Leon. We are tougher, brother, Than you can put us to't. Leon. One seven-night No longer stay. longer. Leon. We'll part the time between's then: and in that I'll no gain-saying. Pol. Press me not, 'beseech you, so; There is no tongue that moves, none, none i' the world, So soon as yours, could win me: so it should now, Leon. Tongue-tied, our queen? speak you. Her. I had thought, sir, to have held my peace, until You had drawn oaths from him, not to stay. You, sir, Leon. Well said, Hermione. Her. To tell, he longs to see his son, were strong: But let him say so then, and let him go; Yet of your real presence [To POLIXENES.] I'll adventure The borrow of a week. When at Bohemia 7 this satisfaction -) We had satisfactory accounts yes terday of the state of Bohemia. JOHNSON. You take my lord, I'll give him my commission, What lady she her lord. - You'll stay? Pol. Her. Verily! No, madam. I may not, verily. You put me off with limber vows: But I, Though you would seek to unsphere the stars with oaths, Should yet say, Sir, no going. Verily, You shall not go; a lady's verily is As potent as a lord's. Will you go yet? Force me to keep you as a prisoner, Not like a guest; so you shall pay your fees, When you depart, and save your thanks. How say you? My prisoner? or my guest? by your dread verily, One of them you shall be. Pol. Your guest then, madam: To be your prisoner, should import offending; Than you to punish. Her. Not your gaoler then, But your kind hostess. Come, I'll question you Of my lord's tricks, and yours, when you were boys; You were pretty lordlings then. 8 - behind the gest - Gest signifies a stage, or journey. In the time of royal progresses the king's stages, as we may see by the journals of them in the herald's office, were called his gests; from the old French word giste, diversorium. 9 1 yet, good-deed,] signifies, indeed, in very deed. petition of the noise made by the pendulum of a clock: what children call the ticking of it. STEEVENS. мм 2 Pol. We were, fair queen, Two lads, that thought there was no more behind, But such a day to-morrow as to-day, And to be boy eternal. Her. Was not my lord the verier wag o' the two? Pol. We were as twinn'd lambs, that did frisk i' the sun, And bleat the one at the other: What we chang'd heaven Boldly, Not guilty; the imposition clear'd, Hereditary ours.2 By this we gather, You have tripp'd since. Of my young play-fellow. Her. Grace to boot!? Of this make no conclusion; lest you say, With any but with us. Leon. Is he won yet? Her. He'll stay, my lord. Hereditary ours.] i. e, setting aside original sin; bating the imposition from the offence of our first parents, we might have boldly protested our innocence to Heaven, WARBURTON. 3 Grace to boot!] Grace, or Heaven help me! Leon. At my request, he would not. Hermione, my dearest, thou never spok'st To better purpose. Leon. Never? Never, but once. Her. What? have I twice said well? when was't before? I pr'ythee, tell me: Cram us with praise, and make us As fat as tame things: One good deed, dying tongue less, Or I mistake you: O, would her name were Grace! Nay, let me have't; I long. Leon. Why, that was when Three crabbed months had sour'd themselves to death, Ere I could make thee open thy white hand, And clap thyself my love; then didst thou utter, I am yours for ever. Her. It is Grace, indeed. Why, lo you now, I have spoke to the purpose twice: The one for ever earn'd a royal husband; The other, for soine while a friend. Leon. [Giving her hand to POLIXENES. Too hot, too hot: [Aside. And clap thyself my love;] She opened her hand, to clep the palm of it into his, as people do when they confirm a bargain. Hence the phrase to chap up a bargain, i. e, make one with no other ceremony than the junction of hands. * To mingle friendship far, is mingling bloods. Leon. Ay, my good lord. I'fecks? Why, that's my bawcock." What, hast smutch'd thy nose? They say, it's a copy out of mine. Come, captain, We must be neat; not neat, but cleanly, captain: And yet the steer, the heifer, and the calf, Are all call'd, neat.-Still virginalling 8 [Observing POLIXENES and HERMIONE. Upon his palm?-How now, you wanton calf? Yes, if you will, my lord. Leon. Thou want'st a rough pash, and the shoots that I have, The mort o' the deer ;] A lesson upon the horn at the death the deer. 6 Ifecks?] A supposed corruption of-in faith. Our present vulgar pronounce it-fegs. 7 Why, that's my bawcock.] Perhaps from beau and coq. It is still said in vulgar language that such a one is a jolly cock, a cock of the game. 8 Still virginalling-] Still playing with her fingers, as a girl playing on the virginals. A virginal is a very small kind of spinnet. Queen Elizabeth's virginal-book is yet in being, and many of the lessons in it have proved so difficult, as to baffle our most expert players on the harpsichord. STEEVENS. 9 Thou want'st a rough pash, and the shoots that I have,] I |