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The figures under the name of each month denote the number of hours nearly between sunset and sunrise. The number of points denote the hours of darkness; and their position ....... indicates, the one..... before, the other ***** after midnight.

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Advent Sunday

The Year 1844 is a Leap Year.


May 31, MOON totally eclipsed, visible
at Greenwich. Begins at 8h. 14 1m.
P.M., mean time at Greenwich; middle
10h. 50 2m.; ends June 1 at 1h. 26.3m.
A.M.; magnitude of the eclipse (moon's
diameter 1), 1.327, on the northern
June 15, SUN partially eclipsed, invisible
at Greenwichi. Begins on the earth
generally at 10h. 4.2m. P.M., mean
time at Greenwich; ends on the earth
generally on the 16th at 2h. 22.1m.
A.M. This eclipse will be visible in
the South Pacific and Great Southern
November 10, SUN partially eclipsed,
invisible at Greenwich. Begins on the
earth generally at 9h. 12 im. A.M.,
mean time at Greenwich; ends on the

IN 1844.

earth generally at 10h. 29 9m. This eclipse will only be visible in a small portion of the Great Southern Ocean. November 24, MOON totally eclipsed, visible at Greenwich. Begins at 8h. 36.9m. P.M., mean time at Greenwich; middle at 11h. 44.5m; ends 25th at 2h. 52 1m. A.M. Magnitude of the eclipse (Moon's diameter=1), 1·435, on the southern limb. December 9, SUN partially eclipsed, invisible at Greenwich. Begins on the earth generally at 6h. 18 6m. P.M., mean time at Greenwich; ends on the earth generally at 9h. 44m. This eclipse will be visible in the North Pacific Ocean, and in the greater part of North America.

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HILARY TERM begins 11th January-Ends 31st January.
EASTER TERM begins 15th April-Ends 8th May.
TRINITY TERM begins 22nd May-Ends 12th June.
MICHAELMAS TERM begins 2nd Nov.-Ends 25th Nov.

The first General Return Day for every term is the fourth day before the first day of the term, both days being reckoned in the computation. In Hilary Term, therefore, the first General Return Day will be January 8; Easter Term, April 12; Trinity Term, May 19; and Michaelmas Term, Oct. 30. There were also three other General Return Days in the term upon which certain writs were returnable; but now, by the statute 1 Wm. IV., cap. 3, sec. 2, "all writs now usually returnable before any of his Majesty's Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, or Exchequer, respectively, on General Return Days, that shall be made returnable after the 1st of January, 1831, may be made returnable on the third day exclusive before the commencement of each term, or on any day (not being Sunday) between that day and the third day exclusive before the last day of the term; and the day for appearance shall, as heretofore, be the third day after such return, exclusive of the day of return; or, in case such third day shall fall on a Sunday, then on the fourth day after such return, exclusive of such day of return.' When the terms themselves commence on a Sunday, the term is dated from such day, although the sittings do not commence till the following day. In the calendar the duration of the term is marked by a strong line.

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Mich....Oct. 10... Nov. 12, m.... Dec. 16
The Commencement will be July 2.


Usually taken in Leases. 25 March Lady Day 29 Sept. .Mich. Day 24 June..Midsum. 25 Dec... Christmas IN SCOTLAND. Candlemas.. Feb. 2 | Lammas...Aug. 1 Whitsund.*. May15 | Martinmas. Nov. 11

This term, in Scotch leases, does not depend upon the inovcable Feast of Whitsuntide, but is permanent,


The Transfer Days are now Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Dividends are due at the following dates, and are receivable at any time subsequently.

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Tickets for preparing Transfer of Stock must be given in at each Office before 1 o'clock.-At the East India House before 2.

Private Transfers may be made at other times than as above, the Books not being shut, by paying at the Bank, India House,

and South Sea House 2s. 6d. extra for each Transfer; but no Transfer can be made after 1 o'clock on Saturdays.

Transfer at the Bank must be made by half-past 2 o'clock; at India House by 3; at South Sea House by 2.

Expense of Transfer in

Bk. Stock, 251. & under, 9s.; above that sum, 12s.
Ind. do. 101.
14. 10s.;
S. Sea do. if under 100l. 98. 6d. ;

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1l. 10s.


Powers of Attorney for the Sale or Transfer of Stock must be deposited at the Bank, &c., for examination, one day before they can be acted upon; if for re. ceiving Dividends, it is sufficient to present them at the time the first Dividend becomes payable.

The expense of a Power of Attorney is 17. 1s. 6d. for each Stock separately, but for Bank, India, and South Sea Stock, 17. 11s. 6d.; and when required to be made out on the same day, half-past Twelve o'clock is the latest time for receiving orders. The boxes for receiving Powers of Attorney for Sale close at Two o'clock. All Probates of Wills, Letters of Administration, and other proofs of decease, are required to be left at the Bank, &c., for Registration from two to three clear days, exclusive of holidays.


By an Act of Parliament passed in 1834, much of the money business of the Exchequer is removed to the Bank of England. At the ExCHEQUER all holidays are abolished except Christmas Day and Good Friday.

Queen's Birth-day, May 24.

Good Friday, April 5.

Prince of Wales's Christmas Day, Dec. 25.

Birth-day, Nov. 9. All the above days are also ordered to be kept as holidays by the officers and servants of the Dock Companies of the United Kingdom. At the Stamps and Taxes Office, the Restoration of Charles II., May 29; Whit Monday and Tuesday, are kept in


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Good Friday, April 5. Christmas Day, December 25.

And, in the Transfer Offices, 1st May and 1st November in addition.

N.B. Whenever the 1st May or 1st November falls on a Sunday the holiday will be kept on the Monday following.

SOUTH SEA HOUSE.-Same as Bank of England.


The Public are admitted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between the hours of Ten and Four, from the 7th September to the 1st May; and between the hours of Ten and Seven from the 7th May to the 1st September.

The Museum is closed between the 1st and 7th January, the 1st and 7th May, and the 1st and 7th September, and on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Christmas Day. Any Special Fast or Thanksgiving Days ordered by Authority are kept in addition by all the above establishments.



By the act 1 Will. IV., c. 70, it is enacted that "in the year 1831, and afterwards, the justices of the peace in every county, riding, or division, for which Quarter-Sessions of the Peace by law ought to be held, shall hold their general Quarter-Sessions of the Peace in the first week after the 11th of October, in the first week after the 28th of December, in the first week after the 31st of March, and in the first week after the 24th of June." The following list has been computed according to this rule.

The Act 4 and 5 William IV. cap. 47, allows a discretionary power to the Justices of Peace as to the time of holding the Spring Quarter-Sessions, and empowers them to alter the day for holding the Sessions, so as not to be earlier than the 7th of March, nor later than the 22d of April.

BEDFORD-W. Jan. 3, April 3, July 3,
Oct. 16.

BERKS-Tu. Reading, April 2 and Oct.
15; Abingdon, Jan. 2 and July 2.
BUCKS-Aylesbury, Tu. same as Berks.
CAMBRIDGE-Cambridge County, F. Jan.
5, April 5, July 5, Oct. 18. For the
Town, the Monday before.
CHESHIRE Chester, M. Jan. 1, April 1,
July 1, Oct. 14.

CORNWALL-Bodmin, Tu. same as Berks.
CUMBERLAND-Tu. as Berks, Jan. & June
at Carlisle, April & Oct. at Cockermouth.
DERBYSHIRE-April Sessions at Chester-
field, the others at Derby, Tu. same as

DEVONSHIRE-Exeter, Tu. same as Berks.
-Exeter City, on preceding Monday.
DORSETSHIRE-Dorchester, Tu. as Berks.
DURHAM-M. same as Cheshire.
ELY, Isle of-W. as Bedford, at Wisbeach,
or Ely.

ESSEX-Colchester and Harwich, M. same
as Cheshire. Chelmsford, Tu. as Berks.
GLOUCESTERSHIRE-Gloster, Tu. as Berks.
HAMPSHIRE-Winchester, Tu. as Berks.
HEREFORDSHIRE-Hereford, M. as Cheshire.
HERTFORDSHIRE-Hertford, M. same as
Cheshire. St. Alban's, the same week.
HUNTINGDONSHIRE-M. same as Cheshire.
KENT-Canterbury, Tu. Jan. 2, Fr. Apr. 5,
Tu. July 2, Fr. Oct. 18. Maidstone,
Th. Jan. 4, Tu. Apr. 2, Th. July 4,
Tu. Oct. 15.
LANCASHIRE-Lancaster, M. same as
Cheshire. Adjournments are held at
Preston, at Salford, and at Kirkdale.
LEICESTERSHIRE-Leicester, as Cheshire.
LINCOLNSHIRE→→ Parts of Lindsey.

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Oct. 19



Tu. 9

Tu. 22

Bourn and Boston, Tu. as Berks, Sleaford
and Spalding, Th. Jan. 4, April 4, July
4, Oct. 17.
MIDDLESEX-Clerkenwell, Tu. Jan. 2.
General and Adjourned Sessions are
also held at other intervening periods.
The particular days for holding the
Clerkenwell Sessions, and also those for
holding the LONDON Quarter Sessions,
have not been fixed in time to be given

'MONMOUTHSHIRE-Usk, M. as Cheshire.
NORFOLK-Shire House, Norwich, W.
same as Bedford; City of Norwich the
day before.


as Sussex, West Div. Peterborough, W.
as Bedford.
Nottingham, M. as Cheshire.
Newark, F. as Cambridge.
East Retford, M. as Cheshire.
Town of Nottingham-Two days after the
County Sessions.

NORTHUMBERLAND-The County Sessions
are held alternately at Newcastle-on-
Tyne, Morpeth, Hexham, and Alnwick.
Th. same as Northampton. Town of
Newcastle, W. previous.
OXFORDSHIRE-Oxford, M. as Cheshire.-
Oxford City, preceding Monday. Ban-
bury, the preceding Saturday.
RUTLANDSHIRE-Okeham, Tu. as Berks.
SHROPSHIRE-Shrewsbury, Tu. as Berks.
For the Town, the Monday preceding.
SOMERSETSHIRE-Wells, M. Jan. 1, April
1, Bridgewater, July 1. Taunton, Oct.
14. Bath, on the following Monday.
STAFFORDSHIRE-Stafford, W. as Bedford.
SUFFOLK-Beccles, M. as Cheshire, Wood-
bridge, W. as Bedford, Ipswich, F. as
Cambridge; and Bury M. following.
SURREY-New Sessions House, Newington,
Tu. Jan. 2. Reigate, April 2. Guild-
ford, July 2. Kingston, Oct. 15.
SUSSEX-Eastern Division: Lewes, M.
same as Cheshire. Western Division:
Petworth, Th. Jan. 4, and April 4.
Horsham, July 24. Chichester, Oct. 17.
WARWICKSHIRE-Warwick, Tu. as Berks.
Coventry, on preceding Monday.
WESTMINSTER City, are generally held
on the Thursday preceding the Quarter
Sessions for Middlesex.
WESTMORELAND-Appleby, W. as Bedfd.,
and by adjournment at Kendal.
WILTSHIRE-Tu. Devizes, Jan. 2. Salis-
bury, April 2. Warminster, July 2.
Marlborough, Oct. 15.

WORCESTERSHIRE-Worcester, M. same as
Cheshire. Worcester City the day fol-
YORKSHIRE-York City, F. as Cambridge.
St. Peter's Liberty, S. as Lincoln City.
EAST RIDING: Beverley, Tu. as Berks.
WEST RIDING: Knaresborough, M. Jan.
1. Wakefield, W. Jan. 3. Sheffield, M.
Jan. 8. Pontefract, M. April 1. Skip-
ton, Tu. July 2. Bradford, W. July 3.
Rotherham, M. July 8. Knaresborough,
Tu. Oct. 15. Leeds, W. Oct. 16. Don-
caster, M. Oct. 21.-NORTH RIDING:
Northallerton, M. as Cheshire.
The Quarter Sessions through NORTH and
SOUTH WALES are held by the same rule
as the foregoing, the magistrates deter-
mining the day of the week on which the
sessions shall commence.

1. British Museum closes.


the registrar of their district, without any fee whatever.

their children to be registered within forty-two 1. Leipzic fair-manufactured goods and plea-days after birth, by giving personal notice to sure* (the business commences 3 or 4 days earlier). 1. Quarter Sessions commence in this week. 5. Half-yearly dividends on some species of Stock becoine due. See Table of Transfer-days.

8. Brit. Mus. 10 till 4; Reading Room, 9 till 4. 8. Fire Insurance due at Christmas must be paid by this day, or the Policy becomes void. 22, 23. Melton Mowbray fair-horses, cattle. 25. Whittlesey (Ely)-horses.

26. Brunswick-miscellaneous, including manufactured goods, &c.

REGISTRATION-Births.-Persons should cause



Jan. 6 Epiphany......... Isaiah 60

Deaths. Intimation should be given of deaths in the same manner as births. This is of importance to be done early, as the undertaker must have a certificate to give to the minister who reads the funeral service, without which he may refuse to bury the body.

As the cause of death is to be entered, sound discretion should be exercised in ascertaining the real nature of the deceased's death, for which important purpose every facility should be given. LESSONS.

Luke 3 to ver. 23
Matt. 5

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7 1st Sun, after Epiph.,, 44

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,, 21 3rd

28 4th

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Mercury, in the constellations Sagittarius and Capricornus, is an evening star till about the 27th, then invisible. On the 2nd, at 9h 49m A. M., in conjunction with Saturn, at 1° 50'S.; on the 20th, at 3h 15m A.M., stationary; at 2h 52m P.M., in Perihelion; on the 29th, at Oli 5m P.M. in inferior conjunction with the


Venus, in the constellations Capricornus and Aquarius, is an evening star throughout the month. On the 24th, at 8h 43m P.M., in conjunction with Jupiter, at 0° 38' S.

Mars, in the constellations Aquarius and Pisces, is an evening star throughout, setting from 5h 52m to 5h 16m after the sun; on the 21st, at 11h. 10m. P.M.,

in conjunction with Uranus, at 00 23.

Jupiter, in the constellation Aquarius, is an evening star throughout, setting from 4h 11m to 2h 4m after

the sun.

Saturn, in the constellations Sagittarius and Capricornus, in the beginning an evening star, middle and latter end invisible. On the 19th, at 2h 32m A.M., in conjunction with the sun.

Uranus, in the constellation Pisces, on the 15th passes the meridian at 4h 21m P.M.

The Moon, on the 2nd, at 8h 25m P.M., in conjunc-
tion with a Tauri (Aldebaran) at 6° 52′ S. On the
6th, at 8h 30m A.M., with 8 Geminorum (Pollux) at
9° 23′ N.; on the 9th, at 3h 17m A.M., with a Leonis
(Regulus) at 5087' N.; on the 12th, at 10h 55m P.M.,
Om P.M. in Perigee, and at 4h 42m P.M., in con-
with a Virginis (Spica) at 2° 41' N.; on the 15th, at
junction with 8 Scorpii, at 20 59' N.; on the 16th, at
1h 50m A.M., with a Scorpii (Antares), at 30 11'S.;
on the 19th, at 6h 27m P.M., with Saturn, at 3° 22′ S.;
on the 21st, at 1h 16m A.M., with Mercury, at 20 53′
S.; on the 22nd, at 3h 5m A.M., with Venus, at 6° 48′
S., at 8h 28m A.M., with Jupiter, at 6° 15' S.; on the
24th, at 2h 39m P.M., with Uranus, at 6° 20′ S.; at
6h 25m P.M., with Mars, at 5° 22′S.; on the 27th, at
4h 0m P.M., in Apogee; on the 30th, at 4h 58m A.M.,
in conjunction with a Tauri (Aldebaran) at 6° 46′ S.
The Constellation Canis Major will be on the meri-
and Canis Minor about the middle, of the month.
dian about midnight in the beginning, and Gemini

Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites.
First Satellite. 16th, Em. at 4h 31m 29s P.M.; 23rd,

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26 F


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Jan. 1 9 Thebet.

2 10


27 S



28 4 Sunday after Epiphany.

Siege of

Jan. 1 10 Kurban


4 13

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29 M 29

30 Tu 30 King Charles I. Martyr.

31 W 31 Hilary Term ends.

The Monthly List of Fairs is only a selection of the more important ones. When they fall on Sunday they are usually held the day after. We have also added a few of the German Fairs which are of commercial interest, all of which continue for three weeks.

22 1


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