not," said Grace carelessly; and then the subject was changed by the count, who informed the company that his visit to Dresden had been postponed for a couple of days: and he repeated the offer of his horse to Balfour, who very gratefully accepted it.

"And I wish you would take Frieda out with you, Grace," he added; "there is a horse of Ulrich's at Dalbersdorf, and the Verwalter's which you might ride, so you would be a pretty trio."

"It will be quite charming!" cried Grace; "I will write to Frieda, and make a partie at once." Here Mab made her appearance, her Sack (a leather case for books, de rigueur in German schools) on her back; her hair unplaited und streaming down her back, and a considerable space of flounce torn away and hanging in a festoon.

"Oh, Mab! how often have I not asked you to leave your hat and Sack in the corridor!" cried Mrs. Frere in despairing accents; but Mab, totally disregarding her mother, went straight to the count.

"Do you know, Uncle Costello, they would not let me go to the station to bid Lady Elton good-bye; was it not a shame? I only just saw her for two minutes with mamma this morning. She gave me a kiss and told me to be a good girl, and then I was pushed out and sent away to school."

"It was a shame, faith," said the veteran, taking her on his knee. "It was more important, a good deal, that you should go to the station than to school eh, Mab?"

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"I think so," said Mab, pouting. "Mab, you must come with me and be made tidy," said Grace with energy.

"I shall do quite well, sha'n't I, Maurice?" cried Mab, who was very fond of him, forsaking the count and jumping on his knee. "Grace is always teasing me.

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"You are a very nice little girl, Mab,” returned Maurice, stroking her tumbled hair; "but you would be still nicer if you let Grace put you to rights.”

"Ah! you are not so good as Wolff von Falkenberg," cried Mab;" he always took my part, and made Grace let me alone."

"Did he?" said Balfour.

"It will be fine, I think, to-morrow," continued Balfour to Grace, after a pause,


"and the roads in good order. What do | evening ride at the appointed hour. To

you say to a long ride over the border, as far as Gabel, and back by Hain? You will let her come, Mrs. Frere? I don't know that I shall have many more chances of a ride."

"Is it very far, Maurice?"

"Not more than three or four hours," put in Grace. "I have ridden there with Wolff von Falkenberg and the count."

"Oh, very well," said Mrs. Frere placidly; "it will be a great treat to Grace, and she has not much amusement now."

"You had better ride Novara," said Balfour. "I saw a very good horse, a bright bay, at the Hof stables this morning, which will do for me. I will arrange it all this evening. If we start at five, we can be back before dark, Mrs. Frere."

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Very well," returned Mrs. Frere: "and Mab and I will have a droschky, and take a nice drive towards Oybin to meet you," she concluded.

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"That will be charming!" cried Grace. Delightful!" exclaimed Mab. Only I should like to have the pony and ride with you; it is ever so much nicer than crawling along in an old droschky!"

"Would you let me go all alone, Mab?" said her mother.

"Oh, you wouldn't mind, mummy dear?"

"No no, Mab; we are going too far for you," observed Grace.

"I am sure I can ride quite as far as you," cried Mab, pouting.

Whereupon, Balfour held out his hand to her; and on her sidling up to him, proceeded to whisper consolation, which at first was evidently rejected with very belligerent head-tossing; but finally her countenance cleared, and she exclaimed in tones of exultation,

"Maurice says he will take me out to ride one day all by myself, Grace-without you. You are a good Maurice!" And soothed by this enchanting prospect, Mab was induced to go to bed.

The following day fulfilled Balfour's predictions. Brilliant sunshine, air freshened by the previous rain, a blue sky varied by a few slow-sailing snow-white clouds which cast soft shadows on the wide plain, and tender alternations of light on the rocks and woods of the border district a perfect summer's day, about which, in this northern land, something of the youthfulness of spring still lingered. Nor would it have been easy to find a pair of hearts more full of summer sunshine than those of the well-assorted companions who mounted so gaily for their

Grace, the highest physical enjoyment was to be on horseback; and it was with more than usual satisfaction she coiled up her "bonny brown hair " into a knot, almost upon her neck, to support her jaunty little felt hat, and fastened her well-fitting habit. The woman who is not elated by the consciousness of looking well is an unnatural monster, of whom we weaker mortals may justly stand in awe. Grace was far from having reached this exalted pitch; and it was in truth a pardonable pleasure which she derived from the reflection presented by her looking-glass; dark-grey, laughing eyes, creamy skin and cheeks softly rosy- - a form all pliancy and ease, with a certain richness of outline- a face all frank kindliness, with the free, firm glance of one who has nothing to conceal, full of all tender sympathy, yet queen of herself.

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"What a delightful evening!" she exclaimed, as she beamed out upon her cavalier issuing from the dark doorway into the sunlight; "and what a delightful idea of yours, dear Maurice!"

He did not reply instantly.

"Let us get off then as soon as possible," he said.

Taking her foot in his hand, he quickly lifted her to the saddle, and sprang on his own horse, which curvetted a little, while he raised his hat to Mrs. Frere, who stood in the balcony.

"When do you start, mother?" asked Grace.

"In about an hour and a half; will that be time enough?

"Yes; and when you are past Oybin, keep to the right up the hill."

A nod and sinile, and they were off. "I think," said Balfour reflectively, looking at his companion "I think you ought always to wear a riding-habit, Grace."

"Yes, I think it suits me," she returned; " and I do like it. I feel almost a boy in it!"

"Almost! but what a vast interval in the almost'!"

"Vast indeed, Maurice. ference even dress makes! I could accomplish ever so much if I had not all my feminine drapery hanging about my heels; and yet there are so many womanly priv. ileges I could not give up. It is so nice to be taken care of; not that I have ever known, or am likely to know, much of that."

"Nonsense!" returned Maurice, almost roughly. "I imagine you will find

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plenty of people willing to take care of
you; so you need not don masculine garb
for want of a care-taker."

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Balfour looked at her, a sudden glance full of pain, and immediately averted. "You mean that he wants to marry Well, if ever I do, riding-boots shall me?" said Grace, at last breaking the sicertainly form part of it. I like yours im-lence which oppressed her, and forcing mensely; there is something soldier-like hers If to speak with a bluntness scarcely and business-like about them. I used al-natural. "I believe Max would think ways to admire the Lifeguard boots whenever I passed the Horse Guards. Had I been a nurse-maid, I could never have been proof against those boots."

"But not being a nursemaid, I suppose mine have no fascination for you?" said Balfour, smiling, yet watching her from under his drooping eyelids.

"Oh yes; I like you better with them. I was always terribly affected by exteriors, or, let us say, I have an artistic eye.""

"What an active, ambitious fellow you would have made, had you a right to wear broadcloth!" said Balfour, laughing. " I am afraid you are rather an unfeeling, unsentimental young lady."

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such an alliance a mistake and a misfor-
tune. He is ambitious, and I am nobody;
he is worldly, and despises my homeli-
ness; he is "
- a pause "he is far from
a bad fellow. I must not be ungrateful;
he has helped Randal most efficiently.
And oh! I pray that soon, very soon, I
may be able to pay him all. Now, Mau-
rice, here is a lovely bit of soft, sandy
road. Novara against the brown,' for
a pair of gloves!" And gathering up the
reins, she struck her horse smartly and
broke into a gallop.

Balfour, taken by surprise, was left behind for a few minutes, but soon came up with her; and for some time they went Perhaps so; yet no-not unfeeling.neck and neck, with scarce the interAt least it is impossible in such matters to measure one's self with others; but if being very uncomfortable often about people and things shows feeling, I have quite enough."

change of a word, both thrilled by the exhilaration of the swinging pace, the curious sense of power, of a doubled being, which comes to the practised rider. when well mounted, and feeling the free stride of a willing steed, to which, in Bal,"four's case, was added the subtle intoxicating presence of the girl whose charm of beauty, of manner, of nature had penetrated to the depths of his being, and to which he had abandoned himself. As Grace sped on, with beaming eyes and smiling lips, she little dreamed that her companion, with his calm, grave, almost stern face, was thinking that he would rather gallop thus with her into the jaws of death than part with or resign her to another.

Balfour smiled. "I fancy you have quite as much feeling as is good for you,' he said; "and you show what you feel very plainly sometimes, at least to those who know you. I, for instance, who know every shade that passes over your face, every change in your eyes, I know you don't want your pleasant, good-looking cousin to come here. Why, I cannot say. I should fancy him just the fellow to be welcomed by a young lady."

"Yes, he is good-looking," returned Grace thoughtfully-she had been a little startled by Balfour's words, but the impression passed away almost immediately "and he can be very nice too; nay, more, he has been very good and helpful to Randal. Still you are right; I do not want him to come.'

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"Am I too bold to ask why?"
"No, I can tell you nearly anything,
Maurice; but this I scarcely can explain.
I am afraid I have a shabby reason for
not wishing to see Max. We are under
obligations to him that we cannot yet re-

"Ah!" — a long-drawn "Ah!" "Then
he wants payment in some coin that you
cannot or will not produce?"

Grace was silent; but a quick, tell-tale blush flamed up over cheek and brow, and even down the fair white throat, to hide itself under the collar of her habit.

But Balfour soon perceived that his horse was swifter, though not better than the count's; and as the road became suddenly steeper a little farther on, he let the "brown" go ahead about half a length.

"Fairly beaten ! -eh, my Fräulein?" he said, looking back.

"Yes; so I will knit you a pair of warm gloves for the winter. Won't that be paying my debts nobly?"

"It will-in a better spirit, too, than you show Max Frere. Pray, as you are so strong-minded a young lady, do you intend to disdain matrimony?""

No, indeed I do not!" said she frankly; "a good, kind husband, and a home of one's own, is not to be despised; but I could not marry any one for ever so long. How in the world could I leave



my mother and Mab? You see I must have some one who will live near them." Ah," returned Balfour, "some rich stay-at-home fellow. I can't fancy anything pleasanter than being able to supply all the needs of the woman you love; it seems natural for a man to give."

66 Yes, it does. If I were very rich, I should be quite willing to give all to the man I would marry; but somehow I should not like him to be content to take it."

This talk brought them to the top of a low ridge which intervenes between the rocky, ravine-furrowed district of Oybin and the wide stretch of the Bohemian forest-clad frontier. The ground fell away at their feet in a steeper slope than that which they had just ascended. To the left, hill over hill rose up and up, covered with dense, dark pine woods, cleared here and there in patches, but conveying, as these sombre masses of forest can, a sense of sullen, savage loneliness. To the right, spread a vast open plain far as the eye could reach, dotted in the nearer distance with small villages, their churches and attendant clumps of trees; while all over the remoter portions were scattered fantastic hills of every shape and size, high-reaching peaks, reversed bowl-like hillocks, hills with points, double hills like truncated cones, rounded mounds and broken demi-mounds as though the vast caldron of some gigantic primeval witch, say Mother Earth herself, had been arrested at boiling-point, every bubble and upreaching tongue suddenly and separately solidified, for each stood alone; over all, the tender evening glow, a pale grey-blue, where the horizon dropped down to meet the earth, the opal-tinted white clouds deepening into orange and crimson in the nearer heavens, as the sun, sinking behind the spectators, bestowed a parting benefaction of beauty.

Grace and her companion drew up for a while, in silence gazing upon the strange beauty of the scene.

"Is it not wonderful?" she said at last. "Most wonderful! I have seen many grander and lovelier scenes, but never anything more curious. There has been volcanic agency at work here."

"Dr. Sturm says there has been a great sea here, and probably the action of the tides and currents produced these strange forms; but really imagination fails to conjure up even an idea of the enormous number of ages that must have passed before all this could have taken shape."

"Ay," returned Balfour; "sometimes

in cutting for a railway or digging for an embankment, one comes on such queer suggestive traces of nature's methods of building, that one's brain is almost dazed by the effort to grasp such conceptions." "How do you account for it all, Maurice?"

"Me? Oh, I can't account for anything. I am reduced to Topsy's philosophy, and just believe it all 'growed.""

"Ah, Maurice, that is only the evolution theory masked, and, if so, what is to become of religion?"

"It does not touch religion. You can be just as religious, even though you do believe the evidence of your senses." "What is your religion, then, Maurice?"

"I am afraid I could not pull through a theological examination; but my own notion is just to clear one's mental deck of the broken spars and tangled cordage of dogma, and try to do one's duty, heartily, unshrinkingly."

"But how vague this is!"

"It is ; but I can find nothing clearer. Come, Grace; the sun is sinking fast, and I think there is a little Gasthaus at Gabel where the Verwalter say's one can find a tolerable glass of beer."

They plunged down the hill, and were soon wrapped in the thick gloom of a pine wood, across one corner of which the road led. Emerging from it, on a more level piece of the roadway or track, they had a sharp, invigorating trot, till they reached the little hostelry, where, surrounded by most of the juvenile population, who pointed out the "riding lady" with immense interest and amazement, Balfour enjoyed a glass of cold, sparkling beer; and Grace, bending from the saddle, tried to talk to the bright-eyed, darkhaired, ragged, picturesque imps who crowded round, but with small success. Even that short distance over the border

had brought them into a region where German was scarcely known.

They were soon again in motion, past a deserted, solemn-looking, grey Schloss, and its adjoining little Gothic chapelpast a small mere, which had gleamed prettily through the trees in their first glimpse of the town - past the Postamt and away, their faces towards the sunset, their pleasant, easy talk still flowing frank and free; only Grace did the larger part of the talking. The grey horizon was closing in upon them, and the ridge they had again to surmount was steeper in the direction where they had now to cross it.

"What a charming evening it has been

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