
his own thoughts, reflecting on the almighty power of the Creator; and we proceeded to the extremity of the forest in silence. When we entered the highest region, which, I before told you, was covered with snow, we were desired by our guide to step with great caution; as the melted snow frequently settled in pools, which were difficult to discover from the surface of the water, as well as the snow being covered with black ashes. The ascent over the ice and snow was steep and fatiguing, but we were not discouraged, and at length arrived at an ancient ruin, where we rested. From the beautiful clearness of the air, we observed the stars, which were yet shining, and appeared much larger than they did when we were at the foot of the mountain. We went yet a little higher,


until we felt the warm air from the crater; but we did not approach the crater itself, for that is extremely dangerous, and many people have lost their lives by venturing too far. We were fully recompensed for the labour of ascending this high moun→ tain, by the exceeding fine prospect which the height we had climbed enabled us to view. So much were we delighted, we scarcely could pre vail on ourselves to leave the enchanting spot. We had not descended far, on our return, before I suffered greatly from my own heedlessness; for, without considering the ice on which we were treading, I thoughtlessly turned to speak to one of my friends, my foot slipped, and I fell with great violence: for some time I was in much agony, from the extreme pain in my ancle; but, as, it was impossible to procure assist

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ance, I was obliged to rise and limp on as well as I could, my friends kindly supporting me under each arm. At length we arrived at the cave where we had slept the night before. My friends prepared me a bed of leaves, and, when I had laid down on it, it was such a relief, I thought I had never lain on a bed so delightful. After a comfortable cup of tea, I fell into a sound sleep, and, when I awoke, I was much refreshed, but incapable of walking; from the swelling of my ancle; however, our guide soon procured me a horse, and we safely descended through the woody region to the bottom of the mountain. I had great reason to lament my carelessness, for my ancle became so painful and swelled, it prevented me from making any more excursions for a long time."


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THE next morning the children went with their mamma to visit the lark's nest. Little William made one of the party; and highly delighted was he to go, for he much wished to see the nest, and all the little nestlings.

The children jumped, and skipped, and sung, through the fields, until they came to that in which was the nest when they had got within a few yards of it, each was careful to tread very softly, and not to make the least noise, lest they should disturb and frighten the poor little birds; but, notwithstanding all their care, the old birds, ever watchful for the safety of their young ones,

were alarmed, and flew out, as they had done the day before. The children slowly approached, and, peeping into the nest, saw all the little family well, and as brisk as possible. They strewed the crumbs they had brought, round the nest, pleasing themselves with imagining how the parent birds would rejoice to find so much good food so near home; and then they left the nest, to pull some beautiful flowers, that grew in the meadow, and which had just attracted their notice.

Every one soon gathered a large bundle of wild flowers, for there were a great many different kinds in this field, and about the hedge-side; and, when their mamma saw they had got sufficient, she proposed going to a green bank which they saw at a little distance, to rest themselves, and examine the beauties of the flowers

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