
Page 25, at line 11.

To" individual," affix the Note

The date is doubtless an error of the press, as appears from Reimmann himself, p. 432, where, speaking of the edition of 1548 (should be 1549), mentioned by Vergerio, he writes, speciatim Venetiarum 1548. omnium primum. The mistake of 8 for 3 in Arabic numerals was very easy.

Line 13.

For "the same work,” read "Dictionnaire des livres condamnés au feu.”

Continue Note † thus

In a work but little known, Protestatio Concionatorum aliquot Aug. Confessionis adversus Conventum Trid., &c. Anno 1563, Mense Martio, 4to., by FLACIUS ILLYRICUS, as appears by p. 105, and near the end, there is an alleged extract from a bull of Julius III., in his first year 1550, which, although it is not found in the Bullarium, is no invention of the author, as will be proved, and deserves notoriety. It occurs in page 35: Quum igitur diversi effectus quam sperabantur, ex concessionibus per prædecessores nostros, et per nos variis personis Episcopis et aliis, de legendis libris Hæreticorum factis, secuti sunt : omnes illas concessiones revocantes, atq; annullantes, ne in posterum aliquis, cujuscunq; gradus, status, cōditionis et qualitatis sint, aut quavis dignitate Episcopali, vel Archiepiscopali (nisi sint Hæretica pravitatis Inquisitores, durante tantum tempore inquisitionis eorum) dictos libros quovis modo legere, nec apud se publicè vel occultè, domi aut alibi tenere possint, sub anathematis, pœna inhibemus, Since I read this I obtained a small and scarce collection, entitled, Bulla Diversorum Pontificum incipiente (sic) a Joane XXII. usq; ad Sanctiss. D. N. D. Julium Papam III. Ex. Bib. Lud. Gomes Ep. Sarnensis, Pal.


Ap. Auditoris, Sacræq; Pænit. Regentis, &c. Romæ, 1550. Cum privilegio S. D. N. D. Iulii III. Pont. Max. In this volume the very bull quoted from the reformer is the last. It is with much pleasure that I am able to rescue the veracity of Flacius from much unnatural and ungrateful calumny. Of the collection, indeed, I find no notice in FABRICIUS's two great works, last editions of both, but am happy to find it recognised in the Continuatio Mag. Bull. Rom. a BARBERI, &c. Romæ, 1835, tom. i. p. 10, not. (12). The bull is likewise extant, as I found more lately in Collectio Constitutt. &c. Fol. Romæ, 1579. I have the volume. See pp. 653, 4.

Page 26, lines 4 and 5, correct thus

Paul III. And he adds that a succeeding pontiff Paul IV., overcome, &c.

Last line of Text,
After "it," add-

if not the whole, or nearly so; (for it appears from the statement of the author, soon to be produced, that it contained scarce seventy names or books,)

At the end of the Note add

Mr. GIBBINGS, p. xvii. of the Preface of his valuable reprint of Brasichellen's Index, has doubted the correctness of Marchand's quotation from Vergerio's Annotations; but the words from fol. 8 of Vergerio's own edition are, conscripsit ejus mandatu primum, de quo dixi, Catalogum, &c. In the single volume, however, of the collected works of this writer, published by himself, at Tubing, 1563, fol. 249, the words ejus mandatu are omitted.

Page 31, at the end of Note, add

See for additional instances GIBBINGS, ubi supra, pp. 8, 9.

Page 32, at end of Note t, add

There are three evidently different editions of it in the

same year, and by the same printer. I have them all except the first, which may be the same, though varying in title from that given in French by Peignot, as appears by a copy kindly shewn to me by Dr. Bandinel, when I visited the Bodleian in 1841, and of which the title is,-Lordonnance & Edict de le Lempereur Charles le Quint renouvelle au mois Davril MCCCCC Cinquante, pour lextirpation des sectes & conservation de notre saincte foy Catholique. Avec le Cathalogue des Livres reprouvez & prohibitez. Et aussi des bons Livres, &c. Louvain. [The Imperial Arms.] Imprime par Servais Sassenus, par commandemente de sa Maieste. 4to.

Page 34.

For last line," He," &c., to the 5th line in following page, substitute-

The next is as follows:-

Page 35, line 11.

At" size," place the Note

I have two copies of this edition, differing, and alone, in the Privilege at the end. In one, the Privilege occupies one leaf only, and is dated, Sept. 19, 1551; in the other, it occupies two leaves, and is, of course, longer, and has the date, Oct. 13, 1551.

Page 38, line 9.

To" Venice" affix the Note

A copy of this I obtained from Mr. Bohn, senior, in 1840, and a reprint is now public property.

At the end of Note*, add

And that is the date in the Italian letter, as well as in the subscription given, p. 28.

Page 40, line 7 from bottom.

After "Solitus," instead of 1554, place—

(Should be apud Gabrielem Jolitum, or Giolito, Pinelli, Catalogue III. No. 6913), 1554. It is described by SCHOETTGEN, Comm. II. p. 19, who complains of the typography.

Page 41, line 1.

To Urban V. affix the Note —

In a bull of Paul II. de Casibus Reservatis, Et si dominici, 5 Nonas Martii 1468, not contained in the Bullarium Magnum, but found in the collection which I have already referred to in 1550, the Bulla Cœnæ is thus noticed· & generaliter in casibus contentis in Bulla, quæ consuevit in die Cœnæ Domini per predecessores suos Romanos Pontifices publicari. The beginning, or preamble, of the Bull, simply enough, states it as a possible supposition respecting the faithful, that in consequence of the indulgences granted by the Apostolic see, procliviores ad illicita in posterum committenda reddantur, aut facilitas veniæ eis peccandi tribuat incentivum. Hac igitur consideratione habita, &c.

[blocks in formation]

three quarto folia, dated 1476, 3 Id. Aprilis, pontificatus nostri Anno Quinto; that of Julius II. in 1511, Kal. Mart. pont. nost. anno 8;

At line 8,

For "both" read "all."

At line 10,

For "latter" read " last."

For lines 12-14, read

Three of these bulls I fortunately possess in separate forms, the two last four folia 4to. evidently printed at the time. None of them, &c.

Page 42 at end of the Note †, add

There is, as it appears, a copy of this Index in the Bodleian library, Oxford. My friend, Mr. Gibbings, did me the favour to examine it for me; and the result is, that it contains the title, as in the text, down to the word contentis. Then follows, In Bologna per Antonio Giacarello & Pelegrino Bonardo compagni, four signatures, 12mo. or small 8vo. size. At the end of the volume is-Ego Pater Eustachius Lucatellus Inquisitor Bon. feci potestatem Typographo imprimendi Indice suprascriptum, qui in omnibus, & per omnia conformis est ei, qui mihi transmissus est ex Roma, & a sanctissimo et universali officio Romanæ inquisitionis. Io. Episcopus Bononien.

Page 46, line 14.

For "Bononia" read "Bologna."

For "

Page 48, line 3 from bottom.

an edition" read "the original Roman edition, as well as one," &c.

Page 49, after Note*, add

In the Hist. Eccles. of NAT. ALEXANDER, tom. xvii. pp. 604, 605, the learned and laborious J. D. MANSI, in a note, has exerted himself to sustain the shattered hypothesis of Card. Quirini. Forgetting, probably, the presumed recantation of Pius II. he magnifies the improbability, that a pope should publicly condemn a solemn and published act of his own, when cardinal, in company with others—not at the moment well considering, how this argument would

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