
ger of their dying before, in which cafe they ought to be Christened immediately, or that it should so happen, that if they are not baptized fooner, they cannot be in a long time, in which cafe also they ought to be presently Christened and for those that live in Heaths, and far from any Church, if they should not be able to bring their Children to be baptized on the eighth day, they must not fail to bring them betwixt the fifteenth and the twentieth; and all that are found to be negligent herein, let them be punish'd feverely; and whofoever fhall neglect to bring their own Children, or others that they have the charge of, tho' their Slaves, to Baptism for above a Month, let them be thrown out of the Church, neither shall it be lawful for any Prieft to go to their Houses, or to give them the Cafturi, or a Vifit, no not in order to perfwade them to bring their Children to Baptifm: But if it should be probable that the length of the Way might endanger the Child's Life, then let the Father or Guardian fignifie fo much to the Vicar of the Church to which they belong, that a fit remedy may be taken therein, that the Baptifm of the Infant be no longer deferred; and in fuch Cafes the Synod doth command all Vicars either in Perfon, or by fome other Priest, to haften to go; the doing thereof with diligence being one of the highest Duties of their Function.


Detree VI.

The prefent Synod doth condemn the Cuftom

or Abuse which has hitherto obtained in this Diocefs, of not Baptizing the Infants of Parents that are Excommunicated, for fear of having fome Communion with them, by which means it often happens, that Children continue unbaptized for many Years, thereby running a great hazard of dying without Baptifm; and ordaining the contrary, commands the Children of Excommunicated Parents to be Chriften'd as well as others, and to that intent declares, That they that go into fuch Families to fetch fuch Children, or fhall carry or accompany them to Church, fhall incurr no cenfure or punishment whatsoever for fo doing; nevertheless, the Perfons that are Excommunicated fhall not be fuffer'd to go along with them, nor fhall others go to any Feaft or Banquet at their Houfes which they may have made on that occafion.


Decree VII.

He Synod doth exhort and admonish all Fathers and Mothers, and all other Perfons that are present at Womens Labour, to be careful not to fuffer any Infant to die without Baptifm: Wherefore if they fhall perceive the Child when it is born, to be weak, or in danger of dying presently, they fhall then, if it can be done,

done, call the Vicar, or in his abfence any other Priest, to come immediately to Baptize the Infant; but if the danger fhall be fuch as not to admit of any delay, in that cafe any Perfon that is prefent fhall Baptize it in the Church; throwing Water upon its Face, and faying, 1 Baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen: which shall be done by Ecclefiafticks, if any are present, rather than Laicks, and by Men, rather than Women, if they know the Form; but if they do not, then any one that knows it may perform it; and when Infants are in danger of dying in the birth, in cafe the Head or any other principal Member doth appear, tho' the whole Body fhould not, they fhall fprinkle the Member that appears with Water, ufing the Form. And as for thofe that have been Baptized in this manner, if they fhall happen to live, and it shall be proved that they were Baptized on the Head, or the greater part of the Body, they shall not then be Chriften'd again, but fhall only be carried to the Church to be anointed with the Holy Oils; but if the Baptifm was performed on any other part, they fhall then be Baptized again, but with a Condition, faying, If thou art not Baptized, I Baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, Amen: And after the fame manner Priests, and others fhall behave themselves, as to fuch Perfons of whofe Baptifm they have any reafon to doubt; provided, if there are any other prefent, it fhail not be lawful for the Parents of O 2


fuch Infants to Baptize them, that they may not contract the Spiritual Relation of Godfather, or Godmother; but in cafe there fhould be no body else prefent, and the Child fhould be in apparent danger of Death, in fuch a cafe of neceffity, the Father or Mother must Baptize it.


Decree VIII.

He Synod doth earnestly recommend to all People, to procure Christian Daia's or Midwives in all their Towns, and fuch as know the Form of Baptism, and are able to fuccour the neceffities of Infants when born in danger : And whereas Infidel Daia's do ufe a great many Ceremonies and Superftitions with Infants, which are foreign to the purity and integrity of the Gofpel, and especially fuch of them as are Mahometans; the Vicars fhall therefore take care frequently to inftruct all their People, but efpecially the Daia's, in the Form of Baptifm, that fo every body may know how to fuccour the neceflities of Infants when they are born; and the Confeflors of the Daia's must be fure to examine them as to the faid Form, and having inftructed them therein, fhall acquaint them how thuch it is their duty to be perfect in it.


Decree IX.

The Synod doth command, That no Perfon prefume to keep an Infidel Slave without Baptizing him; whom, if they are Infants, they fhall Baptize prefently; and if come to years of difcretion, they fhall take care to inftruct in the Faith, in order to make them Chriftians, but without any manner of Compulfion, befides that of continual Perfuafion; and whofoever should be found to have an Infidel Child that is not Baptized, or one that is of Age and does defire to be, fhall be feverely punished by the Prelate, and the Parties fhall be Christened: In this the Vicars ought to be extreamly vigilant, and efpecially when they make the Roll of Confeffions, and inquire what Perfons are in every Family, and who are not Chriftians, and why they are not.

Decree X.

THere being fome Christians fo unmindful of their Christian Obligations,as to fell Chriftians to Infidels, contrary to the Holy Canons, who by that means are certainly constrained to Apoftatize from the Faith; wherefore the Synod in virtue of Obedience, and upon pain of Excommunica tion to be ipfo facto incurred, doth command, That no Chriftian prefume to Sell any of the Faithful to Infidels; and that whofoever fhall be found to have done it, fhall be forthwith decla

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