
the problems of public health and the combined efforts of the nations to rid the earth of disease. To what extent does self-government exist throughout the world? How is our own country governed? Are there any Civic Leagues in your town? Can you join them? Write to the Women's Municipal League, 6 Marlborough Street, Boston, to learn what the Junior Leagues do to help the city. Write to the Superintendent of Schools, Three Rivers, Wisconsin, to learn of work there. What great foreigners have contributed to the health of our country? Read about the work of Louis Pasteur in his Life, by Vallery Radot; of Noguchi, a remarkable Japanese scientist, in the Rockefeller Institute; of Paul Erlich, the greatest living expert in medical science. How were Walter Reed in Cuba and Colonel Gorgas at Panama able to improve the health conditions? Read:

Walter Reed and Yellow Fever, Howard A. Kelly.
McClure, Phillips & Co.

Civil Government in the United States, John
Fiske. Houghton Mifflin Co.

Preparing for Citizenship, and Government and
Politics in the United States, W. B. Guitteau.
Houghton Mifflin Co.

How We are Governed, Anna L. Dawes. Ginn
& Co.

School Civics, F. D. Boynton. Ginn & Co. 3. World hospitality. The spirit of justice and friendship should permeate every part of the world, so that peoples of whatever race or nationality may find protection wherever they may wish to make their homes. How may boys and girls help to bring

this about? By cultivating the habit of acting justly and in a friendly spirit; by respecting the different races and nationalities in their midst; by studying the marvelous things already accomplished by the peoples working together; by coming into personal contact with children of other lands, either by story-reading or by correspondence. (This latter can be arranged through the American School Peace League if the teacher has no access to foreign correspondence.)


The Friendship of Nations, Lucile Gulliver.
Ginn & Co.

Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates, Mary
Mapes Dodge. Century Co.

Heidi, Johanna Spyri, Everyman's Library,
E. P. Dutton & Co.

Little People Everywhere Series, Little,
Brown & Co.

The Little Cousin Series, Mary H. Wade. L.
C. Page & Co.

The World and its People Series. Silver,
Burdett & Co.

(The later volumes in these series are appro-
priate for the eighth grade.)

4. Fraternal union. The crowning world ideal is a union between all the members of the family of nations where law and justice rule in place of force and warfare, in which the smallest and largest nation shall be on the same terms of equality before the law of nations. How can we help to bring about this greatest of all political triumphs? By realizing the great benefits we have received through the union of

our forty-eight States under the American Constitution; by holding firm to the principles of our forefathers in establishing peace and justice; by realizing that international federation is truly an American ideal, that our greatest statesmen have championed it and that the world looks to us to lead in the realization of this ideal.

In what ways does the Federation of the States of our Union prefigure the Federation of the World? In answering, think of the duties and powers of our National Congress and our Supreme Court in comparison with the duties and powers of an International Congress and an International Court.

Our population is made up of people from many other nations. What advantage does this fact give the United States in its international relations?

In what other ways has the United States an advantage over the Great Powers of Europe in taking a firm stand for the advancement of international peace and good will?

Reading for the teacher

World Organization, Raymond L. Bridgman. World Peace Foundation.

The Mission of the United States in the Cause of Peace, Justice David J. Brewer. World Peace Foundation pamphlet.

The Federation of the World, Benjamin F. Trueblood. Houghton Mifflin Co.

The Friendship of Nations, Lucile Gulliver. Ginn & Co.


Above All Nations is Humanity, 337-41. | Bloomfield, Meyer, 157.
Address, Bailey, 354; Wilson, 311; Wise,


Advertising Goodness, Lee, 240.
Agreements between Nations, 362–65.
Aiken, John, 134.

Alcott, Louisa M., 66, 260.
Alfred the Great, 66.
All the Year Round, 119.
Allison, Joy, 31, 91, 102.

America the Beautiful, Bates, 263.
America Triumphant, Holmes, 187.
American Book of Golden Deeds, An,
Baldwin, 133, 144, 186, 189, 190, 211,
216, 228, 234, 272, 341.
American Ideals, 227, 228, 230-81, 284,

American School Peace League, 285, 321,
858, 362, 378.

Ancient Mariner, The, Coleridge, 178.
Andersen, Hans Christian, 18, 27.
Andrews, Fannie Fern, 282-379, 299, 321.
Antin, Mary, 171, 195, 198, 306, 376.
Arbitration, 362-66, 369-73.
Army of Peace, The, Dole, 229.
Arthur, King, and his Sword, 66.
Asolando, Browning, 241.
At Your Service, Braley, 244.
Aurelius, Marcus, 20.

Authority, respect for, 21, 102, 159. See
also Obedience to Community Laws.
Avoiding Quarrels, 40-43. See also, Peace
among the Children.

Babbitt, Ellen C., 10, 22, 54, 59, 75, 105.
Bailey, Henry T., 354.

Balaustion's Adventure, Browning, 104.
Baldwin, James, 91, 95, 133, 144, 186, 189,
190, 211, 216, 228, 234, 243, 247, 259,
272, 286, 341.

Ballad of East and West, The, Kipling,

Barbauld, Mrs., 134.

Barrett, John, 300, 302, 303, 304.

Board of Health Story, A, Hill, 166.
Bolivar, Simon, 302, 303.
Boston, Emerson, 205.

Boxer Indemnity Fund, 310, 350, 353.
Boy Columbus, The, 373.

Boy Scouts, 91, 161, 162-164, 208.
Bradford, William, 294.
Braley, Berton, 244.

Brotherhood, Human, 319, 320.
Brothers McLean, 175.

Browning, Elizabeth B., 62, 65, 102.
Browning, Robert, 32, 45, 68, 104, 105,
177, 193, 241.

Bryce, James, 317, 325.
Building of the Ship, Longfellow, 322.
Bunyan, John, 116.
Burbank, Luther, 94.
Burns, Robert, 130, 170.
Burroughs, John, 72.

Cable Hymn, Whittier, 307.

Cabot, Ella Lyman, 86-127, 90, 95, 99, 108,
125, 178, 185-229, 196, 207, 208, 215,
216, 221, 223, 224, 239, 248, 278.
Cabot, Ethel, 41.

Call, The, Leonard, 169.
Camp-fire Girls, 161.

Camp School Song, Trowbridge, 174.
Canada, 313, 315.

Care of health, 12, 13, 149.
Carlyle, Thomas, 268.
Carnegie, Andrew, 320, 371.
Carols, Old, 18.

Cary, Phoebe, 4, 22, 32, 77, 103, 120.
Casa Guidi Windows, Browning, 65.
Celestial Surgeon, The, Stevenson, 58.
Centennial Meditation of Columbia, Lan-
ier, 193.

Champlain, Samuel de, 294.
Charity, Board of, 150, 158.
Charles I, 294, 295.
Cheerfulness, 114-118.

Child and the Year, The, Thaxter, 206.

Barton, Clara, xvi, 94, 190, 207, 209, 210, Child's Garden of Verses, A, Stevenson,
216, 217, 271, 341.

Bates, Katharine Lee, 263.
Beauty Requires Thoughtfulness, Coe,

Bible, The, 65, 81, 87, 88, 105, 177, 243,
251, 341.

Birkenhead, The Disaster of the, 53.
Bits of Talk about Home Matters, Jack-
son, 236.

Blake, William, 4, 8, 10, 49.
Blind, Dr. Howe and the, 212.

4, 35, 63.

Childhood of George Washington, The,

Childhood of Great Men, 65-67.

Children's Hour, The, Tappan, 144, 190.
China, 309, 310, 311, 333, 334, 350, 351,

Christabel, Coleridge, 40.

Christian Year, The, Keble, 35.
Christmas, 16-20.

Christmas, Hilda's, Lane, 19.

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