father, being I hope an old man, shall frutify unto you, Gob. I have here a dish of doves, that I would bestow upon your worship; and my suit is, Laun. In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by this honest old man; and, though I say it, though old man, yet, poor man, my father. Bass. One speak for both;-What would you? Gob. This is the very defect of the matter, sir. Laun. The old proverb is very well parted between my master Shylock and you, sir; you have the grace of God, sir, and he hath enough. Bass. Thou speak'st it well: Go, father with thy son: Take leave of thy old master, and enquire [To his Followers. More guarded' than his fellows': See it done. Laun. Father, in;-I cannot get a service, no; -I have ne'er a tongue in my head.-Well; [Looking on his palm.] if any man in Italy have a fairer table, which doth offer to swear upon a book.-I shall have good fortune; Go to, here's a simple line of life! here's a small trifle of wives: Alas, fifteen more guarded-] i. e. more ornamented. 8 Well; if any man in Italy have a fairer table,] Table is the palm of the hand extended. Launcelot congratulates himself upon his dexterity and good fortune, and, in the height of his rapture inspects his hand, and congratulates himself upon the felicities in his table. wives is nothing; eleven widows, and nine maids, is a simple coming-in for one man: and then, to 'scape drowning thrice; and to be in peril of my life with the edge of a feather-bed;-here are simple 'scapes! Well, if fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear.-Father, come; I'll take my leave of the Jew in the twinkling of an eye. [Exeunt LAUNCELOT and old GOBBO. Bass. I pray thee, good Leonardo, think on this; These things being bought, and orderly bestow'd, Return in haste, for I do feast to-night My best-esteem'd acquaintance; hie thee, go. Leon. My best endeavours shall be done herein. You have obtain'd it. Gra. You must not deny me; I must go with you to Belmont. Bass. Why, then you must;-But hear thee, Gratiano; Thou art too wild, too rude, and bold of voice;Parts, that become thee happily enough, And in such eyes as ours appear not faults; But where thou art not known, why, there they show Thy skipping spirit; lest, through thy wild behaviour, 9 -in peril of my life with the edge of a feather-bed;] A cant phrase to signify the danger of marrying. Something too liberal;] i. e. gross, coarse, licentious. I be misconstrued in the place I go to, And lose my hopes. Gra. Signior Bassanio, hear me: If I do not put on a sober habit, Talk with respect, and swear but now and then, Use all the observance of civility, To please his grandam, never trust me more. Gra. Nay, but I bar to-night; you shall not gage me. By what we do to-night. Bass. No, that were pity; I would entreat you rather to put on Your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends That purpose merriment: But fare you well, I have some business. Gra. And I must to Lorenzo, and the rest; But we will visit you at supper-time. [Exeunt. SCENE III. The same. A Room in Shylock's House. Enter JESSICA and LAUNCELOT. Jes. I am sorry, thou wilt leave my father so; Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil, sad ostent Ostent is a word very commonly used for show among the old dramatick writers. 3 -your bearing.) Bearing is carriage, deportment. And, Launcelot, soon at supper shalt thou see And so farewell; I would not have my father Laun. Adieu! tears exhibit thy tongue.Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew! If a Christian do not play the knave, and get thee, I am much deceived: But, adieu! these foolish drops do somewhat drown my manly spirit; adieu! [Exit. Jes. Farewell, good Launcelot.- [Exit. SCENE IV. The same. A Street. Enter GRATIANO, LORENZO, SALARINO, ana Lor. Nay, we will slink away in supper-time; Gra. We have not made good preparation. Salar. We have not spoke us yet of torch bearers. Salan. 'Tis vile, unless it may be quaintly order'd; And better, in my mind, not undertook. Lor. 'Tis now but four a-clock; we have two Enter LAUNCELOT, with a letter. hours To furnish us: Friend Launcelot, what's the news? Laun. An it shall please you to break up this, it shall seem to signify. Lor. I know the hand: in faith, 'tis a fair hand; And whiter than the paper it writ on, Is the fair hand that writ. Gra. Laun. By your leave, sir. Love-news, in faith. Laun. Marry, sir, to bid my old master the Jew to sup to-night with my new master the Christian. Lor. Hold here, take this:-tell gentle Jessica, I will not fail her;-speak it privately; go.Gentlemen, [Exit LAUNCELOT. Will you prepare you for this masque to-night? Salar. Ay, marry, I'll be gone about it straight. Lor. Meet me, and Gratiano, At Gratiano's lodging some hour hence. Salar. 'Tis good we do so. [Exeunt SALAR. and SALAN. Gra. Was not that letter from fair Jessica? How I shall take her from her father's house; Come, go with me; peruse this, as thou goest: Fair Jessica shall be my torch-bearer. [Exeunt. |