
wrathfulness, the hope or despondency prom- of view. The energy by which the mere inent in his nature. It was but half in bur- power of limb is put to use flows through lesque that some years ago there was in- the nerves, and according to its will, irrevented a science of "nosology," purporting spective of the emotion or the intelligence to deduct a man's whole temperament from by which he may be swayed, we estimate the the study of his nose. There is a measure man's primary character. One person is by of truth even in the pretensions of those nature active, vivacious, and enterprising; quacks who undertake, on the receipt of another is languid, indifferent, and relucthirteen postage-stamps, to tell any one's tant. It is the same with masses of men. character from his handwriting; and a little In Europeans there is more energy than in of reason also was in the old science of chiro- Asiatics, and Englishmen take the lead in mancy, the starting-point of the gypsy's trade modern Europe, just as the Romans did in of fortune-telling by observing the shape and former days. configuration of the hand. Phrenology is better than all these, and if its votaries are content to place it in the same category with them, solid good may result from their temperament. Like the other, it is partly studies, just as already sound encouragement to one branch of mental science has come from its erroneous classification of the primitive faculties of the mind.

Of these faculties-split up into nine propensities, twelve sentiments, and fourteen intellectual properties - Mr. Bain gives a more careful and generous criticism than we should have thought them entitled to receive. He shows how their arrangement is confused and illogical, how numerous secondary effects are regarded as final, and how several modifications of character have no provision made for them. There is very inadequate account taken of the vocal powers, as represented in the structure of the head. The temperaments aroused by touch, smell, and taste, are not included, and to those connected with hearing very incomplete reference is made. No justice is done to sympathy or love of truth, and in giving one title of ideality to the numerous susceptibilities to beauty, whether in art or in poetry, there is grave error.

Professor Bain's own classification of the elements of human character is very different, and far more philosophical. The mind's action, he teaches, being volitional, emotional, and intellectual, it is clear that its character is evinced in each mode of activity. Apart from any stimulation of the feelings or any studied movement of thought, there is an inborn tendency to action, which should be taken as the basis of all the variations of temperament in both man and beast. This is partly muscular, but chiefly nervous. The man of most muscle is often not the strongest man, even from a physical point

Superior to the fundameutal property of the constitution, the machinery of action without reference to objects, is the emotional

made up of strictly physical material, but often it excels most where the energy is weakest. In women it is far stronger than in men, and those women have it least who have or gain most likeness to the other sex. Fat men possess it richly. The best historical type of the emotional character, says Mr. Bain, was Charles James Fox. Round in his person, full of an intense enjoyment of life, violent in his expressions of liking and dislike, a marvellous lover of company, of play, of recreative reading, and of every other exercise of untrained feeling and unbridled power, he was psychologically no less than politically the converse of Pitt, a man endowed with a singularly dry, hard intellect, but with the scantiest proportion of sentiment.

Of this emotional character there are many divisions. The humblest sort is that dependent on simple muscular exercise, shown in the enjoyment of gymnastic movements, of a brisk walk or of a fox hunt. Next, according to Mr. Bain's classification, is the amorous sentiment, which, parted from the intellectual and higher emotional tendencies that give it beauty, is lower in nature than the simple love of eating and drinking. Justice is seldom done by philosophers to what is here called" alimentary sensibility," the due regard to digestion and nutrition, to the preserving and improving of the entire tone of animal life. It differs essentially from taste; which has its own share in the formation of a man's character, and is on a par with the other special senses, smell, touch, hearing, and sight. There is no limit to the influences coming to us

through the eye, whether it be adapted to | he can take hold of his impressions and fix form and movement, or to color and its har- them on the canvas. Without retentiveness monies. Other influences reach us through no language, not even a mother tongue, emotions which are not sensations.

Won- could be learnt. But neither discrimination

der, most prominent in children and savages, stamps the character of many all through their lives. More notable is the feeling of terror, as the tyrant over multitudes, and only properly destroyed by the acquirement of that noblest courage, which is animal and intellectual, no less than emotional. Linked with courage as closely in psychological grouping as in the events of daily life is the apparently different emotion of tenderness and affection, whether felt for animals and plants or shown to the fellow-beings most nearly bound to us. In another category is love of self, within measure a necessary and a noble sentiment, and only bad when it sinks into self-complacency, or rises to vanity, or branches out as an undue love of power, often identical with love of tyranny. Tyranny begets wrath, of which the main element is a mere pleasure of malevolence, and against which the true safeguard is the cultivation of the noblest of all emotions, that of sympathy, the power by which we joy with those who joy and weep with those who weep.

nor retentiveness are sufficient for the full growth of intellect. Its grandest power is in identification, the ability to link like with like, in spite of accompanying diversities, and notwithstanding the separations of time and space. "A retentive mind is measured by the rapidity shown in making acquisitions, by the fewness of the repetitions, stimulants not being employed, that are requisite to cement a firm connection between a number of distinct impressions. The identifying mind, on the other hand, is proved by the number of occasions where an identity too faint or too disguised to be apprehended by men in general, makes itself felt by a stroke of recall."

Intelligence is often displayed most strongly where emotion has least sway. The philosophers of old-Socrates and Plato, Aristotle and Archimedes-are famous for their slight susceptibility to the common feelings of mankind; and Bacon is not the only holder of a kingly intellect who seemed to have no heart at all, and in whom wonderful grandeur of thought was Higher than emotion, however, in the joined to a strange meanness of action. formation of character is intelligence. The But emotion is never wholly absent, and feelings are only half capable of training; many men have an even balance of the two a wise man can develop his intellect almost constituents of character. Intellect also without limit. Under three divisions are shows itself in the senses, and in their use comprehended the distinguishing properties it is hard to separate exactly between it and of the mind. It can discriminate; it can emotion. Taste and smell have little intelretain; it can identify. Discrimination lectual capacity, but it is widely shown in grows with the use of our faculties. One sight and hearing. To the artist, the poet, whose business it is to taste wines gains the naturalist, and the architect, the optia marvellous susceptibility of palate. A cal sense, revealing form to some and color chemist can detect the subtlest properties to others, opens broad channels of commuby the sense of smell. A practised hand can almost dispense with weights and measures; and where, as in the case of blind people, most burden lies on the power of touch, no work is too minute, no form too delicate, to be traced by the unaided hand. The ear, the eye, and the vocal organs have still larger scope for increase and refinement by means of discrimination. Built on discrimination is retentiveness. No one can remember a melody who has not first listened to it attentively. The artist's skill in the discernment of endless varieties of form and color is of little use to him unless



nication between the mind and the outer world. The musical sense, the sense of cadence in elocution, and the sense of articulate form, are three great sorts of capability possessed in various degree by all who speak or sing, and all who hear. Courage is a finely complicated element of character. Animal courage, the mere strength of limb and bodily fitress, endurance of evils seen or unseen-emotional courage, the overthrow of the excitement of fear by exciting thoughtfulness, self-esteem, generosity, or patriotism and intellectual courage, the calm balancing of the advantages and du

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ties, with the perils and misfortunes belong-| of purpose, the firmness of life, which proing to the strife-all go to the making of a cures happiness in things little and great, is truly brave man. the grandest work of the intellect in govIntellect should be always the guide of erning the world of self. There is one emotion, and memory-of which, according grander work open to it, just as a truer to Hobbes, hope is an outgrowth-should be wealth is ours when we give to others than its constant instrument. If men would only when we take for ourselves, so prudence is remember what things in former cases have a less noble property of soul than sympathy. brought them pain, and whence have come To the emotional part of sympathy we have their greatest pleasures, there would be a already referred. It is for intellect to train universal prudence. In some cases people the emotion, and raise it to a heavenly digare anxiously imprudent. Few pains are nity. To adapt all the powers of mind to more grievous than toothache; yet few peo- the effecting of some high purpose for the ple take any precaution against it. No one good of others was the effort of such a man is without knowledge of the disastrous issue as Howard. It was the perfect achievement of evil life, yet experience must repeat its of him whose birth we at this season celelessons many times, and there must be num-brate with some of our actions, and desire berless repentings of sin before most men to celebrate by daily effort to approach bring themselves to live with persistent up-through Him to the ideal of human characrightness. The gaining of the steadiness ter.

THERE never was, and probably never will be, a more interesting subject of political study than the present condition of America. Every problem of the past, and every political difficulty of the present, is there working itself out visidly before our eyes. Evils which have perplexed the nations since the dawn of history demand their instant removal, while every form of government from mob-rule to the closest oligarchy is asserting by force its right, not only to exist, but to become supreme. The comparative force of democracy and aristocracy, their relative power of remedying discovered mischiefs, their ultimate tendencies, and their common evils, are exhibited on a scale and with a rapidity which affords to mankind the opportunity of a political education such as it has not enjoyed since Greece was submerged under the Roman wave. And, amidst all these difficulties, the American people alone in history have to work out, not in the course of ages but at once, the problem which is older than any form of government now in existence, the extinction of human slavery.—Spectator, 28 Dec.

nature, the reverent faith and love for the Word, which have made this veteran in the Bible cause so honored through the land. Some of the hymns are graceful, and will eventually find their way into the collections. The book is prettily printed and illustrated. It should be bought and read as a memento of one who has tried to put to good use the gifts with which a generous Providence has endowed him, and done great good in his day. And the quaint autobiography in the Appendix, will make it all the more welcome to those who love him.Evangelist.

SCOTT'S NOVELS FOR CATHOLICS.-It is not generally known, we believe, that an expurgated edition of Walter Scott has been published for the benefit of Roman Catholics; but the fact is recorded in the new edition of Feller's "Biographie Universelle," published at Lyons, with a continuation by the Abbé Simonin." Though Walter Scott," we are told in the notice of his name, "is not a romancer of the dangerous class, he gives, nevertheless, too lively a picture Catholic institutions; this has led D'Exauvillez of the passions, and makes frequent attacks on to undertake a new and abridged translation of his works, in which he has taken care to omit THIS little volume has three divisions, all that is condemnable. This translation is Rhythm, Rhyme, and Hymns, in all of which published under the auspices of the Society of will be found much that is characteristic of its St. Nicholas, No. 39 Rue de Sèvres, Paris, and well-known author. A patient reader will fall is principally suited for young persons." It will upon many pleasant passages, sometimes highly be long, we presume, before there is any English poetic in conception and finished in form; and Family Walter Scott" to take its place by the always pervaded with the geniality and good-side of the Family Shakspeare.—Athenæum.

Poems. By Rev. T. H. Stockton, Chaplain to
Congress. William S. & Alfred Martien,

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From The Saturday Review. RESULTS OF The first AmerICAN REVOLUTION.

smaller and less wealthy dependencies, almost degenerates into caricature, and is not exempt from inconvenience. An EnglishAMONG the popular commonplaces which man travels abroad with the conviction that have usurped the place of political axioms, in every remote sea, and almost in every none is more generally accepted than the strait, he will touch at some cape, continent, profession that, in every respect, the inde- or island where the English standard waves, pendence of the United States has been a where the English tongue is spoken, where gain and a benefit to Great Britain. It is English law is administered, where supplies put forward by grave authors with no less are voted and enactments passed by a trippositiveness than by beardless politicians on artite Legislature, and where the social hiertheir maiden hustings, or young writers in archy is graduated on a similar scale and their maiden essays, as if it were a maxim governed by similar codes to those which obthat it argued only blind bigotry or stolid tain in his native land. That the laws, cusobstinacy to controvert. We are told to toms, social instincts, and national feelings compare the exports of Great Britain to the of these communities have not been warped United States with the exports to the colo- into provincialism or hardened into rusticity, nies, old and new, as if that one comparison is the result of the communication which settled and bounded the whole question of commerce, adventure, and steam have cethe advantages or disadvantages which re-mented between England and her forty or sulted from the disruption of the Thirteen fifty colonies. Every year some colony, exBritish Colonies on the Continent of North cept the poorest and smallest, attracts to its America. And yet there are many points of shores a greater or lesser number of young view from which that great historical event Englishmen-many of gentle blood-almost may be regarded, besides that which is purely all educated, both morally and intellectually, commercial. Looking at the question in all up to a far higher standard than was attainits bearings, moral, social, and political, we able by the same classes when the States of may reasonably doubt whether too facile and the North American Republic were colonies too credulous an assent has not been given to of Great Britain. The young lawyer, the this allegation. That the material develop-young clergyman, sometimes the young merment of the United States has been enhanced chant or banker-often the young planterand accelerated by their independence is is a member of one of our two ancient uniprobably true. But whether this develop-versities. Other immigrants, again, who ment has been beneficial to themselves or to have not had the advantage of a Cambridge the world at large, may reasonably appear or Oxford education, have been trained at doubtful to any one who has studied their the London University, at Edinburgh, at history, their government, their manners, and their dealings with foreign nations. That, under any circumstances, they could have remained for a century longer dependent upon a remote insular power like that of England, may perhaps be regarded as entirely impossible; but that a longer connection with the mother country, followed by a peaceable and pre-arranged separation, would have been eminently salutary to both, seems to us to admit of no doubt.

Generally, we may lay it down as a principle, that colonies are happy and civilized in a direct ratio to the intimacy of their connection with the mother country. The colonies of England are for the most part small antitypes of England. They repeat the constitutional and social forms of the old country with a minute imitation which, in the

Dublin, or at some of the better of those proprietary schools which are doing for the higher sections of the middle classes that which the great public schools do for the upper classes. Add to these the young military officers fresh from school and English homes, and the Creole youth-who for the most part at the suggestion of wise and liberal governors, and rarely at the instigation of the Downing Street authorities — have been sent for their education to England, or, as they themselves say, with a fond and generous patriotism, "sent home." Add also another element, important in proportion to its rarity,-the young Creole ladies who have received an education in quiet and elegant English houses, and it is easy to see why the English type is so visible in the social structure of our colonies. The same effects were


not apparent in America, because the same they were too few to impress their own causes were not in operation there. The characters and principles on the mass of emigration to the American colonies was men by whom they were surrounded and the sparse, uncertain, and rarely of a high or principles which the Revolution ultimately very respectable kind. That to the North-made supreme in the new Republic unfortuern colonies was composed mainly of those nately rendered it impossible that popular whom religious sympathy identified with the respect or popular imitation should be atdescendants of the Puritans-men probably tracted either by gentlemanly manners or of strong, stern, and strict characters, but of gentlemanly attainments. no breadth of moral view, utterly destitute It is now useless, though not uninterestboth of secular learning and polite manners, ing, to consider how different might have not wholly free from the imputation of hy- been the condition of American society and pocrisy, and too often remarkable for very the tone of American manners, had the Revloose commercial ethics. In the South, after olution been postponed for half a century. the first settlement of the Cavalier colonies, We make due allowance for the effect of clithe emigration to them from Europe was mate, of situation, and, above all, of large, scantier than that to those of the North. open, and unappropriated territory. We Except here and there a cadet of the old know that in an extensive province, sparsely Cavalier stock, or a youthful adventurer who peopled, the physical conditions of the counlooked to find in America a field for the dis- try forbid the exact reproduction of metroplay of his energies and courage, which the politan life and society. We know that the cessation of great continental wars and the concurrent amplitude of untilled land and discontinuance of foreign military employ- paucity of laboring hands is favorable neither ment denied to him in Europe, the immi- to polite manners nor to polite learning, nor, grants into Virginia, Carolina, and latterly strange to say, to the manly sports of Enginto Georgia, were, we fear, men of whose land. We cannot help seeing also that there antecedent history their descendants could is a mysterious genius loci, which in time not be proud. There was no steam in those does strangely change the ancestral type of days. Little was known of America. The a race. It is not the large influx of Irish, little that was reported was not such as to French, and German immigrants which has attract colonists from the better portion of alone so completely changed the English society. Moreover, there was not in Eng-physiognomy in America, for a somewhat land that pressure of population or that competition for employment which, at a later period, drove young men of respectable positions to hew down forests, plow virgin land, or open virgin mines. Such hard work too, as was to be done, was, we fear, often done by the hands of white slavesconvicts, at least, little better than slaves in treatment or relf-respect, and who met the few black slaves of those days on a footing of equality.

analogous change is going on among our cousins in Australia. But what we contend is, that despite the operation of these various causes, the postponement of the American Revolution would have greatly modified their effects and retarded the estrangement between England and her transatlantic child. This postponement would have ensured in the mean time a closer and more frequent communication with Europe. A higher class of immigrants would have settled in the Thus, then, at the beginning of the great American colonies. Their influence would revolutionary struggle, the state of Ameri- have reacted on their friends and connections can society did not bear to the contemporary of their own rank in England. A more state of English society that resemblance courteous, and more liberal tone would have which colonial society bears to the English been infused into any controversial discussociety of the present day. There were, in- sions with the mother country. A race of deed, gentlemen in America equal to any men would have grown up imbued with gentlemen in Europe. George Washington English predilections, and trained up in the was a thorough gentleman. His friend, A. manly sports, in the manly school-lore, in Hamilton, was a gentleman. There were the generous school-feelings, of English other gentlemen and scholars among the boys. Above all, a race would have grown authors and leaders of the Revolution; but up imbued with the English principle of fair

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