
guard, composed of those very foldiers who had thus conducted them through this famous triumph, lodged in one of the old palaces of Paris, now converted into a Bastile for kings.

Is this a triumph to be confecrated at altars? to be commemorated with grateful thanksgiving? to be offered to the divine humanity with fervent prayer and enthusiastick ejaculation?-These Thebarn and Thracian orgies, acted in France, and ap. plauded only in the Old Jewry, I afssure you, kindle prophetick enthusiasm in the minds but of very few people in this kingdom; although a faint and apostle, who may have revelations of his own, and who has so completely vanquished all the mean superstitions of the heart, may incline to think it pious and decorous to compare it with the entrance into the world of the Prince of Peace, proclaimed in an holy temple by a venerable sage, and not long before not worse announced by the voice of angels to the quiet innocence of shepherds.

At first I was at a loss to account for this fit of unguarded transport. I knew, indeed, that the sufferings of monarchs make a delicious repast to fome fort of palates. There were reflections which might serve to keep this appetite within some bounds of temperance. But when I took one circumstance into my confideration, I was obliged to confefs, that much allowance ought to be made for for the society, and that the temptation was too strong for common difcretion; I mean, the cir cumftance of the Io Pæan of the triumph, the animating cry which called " for all the BISHOPS " to be hanged on the lamp-posts,"* might well have brought forth a burst of enthusiasm on the foreseen consequences of this happy day. I allow to so much enthusiasm some little deviation from prudence. I allow this prophet to break forth into hymns of joy and thanksgiving on an event which appears like the precursor of the Millennium, and the projected fifth monarchy, in the destruction of all church establishments. There was, however, (as in all human affairs there is) in the midst of this joy fomething to exercise the patience of these worthy gentlemen, and to try the long-fuffering of their faith. The actual murder of the king and queen, and their child, was wanting to the other aufpicious circumstances of this "beautiful day." The actual murder of the bishops, though called for by fo many holy ejaculations, was also wanting. A group of regicide and sacrilegious flaughter, was indeed boldly sketched, but it was only sketched. It unhappily was left unfinished, in this great history-piece of the maffacre of innocents. What hardy pencil of a great master, from the school of the rights of men, will finish it, is to be seen hereafter. The age has not yet the complete benefit of that diffufion of knowledge that has undermined superstition and errour; and the king of France wants another object or two, to consign to oblivion, in confideration of all the good which is to arise from his own sufferings, and the patriotick crimes of an enlightened age.*

* Tous les Evêques à la lanterne.


* It is proper here to refer to a letter written upon this fubject by an eye-witness. That eye-witness was one of the most honest, intelligent, and eloquent members of the national affembly, one of the most active and zealous reformers of the flate. He was obliged to secede from the affembly; and he afterwards became a voluntary exile, on account of the horrours of this pious triumph, and the difpofitions of men, who, profiting of crimes, if not causing them, have taken the lead in publick affairs.


Extract of M. de Lally Tollendal's Second Letter to a Friend.


"Parlons du parti que j'ai pris; il est bien justifié dans ma confcience.-Ni cette ville coupable, ni cette afsemblée plus coupable encore, ne meritoient que je me justifie; mais j'ai à cœur que vous, et les personnes qui pensent comme vous, ne me condamnent pas. - Ma santé, je vous jure, me rendoit mes fonctions impoffibles; mais même en les mettant de côté il a été au-dessus de mes forces de supporter plus longtems l'horreur que me causoit ce fang,-ces têtes cette reine presque égorgée, ce roi, amené esclave, -entrant à Paris, au milieu de tes affa fins, et précédé des têtes de ses malheureux gardes-ces perfides janniffaires, ces assaffins, ces femmes cannibales, ce cri de roUS LES EVEQUES A LA LANTERNE, dans le moment ou le roi entre VOL. V.





Although this work of our new light and know. ledge did not go to the length that in all probability it was intended it should be carried; yet I must

sa capitale avec deux évêques de fon conseil dans sa voitureun coup de fufil, que j'ai vu tirer dans un des caroffes de la reimM. Bailly appellant cela un beau jour-l'assemblée ayant déclaré froidement le matin, qu'il n'étoit pas de fa dignité d'aller toute entiere environner le roi-M. Mirabeau disant impunément dans cette assemblée que le vaisseau de l'état, loin d'être arrêtédans sa course, s'élanceroit avec plus de rapidité que jamais vers fa régénération-M. Barnave, riant avec lui, quand des flots de fang couloient autour de nous-le vertueux Mounier * échappant par miracle à vingt afsassins, qui avoient voulu faire de fa tète un trophée de plus: Voilà ce qui me fit jurer de ne plus mettre le pied dans cette caverne d'Antropophages [the national affembly] où je n'avois plus de force d'élever la voix, ou depuis fix semaines je l'avois élevée en vain.

"Moi, Mounier, et tous les honnêtes gens, ont pensé que le dernier effort à faire pour le bien étoit d'en fortir. Aucune idée de crainte ne s'est approchée de moi. Je rougirois de m'en défendre. J'avois encore reçû sur la route de la part de ce peuple, moins coupable que ceux qui l'ont enivré de fureur, des acclamations, et des applaudissements, dont d'autres auroient été flattés, et qui m'ont fait frémir. C'est à l'indignation, c'est à l'horreur, c'est aux convulfions phyfiques, que le seul afpect du fang me fait éprouver que j'ai cédé. On brave un feule mort; on la brave plusieurs fois, quand elle peut être utile. Mais aucune puissance sous le ciel, mais aucune opinion publique ou privée n'ont le droit de me condamner à fouffrir inutilement mille fupplices par minute, et à perir de désespoir, de rage,

* N. B. Mr. Mounier was then speaker of the national assembly. He has fince been obliged to live in exile, though one of the firmest affertors of iberty.


must think that fuch treatment of any human creatures must be shocking to any but those who are made for accomplishing revolutions. But I cannot stop here. Influenced by the inborn feelings of my nature, and not being illuminated by a single ray of this new-sprung modern light, I confess to you, Sir, that the exalted rank of the perfons fuffering, and particularly the sex, the beauty, and the amiable qualities of the defcendant of fo many kings and emperours, with the ten, der age of royal infants, insensible only through infancy and innocence of the cruel outrages to which their parents were exposed, instead of being a subject of exultation, adds not a little to my sensibility on that most melancholy occafion.

I hear that the august person, who was the principal object of our preacher's triumph, though he supported himself, felt much on that shameful occafion. As a man, it became him to feel for his

au milieu des triomphes, du crime que je n'ai pu arrêter. Ils me proscriront, ils confisqueront mes biens. Je labourerai la terre, et je ne les verrai plus. Voilà ma justification. Vous pourrez la lire, la montrer, la laisser copier; tant pis pour ceux qui ne la comprendront pas; ce ne sera alors moi qui auroit eu tort de la leur donner."

This military man had not fo good nerves as the peaceable gentleman of the Old Jewry.-See Monf. Mounier's narrative of these transactions; a man alfo of honour and virtue, and talents, and therefore a fugitive.

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