


Of the Reformation of Manners.

Decree I.

Hereas of all the evil Customs that are to be rooted from among the Faithful, those are the most dangerous which have fomething of the Heathen Superftition in them, of which this Bishoprick is full; therefore the Synod defiring that all fuch customs were totally extirpated, that fo Chriftians may enjoy Christianity in its purity, doth in order thereunto command,that all Superstitious washings which are by fome most fuperftitioufly practifed as Holy Ceremonies be utterly abolifhed, fuch as the washing of Dead Corps the Day after they have given a Dole, reckoning it a Sin to neglect fuch washings, the making of Circles with Rice, into which they put the Parties that are to be Married, having given Rice before to Children, as also the taking a thred out with great Superftition when they cut a Web of Cloath, and the taking two grains of Nele back again, after they have fold and measured it: all which Heathenish Vanities the Synod totally prohibits, commanding all that fhall use them hereafter to be feverely Apunished.



Decree II.

THo' it would much rejoice the Synod to

fee the Superftitious and abfurd Customs of

the Heathen Malavars of the better fort not mixing with the lower, and of having no communication or correfpondence with those that have but touched any of them, totally abolished among the Christians of this Bishoprick; yet forafmuch as the Chriftians thereof, by reason of their being subject to Infidel Princes, whom they are forced to obey in all things, wherein the Faith is no ways concerned; and that Chriftians, if they should but touch those of the bafer rank, could not after that, according to the Laws, have any Trade or communication with the better fort of People, and fo would not be able to live among them; for which reafon the Synod doth declare, That the custom of not touching any of the bafer fort, being observed only in complyance with the Heathens, and looked upon as a Superftitious Heathen Vanity, and not voluntarily obferved, is no Superftition, nor for the abovementioned Reasons any matter of fcruple, and that Christians may in all places thus lawfully obferve it, where there are Naires or any of the better fort, or where it is likely they may be, or may come to hear of it: But in all places where these Caufes do not concurr, or in fecret, or among the Portuguezes, this Superstition cannot be obferved without doing a great injury to their

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their Consciences; on the contrary, the Synod doth admonish all the Faithful to receive all fuch with great Love and Charity, tho' never fo poor and mean, and efpecially if they are Chriftians, knowing that there is no diftinction of Perfons with God, who is Lord of all: And albeit they do not touch the bafe fort of People upon the forementioned account, yet if they Thould happen to touch any of them, they fhall not wash themselves thereupon, that being a thing that can never come to the knowledge of the Heathens, and would therefore be a manifest Superftition; thofe alfo that will not touch the Naires, or if they fhould, do wash themselves, which, as the Synod is informed, is what the Chriftians in the Southern parts do obferve, where the forementioned impediment is not among the Heathens, who are rather fcandalized by fuch a contemptuous Carriage: Therefore the Synod doth command all that fhall be found guilty of forbearing to touch fuch, or having touched them, fhall wash themselves, to be feverely punished as Superftitious followers of the Heathen Customs, and commands the Preachers and Confeflors to admonish them thereof in their Sermons and Confeffions.


Decree III.

THe Synod being informed, that in fome parts when any one of the bafer fort do but touch the Cisterns of Chriftians, that Chriftians do * Difempolear or Purify them, by performing certain Ceremonies after the manner of the Heathens, which is very contrary to the Purity of the Chriftian Religion, being an intolerable Superftition, doth with great rigour command thofe that make the faid Difempoleamento or Purification, or use the faid Ceremonies, to be thrown out of the Communion of the Church, and to be denied the Cafture during the Prelate's pleasure, or at leaft for one Year, and to be punished with the Penalties that fuch Ceremonies do deferve.

*This word Difempolear, comes this vile caft of People is called from Toleas, which is the name by.

Decree IV.

Whereas in the Feaft of the Heathen, called Ona, which is Celebrated in August, in

which they go out one against another with Bows and Arrows, and other Arms, in which conflicts fome are killed, and more wounded; and fome Chriftians, unmindful of their Obligations, living among them, and communicating much with them, do go forth with them, and Armed as they are to the faid Feafts, and are thereby liable to the fame Difafters: Therefore

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the Synod doth command all the Faithful Chriftians of this Bishoprick, in Holy Obedience, and upon pain of Excommunication, not to prefume to refort to this or any other Heathen Festivity, tho' there fhould be no Ceremony belonging to a Pagod therein; forafniuch as all fuch Feafts are dedicated to the faid Pagods, and are celebrated and obferved to their Honour and Veneration; which is the rather to be forbore in this of the Ona, by reafon of the danger of death that there is probably therein, the Heathens fuperftitiously imagining that all that die in that occafion, go immediately to Heaven; but Christians shall only obferve their own Holy Feftivities among themfelves, and that with a due moderation and decency, as becomes the Profeffors of the Law of Chrift; without having any thing to do with the Superftitious Festivals of the Heathens, which are dedicated to the Honour of the Devil, and any Chriftian fhall die in the faid Heathen Feaft, he shall be denied Ecclefiaftical Burial.


Decree V.

Aithful Chriftians must not only avoid the Ceremonies and Superftitions of the Heathens, Eut the Judaical Rites and Ceremonies alfo, which were all abrogated by the fufficient promulgation of the Gofpel, for which reafon the Synod, tho' it doth very much commend the Holy Cufrom of carrying Children to Church forty days after they are born, to offer them to the Lord,

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