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The Adoption of Sons is not lawful, but in defect of natural Children; which not being understood by the Chriftians of this Bishoprick through their ignorance of the Law, they do commonly Adopt the Children of their Slaves born in their Houfes, or of other People, difinheriting their lawfully begotten Children, fometimes upon the account of fome differences they have had with them, and fometimes only for the affection they have to Strangers, all which is contrary to Law and Reason, and is a manifelt injuftice and wrong done to their legitimate Children; wherefore the Synod doth declare, that the faid Adoptions muft not be practifed where there are natural Children, and being done are void, fo that the Perfons thus Adopted are not capable of inheriting any thing, except what may be left them by way of Legacy, which must not exceed the third of the Eftate; nó, not tho the Adoption was made before there were any Legitimate Children to inherit. The Synod doth furthermore declare, That the Adoptions which have been made before the celebration of this Synod, where there are Children, and the Adopted are not in actual poffeffion of the Estate, are void, neither fhall the Adopted have any fhare thereof, or having had any, fhall be obliged to restore it, to which if it be found neceffary, the Prelate shall compell them by Pen



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nalties and Cenfures; but as to thofe who by virtue of fuch Adoptions, have for a long time been in quiet poffeffion of Eftates, the Synod by this Decree does not intend to difpoffefs them thereof, by reafon of the great disturbance and confufion the doing fo would make in this Diocefs, which is what this Synod pretends to hinder, leaving every one however in fuch Cafes, at liberty to take their remedy at Law...

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Decree XXII.

Hereas the way of Adopting by ancient Custom in this Diocefs, is to carry the Parties that are to be Adopted before the Bishop or Prelate, with certain Teftimonials, before whom they declare, that they take fuch a one for their Son, whereupon the Bishop pafleth an Olla or Certificate, and fo the Adoption is per fected; the Synod doth command, That from henceforward, the Prelate do not accept of an Adoption from any that have Children of their, owns or in cafe they have none, yet it fhall be declared in the Olla, That if they fhall afterwards happen to have any, that the faid Olla fhall be void to all intents and purposes; by which means the great Injustices that are now fo common in this Diocefs will be prevented.

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THe He Synod being defirous to have all the Chriftians of this Diocefs to live together in Villages, by reafon of the great inconvenigencies they are under that live in the Heaths, as well by reafon of the great communication they must have with Infidels, as for wanting opportunities of going to Church, and Sacraments, whereby they are kept in ignorance of Christianity, doth in order thereunto very earneftly recommend it to all Chriftians that live in Heaths, to do all they are able, cither to come and live in fome Village, or to build new Villages with Churches, that fo they may live more civilly, and be feparated from the communication of Infidels, and be the better inftructed in the Cuftoms of our Holy Catholick Faith, recommending it earneftly to the Vicars to perfuade their Sheep thereunto, for the Spiritual profit they will receive thereby: which the Prelate fhall alfo endeavour with all his power.


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Decree XXIV.

He Synod having taken into confideration the manifold Injuftices, Oppreffions and Grievances wherewith Infidel Kings and Goyernours do often treat the Chriftians of this Bifhoprick; and that out of enmity to our Holy Catholick Faith, and obferving the neceflity they


are in of Defence and Protection, doth with great inftance defire, That his Majefty the King of Portugal would be gracioufly pleafed to take all the Chriftians of this Bifhoprick under his Favour and Protection, he being the only Christian King or Lord in all these Oriental Parts; and the Chriftians of this Diocefs fhall on their

* Protection.] By this we fee, the King of Cochim was not jealous without reafon, that the Arch-Bifhop had a State defign in the great pains and charge he was at in the reduction of his Chriftian Subjects; and tho nothing was talked of but the Pope, and the Roman Obedience, that the King of Spain, and the augmentation of his ftrength in the Indies by the acceffion of fo many new Subjects, was the main Spring in the Enterprize. I will not fay, tho' it is probable enough, that the Arch-Bifhop by magnifying this Service at the Court of Spain, got first to be Governour of the Indies, and afterwards to be Governour of all the Dominions of Portugal, and Prefident of the Council of State at Madrid; but this we are fure of, that that Ser. vice to the Crown of Spain was much boafted of here in Europe by others. For the Jefuit layus in his Book De Rebus Japanicis, fpeaking of this very thing, faith, Cue res quanto Regie Majeftati emolumento fit latura, norunt qui non ignorant, quanti fit momenti, gentem in tota India lectifimam, à temporibus B. Thoma Chriftiano cultui deditum, támque numerofum d

potentem, ut armatos ad Triginta Millia in promptu habeat cum Lafitanis unire, ad Ecclefia Romane obedientiam revocare, & in Fidem ditionemque Regis Catholici accipere. But as it is vifible that the increafing of the Portugueze ftrength in the Indies, by the acceffion of fo many new Subjects, was what both the Arch-Bishop and Spanfe Government aimed at chiefly in the troublesome and chargeable reduction of this Church: So it is certain, that from this very Year 1599, the Portugueze Hifto rians do begin to reckon the declination of their strength in those parts; who give the following Account of the three Ages of their Indian Government; that it was in its Infancy till the Year 1561; and from that time till the Year 1600, in its Manhood or full ftrength, and ever fince has been in its Old declining Age, and is now in truth become fo decrepid, as to be only the Ghost of a great Name. Neither is this robe won dred at, confidering how common a thing it is for God to blaft the moft promifing Securities, when obtained by fuch violent and un lawful Methods.

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parts be ready at all times to facrifice their Lives to their Holy Catholick Faith, the prefervation of Christianity, and the defence of Chriftians, which they fhall be always prepared to do with their Lives and Fortunes; befeeching the most Reverend Metropolitan, Prefident of this Synod, to present this their Petition to his Majesty, and to let him know how ready all the Chriftians of this Bishoprick are to ferve him.


Decree XXV.

Hereas in this Synod,Matters pertaining to our Holy Catholick Faith,the Holy Sacra ments of the Church, the Reformation of Affairs thereof, and the Customs of Chriftian People have been handled; the Synod doth command all Vicars of Churches not to fail to have all its Decrees Tranfcribed from the Original Malabar, and to have a Copy thereof in all their Churches, Signed by the Reverend the Arch-Deacon of this Diocefs, and the Rector of the College of Vaipicotta, and upon every Sunday and Holy-day, when there is no Sermon nor no Lecture upon the Catechifm fet forth by the most Reverend Metropolitan, that a portion of this Synod be read to the People; but on the Seasons when the faid Catechism is ordered to be read, it shall be read on Sundays, and the Synod upon Holys days, that fo all that is decreed therein may come to the knowledge of the People, and may be remembred and obferved by them; the Ori

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