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" In deciding the matters submitted to the Arbitrators they shall be governed by the following three rules, which are agreed upon by the High Contracting Parties as rules to be taken as applicable to the case... "
Encyclopædia of the Laws of England: With Forms and Precedents by the Most ... - 126. oldal
Szerkesztette: - 1908
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

Annual Register, 114. kötet

Edmund Burke - 1873 - 696 oldal
...Article, ' in deciding the matters submitted to them, to be governed by the three rules therein specified and by such principles of International Law not inconsistent therewith as the Arbitrators shall determine to have been applicable to the case.' " And whereas the ' due diligence ' referred...

The Tribune Almanac and Political Register

John Fitch Cleveland, F. J. Ottarson, Alexander Jacob Schem, Edward McPherson, Henry Eckford Rhoades - 1897 - 680 oldal
...the controversy, and shall be gov erred by the following rules agreed, upon by the high contracting1 parties as rules to be taken as applicable to not inconsistent therewith as the arbitrators shall determine to be applicable to the case. RULES. "(A.) Adverso holding- or prescription during...

The Tribune Almanac and Political Register

Horace Greeley, John Fitch Cleveland, F. J. Ottarson, Alexander Jacob Schem, Edward McPherson, Henry Eckford Rhoades - 1868 - 656 oldal
...submitted to the Arbitrators, they shall be governed by the following three rules, which are apreed upon by the High Contracting Parties as rules to be...applicable to the case, and by such principles of Internatiopal Law not inconsistent therewith as the Arbitrators shall determine to have been applicable...

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States

United States. Department of State - 1897 - 1168 oldal
...necessary to a decision of the controversy and shall be governed by the following rules, which are agreed upon by the high contracting parties as not inconsistent therewith as the arbitrators shall determine to be applicable to the case. RULES. (a) Adverse holding or prescription during a period...

Albany Law Journal, 6. kötet

1873 - 462 oldal
...seventh article, in deciding the matters submitted, to be governed by three rules therein specified, and by such principles of international law, not inconsistent therewith, as the arbitrators shall determine applicable to the case ; and Whereas, The due diligence referred to in the first and...

The Case of the United States, to be Laid Before the Tribunal of Arbitration ...

United States - 1871 - 518 oldal
...submitted to him, the Arbitrator should be governed by the foregoing rules, which had been agreed upon as rules to be taken as applicable to the case, and...International Law, not inconsistent therewith, as the Arbitrator should determine to have been applicable to the case. "The Joint High Commission then proceeded...

La Revue critique de législation et de jurisprudence du Canada, 1. kötet

1871 - 524 oldal
...In deciding the matters submitted to the arbitrators, they shall be governed by the following three rules to be taken as applicable to the case, and not inconsistent therewith, as the arbitrators shall determine to have been applicable to the case. RULES. — A neutral Government is bound — Pint:...

Das Staatsarchiv: Sammlung der offiziellen Aktenstücke zur ..., 20-21. kötet

1871 - 862 oldal
...submitted to him, the Arbitrator should be governed by the foregoing rules , which had been agreed upon as rules to be taken as applicable to the case, and...of international law, not inconsistent therewith, aa the Arbitrator should determine to havo been applicable to the case. The Joint High Commission then...

Das Staatsarchiv: Sammlung der officiellen Actenstücke zur ..., 20-21. kötet

Ludwig Karl Aegidi - 1871 - 866 oldal
...the Arbitrator should be governed by the foregoing rules , which had been agreed upon as rules to bo taken as applicable to the case, and by such law, not inconsistent therewith, as the Arbitrator should determine to have been applicable to the case. The Joint High Commission then proceeded...

Senate Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Public Documents and ..., 2. kötet

United States. Congress. Senate - 1871 - 934 oldal
...matters submitted to the Arbitrators, they shall be governed by the following three rules, which are Government of the United States such determination six months befor ар- ™"ь?'*?ыми!& plicable to the case, and by such principles of international law not inconsistent...

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