

A LETTER from Naples of the 21st instant, gives a highly interesting account of the spectacle presented by Vesuviuson the 18th:

"On Tuesday we had another eruption, equal in magnificence to any I have yet witnessed. It was beginning when I despatched my last letter; as, however, the day wore on it increased in power, and the same wonderful and beautiful effects which I have already described were again observable. At every shot that was fired by the mountain there rose a cloud of ashes in the form of a pine-tree, which filed off to the south as another shot was fired and another cloud arose. As the heavy-laden clouds escaped beyond the power which had expelled them, and as the aqueous vapor was condensed, we could see at intervals showers, nay, storms, of ashes falling like avalanches on land and sea, and still the black gorgeous masses rolled on towards Capri, obscuring the coast which lies opposite to Naples. Thunder and lightning, or the roaring of Vesuvius, and electric lights, were frequent incidents in this awful scene; the latter, shot up from the mouth of the crater to the summit of the dark cone, played about its involutions, and revelled, as it were, in the license of freedom-the daylight could not obscure its brilliancy. Towards sunset we marked that effect of color which is only to be seen in Southern latitudes, for then the mass of dark cloud which hung over Vesuvius and the entire bay was lit up with the most delicate roseate tints. Then came on gray eve and darker night, rendered still more so by the electric flashes which continued to dance above Vesuvius.

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"On the next morning I went down to Torre again. Alas! it is a city on crutches; many cripples have fallen, and many are falling. Professor Palmieri, the great Vesuvian authority, confirms the report of the elevation of the soil, and hopes that the proprietors will not rebuild until the depression which may be expected has taken place.' Yet, with a fatuity which appears like madness, the people are with difficulty held back from returning to their perilous dwellings. It is the fact that General Della Marmora has been compelled to station soldiers there to prevent such folly. From all I can gather, the mountain was split from top to bottom, the fissure reaching far into the sea. In a few words I will show this. There are eleven craters above Torre del Greco, all emitting sulphurous vapors, and the largest is from seventy to eighty feet deep and one hundred feet wide. From this point on the 8th inst., after heavy rumblings and heaving of the surface, the ground was split open, and

fiery fissure was made almost to the outskirts of the city, through which the same unseen power passed, opening the streets and laying bare some parts of the former buried town, and then running into the sea. All this is evident to the eye. You see the fissures in all directions, and walk daintily at times lest you fall in, or lest some rickety building may come down.

"Yesterday the Exmouth, which went out to try its Armstrongs, returned by Torre del Greco, and made the circuit of a whirlpool, now formed, which must be about three hundred and sixty feet in diameter. It was boiling violently, and emitted a strong sulphurous odor. A boat thirty feet in length was let down and sent into the centre of the whirlpool, when it was turned rapidly round by the volcanic force beneath. The sounding gave twenty-three fathoms of water, and the plummet brought up sand and sulphur. From a part of the circumference a tail, so to call it, about sixty feet in width, runs away in the direction of Sorrento, and is of a beautiful light green color. All the water here was tepid, and had a strong sulphurous smell, and many fish have been destroyed. The precise elevation of the soil on which Torre stands is 1.12 metre, and I may observe that the gases which are emitted on land are stronger than those at sea, so much so that one man was killed on Wednesday, and several of my friends nearly fainted from pausing near them. It is unnecessary to say that the principal element developed is carbonic acid gas. On the part of the authorities the greatest energy still continues to be displayed for the relief of the late inhabitants, and I must particularly note the devoted sympathy which Torre dell' Annunziata has shown towards the poor fugitives, whose number I have not exaggerated.

"The official journal of Naples publishes the latest report of M. Palmieri, Director of the Observatory of that city, containing an account of the decline of the present eruption up to the 17th. He states that, although Mount Vesuvius has nearly subsided into its usual quiet state, yet a quantity of carbonic acid is still being evolved from the soil of Torre del Greco, leading to the belief that all the crevices opened there communicate with a vast subterranean receptacle of that gas, extending far under the sea, where numerous bubbles are seen to arise, and the death of a large number of fish has been remarked in consequence. This time the eruption has not been announced by the disappearance of water from the wells, but, on the contrary, by the opening of new springs strongly acidulated with carbonic acid, which has also tainted the water of several wells, which, at the same time, has risen to a higher

level in them. But the most singular phenomenon mentioned by M. Palmieri is, that the soil has risen nine-eighths of a metre above the level of the sea; and since this rising has taken place above the old lava of 1794, the latter has been broken and cracked in various directions, which has caused the fall of many edifices built upon it. The true cause of the receding of the sea, so often mentioned by authors, and not credited, as no cause could be assigned for it, is now fully explained; it is not the sea that recedes,

From The Independent.*

NEW USES OF PRAYER-MEETINGS. IN The Christian Intelligencer of last week is given an incident of the Fulton Street Prayermeeting :

"A gentleman said he belonged to the church of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and he wanted to present him and his church as a subject of prayer. He gave some reasons why he made the request. The response was made by a prayer, full of carnestness, by a Presbyterian minister, that the pastor and church might exemplify the gospel of Christ in doctrine and example, and be made to use their influence in saving souls. He prayed that the pastor might preach the preaching to which he had been consecrated, and set apart by the laying on of hands-knowing nothing in his doctrines and teachings but Jesus Christ, and him crucified. The spirit of the prayer was one of great brotherly kindness and charity, and yet it was felt that there was good reason for earnest supplication that the high position and influence of this pastor and people might, in the highest sense, subserve the cause of truth and holiness."

The pastor of Plymouth Church thanks the brother who introduced this request, and the Presbyterian brother who uttered the supplica. tions. He would esteem it a favor, if without prejudice to other persons in like need, the brethren of this admirable and honored meeting would again and often remember him. How much better is it to pray for men, than to criticise and find fault? If one's fears or suspicions of brethren were uttered only in the ears of God, would it not promote charity and harmony? And if by putting the fact in the newspapers, others shall be incited to add their petitions, we ought to waive the mere matter of taste for the sake of the greater spiritual advantage.

but the soil that rises. 'It now remains to be seen,' says M. Palmieri, whether this rising will go down again; and I would, therefore, recommend the landowners of Torre del Greco not to set about rebuilding their houses just yet.' The craters continue to emit sulphurous hydrochloric acid, and also a certain quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen. Among the sublimations may be mentioned a large amount of sulphur, the usual chlorides of iron, and a little specular iron ore."

men to stick close to facts and the truth. There is no such liability in a forensic prayer One can say what he pleases about brethren, and his prayer will not be answered. This is one of the difficulties that conscientious persons have always experienced-how to take off a man's head and not let him know it; how to give a man a deserved thrust without incurring risks; how to table charges against troublesome persons without having to defend them; how to set the Christian Church upon its guard against men without the imputation of slander.

The Fulton Street prayer-meeting is not the first to employ this not altogether new artillery. We have heard brethren set each other down in church prayer-meetings in the most edifying manner; nor could we conceive of any other way in which so many disagreeable duties could be so deftly performed, and under such judicious appearances. We have heard men moved to confess the sins of the church in such an inspired manner as must have made sundry consciences tingle. Not only was a quarrel avoided, but the exercise seemed blest to the awaking of a like spirit in several whom it concerned, and in this way the heavenly auditorium was made the repository of all the feuds of the brotherhood. This is one advantage which our churches have over the Episcopal. Precomposed and established forms render it difficult to reach many special cases. All that can be done is to emphasize certain words, and to think whom you mean by them. But this is only a limping liberty after all.

Might we not banish from conversation and letters and newspapers much personal matter, by removing it into the safer channels of a prayermeeting? It is worthy of thought.

There are many men, besides the pastor of Plymouth Church, who need the kind sympathies of judicious Christians to enable them to preach the preaching to which they have been consecrated;" there are many Christian agents of the Church, and committee-men, who need help to "preach the preaching," and do the doings, and publish the publishings, to which, and not from which, they have been set apart. May they not share? Meanwhile, there are added reasons in our own case for renewed sympathy. Will not some reader of The Independent, wonted to those meetings, explain to the brethren the weight of those duties that rest upon an editor, and ask that we may be strengthened? To all our other onerous duties will now be added the weekly reading of The Christian Intelligencer. May we 'be wakeful and patient!

There are some things which can be better" done by a prayer-meeting than by a synod. There is a sacred liberty in prayer not accorded to documents coldly penned. There are intimations, and devout fears, and vague suspicions, which, if formally stated to men would impose grave responsibilities. And it is a mercy to have one place where one can say whatever is in his heart without being called to account by men, and say it, too, benevolently. There is something discursive and uncertain in a speech. Somebody is apt to answer you. It opens the way to correct mistakes; and obliges [* Readers will bear in mind that Mr. Beecher is Ed. of The Independent and pastor of Plymouth Ch.]

peace secured. The world has never had such peace as it enjoyed during the reigns of the first twelve Cæsars-never had such free trade, such an universal direction of energy towards material progress and mental cultivation. The sway of the Flavian House secured all for which Manchester sighs, even down to direct taxation. But that is not the condition for which Europe is longing, or which statesmen ought to desire. Peace would be dearly purchased at the price of freedom, nor would free trade be a full compensation for the diversities of national life, and separate developments of civilization. This objection applies to any such central authority, but the case against any authority Europe could now establish is heavier still. The reference of all disputes to a congress, formal or informal, is really a reference to the Continent, and moreover to the courts

From The Spectator, 28 Dec. M. THOUVENEL'S DESPATCH. M. THOUVENEL'S despatch to the American Government will not altogether please those who remember that under the modern system of Europe, every public act constitutes a precedent. It is, of course, primâ facie pleasant to find our conduct approved of by a sensitive and exigeant neighbor, and to be sure that we are not blinded by national pride and self-interest. It is also-at least to those who seek the honor of England, and not merely the humiliation of America-satisfactory to feel that an excuse has been offered which may fairly enable a self-glorious people to submit, without the sense of having yielded to menace. No man's pride is offended by yielding to the voice of a calm bystander, and even the Americans who have been fed upon praise as other men are fed upon pap, have never asserted of the Continent, and they are not yet fit to their ability to face all Europe combined. The despatch, therefore, is at once soothing to England and favorable to ourselves, but its publication is none the less an unsatisfactory event. It is one step more, and a great one, towards that reference of all national questions to the decision of Europe which Napoleon so affects, and for which Europe is by no means yet prepared. The French Government is always wanting to call a congress to settle somebody's affairs, and only twelve months ago Earl Russell was compelled to place on record a grave protest against this tendency as applied to Syria.

be trusted. We have not yet forgotten that the last great Congress formally passed a resolution which, had it possessed an executive force, would have restricted the liberty of the press, and any congress now collected would undoubtedly show a majority biased in favor of authority and against political freedom. It is very pleasant, of course, to hear that Europe has pronounced in our favor; but suppose the decision had been the other way: is the law of the seas to be settled by powers whose first interest is to cripple the British marine? Or, to illustrate the case more clearly; suppose, as may happen still, that the American GovernThis notion of submitting everything to ment endorsed Captain Wilkes in full, and collective Europe is the more dangerous, claimed the right to seize Mason and Slidell because it is the only practical mode of car- simply as political criminals, and that this rying out that notion of arbitration which is demand were referred to "Europe." Freebecoming so popular. No court or individ- dom would scarcely have a third of the votes. ual could enforce its award against a first- Austria has always denied the principle of class power on any point which roused the the right of asylum. Prussia has not afpopular passions, and a powerless court tri- firmed it. It is opposed to the object of the bunal is always, sooner or later, a disre- Assassination Bill, which the French colonels garded one. Europe could, if it chose, in urged so violently, and to the fundamental most cases enforce its decrees; and it is for ideas of the Russian monarchy. England, that reason that these incessant appeals Italy, Belgium, and Holland would probably to its vote are so exceedingly dangerous. stand in the conclave opposed to the rest of There is something in the idea of collective Europe, and unable either to resist or to civilization enforcing peace which fascinates obey the decreè. Resistance would be a the imagination, and leads men who are in- breach of international law, while obedience stinctively thirsty for an established order would be prohibited by public feeling, which to forget that peace is not in itself an end. on this particular point is prepared for reIts value depends entirely upon the sort of sistance to any conceivable exertion of force.

There are many such questions perpetually and has been comparatively useless. When arising, upon which nations with free institu- Prussia and Austria are united they can utter tions, and nations governed either by Divine their joint decision through the Diet, but a right or by Cæsarism, cannot hope to agree, resolution against either of them would and on which any central body must either be practically inoperative. The Germanic give a nugatory vote, or one which, so far States, it is true, remain at peace with each from preventing war, would only extend its other, but their tranquillity arises from area. Yet it is to this result that despatches causes of cohesion other than the Dietlike this of M. Thouvenel inevitably tend. from a growing sense of national unity, and This time the system is employed to uphold a deep-rooted idea of national danger. But a neutral right, but next time it may be di- the Diet will not prevent the King of Prusrected against territorial independence- sia from fighting the King of Denmark, also may, for example, decide that an infraction of the Canadian boundary is not a just cause of war. We may then be told that it is not necessary to obey the European verdict, but to justify the assertion we must not attach too much importance to that verdict now. The friendly opinions received from France and Austria may be acknowledged in the same spirit, but as an opposite vote would not have proved us wrong, so the approval does not prove us to be in the right.

But we may be told by many to whom peace seems always the dearest of blessings, "Although Europe is not yet ready, surely, any step towards an international tribunal must be beneficial." We are by no means satisfied that under any circumstances any such scheme could succeed for important questions. So long as each nation is independent, the decree of a congress is worthless unless supported by force, and whence is the force to come? The plan is tried in a way already among the Germanic States,

a German sovereign, nor could it for an hour stay Prussia from contesting by force the right of Hanover to the heritage of the Duchy of Brunswick just now in dispute. The Diet has, in fact, done nothing except to retard, by the unity which it nominally enforces, the independent development of each separate state, two of which, but for its interference would by this time be constitutional. There can be no better evidence of the prospects of a European Areopagus than the position of this Diet. It has all which the wildest dreamer could hope for the larger institution-popular favor, executive force, arms, money, and intellect, yet it can accomplish nothing without the consent of the very powers whose possible bickerings it was established to prevent. Its establishment has, it is true, increased the desire for unity, but that is to our minds another reason against any imitation. European unity means, we fear, the extinction of European life.


THE BLACKBIRD.-When a blackbird once learns a tune, he never forgets it nor any part of it. I once knew a bird that could whistle "Polly Hopkins" with wonderful accuracy. His owner sold him, at the same time making the purchaser acquainted with the bird's favorite tune. As soon as the gentleman got him home, he at once hung up the blackbird, and going to the piano, struck up Polly Hopkins." The bird's new master, however, introduced parts into the tune that he had never heard before; so, after listening awhile, he began hissing, fluttering his wings, and otherwise signifying his distaste of the whole performance. Much surprised, the gentleman left off playing, and then the blackbird opened his throat, and favored his new master with his version of "Polly Hopkins," nor would he ever listen with any patience to any other version. This same blackbird, after staying in the service of the above-mentioned gen

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tleman for two years, was adopted by a serious family, where “ Polly Hopkins" and all such profanity were sedulously avoided. Whenever poor “Joe”—the blackbird's name-attempted to strike up the old tune, a cloth was thrown over his cage, and he was silenced. The family consisted of an old lady and her two daughters, and every night, at seven o'clock, prayers were read, and the "Evening Hymn" sung; and Joe, who was an obedient bird, and anxious to conform to the habits of the house, speedily learned the tune, and regularly whistled it while the old lady and her daughters sang it. This went on for six or seven years, when the mother died, and the daughters separated, and Joe, now an aged blackbird, fell into new hands; but to his dying day he never gave up the "Evening Hymn.' Punctually as the clock struck seven he tuned up, and went straight through with it with the gravity of a parish clerk.-Beeton's Home Pets.

From The Saturday Review.

THE ROMANCE OF A DULL LIFE.* THIS is a novel standing somewhere between those of Miss Austen and those of Miss Bronté. It has affinities with each of the schools which they represent. The treatment of the central figure is a good

deal after the manner of the latter author

lessening the distance which separates her from Miss Austen, rather than that which still lies between herself and Miss Bronté. If she must drink of both, let it be in larger proportions from the still well of Hampshire than the boiling passionate geyser of the West Riding.

Of course only one thing can impart romance to a dull life; namely, love. Constance Felton is a young lady who leads a very secluded life in the country where her father owns an estate, but owing to embarrassed circumstances, does not mix at all in society. Mr. Basil Hyde, a young man of fortune, is staying, when the story opens,

ess. Apart from this, there is a great deal of the same descriptive power, the same picturesque style which may be found in Jane Eyre. On the other hand, many of the minor characters are delineated in a way that reminds us of Miss Austen. They are not mere sketches thrown in by way of contrast, or as foils to the principals, in which in the neighborhood, and makes the aclight too many novelists are apt to regard quaintance of the Feltons. An attachment them. They bear the mark of high finish; springs up between him and Constance. and when they talk or act, it is with a con- The effect which each produces on the other sistency which indicates so many complete is very happily described, and with great conceptions. And, speaking generally, these delicacy of touch. Constance, who is thoughtpages are marked by nice observation of ful and intelligent, but utterly unsophisticharacter, and readiness in seizing on its cated, can only fall down and worship the salient points, as well as by a vein of quiet hero of her dreams. The man of the world, satire, such as that which gives piquancy to on the other hand, is interested and fasciEmma or Pride and Prejudice. We shall nated, but makes his advances nevertheless take occasion, further on, to point out where with extreme caution. After sundry meetit falls immeasurably below the standard of ings at the house of a mutual friend, as well excellence to which we have compared it. as in each other's homes, affairs appear ripBut it is no slight praise to say that in some ening for an eclaircissement, when an unforrespects it approaches that standard. We tunate occurrence mars all. Constance had cannot refrain from adding a word of ad- agreed to ride home from a picnic party with vice. The Romance of a Dull Life is marked Basil, who was about to go abroad, and inby freshness and originality, but there are tended to declare himself before leaving. indications of its authoress having not yet This afternoon is the crisis of her life. Her arrived at her full powers. It is interesting, father, anxious for her health, insists on her not only on its own account, but also as returning from the party in a carriage; and holding out the promise of something still Basil, not knowing the reason of her apparbetter. If that promise is ever to be real-ently fickle conduct, leaves the neighborized, it will be by a closer study of human hood the next day in dudgeon, without any nature from its objective side, and by check- explanation. Subsequently a report reaches ing the propensity to dive into psychological him that she is engaged to another man; problems and the complex mechanism of motives and feelings. If human nature is to be painted in colors that will last, the basis of the portraiture must be something broader and more solid than the mere sensational experience of the artist. A novel should reflect life as it appears from the outside to any intelligent observer-not the idiosynocrasy of one mind, however gifted. If the authoress of the volume with which we are now dealing is wise, she will aim at

The Romance of a Dull Life. By the Author of "Morning Clouds" and "The Afternoon of Life." London: Longmans. 1861.

but, as a motive for Mr. Hyde's conduct, this is kept quite in the background. After awhile, he returns from Italy, where he has fallen in with a dashing young lady, Miss Anne Cartaret, who ultimately succeeds in catching him; not, however, before he has met Constance Felton once more, and had full opportunity for removing all misunderstanding with regard to their mutual feelings. But this he is too proud to attempt doing, conceiving himself to be the injured party, and being blind to the true state of her heart. So he drifts into a marriage with

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