Report, Together with Minutes of Evidence, and Accounts: From the Select Committee Appointed to Inquire Into the Cause of the High Price of Gold Bullion, and to Take Into Consideration the State of the Circulating Medium, and of the Exchanges Between Great Britain and Foreign Parts

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124. oldal - FROM THE COMMITTEE On the Circulating Paper, the Specie, and the Current Coin of IRELAND ; And also, on the Exchange between that Part of the United Kingdom and GREAT BRITAIN.
75. oldal - House as their opinion, that the system of the circulating medium of this country ought to be brought back with as much speed as is compatible with a wise and necessary caution to the original principle of cash payments at the option of the holder of Bank paper.
73. oldal - That there is at present an excess in the paper circulation of this Country, of which the most unequivocal symptom is the very high price of Bullion, and next to that, the low state of the Continental Exchanges ; that this excess is to be ascribed to the want of a sufficient check and control in the issues of paper from the Bank of England ; and originally, to the suspension of cash payments, which removed the natural and true control.
50. oldal - ... to be most thoroughly convinced, that there can be no possible excess in the issue of Bank of England paper, so long as the advances in which it is issued are made upon the principles which at present guide the conduct of the directors, that is, so long as the discount of mercantile bills are confined to paper of undoubted solidity, arising out of real commercial transactions, and payable at short and fixed periods.
63. oldal - The effective currency of the country depends upon the quickness of circulation, and the number of exchanges performed in a given time, as well as upon its numerical amount...
1. oldal - COMMITTEE appointed to enquire into the cause of the High Price of Gold Bullion, and to take into consideration the state of the Circulating Medium, and of the Exchanges between Great Britain and Foreign Farts ; — and to report the same, with their Observations thereupon, from time to time, to the House...
44. oldal - Report, and which serves to shew that the Irish paper currency could not stand a comparison with the standard price of Silver, any more than with that of Gold Bullion, with Gold in coin, or with the then paper currency of this kingdom. A fact was mentioned to that Committee on the evidence of Mr. Colville, a Director of the...
i. oldal - REPORT FROM THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE HIGH PRICE OF GOLD BULLION. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 8 Jime, 1810. THE SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to enquire into the cause of the High Price of Gold Bullion, and to take into consideration the state of the Circulating Medium, and of the Exchanges between Great Britain and Foreign Parts...
55. oldal - ... evident there need be no other limit to the total amount of advances than what the means of the lender, and his prudence in the selection of borrowers, may impose. But, in the present situation of the Bank...
89. oldal - ... of a returned bill, or to dispute the charges of re-exchange. Whilst those causes depressed the Exchange, payments due to England only came round at distant periods; the Exchange once lowered by those circumstances, and Bullion being withheld in England to make up those occasional differences, the operations between this Country and the Continent have continued at a low rate, as it is only matter of opinion what rate a pound sterling is there to be valued at, not being able to obtain what it...

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