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" ... no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or other person whatsoever shall do or exercise any worldly labour, business or work of their ordinary callings, upon the Lord's Day, or any part thereof (works of necessity and charity only excepted... "
Encyclopædia of the Laws of England: With Forms and Precedents by the Most ... - 194. oldal
Szerkesztette: - 1908
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The Christian Observer, 14. kötet,1. kiadás

1815 - 436 oldal
...that day, and enact ('in general, that no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or OTHER FEK. SON, shall do or exercise any worldly labour, business, or work of their ORDINARY CALLINGS, on the Lord'sday ;•' it follows undeniably, that the driving of stages, or the like, though not explicitly,...

Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman ..., 1. kötet

James Peller Malcolm - 1811 - 442 oldal
...exercising themselves thereon in the duties of piety and true religion, publicly and privately ; and that no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or...or exercise any worldly labour, business or work, or their ordinary callings, upon the Lord's day, or any part thereof (works of necessity and charity...

Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman ..., 1. kötet

James Peller Malcolm - 1811 - 454 oldal
...exercising themselves thereon in the duties of piety and true religion, publicly and privately ; and that no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or...or exercise any worldly labour, business or work, or their ordinary callings, upon the Lord's day, or any part thereof (works of necessity and charity...

Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of ..., 1. kötet;15. kötet

Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas, William Pyle Taunton - 1814 - 670 oldal
...this sale. The stat. 29 Car. 2. c. 7. i. 1. enacts, first, "That no tradesman, artificer, work" man, labourer, or other person whatsoever, shall do or " exercise any worldly labour, business, or work upon the " Lord's-day." And the case does not come within the K 2 term* 1808. terms of lliis prohibition...

The New evangelical magazine and theological review, 8. kötet

1822 - 440 oldal
...twenty shillings; and in general, that no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or other person, shall do or exercise any worldly labour, business, or work of their ordinary callings on the Lord's day; except works of necessity and charity; and except dressing of meat in families,...

The Christian observer [afterw.] The Christian observer and advocate

1816 - 926 oldal, and enact " in general, that no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or отнк к PERSON, shall do or exercise any worldly labour, business, or work of their ORDINARY CALUNes, ОП til« Lord's-day ;" it follows undeniably, that the driving of stages, or the like, though...

Eight lectures on the Christian sabbath

William Thorn - 1820 - 202 oldal
...such offence ; or be set in the stocks for the space of three hours." — Against ordinary labour ; " That no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, of their ordinary callings, upon the Lord's day, or any part thereof; (works of necessity and charity only excepted ;) and that every person, being...

A Treatise Concerning the Sanctification of the Lord's Day ...: To which are ...

John Willison - 1820 - 322 oldal
...exercising ' themselves thereon in the duties of piety and true religion ' publicly and privately; and that no tradesman, artificer, ' workman, labourer, of their ' ordinary callings upon the Lord's days, or any part thereof ' (works of necessity and charity only excepted): And that ' every person,...

A Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia: Containing All Statutes and ...

Georgia, Oliver Hillhouse Prince - 1822 - 686 oldal
...Sec. I. [Compels all persons to attend worship — repugnant to the present constitution.] 1. Sec. II. No tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or other...or work of their ordinary callings, upon the Lord's day,J or any pan thereof, (W0rks of necessity or charity only excepted,) ana that every person being...

The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine

1822 - 872 oldal
...on pain of 'JO/..; and in general, that no tradesman, artificer, workman, labourer, or other person, shall do or exercise any worldly labour, business, or work of their ordinary callings, on the LoRD's-Day, except works of necessity and charity, and except dressing of" meat in families,...

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