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"The Life of Madame Louise de France, the celebrated daughter of Louis XV., who became a religieuse, and is known in the spiritral world as Mother Térèse de St. Augustin. The substance of the memoir is taken from a diffuse life, compiled by a Carmelite nun, and printed at Autun; and the editor, the author of Tales of Kirkbeck,' was prompted to the task by the belief, that at the present time, when the spirit of religious selfdevotion is so greatly reviving in the Church of England' the records of a princess who quitted a dazzling and profligate court to lead a life of obscure piety will meet with a cordial reception. We may remark, that should the event prove otherwise, it will not be from any fault of workmanship on the part of the editor.-DAILY TELEGRAPH.

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Bishops of the Church in general, and consolidated the Papal influence. For all this, however, unless we could satisfy ourselves with a mere magnified table of contents, the reader must be referred to the book itself, in which he will find the interest sustained without flagging to the end."-PALL MALL GAZETTE.

lation from the German. Third Edition.
"A profound and learned treatise, evidently
the work of one of the first theologians of the
day, discussing with the scientific fulness and
precision proper to German investigation, the
great doctrinal questions expected to come
before the Council, and especially the proposed
dogma of Papal Infallibility. There is pro-
bably no work in existence that contains at
all, still less within so narrow a compass, so
complete a record of the origin and growth of
the infallibilist theory, and of all the facts of
Church history bearing upon it, and that too
in a form so clear and concise as to put the
argument within the reach of any reader of
ordinary intelligence, while the scrupulous ac-
curacy of the writer, and his constant reference
to the original authorities for every statement
liable to be disputed, makes the monograph as
a whole a perfect storehouse of valuable infor-
mation for the historical or theological stu-


Beginning with a sketch of the errors and contradictions of the Popes, and of the position which, as a matter of history, they held in the early Church, the book proceeds to describe the three great forgeries by which the Papal claims were upheld-the Isidorian decretals, the donation of Constantine, and the decretum of Gratian. The last subject ought to be carefully studied by all why wish to understand the frightful tyranny of a complicated system of laws, devised not for the protection of a people, but as instruments for grinding them to subjection. Then, after an historical outline of the general growth of the Papal power in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the writers enter upon the peculiarly episcopal and clerical question, pointing out how marvellously every little change worked in one direction, invariably tending to throw the rule of the Church into the power of Rome; and how the growth of new institutions, like the monastic orders and the Inquisition, gradually withdrew the conduct of affairs from the

In France, in Holland, and in Germany, there has already appeared a multitude of disquisitions on this subject. Among these several are the acknowledged compositions of men of high standing in the Roman Catholic world, -men admittedly entitled to speak with the authority that must attach to established reputation: but not one of them has hitherto produced a work more likely to create a deep impression than the anonymous German publication at the head of this notice. It is not a piece of merely polemical writing, it is a treatise dealing with a large subject in an impressive though partisan manner, a treatise grave in tone, solid in matter, and bristling with forcible and novel illustrations."-SPEC


Rumour will, no doubt, be busy with its conjectures as to the name which lurks beneath the nom de plume of Janus. We do not intend to offer any contribution towards the elucidation of the mystery, unless it be a contribution to say that the book bears internal evidence of being the work of a Catholic, and that there are not many Catholics in Europe who could have written it. Taking it all in all, it is no exaggerated praise to characterize it as the most damaging assault on Ultramontanism that has appeared in modern times. Its learning is copious and complete, yet so admirably arranged that it invariably illustrates without overlaying the argument. The style is clear and simple, and there is no attempt at rhetoric. It is a piece of cool and masterly dissection, all the more terrible for the passionless manner in which the author conducts the operation."-TIMES.


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