James I., Reign of, review of Mr. S. R. Gardiner's work on, 101-new light thrown upon various incidents during the reigns of James I. and his son Charles I., 102-the author's 'England under Charles I. and the Duke of Buckingham,' 102-his 'Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage,' 102-his character of James I., 103-high opinion formed of him by a writer in the 'Quarterly Review,' 104— refuted by Mr. Gardiner's history, 105-his impartiality, 109- Selden, Coke, and Cotton, 110-Sandys, Pym, and Eliot, 111-the Divine Right of Bishops and the Divine Right of Kings, 113-Lord Bacon's views on the matter, 115-the Judges' firm resistance to the Court of High Commission, 116-Selden's History of Tithes,' 117 -Montague's answer thereto, 119--Charles I's. arbitrary proceed- ings, 120-his Declaration of 1629, 121-the High Church Party and the Calvinists, 122-the religious question the chief cause of quarrel between Charles and the Commons, 125— the Petition of Right, in 1628, and the line of argument assumed thereon by the author, 126-meanings of the words Customs, Subsidies, Imposts, Tax, 126-arguments pro and contra on the right of the King to levy impositions, 130-true intent of the Petition of Right, 137.
Lindsay, Mr. W. S., review of his 'Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce and other works, 420-qualifications of the author, 421 -his researches, and strange neglect of good authorities, 421- the Black Book of the Admiralty,' 421-the navy of Pontifical Rome in the Middle Ages, 422-The Laws of Oleron,' 423— the ancient and medieval galley, 426-configurations of ships on ancient seals, 429-mode of ancient naval warfare, 431-Greek fire, 432-the battle off Dover in 1217, 434-the battle of Sluys in 1340, 434-meaning of the expression dominion of the sea,' 435 -the Navigation Act of 1651, 436-rival claims of the Portuguese and Spaniards as to the right to the Moluccas or 'Islands of Spicery,' 437-difficulties of early navigation, 438-the invention of the compass, 440-the origin of technical naval expressions, 442— superiority of English sailors compared with French and Spanish, 444 -Hawkins and Drake, 446-stringent edicts against wrecking, 450 -the Hanseatic League, 452.
Macaulay, Lord, the Life and Letters of, reviewed, 544-parallel and contrast in the early lives of Lord Macaulay and Mr. John Stewart Mill, 544-parentage and early connexions of Lord Macaulay, 546- his strong attachment for Cambridge, 547-his friend and fellow- student, Charles Austin, 548-Macaulay's hatred of mathematics, 550 -his low estimate of University honours, 551-his universal read- ing, 552-is elected Fellow of Trinity, and called to the Bar, 552— his contributions to 'Knight's Magazine,' 553-Lord Jeffrey's admiration of his literary style in his articles for this Journal, 553— his sisters and brothers, 555-complete and unbroken union between VOL. CXLIII. NO. CCXCII.
him and his sister Hannah More (Lady Trevelyan, mother of his biographer), 555-he is noticed by the Marquis of Lansdowne, who offers him the borough of Calne, 557-excitement of the House at his speech on the Reform Bill on March 2nd, 1831, 558-his new social relations, especially with Holland House, where he meets Talleyrand, 559-his description of the host and hostess, 560-sits for Leeds, and is appointed to the Supreme Council at Calcutta as its legislative member, 562-his return to England, 565-makes a tour in Italy, 565-letter from Mr. Gladstone, 566-sits for Edin- burgh, 567-begins his History of England, 568-supports Lord Palmerston, 568-participates in social breakfasts, and regularly attends the dinners at The Club,' 569-his strong memory, 570- unfriendly review of his History in the Quarterly Review,' 572— his sudden illness, 573-immense sale of his History, 577-his gradual decline and death, 580.
Mac Donald, Mr. G., 336. See Scotch Novels.
Mayo, Earl of, review of Mr. Hunter's Life of, 387-his character as an Indian administrator, 388 et seqq.-his experience in the Irish Secretariat, 388-previous Viceroys of India, 389-proper position and functions of an Indian Viceroy, 393-Lord Lawrence's view thereon, 395-his exertions to maintain due authority, 396-imposing appearance of Lord Mayo, 397-he adopts the policy and foreign administration of his predecessor, 399-his reply to the chiefs of Rajpootana, 403-the subject of Indian Finance, 404-the income- tax and the salt duties, 409-his reductions in the military expendi- ture, 410-his interest in agricultural improvements, 412-his plans for irrigation and railway extensions, 414-his method of finding ways and means to meet local requirements, 416.
Railways-their profits and losses, review of works treating of, 352— results of Watt's discovery of the mechanical uses and appliances of steam, 352-more especially as regards railways, 355-speedy travelling, 356-Captain Tyler's General Report, 358-passenger and merchandise traffic on our railways, 358-canal and coasting traffic, 361-carriage of minerals on railways, 361-total receipts from the working of railways of the United Kingdom, 362-statisti- cal returns as to passenger traffic, 362-weights of carriages, 365-is the mineral traffic a loss or a gain? 367-relative cost of fast and slow traffic, 371-M. de Franqueville's report on the system of public works in England, 374-relative cost of locomotive and stationary power, 376-Stephenson and Brunel, 377-the rapid increase in weight and stoutness of engines, carriages, and rails, 378-considera- tions offered for promoting economy and ensuring increased profits, 380-the French railways, 383-conclusion, 384.
Scotch Novels, recent, review of, 317-the Scotch character, 317-the Waverley Novels, 320-Sir Walter Scott, 320-Lockhart, Wilson, and Galt, 321-Mrs. Oliphant and her novels, 323 et seqq.-her
'Mrs. Margaret Maitland,' 323-her' Merkland,' and 'Harry Muir,' 327-herKatie Stewart,' 330-her 'Minister's Wife,' 331-her • Valentine: and his Brother,' 334-Mr. George Mac Donald's works, 336 et seqq.-his 'David Elginbrod,' 336-his Alec Forbes of How- 'glen,' 339—his 'Robert Falconer,' 344-his 'Malcolm,' 347-Mr. W. Black's novels, 349 et seqq.-his 'Princess of Thule,' 350-his 'Daughter of Heth,' 350.
Scotland, secondary education in, review of books treating of, 511— Reports of the Royal Commissioners, 512-'sang schools,' 514— burgh or grammar schools, 514-schools attached to monasteries, 515 -educational condition of Scotland at the Reformation, 517-the Grammar School of Perth, 518--classics not sufficiently studied thereat, 521-the Ayr Academy, 523-the University of Glasgow, 525-the Aberdeen Grammar School, 526-the Dick Bequest, 528 -poverty of the secondary schools, 532-mode of obtaining increased salaries for their masters, 535-'wasted endowments' might be so applied, 538-income of Heriot's Hospital, 539-Professor Sellar's Address, 541-suggestions by the Rev. John Stark, 542. Stair, Earls of, review of Mr. Mackay's work on, and other works, 1 -Mr. Graham's work, 3-Mr. Story's, 3-education and early career of the first Earl of Stair, 4-signs the Declaration in 1662, but refuses to sign the Test in 1681, 7-his dismissal by James II. and retirement to Holland, 8-accompanies the Prince of Orange to England in 1688, 8-and is re-appointed President of the Court of Session, 9-his son, Sir John Dalrymple, 10-is imprisoned in the castle of Edinburgh, 11-is made Lord Advocate, 12-disgust of the Presbyterians at his accession to office, 14-important services rendered by him to William III. in establishing Presbyterianism in Scotland, 16-the massacre of Glencoe, 20-how far Sir John Dal- rymple was implicated in it, 21-dismissed from office by the King, 24-special letters of remission, 24-Lord Macaulay's view of his guilt, 25-assists in the Treaty of Union of England and Scotland in the reign of Queen Anne, 27-Mr. Mackay's strictures on parts of Lord Macaulay's history, 28-the Earl of Stair as an author, 32 --superior to his son in legal acquirements, but not so great or so remarkable a man, 33.
Suez Canal, the, review of books treating of, 250-probable motives leading to the purchase of the Khedive's shares therein, 251-mode of the purchase, 251-its precipitancy, 253-Parliament should have been called together, 253-impolicy of Government holding shares in any joint-stock company or commercial enterprise, especially a foreign one, 254-signal service rendered to the French shareholders by the purchase, 256-how the shares therein were distributed on July 1st, 1875, 257-leading features in the original Act of Conces- sion of the Suez Canal, 258-cost of its construction down to the end of 1874, 259-the 'consolidation of interest,' 259 note-ruinous terms enforced on the Khedive, 260-annual charges on the Com- pany for 1874, 261-the statutes of the Company, 262--as to the division of profits, 263-as to the management, 264-amount of shipping using the Canal, and the flags under which they sailed, 265 note-enormous expense of keeping the Canal in a working state,
265-the system of measuring a ship's tonnage, 266-high hand with which M. de Lesseps carried out his views, 268—our newly- purchased shares give us very small voice in the management, 269- and an uncertain hold on the Khedive, 270-the political advantages gained by the purchase of small account, 272-what use could we make of the Canal in time of war? 277.
Telegraphs, Post-Office, review of Reports treating of, 177-necessity of inquiry into the Government system of purchasing and working the telegraphs, 177—the Act of 1868, 178-recklessness in the conduct of the negotiations for purchase of Telegraphs by Government, 180 -untrustworthy estimates of working expenses and profits, 181-the Post-Office scandal of 1873, 182-inaccuracy of the Telegraph accounts, 183-suggestions of the Committee of Inquiry, 185-unfair concession made to the Newspaper Press, 186-Mr. Weaver and his propositions, 187.
Thirlwall, Connop, D.D., Bishop of St. David's, review of his Charges,' 1842 to 1872, 281-his early life, 283-his career at Cambridge, 286 -his translation of the Introduction to Schleiermacher's St. Luke,' 287-his views on Inspiration of the Scriptures, 290-his connexion with Mr. John Stuart Mill, 291-his translation of Niebuhr's 'History ' of Rome,' 292-his ' History of Greece,' 294-his theological labours, 298-his preferment to the Bishopric of St. David's, 300-his Epis copal Charges, 301-his views respecting the Tractarian party, 305 -on the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, 306-the Public Worship Bill, 307-Ritualism, 307-the Gorham controversy, 309-the Atha- nasian Creed, 310-his action with regard to Essays and Reviews, Dr. Williams, and Bishop Colenso, 311- Supernatural Religion' wrongly attributed to his pen, 315-his views on the Broad Church, the High Church, and the Low Church, 315.
Wagner Richard, Herr, and the modern theory of music, review of books treating of, 141-music now almost more a science than an art, 143-Herr Wagner formerly depreciated, 143-Ritter's lectures on the History of Music,' 146-Gluck the direct precursor of Wag- ner, 147-what Wagner essays to represent, 149-his ideal theory as worked out in his 'Tannhäuser,' 'Lohengrin,' and 'Tristan und Isolde,' 154-his contempt for rhythm, 158-sketch of his Tristan und 'Isolde,' 160-his libretto mere doggerel, 163-his projected opera 'Der Ring des Nibelungen,' 165-his mannerism and trick, 166 -Beethoven and his detractors, 169-his symphonies, 171-his superiority as a composer to Wagner, 175.
Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square, London.
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