
Sermon. Upon other days, and at other times, they shall train them up with such sentences of Holy Scripture, as shall be most expedient to induce them to all godliness; and they shall teach the grammar set forth by King Henry the Eighth, and continued in the times of King Edward the Sixth and Queen Elizabeth of noble memory, and none other. And if any Schoolmaster, being licensed, and having subscribed as aforesaid, shall offend in any of the premises, or either speak, write, or teach against any thing whereunto he hath formerly subscribed, (if upon admonition by the Ordinary he do not amend and reform himself,) let him be suspended from teaching school any longer.

(d) RUBRIC 1st.-The Curate of every Parish_shall diligently upon Sundays and Holy-days, after the Second Lesson at Evening Prayer, openly in the Church, instruct and examine so many Children of his Parish sent unto him as he shall think convenient, in some part of the Catechism.

RUBRIC 2d. And all Fathers, Mothers, Masters, and Dames shall cause their Children, Servants, and Apprentices (which have not learned their Catechism), to come to the Church at the time appointed, and obediently to hear, and be ordered by the Curate, until such time as they have learned all that is here appointed for them to learn.

RUBRIC 3rd. So soon as Children are come to a competent age, and can say in their Mother Tongue, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the Ten Commandments; and also can answer to the other Questions of the short Catechism; they shall be brought to the Bishop. And every one shall have a Godfather, or a Godmother, as a Witness of their Confirmation.

(e) FROM THE ORDINATION SERVICE. We exhort you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you have in remembrance, into how high a Dignity, and to how weighty an Office and Charge ye are called; that is to say, to be Messengers, Watchmen, and Stewards of the Lord; to teach and to premonish, to feed and to provide for the Lord's family; to seek for Christ's Sheep that are dispersed abroad, and for His Children who are in the midst of this naughty World, that they may be saved through Christ

for ever.


ESTIMATE OF THE NUMBER OF SCHOOLS REQUIRED FOR, AND THE EXPENSE OF GIVING DAILY INSTRUCTION TO, 1,600,000 CHILDREN— THE NUMBER AT PRESENT UNPROVIDED FOR IN ENGLAND AND WALES. "The average number of scholars in the 11,908 daily schools in connexion with the Church is fifty-seven each. In the public schools in Prussia, the average is ninety-five, and one teacher for every seventy-eight scholars. This difference may be accounted for with us by the great deficiency of our daily schools in large towns; but when these come to be more adequately supplied, our average may be expected to equal, if not exceed, that of the Prussian schools. If it be taken at the same, then, for 1,600,000 children, there will be required 16,842 schools, and 20,513 teachers.

"The Church is now known to supply 11,908 schools, the great majority being in village parishes and the smaller towns.* The daily schools of Dis

* There are in England and Wales 6,681 parishes, each with a population of less than 300 persons. Of these, 1,907 have each a population of less than 100. What provision is or can be made for these parishes, except that which is furnished by the Established Church? -Extract from a Sermon by the Bishop of London.

senters may be estimated at 1,000, thus leaving 4,834 schools, principally of the larger class, to be established. It would require at least one million of the public money to meet more than an equal sum to be raised by private contributions before this requisite number of schools could be built; for they cannot be estimated at an average cost of less than £450 each. Í have not taken into account the 6,135 Church Sunday Schools, for it is probable that only a small proportion of them are separate buildings. For the same reason, I omit in this estimate the Sunday Schools of dissenters, who generally make use of their chapels for that purpose.


Again. The average cost of each scholar all over England is 11s. 2d. per annum. As teachers become more qualified for their office, they will look for more ample remuneration. We cannot, therefore, expect this average to be lowered: at present, the small payments required of the scholars discharge two-fifths of the cost of their education. Now the annual cost of educating 1,600,000 children at 11s. 2d. each, would amount to £893,333; and suppose two-fifths to be made up by the children's payments, we should have to deduct £357,332, thereby leaving £536,000 to be annually supplied out of the public funds or by private benevolence. £226,000 is at this time supplied annually by the benevolence of churchmen for instructing 674,626 children, for the Government has not yet assisted in maintaining schools; and if to this be added three-fifths of the cost of instructing the 75,000 additional scholars supposed to be in church schools not returned to the National Society's Inquiry, to say nothing of the expense of Sunday Schools, it will appear that not less than £251,000 per annum is supplied by the voluntary contributions of churchmen towards the cost of public education; and there is no reason to suppose, but that, if schools were added, until the whole of the disposable population of poor children should be accommodated, the benevolence of churchmen, excited by the parochial clergy, would keep pace with the demand. I am not sanguine enough to hope that, allowing one-eighth part of the whole to be furnished by the charity of dissenters* (which is their full proportion of daily scholars), the remaining £469,000 per annum would be supplied by the voluntary offerings of the Church; but I venture to affirm, that if four or five thousand schools were erected with the concurrence and co-operation of the clergy, and were thrown upon the congregations for three-fifths of the annual expense of maintenance, that not more than £100,000 per annum need be voted by parliament for sustaining throughout England and Wales a sufficient number of schools for the poor. I therefore conclude that a grant of £1,000,000 for school building, and an annual supply of £100,000 for school maintenance and improvement, would, with the co-operation of the Church, provide a sufficient national education."-The National Education Question Practically Considered; by the Rev. Richard Burgess.

* [We hope that our readers are not in the habit of giving too easy credit to Statistics. In our Number for February, the proportion of children provided with daily instructions by Dissenters is given, upon the authority of Parliamentary documents, as less than a twenty-fifth part of the whole. Again: their proportion of new schools may be estimated from the abstract of the report of the Committee of Council in our first number, as about one in twenty-one. In the text Mr. Burgess allows them oneeighth. Which is right, or nearest to the mark, we will not venture to affirm. All that we can do is to be careful in this department to give our authority.—ED.]

+ It also remains to be seen whether (by the 3rd and 4th of Victoria, chap. 77,) the endowed grammar schools may not be made available for some portion of the annual expense of national education, always providing that the wills of the founders may be respected.


Betton's Charity.-An income of about £5,000 per annum was, by the decree of the High Court of Chancery, to be applied in promoting and supporting Charity Schools in England and Wales, where the education is according to the principles of the Church of England; and the selection from Schools applying for the benefit of this Charity was to be made with the advice of the National Society. The Board are sorry to have to announce that an appeal has been made by the Ironmongers' Company, who are Trustees of the Charity, both against Lord Cottenham's decree appropriating the Charity to Church education, and also against the report of the Master in Chancery, which gave the National Society a voice in the selection of Schools to be benefitted. It is probable that both appeals will be heard in the course of a few months, and there appears to be good reason to hope, that both the decree of the Chancellor and the report of the Master will be confirmed.-Report of the Cambridge Board of Education.

National Society.-The monthly meeting of the General Committee took place on the 8th inst.; His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, President, in the Chair. A large number of very urgent applications for assistance in building, fitting up, and enlarging schoolrooms were taken into consideration, and the following grants were agreed to :

East Winch, £25; Belton, £25; Sandford, £25; Greenham, £20; Derry Hill, Calne, £30; Bilston, £50; Broadwinsor, £60; Dorington, £35; Westerleigh, £20; Miserden, £5; Crookham, £25; Oughtibridge, £15; Bishport, £5; Birkenhead, £20; Thame, £10; Idle, £25; Chester, St. Mary, for an infant school, £10, and for a girls' school, £12; Bures, £30; Coates, £20; Haslington, £15; Newport (Salop), £30; and Membury, £15.

In several of the above cases grants had been previously voted, but the difficulties with which the promoters of the undertaking had to contend, rendered further aid indispensable.

Encouragement was also given to the Rev. A. Hulton and the Rev. J. Handforth, to open for daily instruction two large schoolrooms at Ashton-under

Lyne, which had hitherto been open only on Sundays.

The Rev. J. Sinclair gave notice, that having been appointed to a laborious pastoral charge, he would be under the necessity of resigning his appointment as Secretary. His Grace the President expressed in strong terms his regret that the Society were about to lose Mr. Sinclair's services; and it was resolved that a Sub-committee should make inquiries and examine testimonials, with the view of recommending the most efficient candidate for the office.

Applications for organizing masters were received from the Ripon and the Essex Boards of Education.

The Secretary reported, that the Rev. H. Hopwood, by direction of the Bishop of Salisbury, had commenced a tour of inspection in that diocese.

Bishop of Gibraltar's First Confirmation." Since my return here (Gibraltar) I have held my first confirmation, besides inspecting the schools, &c. The confirmation was interesting, not only as the first, but on account of the variety of the persons who received the rite; the number was above a hundred, and they consisted not only of the children of the civil inhabitants, but of soldiers of the garrison, and some of the young officers and seamen of one of the ships of war. A few of the civilians were the children of Roman Catholic parents who had joined our communion previous to my arrival, and who, together with many others who are still members of the Church of Rome, attended, and appeared to take great interest in the service."Letter to Secretary of S.P. C. K.

Chichester Diocesan Association.-The first half-yearly examination of the pu

pils in the " Brighton Training School

for Mistresses," took place last month at the Institution, West-street. The Earl of Chichester and several of the resident clergy were present, who examined the pupils in the Holy Scriptures, the Prayer Book, English grammar, the History of England, geography, and singing. The school was opened in April last, and we are happy to state that the pupils have made the most satisfactory progress in

their studies. The Earl of Chichester delivered a most instructive address to them.

Salisbury Diocesan Board. At the last quarterly meeting, it was resolved that the vacant exhibitions in the Training Schools at Winchester and Sarum be filled up in March. A loan of £20 was made to the new Commercial School at Hungerford, which, though not situated in this diocese, is likely, from its contiguity, to be of great advantage to the Berkshire border of Wilts. A grant

of £15 was made to the new school at Derry Hill, Calne, Wilts; and a grant of £10 to the new school at Monkton. An offer of £20 towards the education of a pupil for three years in the Training School at Stanley Grove, Chelsea, was accepted; candidates must be from 17 to 19 years of age. The appointment to take place on the 7th of March. The Inspector of the National Society was to commence his inspection about the 7th of February.

Bristol Deaf and Dumb Institution.— The first annual meeting was recently held. The pupils, about seventeen in number, were present; they appeared to be acute and intelligent, which, to an observer, may seem more prominent, by the expression thrown into their countenances, during their gesticulation, whilst holding converse with each other. During part of the proceedings his Grace the Duke of Beaufort was present, and took the liveliest interest in what was going on; his Grace evinced the same by the liberal subscription of ten guineas, and by permitting himself to be constituted patron to the institution. From a report read by Dr. Kay, it appeared that there were 44,000 deaf mutes in the United Kingdom, and that the number of schools for their reception was only 12, which, at the utmost, were only capable of affording accommodation for 1000. The most interesting feature in the example given at this meeting of the capabilities of the unfortunates, was the introduction of a little blind girl, who carried on a conversation with a deaf mute; and our readers, we are sure, will not be uninterested by a knowledge how this wonderful result of the indefatigable and praiseworthy effects of the afflicted master, Mr. Burns, was effected. The blind girl, by means of her fingers, asked the deaf mute (it

will be borne in mind, though the blind girl could speak, that method of communication was of no avail in the case), "Who made you?" to which the other replied, not by the organ of speech, but by the sense of touch-taking the wrist of the blind girl by one hand, and with the other traversing the fingers over those of the unfortunate deficient of the sense of sight, who, in her turn, stated to the audience what was the answer she received.

King's College, London.-The following six gentlemen, whose names appear in the list of wranglers at the last Cambridge examination, were formerly students of this College, viz. :-Sargent, Goodeve, Rohrs, Coombe, Foggo, and Hardcastle.

Factory Schools.-At a very crowded meeting which took place in the Exchange room, Bradford, on Tuesday evening, January 24th, the Rev. W. Scoresby, D.D., vicar of Bradford, read an interesting and very encouraging report of the educational operations in the parish, during the last two years. He stated that the children then to be examined were chiefly under thirteen years of age, employed in different factories, and who attended at school for only two hours in each day. That the excellent system of the National Society had, however, been introduced into the parish, under efficient or superior masters; and that the results which would that evening be brought before the meeting were such, he felt satisfied, as would convince every one present that the children had not only been thoroughly instructed in their duty towards God and their neighbour, but that their intellectual attainments were superior in soundness and extent to those sometimes found in schools of much higher pretensions. He (Dr. Scoresby) had also much pleasure in stating that the guardians of the poor, sensible of the superior education which the National School afforded, had some time since resolved to extend its benefit to the children under their care in the workhouse. Arrangements were accordingly made to admit them on the same terms as those employed in factories, viz., the payment of twopence per week for each child, and most beneficial results were already apparent in their im

proved manners, and buoyancy of spirits, which form an agreeable contrast to the sourness of disposition, sullen and downcast looks, which usually characterize the workhouse child. Several of these children were examined with the others.

The choir from the parish church having performed an appropriate anthem, the examination of the children commenced by reading the 55th chapter of Isaiah. The reading was audible and distinct; and the class seemed to understand and observe the proper pauses and inflections. The children answered with promptitude the interrogations on the chapter; and by the variety of parallel passages which they quoted, showed that they possessed a considerable and accurate knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. The vicar (by whom this department of the examination was wholly conducted) explained to the audience that the knowledge which is "able to make wise unto salvation" is regarded as of paramount importance, and made the guiding principle in every other species of instruction. After taking a cursory glance at the leading features of English history, a sentence was selected by one of the company, from which the method of teaching the meaning of words by a reference to their etymology, was ably developed by Mr. Ross, one of the National Society's organizing masters. The children acquitted themselves in it so admirably that it must have convinced every one present of its great importance in an educational point of view. In grammar, also, the children displayed great proficiency, and it was pleasing to us to observe with what accuracy the little fellows had learnt to classify words, and show their various dependencies and connections in a sentence. The examination in sacred and general geography gave great satisfaction.

Several of the gentlemen present put appropriate questions, which were promptly answered by the scholars, who, as far as time permitted to go into the details of this science, seemed complete masters of the subject. We attach much importance to geography, as we believe a knowledge of the localities alluded to in the Holy Scriptures to be an indispensable requisite in forming correct ideas of the leading events to which they relate. Several simple pieces were sung by the children in concert, with consider

able taste, and contributed much to keep up our good temper, which was not a little tried by the oppressive heat occasioned by the densely crowded state of the room.

In conclusion, the vicar made several important observations upon the necessity of maintaining in the Schools efficient masters and mistresses, and bestowed considerable praise upon Mr. Bennett, Miss Gamble, and Miss Poore, the master and mistresses of the schools which had just been examined, and if there is any truth in the adage, As the master is, so is the school," these encomiums were not in the present case unmerited.-Leeds Intelligencer.

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Norfolk.-A National School has been built in the town of Holt (population, 1600), at a cost of about £500, for 200 children (100 boys and 100 girls). It was opened on the 6th of January.

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Ireland. Leamy's Charity. long-protracted cause, which has occupied the attention of the Courts of Chancery in England and Ireland for upwards of twenty years, was brought to a termination during the last term, and the bequest of the late Mr. William Leamy, a native of Limerick, who died in India in the year 1815, will now become available for the purposes of educating the poor in this city, so that the governors during the ensuing spring will be enabled to have the buildings commenced. The fund is now between £14,000 and £15,000, a portion of which will be allocated for the buildings, and the interest of the remainder is to pay the salaries of professors, masters, and mistresses. The following governors have been appointed by the Lord Chancellor:-Right Hon. Earl of Clare, Archdeacon Maunsell, Hon. John Massy, Mr. W. Monsell, Rev. E. Herbert, Mr. E. Bernard, Mr. E. W. Fitzgerald, Mr. A. Sayers, Mr. W. Roche, Mr. H. Maunsell, and Mr. M. Gavin.

Testimonial to the Matron of the Blue Coat Hospital, Liverpool.-A number of individuals educated in this establishment have presented Mrs. Forster with a beautiful silver tea-pot, cream-jug, and sugar-basin. The lid of the tea-pot is surmounted by the figure of a Blue-coat girl, leaning on a pedestal, and holding in her right hand an open scroll which

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