EDITORS A. WOOD RENTON, Esq., PUISNE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME Court OF CEYLON MAX. A. ROBERTSON, ESQ., OF THE INNER TEMPLE AND THE Printed by WILLIAM GREEN & SONS, Edinburgh 1 THE AUTHORS OF THE PRINCIPAL ARTICLES IN THIS VOLUME ARE AS FOLLOWS:— [Square brackets indicate that the article has not been revised by the original author. In these articles square brackets throughout the text indicate new matter added to the original article.] An asterisk (*) indicates that Forms or Precedents are appended to the article. Norman French.-H. Leigh Ormsby. [A. Wood Renton, Puisne Justice of the Supreme Court of Ceylon, and J. S. Henderson.] North Borneo, Brunei, and Sarawak-Alexander Pulling. Northern Nigeria Protectorate.-Alexander Pulling. North Sea Convention.-G. H. B. Kenrick. Norway.-Alexander Pulling. Notary; Notary Public.- D. M. Kerly. [Geoffrey Ellis.] Notice (Equitable Doctrine of).--W. F. Phillpotts. [C. Johnston Edwards.] Notice of Action.-F. A. Stringer, of the Central Office. Notice of Judgment.-C. Burney, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judi cature. Notice of Trial.-C. Burney, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Notice of Writ.-C. Burney, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Notice to Admit.-C. Burney, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Notice to Produce.-C. Burney, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judi cature. Notice to Quit.-Edgar Foà. Novation.-D. M. Kerly. [N. G. L. Child.] Nuisance.-J. V. Vesey FitzGerald, K.C. Nullity of Marriage.-H. Durley Grazebrook. Nunc pro tunc.-C. Burney, one of the Masters of the Supreme Court of Judicature. Nyassaland.-Alexander Pulling. *Oath; Oaths.-F. A. Stringer, of the Central Office. Oath of Allegiance.--Max. A. Robertson. *Oath, Parliamentary.-Herman Cohen. Obscene Words and Libels.-W. Blake Odgers, K.C. V |