
Established by Law in these Realms. That Church in her admirable form of public prayer, allows in different parts of the Service, the different postures. both of standing and sitting; but which, with its usual wisdom and discretion, it adapts to the respective circumstances of those particular parts. But where the solemnity and importance of our supplications require it, there it positively enjoins the posture of kneeling; and to disobey that injunction, is unquestionably an offence against the discipline and usage of that venerable Church to which we have the happiness to belong.

"It is also contrary to the practice of the best, the greatest, and wisest Men, both before the promulgation of the Gospel, and after it. The exhortation of King David in the 95th Psalm, is, "O come let us worship and fall down, and kneel before the Lord our Maker." When Solomon dedicated his magnificent Temple to God, he kneeled down upon his knees before all the Congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands towards Heaven, while he poured forth one of the most sublime and affecting prayers that ever fell from the lips of Man. It was the custom of the Prophet Daniel to kneel upon his knees three times a day, and pray and give thanks unto his God. Our Saviour Himself, in his last agony, kneeled down and prayed; St. Stephen in his last moments kneeled down and prayed for his murderers and St. Paul, when he took his last solemn leave of his Brethren, kneeled down, even on the seashore, and offered up his petitions to Heaven for their everlasting welfare.


"After these injunctions of the Church, and these examples from Scripture, no one, I think, who calls himself a Christian and a Member of the Church of England, will (unless prevented by illness or infirmity, where the necessity of the case most evidently gives a claim to indulgence) refuse to kneel down before the Lord his Maker. But if you perceive any part of

Hymn for the End of a Year.


your Congregation habitually neglecting to do so, I must request you to represent to them in forcible terms, the great impropriety and indecency of such a practice. It is very possible, that they may have fallen into it from mere thoughtlessness and inattention, and considered it as a matter of very little importance but you will, I hope, endeavour to convince them that it is in reality a very serious offence against the Majesty of Heaven, and the decorum and solemnity of Divine Worship. It is evidently inconsistent with that profound reverence which is due to the great Creator of the universe, and that deep humility and contrition which become such wretched sinners as we all are in the sight of God. It strikes at the very root of all true devotion, and ought therefore to be vigorously resisted, before it has gained too much strength to be subdued."



AND now, my soul, another year
Of thy short life is past;

I cannot long continue here,
This year may be my last.


Much of my dubious life is gone,
Nor will return again,

And swift the passing moments run,
Of those that may remain.


Awake, my soul, with utmost care,
Thy true condition learn;

What are thy hopes, how sure, how fair,
And what thy great concern?


Now a new scene of time begins,
Set out afresh for Heaven;

Seek pardon for thy former sins
In Christ so freely given.


Devoutly yield thyself to God,
And on his grace depend;

With zeal pursue the heavenly road,
Nor doubt a happy end.



My few revolving years,

How fast they glide away!

How short the term of life appears,
When past, but as a day.


Lord! through another year,
If thou permit my stay,
With diligence may I pursue
The true and living way.


THAT man does certainly belong to God, who, 1st, believes and is baptized into all the articles of the Christian faith, and studies to improve his knowledge in the matters of God, so as may best make him to live a holy life. 2. He that, in obedience to Christ, worships God diligently and constantly. 3. He that takes all opportunities to remember Christ's death by a frequent sacrament, as it can be had; or else, by inward acts of understanding, will, and memory, supplies the want of the external rite. 4. He that lives chastely. 5. And is merciful. 6. And despises the world, using it as a man, but never suffering it to hinder a duty. 7. And is just in his dealing, and diligent in his calling. 8. He that is humble in his spirit. 9. And obedient to government. 10. And content in his fortune and employment. 11. He that does his duty because he loves God. 12. And especially if, after all this, he is afflicted and patient, or

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prepared to suffer affliction for the cause of God. The man that hath these twelve signs of grace, does as certainly belong to God, and is his son, as surely as he is his creature.



To the Editor of the Cottager's Monthly Visitor.


HAVING seen, in several different parishes, the beneficial effects arising from a sale of clothing, to the poor at half price, I venture to recommend, through your "Visitor," a method of charity which I do not remember to have seen mentioned in your pages, though it is adopted in many parts of the country. The arrangement which I have generally known adopted, is, for a subscription to be formed among the rich neighbours, and materials for clothes bought and made up into various articles; each subscriber gives a certain number of tickets to the poor, in proportion to the amount of his subscription, and on the day when the goods are sold, each poor person, on presenting these tickets, is entitled to buy clothes as far as his tickets will go, on paying half the value of every article which he purchases. The sum thus received from the poor, forms a fund, which, joined to the subscriptions, purchases a second time a yet larger quantity of clothes, which can be sold either yearly, half yearly, or quarterly, as best suits the state of the subscription and the wants of the neighbourhood. The poor are thus frequently able to buy sheets, blankets, or other expensive articles, which they would never be able to obtain by any other means, as they seldom can otherwise afford to buy them new and good. It is a great advantage, that more attention is paid to the goodness and durability of the articles than to their shewy appearance; and

in two parishes I know (in one of which these sales had continued ten years, and in another five years) the difference in the appearance of most of the poor is very striking; for as good strong prints, linsey, calico, and flannel are bought, instead of cheap or flimsy things, the poor people are generally well and warmly clothed, instead of being in such ragged garments as they formerly wore. It is pleasing to add, that they are almost uniformly contented and grateful, attaching, as is generally the case, more value to what they earn partly by their own exertions, than to mere gifts. The clothes are made at the girls' schools in both these parishes, and afford a constant supply of work to instruct them upon, which all who have the management of such schools know to be so very desirable. Where this cannot be done, many ladies make them themselves, or pay for their being made, by some of those numerous poor females who earn their livelihood by plain work.

By giving the rewards of the schools at the time of the sales, the children have generally a little ready money to lay out at the time, besides the trifling payment they receive for their work; and it would be very advantageous if a little Savings' bank were to be added to this institution. I do not recommend this as a new plan, but only as one with the excellent effects of which I am well acquainted; and which I am desirous should be still more generally useful.

I am, your humble servant,

E. E.


In a Church in Buckinghamshire, to a Soldier who was interred in 1608.

WHILST I was yong, in warres I shedd my blood,
Both for my king and for my country's good,

In elder years my care was chief to be

Soldier to Him who shedd his blood for me.

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