
fary to the health of Mankind, tho' not to every particular Perfon; they are, Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharift, Order, Penance, Matrimony, and Extream Unction, which do all conferr Grace on thofe that receive them worthily; and of these seven Sacraments, that Baptifm, Confirmation, and Orders, are to be received but once, neither can they be repeated without great Sacrilege.

I admit and receive all the Cuftoms, Rites, and Ceremonies, received and approved of in the Roman Church, in the folemn Administration of the said seven Sacraments, and do also receive and embrace all in general, and every thing in particular, that has been defined and declared concerning Original Sin, and Juftification, in the Holy Council of Trent.

I do likewife confefs, that in the Mafs there is offer'd to God a true and proper Sacrifice of Pardon both for the Quick and the Dead ; and that in the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, there is the true, real, and substantial Body and Blood, together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrift; and that the whole fubftance of the Bread is by Confecration turned into the Body of Christ, and the whole fubftance of the Wine into his Blood which Converfion the Catholick Church calls Tranfubftantiation: Moreover, I do confess, that under each Species Chrift is entire, and the true Sacrament is received.


us Men, and for our Salvation, came down from Heaven, and was Incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made Man, and was Crucified alfo for us under Pontius Pilate; He Suffered and was buried, and the third day he rofe again according to the Scriptures, and afcended into Heaven, and fitteth on the right hand of the Father, and he shall come again with Glory to Judge both the Quick and the Dead: whofe Kingdom fhall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghoft, the Lord and giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father, and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, whe spake by the Prophets. And I believe one Catholick and Apoftolick Church; I acknowledge one Baptifm, for the remiffion of Sins; and I look for the Refurrection of the Dead; and the Life of the World to come.

I do firmly receive and embrace all Apoftolical and Ecclefiaftical Traditions, and all the Obfervances and Conftitutions of the faid Church; I admit the Holy Scriptures in that fence wherein it has ever been, and is still held by Mother Church, to whom it belongeth to judge of the true Sence and Interpretation of the Holy Scriptures; neither will I either receive or interpret it but according to the unanimous consent of the Fathers.

I do confefs likewise, that there are Seven true and proper Sacraments of the New Testament, instituted by Christ our Lord, which are all necef


fary to the health of Mankind, tho' not to every particular Perfon; they are, Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharift, Order, Penance, Matrimony, and Extream Unction, which do all conferr Grace on those that receive them worthily; and of these seven Sacraments, that Baptifm, Confirmation, and Orders, are to be received but once, neither can they be repeated without great Sacrilege.

I admit and receive all the Cuftoms, Rites, and Ceremonies, received and approved of in the Roman Church, in the folemn Administration of the said seven Sacraments, and do also receive and embrace all in general, and every thing in particular, that has been defined and declared concerning Original Sin, and Juftification, in the Holy Council of Trent.

I do likewife confess, that in the Mass there is offer'd to God a true and proper Sacrifice of Pardon both for the Quick and the Dead ; and that in the most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, there is the true, real, and substantial Body and Blood, together with the Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jefus Chrift; and that the whole fubftance of the Bread is by Confecration turned into the Body of Christ, and the whole fubftance of the Wine into his Blood which Converfion the Catholick Church calls Tranfubftantiation: Moreover, I do confefs, that under each Species Chrift is entire, and the true Sacrament is received.



I do constantly hold and confefs, that there is a Purgatory, and that the Souls which are cleansing from their Sins, do receive benefit from the Prayers and Devotions of the Faithful.

I do likewise affirm, that † the Souls of the Juft

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in his 7tb Homily upon Leviticu, and a great many other places: Laulantius in the 21ft Chap. of his 7th Book; Villorinus in his Commentary upon the words, I saw under the Altar; Ambrofius in his 2d Book of Cain and Abel; Chryfoftom in his 39th Homily upon thofe words, If in this life only, in the

ft to the Corinth. The Author of the Imperfect Work, in his 34tb Homily upon St. Matthew; Auftin in his Enarration upon the 36th Pfalm; Theodoret in his Commentaries upon the 11th to the Heb. Oecumenius in his Commen

Purgator.] John Fisher, Bifhop of Rochester, in his 19th Article against Luther, does acknowledge the Doctrine of Purgatory to be an Article of Faith of no long ftanding in the Church. Multa (inquit) funt de quibus in primitivâ Ecclefia nulla quæftio falura fuerat, que tamen pofteriorum diligentiâ, fubortis dubitationibus jam evaferunt perfpicua. Nemo certè jam dubitat Orthodoxus an Purgatorium fit, de qua tamen apud prifcos illos nulla, vel quàm rariffima fiebat mentio, fed & Græcis ad hunc ufque diem, non eft creditum Purgatorium effe. Legat qui velit Græcorum veterum Commentaries upon the fame place; Theotarios, nullum (quantum opinor) phylact in his Commentaries upon aut quàm rariffimum de Purgatorio the 23d of St. Luke; Aretho on fermonem inveniet. Quamdiu enim those words, How long, O Lord, &c. nulla fuerat de Purgatorio cura; Ne- Euthymius upon the 23d of St. mo quafivit Indulgentias, nam ex Luke; and Bernard in his Sermon illo pendet omnis Indulgentiarum ex- upon All Saints day: And to Pope iftimatio; quum itaque Pugatorium John the 22d being charged with tam ferò cognitum ac receptum Eccle- having believed this Doctrine, fia fuerit univerfe, quis jam de Indul- Bellarmin returns the following gentiis mirari poteft quod in principio Answer, Joannem hunc 22 dum. nafcentis Ecclefie nullus fuerat ea- reverâ fenfiffe Animas non vifuras rum ufius, cœperunt igitur Indulgen- Deum nifi poft refurre&ionem, catetie, poftquam ad Purgatorii cruciatus rum hoc fenfiffe quando adhuc fentire aliquando trepidatum eft. licebat fine periculo Harefis, nulla enim adbuc pracefferat Ecclefiæ definitio. Which Confeffion makes the Do&rines of praying to Saints, and of Purgatery, and of Indulgences, to be very new Articles of Faith.

the Souls of the Juft.] This was the common Opinion of the Ancient Fathers; namely, Irenaus at the end of his 5th Book; Justin. Quæft. 76th. Tertullian in his 4th Book against Marcion; Origen


and Faithful, which at their departure out of this Life, have entirely fatisfied for the Punishment due to the Sins that they have committed; as alfo thofe in Purgatory which have made an end of fatisfying for their fins according to the Divine Pleasure and Ordination; as alfo those who after Baptifm have committed no Sin, do at the moment of their death go immediately into Heaven, where they behold God as he is: And I do condemn, and anathematize the Heresy of those, who think that the Souls of the Juft are in a Terreftrial Paradife till the day of Judgment; and that the Damned are not Tormented any otherwife than by the certainty they have of the Torments they are to enter into after the day of Judgment.

And I do confefs, and affirm, that the Saints now reigning with Chrift in Heaven, are to be Reverenced, and Invoked, and that they offer Prayers to God for us, whofe Relicks are likewife to be reverenced on Earth: And moreover, .that the Images of our Lord Christ, and of our Lady the Glorious Virgin Mary, and of all the other Saints, are to be kept, ufed, and reverenced, with due Honour and Veneration.

*Images,] Gyraldus, a Learned Papiff, in the 18th Page of the Hiftory of the Gods, fpeaking of Images in the Church of Rome, faith, At de iftiufmodi magis murire poffumus, quam palam loqui,

idcircò fatius ea fuerit Hippocratis Angerona confignare; illud certè non prætermittam, Nos dico Chriftianos, ut aliquando Romanos,fuiffe fine Ima ginibus in primitiva, que vocatur, Ecclefiâ.

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