Look, here is writ "kind Julia;"- Unkind Julia! I throw thy name against the bruising stones; Shall lodge thee, 'till thy wound be thoroughly heal'd; But twice, or thrice, was Protheus written down; Lo, here in one line is his name twice writ: Enter Lucetta. Luc. Madam, dinner is ready, and your father stays. JUL. Well, let us go. Luc. What, shall these papers lie like tell-tales here? JUL. If thou respect them, best to take them up. Luc. Nay, I was taken up for laying them down: Yet here they shall not lye, for catching cold. JUL. I see you have a month's mind to them. LUL. Ay, madam, you may say what fights you see: I see things too, although you judge I wink. JUL. Come, come, will't please you go? SCENE IV. Anthonio's house. Enter Anthonio and Panthion. [Exeunt. ANT. Tell me, Panthion, what sad talk was that, PANT. He wonder'd that your lordship ANT. Nor need'st thou much importune me to that, How his companion, youthful Valentine, ANT. I know it well. FANT. 'Twere good, I think, your lordship fent him thither; There shall he practise tilts and tournaments, Hear sweet discourse, converse with noblemen; And be in eye of every exercise, Worthy his youth and nobleness of birth. ANT. I like thy counsel; well hast thou advis'd: I will dispatch him to the emperor's court. PANT. To-morrow, may it please you, Don Alphonso, With other gentlemen of good esteem, Are journeying to falute the emperor; And to commend their service to his will. ANT. Good company: with them shall Protheus go. And, in good time, now will we break with him. Enter Protheus. PRO. Sweet love, sweet lines, sweet life! ANT. How now? what letter are you reading there? Of commendation sent from Valentine; ANT. Lend me the letter; let me see what news. τη ANT. My will is something forted with his with: Muse not that I, thus suddenly proceed; PRO. My lord, I cannot be so soon provided; ANT. Look, what thou want'st, shall be sent after thee: No more of stay, to-morrow thou must go. Come on, Panthion; you shall be employ'd To hasten on his expedition. [Exe. Ant. and Pant. PRO. Thus have I shun'd the fire, for fear of burning And drench'd me in the sea, where I am drown'd: I fear'd to shew my father Julia's letter, Lest he should take exceptions to my love; And with the vantage of mine own excuse, Hath he excepted most against my love.. Oh, how this spring of love resembleth Th' uncertain glory of an April days Which now shews all the beauty of the fun, Enter Panthion. PANT. Sir Protheus, your father calls for you; He is in haste, therefore, I pray you, go. PRO. Why, this it is! my heart accords thereto : And yet a thousand times it answers, no. ACT II. SCENE Ι. Changes to Milan. An apartment in the Duke's palace. Enter Valentine and Speed. SIR, your glove SPEED. VAL. Not mine; my gloves are on. [Exeunt. SPEED. Why then this may be yours, for this is but one. VAL. Ha! let me fee: ay, give it me, it's mine; Sweet ornament, that decks a thing divine! SPEED. Madam Silvia! Madam Silvia! SPEED. She is not within hearing, Sir. SPEED. And yet I was last chidden for being too flow. |