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" Lone — as a solitary cloud, A single cloud on a sunny day, While all the rest of heaven is clear, A frown upon the atmosphere, That hath no business to appear When skies are blue, and earth is gay. "
The works of ... lord Byron - 21. oldal
szerző: George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1818
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Hebrew Melodies

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1815 - 324 oldal's soul come down to me ; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal — well I knew, 290 For he would never thus have flown, And left me to appear When skies are blue, and earth is gay. XI. A kind of change came in my fate, 800 My keepers grew compassionate, I know not what had made them...

The Prisoner of Chillon, and Other Poems, 1. kötet

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1816 - 88 oldal's soul come down to me ; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal — well I knew, 290 For he would never thus have flown, And left me to appear When skies are blue, and earth is gay. A kind of change came in my fate, 300 My keepers grew compassionate, I know not what had made them...

The Critical Review, Or, Annals of Literature

1816 - 692 oldal
...his brother r soul descending to cheer his loneliness, until it flew away, and left him " Lone—as a solitary cloud, A single cloud on a sunny day, appear When skies are blue, and earth is gay." This simile is directly borrowed from a poem by Mr. Wordsworth, beginning " I wandered lonely as a...

The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, 4. kötet

Tobias Smollett - 1816 - 674 oldal
...flew away, and left him • >•. , " Lone — as a solitary cloud, • A single cloud on a tunny Hay, While all the rest of heaven is clear, A frown appear When skies are blue, and earth is gay." This simile is directly borrowed from a poem by Mr. Wordsworth, beginning " I wandered lonely as a...

Spirit of the English Magazines, 1. kötet

1817 - 506 oldal
...soul come down to me : lint then at last away it flew. And then 'twas mortal — well [ knew, JSfl Fur he would never thus have flown, And left me twice so doubly lone,-— Lone — as the cone within its *luou<l, Lone — as a solitary cloud, A single cloinl on ;.• sunny day, While all...

The Works of the Right Honourable Lord Byron: Prisoner of Chillon. Manfred ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1818 - 216 oldal's soul come down to me ; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal — well I knew, 2CX) For he would never thus have flown, And left me appear When skies are blue, and earth is gay.. XI. A kind of change came in my fate, 300 My keepers grew compassionate, I know not what had made them...

The works of lord Byron, 3. kötet

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1820 - 260 oldal's soul come down to me; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal—well I knew, For he would never thus have flown, And left me twice so doubly lone,— Lone—as the corse within its shroud, Lone—as a solitary cloud, A single cloud on a sunny day, While...

Lord Byron's Works ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 478 oldal
...soul come down to me ; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal — well I knew, For be would never thus have flown, And left me twice is gay. XL A kind of change came in my fate, JJy keepers grew compassionate, I know not what had made tjicm so, They were inured to sights of woe,...

The Works of Lord Byron: Lara. Siege of Corinth. Parisina. The prisoner of ...

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1821 - 294 oldal's soul come down to me; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal—well I knew, 290 For he would never thus have flown, And left me twice so doubly lone,— Lone—as the corse within its shroud, Lone—as a solitary cloud, A single cloud on a sunny day, 295...

The works of lord Byron, comprehending the suppressed poems, 5-6. kötet

George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1822 - 614 oldal's soul come down to me ; But then at last away it flew, And then 'twas mortal — well I knew, 290 For he would never thus have flown, And left me a solitary cloud, A single cloud on a sunny day, aq5 While all the rest of heaven is clear, A frown upon the atmosphere, That hath no business to appear...

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