fimple, unbalanced governments bad; fimple monarchy, fimple aristocracy, fimple democracy; he held them all imperfect or vicious: all were bad by themselves: the composition alone was good. That these had been always his principles, in which he had agreed with his friend Mr. Burke, of whom he faid many kind and flattering things, which Mr. Burke, I take it for granted, will know himself too well to think he merits, from any thing but Mr. Fox's acknowledged good-nature. Mr. Fox thought, however, that, in many cafes, Mr. Burke was rather carried too far by his hatred to innovation. Mr. Burke faid, he well knew that these had been Mr. Fox's invariable opinions; that they were a fure ground for the confidence of his country. But he had been fearful, that cabals of very different intentions, would be ready to make ufe of his great name, against his character and sentiments, in order to derive a credit to their deftructive machinations. Mr. Sheridan then rose, and made a lively and eloquent speech againft Mr. Burke; in which, among other things, he faid that Mr. Burke had libelled the national assembly of France, and had caft out reflections on fuch characters as those of the Marquis de la Fayette and Mr. Bailly. Mr. Burke faid, that he did not libel the national affembly of France, whom he confidered very .. C4 little 1 1 little in the discussion of these matters. That he thought all the substantial power resided in the republick of Paris, whose authority guided, or whose example was followed by, all the republicks of-France. The republick of Paris had an army under their orders, and not under those of the national assembly. N. B. As to the particular gentlemen, I do not remember that Mr. Burke mentioned either of them-certainly not Mr. Bailly. He alluded, undoubtedly, to the case of the Marquis de la Fayette; but whether what he afferted of him be a libel on him, must be left to those who are acquainted with the business. Mr. Pitt concluded the debate with becoming gravity and dignity, and a reserve on both fides of the question, as related to France, fit for a perfon in a ministerial situation. He said, that what he had spoken only regarded France when she should unite, which he rather thought she soon might, with the liberty she had acquired, the blessings of law and order. He, too, faid several civil things concerning the sentiments of Mr. Burke, as applied to this country. MR. MR. BURKE'S REFLECTIONS ON THE REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, AND ON THE PROCEEDINGS IN CERTAIN SOCIETIES IN LONDON, RELATIVE TO THAT EVENT. IN A LETTER INTENDED TO HAVE BEEN SENT TO A GENTLEMAN IN PARIS. 1790. (27) I T may not be unnecessary to inform the Reader, that the following Reflections had their origin in a correfpondence between the Author and a very young gentleman at Paris, who did him the honour of defiring his opinion upon the important transactions, which then, and ever fince, have fo much occupied the attention of all men. An anfwer was written some time in the month of October 1789; but it was kept back upon prudential confiderations. That letter is alluded to in the beginning of the following sheets. It has been since forwarded to the perfon to whom it was addressed. The reasons for the delay in sending it were affigned in a short letter to the fame gentleman. This produced on his part a new and preffing application for the Author's fentiments. The Author began a second and more full difcuffion on the subject. This he had fome thoughts of publishing early in the last spring; but the matter gaining upon him, he found that what he had undertaken not only far exceeded the meafure of a letter, but that its importance required rather a more detailed confideration than at that time he had any leifure to bestow upon it. However, having thrown down his first thoughts in the form of 1 |