
dential communication so dear to the heart of every affectionate parent and instructor. Precious, however, as are the affections of the young, we must not seek to retain them at the expense of duty. Nor do we at all believe, that we are called to make such a sacrifice. It is the harsh impatient tone, the unrelenting severity of countenance and demeanour, the austere moroseness and repulsiveness of the whole manner, which are so unpopular among the young; not the efficient hand of a wise and energetic parent or instructor; not the authoritative measures of one who feels himself equal to his office, and is deeply imbued with a sense of his responsibility. The avenues to conviction in the youthful mind are not difficult to unclose. Vigorous and decided as in some instances may be our measures, the young will not fail ultimately to acquiesce in the necessity of resorting to them. Let us only deal kindly and tenderly, openly and honestly, as well as firmly, with our charge, and their affections will remain unalienated. They will not be backward to admit that there are moments when the gentle tone of persuasion ought to be laid aside for that of decided and unbending authority, and will condemn, even as we ourselves condemn, that guilty easiness of temper, that mere weakness of affection, which would pass over their faults without remonstrance or rebuke. Every faithful parent and instructor must surely feel too deeply anxious to foster into full expansion the delicate and beautiful buds of youthful excellence, not to seek to pluck up, even at the expense of pain and suffering, those noxious weeds which would mar and spoil the tender flower.

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Before quitting the subject, I cannot help suggesting a consideration which forces itself into my mind, as one which may assist us in preserving an equanimity of temper under all circumstances. Do we ourselves exhibit the faultlessness which we sometimes seem to expect in our children? Are we not frequently unreasonable enough to require of them what might be looked for from ourselves in vain ? Let us but recollect our own short-comings and misdoings, and we shall learn to deal gently with the youthful transgressor, when we find that his heart like our own, is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." How often, it might be asked, do we ourselves, with all our increase of years and experience, how often do we make good resolutions and keep them not? How often do we act over again the very sins we have confessed and lamented? How often do we grow faint and weary in welldoing? How do we find, again and again, upon how slippery ground we stand? Do we not constantly own, and, if in any measure we know ourselves, do we not constantly feel, that often, very often, we leave undone those things which we ought to do, and do those things which we ought not to do?" And shall we have no fellow-feeling, no sympathy with the young soldiers in spiritual warfare, who have scarcely begun the battle, and who, like ourselves, are easily driven from their post! Surely, while we decidedly mark our displeasure at the transgression, we may well sympathize with, and compassionate the transgressor.

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M. P. H.

[This article has been in type some months. The Editor regrets that he could not find room for it before.-ED.]



[Continued from page 210.]

ANOTHER thing to be well weighed by the novice is the necessity of not allowing society to usurp too much of that most precious talent of time, so especially valuable to him, who, in less than four years, has so much to pass through, and on the right application of which so very much depends. A judicious arrangement of the day is of the first importance. I think late hours of study are by no means to be encouraged; due portion of exercise must be taken; the mornings should be devoted more, and the evenings less, to reading than is often the case. If their frequent breakfast parties are allowed to encroach on the earlier hours of the day, boating or walking arrangements to interfere with the hours of morning study, it follows of necessity that the evenings alone can be passed in reading, and young men cannot be too urgently warned of the consequences that will almost inevitably ensue to their health and sight, at perhaps no very distant period. A reading man, I think, ought absolutely to abjure wine parties of every description; he should neither give nor accept invitations to any of course here, as throughout these few hints, we are writing for the prudent and economical, for those into whom right principles have been, in some degree at least, instilled; and who would err rather through ignorance and thoughtlessness than through wilful or vicious inclinations. Lay down these rules for the allotment of your time.-Give sufficient to exercise, relaxation, and repose, but not too much; and above all, when you have made wise and suitable rules, endeavour strictly to adhere to them. Early rising is undoubtedly desirable, but as the health of some will not admit of very early rising, and the health of others has been injured by persevering in this very attempt, it is impossible to lay down laws on the subject; lectures, examinations, the arrival of friends may all too require infringements of the rules, but these variations are so seldom to be feared, that in a general way a man may adhere to his rules during the major part at least of his time at college. Suppose, then, he rises so as to be at chapel at past 7 or 8-then perhaps an hour at lectures, then his breakfast—another hour at lectures; this will bring him near 11 o'clock-read then till 2-walk till 4-Hall and chapel, and the rest between for his stomach's sake will bring him to 6 or past 6--then let him have his tea-read again till 10, and then after the slightest possible supper let him retire to bed.

We will next speak briefly on the subject of amusements, and here we must again premise that our careful and economical student can neither indulge in horses, dinner parties, nor even wine parties; these are so much too expensive at Cambridge that he who does indulge in them is either not a proper subject for the remarks we have presumed to make or is wholly forgetful of the duty he owes his parents and himself. Now, a man of regular habits endeavouring to live as cheaply as possible will avoid dinner and wine parties upon principle, and however

fond of riding will certainly forego that pleasure when he once knows the stable-keeper's charge for letting out horses. Boating is generally considered a wholesome exercise where the constitution is strong, and it is not an expensive one; it must however be used with moderation from regard to the health, the money, and the time, which it would otherwise consume;-upon the whole, however, walking is the best exercise-reading, and the converse of a few judicious companions with whom you may share your walks, botany, drawing, but decidedly not music, may be made very harmless recreations; and a few quiet friends occasionally meeting at breakfast or tea will serve to relieve the weariness of study, where pleasure so often seems to spread her allurements, and of solitude in the midst of crowds. A father once leaving a young and inexperienced son at Cambridge made the following remark :-" Do not, if possible, go out in an evening after dark-you will very seldom be obliged to do so and by keeping at home you will avoid meeting with . bad people of both sexes." This plain observation was indelibly fixed on that son's mind-he followed the advice, and escaped that contamination which so constantly happens where numbers of young and inexperienced persons are thrown together, and are exposed to the vicious and designing; now it is not too much to affirm that the occasions are very few indeed at college, where a student is compelled to be out at night, and, therefore, I do not say to a freshman, be careful to avoid gate bills altogether, i. e. not to be out after 10 o'clock, when you are noted down by the porter if in college, or by the landlord if in lodgings; but I repeat the advice given above-however some may feel inclined to despise and ridicule it—Do not, if possible go out after the shades of evening have come on; you will seldom be compelled to do so, and then you will escape the temptations with which bad persons of both sexes may seek to ensnare you from the paths of virtue and propriety; and rest assured, this advice is in general not more easy to give than it is to follow, if once begun to be acted upon.

Reverting to the subject of the necessary expenses which a student must incur at Cambridge, let me observe, that he should always go provided each time he leaves home with clothes, groceries (at least tea and sugar), and wine, sufficient for his moderate wants until he revisits home again. It would be well for him, perhaps, on first going up to remember that if he go into lodgings he will nevertheless be required to provide sundry household articles.

If he have rooms in college he will be necessitated to furnish them; now it is most probable that he will find the furniture belonging to his predecessor in the rooms, and that he will be able to get it more reasonable, at the valuation of the college upholsterer, than he could himself, by buying them at some cheap shop in the town, or bringing them with him, (both are unusual and generally unnecessary courses); but let him, if he buy his predecessor's, exclude such articles as are not wanted by him, and let him not be dissatisfied if the things are old and shabby, he can always replace what are worn out, and he can always remember that it is for less than four years that he will want them at all. He must be proof also against the insinuations of the upholsterer and the gyp (college servant), or the bed-maker; but he need not appear mean

or miserly in his selection, for, if he keep all his furnishing expenses under £30, he must not complain. A cap, gown, and surplice, are among the first things to be procured, and the two last may certainly be very properly had second-hand, and ought not to cost him above 30s. or 35s. a piece, the cap is about 13s. or 14s. If in college, let him beware of the peculations and purloinings of the college servants, by always keeping such things under lock and key, as need not of absolute necessity come under their hands; but I should not advise him to be too anxious about sundry disappearances of coals, eatables from his gyp-room (or pantry)—let him rest assured, no vigilance can prevent these abstractions of what are called perquisites; and a restless prying effort to guard them will provoke the dislike of his mercenary attendant, and bring on him many annoyances and probably greater losses. These remarks too apply generally to servants and others in lodgings also, though there he is less at their mercy, and generally able to keep his things in greater security.

We will now say a few words about meals. Breakfast both in college and lodgings is usually laid before the student leaves his bed-room, the tea or coffee and sugar are provided by himself, and we will conceive safely locked up in his tea caddy, or cheffonier. The bread (about a threepenny loaf) and butter (two inches, or sizes as they are termed) come from the college buttery. These should serve for the day-at any rate, whether eaten by him or not, they will not appear again. If he require lunch, it will be best for him to reserve it out of the remains of his breakfast, or to provide a few biscuits for the purpose; a delicate man might then allow himself a glass of wine. At hall or dinner he will at most colleges find only joints and beer upon the table; vegetables, pudding, pie, cheese, and ale, are all extras. Our man of limited means would do well to restrict himself to cheese as often as he can, indulging in pudding or pie only occasionally; the extras which young men have in the shape of these, and of ale, tend much to swell their bills. I think after dinner it would be well for him to abstain entirely from desert (a most expensive affair), and wine even alone. Some men have fruit, either by presents or by purchase in the market, but the habit of desert is undoubtedly not economical. Tea and supper will resemble breakfast and lunch, only avoid the glass of wine at the latter. It is not a bad plan, and one often adopted, to visit the news' room between hall and chapel, and take a glance at the newspapers and periodicals. Most of the Cambridge booksellers offer the use of a good circulating library of classical, mathematical, theological, and other books for a subscription of about 7s. a quarter, together with access to their reading and news' rooms, which plan is well worthy attention.

To assist the meritorious but needy student the public companies of London have at their disposal several exhibitions, (see Cambridge Calendar). Most of these are given by vote of the Court of Assistants; and, when any are vacant, notice is given at the halls of the respective companies, (usually on a board within the entrance), and from the clerks may be obtained the particulars, together with lists of the members of the court, whom it is then of course desirable to canvass, as

well as to engage the interest of any friends who have influence with the body. Many young men have been most materially assisted in their college career by these exhibitions, though their existence and the mode of obtaining them are perhaps not sufficiently known. At the disposal of the college tutors also are considerable funds towards aiding deserving young men. Some of these are indeed appropriated, but at Trinity upwards of £200 a year, at St. John's more than £600 are unrestricted. Their quarters' bills have thus been wholly cancelled to some diligent and necessitous students; and others have actually had a balance at the end of the term in their favour; but in these cases we must observe that great industry, strict regularity, and good places in the college examinations have been deemed absolute requisites.


The alterations which have been already made, and which are now contemplated by the university authorities, will no doubt render the course of study somewhat longer, and perhaps more arduous, and thus increase in some measure the expenses and the difficulties to the average class of young men of limited means. They seem to have in view the elevation of the university in the point of intellect as well as in respectability; and while they seem to desire the abrogation and alteration of some things, which have become obsolete, the promoters of these changes express a wish to encourage more of general literature, while they seem unwilling to lower the high reputation which Cambridge has so justly acquired for great scholarship, and profound science. have no intention of discussing here the wisdom, propriety, or future results of these innovations-we would simply warn the parent, instructor, and the proposed student, that a very fair degree of learning indeed, a very good preparatory course of study, very diligent habits and resolute economy, must all combine, now even more than ever, to carry him through his university course with the least expense and the best hope of future success. There certainly have often been exhibited at the university a lowness both of attainments and manners which have anything but enhanced its respectability, especially in the eyes of strangers-ignorance and ungentlemanlike conduct have disgraced its students, and given occasion to remarks which have not a little injured the reputation of the whole body. Again, for those intended for the church, the new and proposed regulations, while they may open a field for divinity exercises and the exhibition of theological learning, will make a great demand upon the mental and bodily resources of the candidates. He must not only proceed through mathematical and classical studies, but must also buckle on his armour to contend in the new arena of moral philosophy and theology. But let a youth, or rather his instructor, carefully examine the list of subjects absolutely required for a B.A. degree, if of an ordinary kind, or ascertain from the Tripos papers the nature of the examinations for honours, and then let him be carefully trained for the course proposed, and when at college let him steadily and determinately set himself to attain his objects, not by desultory efforts but by a regular course of reading; with that he must combine an equally steady system of economy, and to it his reading habits will very materially contribute;-and then he will experience very little disappointment at its close, either as to the

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