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perial logic, pray read the emperor's re- hit at the Kaiser. A postscript to Lady Osscript on the suppression of Popery; it is a sory, of that date, informs her of Walpole's model of reasoning that may be applied to having just seen in the Public Advertiser a the restoration of Popery here, for it shows passage in a letter from the emperor to the that everything tient uniquement de la volonté pope, which, says he," informs me how little libre et arbitraire des princes de la terre-did the delegates of heaven have occasion to you ever see so happy an union as that of read. Cæsar tells St. Peter, that he poslibre and arbitraire?" In another, to Par-sesses in his own breast a voice which tells son Cole (Feb. 14), after some allusions to what, as legislator and protector of Religtheir political differences and mutual tolera-ion, he ought to pursue or desist from; and tion: "The emperor seems to be of our that voice, with the assistance of divine party; but, if I like his notions, I do not grace, and the honest and just character admire his judgment, which is too precipitate to be judgment." And a following one (Feb. 22) explains the allusion: "The act of the emperor to which I alluded, is the general destruction of convents in Flanders, and, I suppose, in his German dominions too. The pope suppressed the carnival, as mourning, and proposes a journey to Vienna to implore mercy. This is a little different from the time when the pontiffs trampled on the necks of emperors, and called it trampling super aspidem et draconem." The same week Horace writes to Mann, at Florence: "You say that the emperor had consented to receive the pope, from whom he has taken at least a third of his tiara. We had heard that Cæsar added, that his holiness' visit would be to no manner of purpose. Perhaps the monarch would not dislike to return the super aspidem et basilicum calcabis—yet he may find an aspic under his feet. There is more than metaphoric poison still left in the vipers of the Church."*


which he feels in himself, can never lead him into error.' There! Madam, there is imperial infallibility to some purpose! Henry VIII. undoubtedly felt the same inspiration when he became head of our Church. . . . That inward voice, which the Greeks called Gastromuthos, prattles to every monarch before he can speak himself, and did so to Henry VI. in his cradle, though he lived to lose everything."-The next is to Sir Horace Mann, in April of the same year: "The emperor destroys convents and humbles the pope; the Czarina preaches toleration, but protects the Jesuits; and these two philosophic sovereigns intend to divide Constantinople, after sacrificing half a million of lives! In one age, religion commits massacres; in another, philosophy. Oh! what a farce are human affairs!" That was Walpole's favorite text, when homiletically disposed.

In 1784, when Joseph quarrelled with the Dutch for the navigation of the Scheldt, Walpole writes to his friend at Florence:

Our next excerpt, from a letter to Cole, dated March 9, 1782, is extra noteworthy." Your Lord Paramount seems to be taking "I do not know whether the emperor will atone to you for demolishing the cross, by attacking the crescent. The papers say he has declared war with the Turks. He seems to me to be a mountebank who professes curing all diseases. As power is only panacea, the remedy, methinks, is worse than the disease. . . . I do not approve of convents: but, if Cæsar wants to make soldiers of monks, I detest his reformation, and think that men had better not procreate than commit murder,--but what avail abstracted speculations? Human passions wear the dresses of the times, and carry on the same views, though in different habits."-We must pass on to February, 1783, to get another such

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large strides towards Holland,”—and afterwards again, "Newspapers tell me your Lord Paramount is going to annihilate that fictitious state, Holland. I shall not be surprised if he, France, and Prussia divide it, like Poland, in order to settle the Republic! perhaps may create a kingdom for the Prince of Orange out of the Hague and five miles round." In a subsequent epistle (Nov. 8): "I shall not wonder if Cæsar, after ravaging, or dividing, or seizing half Europe, should grow devout, and give it some novel religion of his own manufacture." Anon the papers tell Horace the Dutch are drowning their country to save it: he does not know much, he writes to Mann (Dec. 2), "of the war between the Austrian Eagle and the Frogs, though they say it grows very

serious. The latter began the attack by a deluge "which means, their opening the dykes. "Your holy neighbor, no doubt, rejoices that the Huguenot commerce is thought a preferable morsel to the temporalities of the Church, which I suspect to have been a weighty ingredient in Cæsar's late reformations, as they were in Luther's [of whom, by the way, Walpole could never speak well]. Nor will he squander them as Henry the Eighth did, on his courtiers." Nor did he, as we have seen Allison remarking; but Walpole implies that Joseph would appropriate them to himself, or spend them on war,-which he did not.

Early next year, the same letter-writer tells the same recipient (Feb. 2, 1785): "The great scene that Europe expected is said to be laid aside, and that France has signified to the Dutch that they must submit to the emperor, and that they will happy news for one or two hundred thousand of the living! Whether the mass of murder will be diminished in future by that arrangement is another question. The revival of the kingdom of Austrian Lombardy -which, says Walpole in a foot-note, is what the emperor meditated-looks as if the eagle's eastern wing would expand itself as well as the western." Again (July 25): Though three millions sterling from the plunder of convents is a plump bellyful, I don't believe the Austrian Eagle will stop there, nor be satisfied with private property:


He has shown that he thinks nothing holy but the holy Roman empire. . . . One can care little about the upshot of such squables. Were I to form a wish, it would be in favor of the pontiff rather than of the emperor; as churchmen make conquests by sense and art, not by force and bloodshed, like princes." The italics are Walpole's


He underscored that sentiment of hypothetical preference, because he had a strong feeling on the subject. This he shows by reiterating it, in a letter to Lady Ossory (August 10, 1785): "Cæsar is said to have already realized three millions sterling by the suppression of monarchism; and by that wealth he will purchase a deluge of blood! Such reformers make one regret Popery! . . I have been told that when this AusWalpole's Letters, vol. viii. pp. 174, 337, 360. 506, 518, 520, 529, 530, 539, 575.

trian bird of prey set about his reform, the nobility of Flanders presented a memorial to him, observing that most of the monastic had not been royal foundations, and therefore they hoped from his imperial equity that he would restore to the respective families the lands which their ancestors had given away from their posterity to the Church. Cæsar made no reply, for he could make none that had common sense-but he did not seize an acre or a ducat the less." To her Ladyship again (Sept. 17), à propos of her lord's shooting campaign in Northampshire: "Joseph II., who is as keen a sportsman as Lord Ossory, is going to shoot in Holland; Lord Rodney, who is just arrived from Spa, brings, that forty thousand men are on their march. Others add, that this imperial murderer is in danger from a swelling in his side-I hope he will die soon! His death would save two hundred thousand lives to Europe at least." The same good wishes again next month (Oct. 27): "When General Johnstone returned [from Vienna] a fortnight ago, I told him I hoped he had left everybody well in Germany but the emperor." To Mann (Oct. 30): "You may be sure I am glad that Cæsar is baffled. I neither honor nor esteem him. If he is preferring his nephew to his brother, it is using the latter as ill as the rest of the world." (This refers to the election of King of the Romans.)-To the Earl of Strafford, in August, 1786: "We shall be crammed, I suppose, with panegyrics and epitaphs on the King of Prussia; I am content that he can now have an epitaph. But, alas! the emperor will write one for him probably in blood! and while he shuts up convents for the sake of population, will be stuffing hospitals with maimed soldiers, besides making thousands of widows!" (To which is appended a sort of historical parallel from the reign of Henry V.)-The Brabant business in 1787 adds fresh fuel to Walpole's flaming wrath. "Have you seen, Madam," he asks Lady Ossory (Sept. 6), "the horrible mandate of the emperor to General Murray? Think of that insect's threatening to sacrifice thousands of his fellow pismires to what he calls his dignity! the dignity of a mite, that supposing itself as superior as an earwig, meditates preventing hosts of its own species from enjoying the happiness and the moment of existence that has been allotted to them in an innumerable succession of

There is hardly any recognizing in Walpole's Cæsar the kindly, simple, modest unpretending, well-meaning Kaiser Joseph of whom we read in ordinary history and essay.

ford's select circle of cherished aversionsan entrance into which was greatly facilitated in the case of royalty; and so it came to pass that for long years his name was consistently and systematically blackened by one of the best of good haters.

ages! But while scorn, contempt, and | Sicilian Dionysius, and has seen numbers of hatred kindle against the imperial insect, his innocent subjects massacred, etc. Joseph, admiration crowds in for the brave pismires with the flippancy of a French prater, has who so pathetically deprecate their doom, violated oaths and laws, and plundered, in yet seem resigned to it. I think I never order to support an unjust war of ambition, read anything more noble, more touching, while he is the tool of the northern Semirathan the Remonstrance of the Deputies to mis, whom I call by a name that sounds Prince Kaunitz.”—In June, 1787, we have quite Russian, Catherine Slay-Czar.” * Walpole hitting out at "two such bloodyminded vultures, cock and hen, as Catherine and Joseph. .. Oh! I wish Catherine and Joseph were brought to Westminster Hall and worried by Sheridan!" Richard Brins--But he happened to fall within Lord Orley had just delivered his Begum speech. Again, in September: “I am glad that those gigantic incendiaries, the Russian Empress and Austrian Emperor, are so hampered, disappointed, mortified; nay, I prefer to them "-this is to the Countess of Ossary"the of Babylon and Pagan Turks, who About two months after the last quoted were living quietly and honestly on the extract was written, Kaiser Joseph was a cheats and robberies of their predecessors dead man. He had worn himself out by inand forefathers, and disturbed nobody." cessant exertions, mental and bodily. His With one other piece of invective we will last hours gave evidence of an affectionate conclude these Horatian amenities. It is warmth of feeling, and he is said, on good from a letter in December, 1789, to the same church authority, to have made an edifying lady of title and taste: "I was in town on end. He expired, very tranquilly, on the Wednesday, and was told that the emperor 20th of February, 1790, in his forty-ninth had made a truce for two months with the year. He was handsomely made—with a Flemings, which was likely to be followed by pair of eyes engagingly expressive and a peace. I am glad that they will be relieved, "beautifully blue." Hence the saying, and that He is baffled and mortified. There" imperial blue," according to Menzel, to is a wide difference between Joseph and denote that color in other besides imperial Louis [the Sixteenth], as between their pres- eyes. ent situations. The latter, without being an aggressor, was willing to amend a very bad government, and has been treated like a

*Walpole's Letters, vol. ix. pp. 8, 12, 26, 28, 65, 108, 122, 128, 144, 146, 240.

SHAKSPEARE'S GARDENS are saved to the public forever! New Place was not sold yesterday, as advertised, by auction, but was disposed of on the 22d inst. by private contract. The purchase-money was £1,400. Half of that sum has been already subscribed; and there cannot be the slightest doubt but that the other half will be immediately forthcoming, and that Mr. Halliwell, who has, in the mean time, secured the property, will have no reason to do other than congratulate himself on his assuming what we may well call this national agency. Mr. Sheridan, M.P., and Mr. G. L. Prendergast, author of a "Concordance to Milton," have each subscribed £100, and Mr. Payne Collier and other gentlemen have expressed their readiness to contribute to the good end in view. In affording this intelligence, we feel it would be altogether incomplete and unsatisfac

tory if we did not add that this "Holy Land" of England, as we have ventured to call it, will be conveyed, under trust, to the Mayor and Corporation of Stratford-on-Avon. Henceforth it is the honorable mission of that municipality to guard this hallowed ground. They are nominally the proprietors, on the reasonable condi tion that never shall a building be erected in the gardens, and that to the latter the public shall be freely and gratuitously admitted forever. It is impossible, so far, that anything could be more complete and satisfactory than this arrangement, the accomplishment of which is most creditable to Mr. Halliwell. It only remains for the public to supply the remainder of the purchase-money, and thus have the privilege of sharing in a worthy deed-one of moment enough to almost stir the honored dust that lies close by in Stratford Church.—Athenæum, 30Oct.


QUINNAHUNG NECK (Hunt's Point), a spot well meet for such occupancy, is the last resting-place of the mortal remains of Joseph Rodman Drake, author of " Culprit Fay," and "The American Flag." His own gentle Bronx runs near the grave, and naught intrudes on the luxury of silence and solitude, save the sighing of the zephyrs and the lullaby of the ocean. Here he was wont to wander in the days of childhood; here the spring-tide of his years was passed. Autumn and winter he had none, so short was his career. In anticipation of such a scene, he seems thus to have attuned his heart to melody:

"Gray o'er my head the yellow-vested willow Ruffles his hoary top in the fresh breezes, Glancing in light, like spray on a green billow, Or the fine frost-work which young Winter freezes,

While memory bids me weep thee
Nor thoughts nor words are free.
The grief is fixed too deeply
That mourns a man like thee.

-Protestant Churchman.



As ships becalmed at eve, that lay
Two towers of sail at dawn of day
With canvas drooping, side by side,

Are scarce long leagues apart descried;
When fell the night, upsprung the breeze,
And all the darkling hours they plied,
Nor dreamt but each the self-same seas
By each was cleaving side by side:

E'en so-but why the tale reveal
Of those whom year by year unchanged,

When first his power, in infant pastime trying,
Congeals sad Autumn's tears, on branches ly-Brief absence joined anew to feel

Astounded, soul from soul estranged.

A square pillar marks the poet's grave, bear-At dead of night their sails were filled, ing the following inscription :

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The following lines on the death of Drake are from the pen of Fitzgreen Halleck :

Green be the turf above thee,
Friend of my better days.
None knew thee but to love thee,
None named thee but to praise.

Tears fell, when thou wert dying,
From eyes unused to weep;
And long, where thou art lying,
Will tears the cold turf steep.

When hearts whose truth was proven,
Like thine, are laid in earth,
There should a wreath be woven,
To tell the world their worth.

And I, who wake each morrow

To clasp thy hand in mine,
Who shared thy joy and sorrow,
Whose weal and woe were thine-

It should be mine to braid it
Around thy faded brow;
And though I've oft essayed it,
I feel I cannot now.

And onward each rejoicing steered-
Ah, neither blame, for neither willed
Or wist what first with dawn appeared!

To veer, how vain! On, onward strain,
Brave barks! In light, in darkness too,
Through winds and tides one compass guides-
To that and your own selves be true.

But O blithe breeze! and O great seas,
Though ne'er, that earliest parting past,
On your wide plain they join again,
Together lead them home at last.

One port methought alike they sought,
One purpose hold where'er they fare,-
O bounding breeze, O rushing seas!
At last, at last, unite them there!
Say not the struggle naught availeth,
The labor and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,

And as things have been things remain.
Though hopes were dupes, fears may be liars,
It may be in yon smoke, concealed
Our comrades chase e'en now the fliers,
E'en now possess the peaceful field;

For though the tired wave, idly breaking,
Seems here no tedious inch to gain,
Far back through creek and inlet making,
Came, silent flooding in, the main-

And not through eastern windows only
When daylight comes, comes in the light,
In front the sun climbs slow-how slowly!
But westward, look! the land is bright.

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ERRATUM.-No. 918, p. 18, seventh line from the last-instead of 86° 56′, read 80° 56'.


The Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events; edited by Frank Moore, Author of "Diary of the American Revolution." Tenth Monthly Part. Containing Portraits of Generals Blenker and Rosecranz. New York: G. P. Putnam.

A Letter on National Currency. By Eleazer Lord.

New York: A. D. F. Randolph.



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