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Mr. Sanderson was a remarkable cha-
racter, for many years resident at Shield
Green, Kirklinton, on the romantic
banks of the river Lyne. He had been
busily engaged in preparing some essays
and poems for publication, and had
lately said to his friend, Mr. Holmes,
of Lyne Cottage, "I am going to be
industrious this winter; shall work by
candle-light," a very unusual circum-
stance with him, as he generally retired
to rest soon after night-fall, and rose
early in the morning. In pursuance of
his new resolution, he prosecuted his
literary labours to (for him) a late hour,
but certainly not after midnight; and
appears to have made up a cheerful
fire of wood, having in a corner of his
cottage, near the fire-place, a consider-
able quantity of dried faggots, sticks,
and whins (furze). The same room
served him for " parlour, kitchen, and
hall." Here were his manuscripts (in a
large box), a rather valuable collection
of books, and various domestic utensils.
The outer door of the cottage was situated
at the back part of the premises, and
opened into a passage, at the end of
which, between the room-door and the
wall which divided his from an ad-
joining tenement, was placed his bed,
the only one belonging to the house-
hold. When Mr. Sanderson retired to
rest, between eleven and twelve, he is
supposed to have left some sticks burn-
ing in the grate ; some of these had
probably fallen out soon afterwards, and
ignited the combustible materials strewn
upon the floor.
The fire was first dis-
covered by the inmates of the adjoining
tenement, who had just time to escape;
and the alarm being instantly given at a
farm-house hard by, the farmer, his
man, and a boy, used their utmost exer-


tions to counteract the flames.
Sanderson, it was evident, had not ef-
fected his escape, as his door was fasten-
ed, and no one had seen him. After
several attempts, the door was at length
forced in, and he was found lying behind
it, dreadfully scorched by the fire, which
was blazing all around him; even his
shirt had been burnt entirely from off his
back, after he had left his bed. The
farmer, not being able to enter on ac-
count of the heat, laid hold of one of
Mr. Sanderson's legs, and endeavoured
to draw out his body; finding this diffi-
cult, on account of some boxes which
stood in the way, he at length got hold
of one of his arms, but it had been so
fearfully burnt, that the skin and flesh
gave way. However, he at length suc-
ceeded in getting out the body, and in
removing it from the scene of destruc-
tion. From the dreadful manner in
which the head and body were scorched,
it was left for dead upon the green
near the door, as there was no sign of
animation, and it presented the most
frightful appearance, having been burnt
completely black. The only parts left
untouched were the legs below the knees,
which had been preserved by some boxes,
and a portion of the right cheek, and
the palm of the right hand, on which his
cheek is supposed to have rested while
he was in a reclining position behind
the door. The flames were still raging
with great fury, and much that was valu-
able was yet within their reach; there-
fore the body was neglected, and left
upon the green for nearly two hours,
exposed to a piercing atmosphere. But
what was their astonishment when, on
going to remove the body of Mr. San-
derson, they found it gone! Animation
had returned, and he had walked or
crept to some distance from the spot
where he was laid down. After a search
he was discovered standing against a
tree, presenting such a horrid spectacle
as human eye scarcely ever beheld.
When he was first spoken to, he enquired
where he was, and said, "For God's
sake, let me have a bed to die on; I
shall not be long in this world." He
was then taken to a farm-house, and put
to bed, where he lay conversing about
his affairs, apparently suffering little
pain, and the next day calmly breathed
his last. Whilst he was thus conversing,
he gave directions respecting his funeral.
After he had been put to bed, he anxi-
ously enquired after his manuscripts,
which he was told had fallen a prey to



the flames. He replied, in a manner
that evinced both a deep concern and a
longing after literary fame," Then all
is lost!"
A short time before he died,
he faintly articulated, "I die, as I have
lived, in peace with all mankind." The
manuscripts above alluded to
nearly saved, but an untoward accident
consigned them all to destruction. The
farmer, at the imminent hazard of his
own life, rushed through the flames to
preserve the literary treasure, which he
knew was deposited in a chest. He
succeeded in laying hold of the chest,
which was partially burned; but as he
was making his way out with it the
bottom gave way, and all the manu-
scripts fell a prey to the destructive ele-
ment. The unfortunate sufferer said,
that when he rushed from his bed, he
reached the door in a state of perfect
sensibility, which he remembered well,
but he became confused by the dense
smoke, and a sense of the imminent
danger to which he was exposed; and
he was convinced that he might have
made his escape, had he not in his con-
fusion, whilst endeavouring to unlock
the door, always turned the key the
wrong way. Mr. Sanderson was the
son of the Rev. Mr. Sanderson of Se-
bergham, Cumberland, and was born in
1758; consequently he was in his 71st
year. There was little of incident in
bis life. Carefully and classically edu-
cated, he for some years taught a school
with success. He had an aversion for
the bustle of the world; he neglected
the Graces, and courted solitude; yet he
was sensibly alive to the charms of liter-
ature, and his heart was thoroughly im-
bued with the best feelings of our nature.
In religion a sincere Christian — in
politics an ardent lover of his king,
country, and constitutional order. His
personal appearance, latterly, was strong-
ly indicative of the seclusion and loneli-
ness of his life. His head and eye were
fine; but his general conformation was
little in unison with the laws of elegance;
while, from long practice, his speech
and his garb alike partook of rusticity.
These peculiarities, however, were of no
moment. If the casket were rough, the
jewel within was of the highest value.
Heart, soul, knowledge, talent, honour,
"melting charity," and brotherly love,
were there. As an author, Mr. Sander-
son first became known to the public by
prose and poetical pieces, published
many years ago, under the signature of
"Crito," in the Cumberland Packet,

then the only newspaper in Cumber-
land. Subsequently he occasionally
contributed to the literary department of
the Carlisle Journal. In 1800, he pub-
lished, in Carlisle, a small volume by
subscription, entitled, "Original Poems,
by Thomas Sanderson," adopting from
Horace the motto, "Supplex populi
suffragia capto." His uniformly neat
manner of expressing himself in writing
is exemplified in his " Advertisement"
to that work, dated " Burnside, August
16. 1800 :".

"A great part of the following poems
was written in a sequestered village in
the north of Cumberland. If the reader
find pleasure in their perusal, I shall
not consider that I have written wholly
in vain; if he complain of wearisome-
ness and shut the book, I shall not, like
many unsuccessful candidates for the
laurel, charge him with want of taste
and discernment; but consider myself
deficient in those powers which are ne-
cessary to the success of every work,
whether its object be pleasure or in-

The poetry in the volume is on various
subjects, and various in merit. We
could willingly dwell upon it, and cull
that which would gratify the reader who
has never met with the volume; but the
length of this article forbids us.
however, extract the following stanzas,
because they present a faithful picture
of the author's peaceful and humble
mind: -

"Heaven! while Ambition's sons aspire
To reach the heights of wealth and

O let me to the vale retire,

Where Quiet twines her silent bower.
There let my humble heart receive

The bliss that peaceful life affords;
Another's pleasure let me give

To Gratulation's lively chords.
Or, 'mid the shade of human days,

With kindred sadness let me roam,
Catch the long sigh Misfortune pays,
And make Compassion's cell my home.
Hence in each tender feeling tried,

My lowly lot I'll prize the more;
And thoughtful o'er life's ocean glide,
Till silent rest the dashing oar!"

After the establishment of the Carlisle
Journal no other periodical was favour-
ed with Mr. Sanderson's occasional pro
ductions. Its columns contain various
prose essays and poetical pieces from
his pen. The former are of great merit,


and include an animated Memoir of the
late Rev. J. Boucher, M. A., to whom
the author had previously (in 1800) ad-
dressed a Poetical Epistle" on his ar-
rival from America." Brown, the
African traveller, was closely related to
the deceased; and he had nearly com-
pleted that enterprising man's life, in-
tending it for his announced "Prose
and Verse." Alas! it is now like the
author- no longer in existence.* No
man could be more respected than Mr.
Sanderson was by his neighbours. He
was by them familiarly termed "Mas-
ter," in allusion to his former vocation.
It is said "there is a tear for all who
die -a mourner o'er the humblest
grave; "and for the melancholy fate of
poor Mr. Sanderson, many a tear was
shed by rustics not much accustomed to
the "melting mood." His character
was marked by many harmless eccentri-
cities; but talents of a high order,
united to a mild and peaceful disposi-
tion, had gained him the approbation and
respect of all classes of men with whom
he was acquainted. We wish we could
add that his confiding good-nature had
never been abused by pretended friends.
Mr. Sanderson was passionately fond of
rural scenery, and no inducement what-
ever could prevail upon him, for any
length of time, to quit the delightful
scenes amongst which he luxuriated on
the banks of the Lyne. He had no
wish to leave, even in death, the spot to
which he had been so strongly attached
in life; and his dying request was, that
he might be buried in Kirklinton
church-yard. His request was complied
with, and his remains were attended to
the grave by a large and respectable
body of his neighbours, who sincerely
regretted the deplorable event which had
deprived them of a worthy and excellent
neighbour. - Cumberland Paper.

SANDYS, William, Esq., of Lan-
arth, in Cornwall, formerly Lieutenant-
Colonel on the Bengal establishment;
August 21. 1829; at Plymouth, deeply
regretted; aged 70.

This officer was appointed a Cadet in
1779; and received the commission of
Ensign July 29. that year. In 1780,
when the belligerent fleets of France and

*His longest prose work is "An
Essay on the Manners and Customs of
the Cumberland Peasantry," prefixed to
the last edition of the Poetical Works
of Mr. Robert Anderson.

Spain were off Plymouth, he lost his
passage and passage-money to India, by
serving as a volunteer on board the
Monarch, Captain Adam Duncan, with-
out pay or reward; and, in consequence
thereof, he was allowed to proceed to
India without prejudice to his rank.
In Jan. 1781 he arrived at Fort St.
George, and having been promoted to a
Lieutenancy in March, commanded a
company of cadets, then embodied as
part of that garrison, when Hyder Ally
was in the vicinity. At the end of that
year he applied to join General God-
dard's detachment, then serving at
Bombay, and where he arrived in 1782,
and was appointed to command a light
infantry company.

In 1788 he was appointed, by Lord
Cornwallis, deputy Judge-Advocate-
General; and in 1790 he was made, in
addition, Adjutant and Quarter-master
to the two battalions of volunteers, then
about to proceed with his Lordship to
Fort St. George; where he arrived in
Jan. 1791, and was immediately put in
charge of all the extra cattle belonging
to the East India Company. This
charge increased during the war, and
this officer became the agent for the car-
riage of the public camp-equipage of
the whole army; in which situation he
continued until the termination of hosti-
lities, by the peace of Seringapatam, in
March, 1792.

At the storming of Tippoo's lines, on
the night of Feb. 6. 1792, this officer
was one of those who conveyed the or-
ders of Lord Cornwallis, principally to
the 74th regiment, within the bound
hedge. On the morning of the 7th he
was directed by his Lordship to proceed
cautiously (with as many troopers as he
judged necessary) towards the Carri
Ghaut hill, to which his Lordship meant
to retire when the day broke, to ascertain
whether it was in possession of the
British or the enemy: for, although the
hill was not three-quarters of a mile in
the rear in the centre column, no com-
munication from it had been received.
He was well mounted, but found much
difficulty in tracing his way. From the
flashes of the guns he could only dis-
cover the hill at intervals; and in cross-
ing a ravine he lost the troopers.
continued, however, to advance cau-
tiously, but it was so dark, that he ar-
rived close upon the hill before he well
knew where he was. He heard a sentry
cough, and immediately challenged
three times but no answer being re-


turned, he now imagined that the hill
was in possession of the enemy. All
was still and quiet; but being unwilling
to return without accomplishing the ob-
ject for which he was sent, he asked, in
a loud voice, "Who commands?" in-
tending that his voice should reach the
top of the hill; when, to his astonish-
ment, a voice, which he knew to be that
of Colonel Close, the Deputy Adjutant-
General, replied, seizing the reins of
his horse at the same time, "General
Medows!" He found himself close
upon the column, and saw the General,
Colonel Cockerell, and several other
officers. General Medows asked if
Lord Cornwallis was well; and having
answered a few more questions, Lieute-
nant Sandys was impatient to return to
his Lordship, and galloped away. At
this time the day had so far advanced,
that a person might be discovered at the
distance of fifteen or twenty yards. He
soon met Lord Cornwallis, and the
troops, retiring from under the cannon
of the fort towards the hill; and asto-
nished his Lordship by reporting that he
had found General Medows' army un-
der the Carri Ghaut hill. The army
arrived at the Carri Ghaut hill just before
it was daylight, and before the enemy
perceived that the centre column had
retired. His Lordship now gave orders
for the relief of the troops on the island,
and soon after the enemy commenced
their attack upon Sibbald's redoubt.

With regard to the nature of the ap-
pointment held by this officer, it may
be observed, that the convenience of
corps and individuals depending upon
the exertion of the agent for the car-
riage of camp-equipage, subjected him
to almost constant personal exertions
throughout the range of an extensive
line, and to litigious and controversial
correspondence; yet Lord Cornwallis
acknowledged that he had never received
any complaints of partiality in allot
ment, or of a want of exertion to give
immediate remedy or assistance when
required by corps. In 1793 he returned
to Bengal, having had under his charge,
during sixteen months of the most
active period of the war in Mysore, 102
elephants, 1000 head of other cattle,
with about 700 people attached to them.
The whole of his salary (there were no
emoluments) amounted to 2400 pago-
das; and he was obliged to keep three
horses to perform his duties, of which
foraging was a principal one. In the

active part of the campaign of 1792--3-
he had 184 elephants under his charge.

The choice of the appointments at
that time vacant was given, by Lord
Cornwallis, to this officer, and he chose
that of Fort-Adjutant; to which after-
wards was added the Barrack-master-
ship of Fort William, which he held
during the years 1794, 5, 6, and 7, act-
ing as Town-major frequently; and he
was appointed Aid-de-Camp to the act-
ing Governor-General.

In 1798 he was appointed agent for
the supply of military stores, which office
he held until about to embark for Eu-
rope, in Jan. 1803, when he was pro-
moted to the rank of Major; having, in
the intermediate time, been directed by
Lord Wellesley, the Governor-General,
to act as Adjutant-General to the army
in Bengal, still continuing to hold the
appointment of Agent of Stores.

It should here be noticed, that shortly
after the arrival of Lord Wellesley in
Bengal, in consequence of orders from
the Court of Directors, his Lordship
canvassed and sifted, for six months,
with singular scrutiny, and the unwea-
ried application of the public officers,
the appointment of this officer as Agent
of Stores; and in May the Marquess
rescinded the orders respecting his ap-
pointment, which he had issued in De-
cember preceding; and at his public
levee on the King's birth-day, in 1800,
his Lordship stated, that the investi-
gation, although most severe, had done
this officer much honour, and he con-
gratulated him upon the result. Lord
Wellesley further added, that he had, in
consequence thereof, extended his ap-
pointment upon the old footing for six
months; and it was renewed, from time
to time, while he remained in India, his
Lordship declaring, that the gains were
as exclusively and fairly this officer's
own as much as any merchant's; the
risks being his own, and the supplies,
on urgent demands, particularly in the
last Mysorean war, always readily fur-
nished, and often upon his own ad-
vances and credit; and that he saw not
how the public interests could be better
promoted than by a continuation of the
same system.

Lieutenant-Colonel Sandys attained
the rank of Captain in 1796, Major
1803, and Lieutenant-Colonel 1804; he
retired from the service in 1805.
India Military Calendar.
SCOTT, Jonathan, Esq. LL. D.; at



his residence, St. John's Row, Shrews-
bury, February 11. 1829; aged 75.

Dr. Scott was the third son of Mr.
Jonathan Scott of Shrewsbury, by Mary
daughter of Humphrey Sandford, Esq.
of the Isle near that town. He received
the rudiments of his education at the
Royal Free Grammar School in his
native town, which he left for India at
the early age of twelve. He continued
to reside in that country for many years,
during which he proceeded diligently to
study its languages and history; and
became a Captain in the Hon. East
India Company's service. His rising
abilities and meritorious conduct soon
gained him the patronage of Warren
Hastings, Esq. then Governor-general
of Bengal, &c. to whom, from his ex-
cellent knowledge of the Persian lan-
guage, he was appointed Persian Secre-
tary, and he was also elected a member
of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta.

In Oriental literature in general Dr.
Scott was well skilled; perhaps equalled
by few of his contemporaries; and has
added much to the store of information
respecting the extensive empire of Hin-

History was his favourite study, with
which, in a political and civil point of
view, he was well acquainted.

On his return to England for retire-
ment, he was not allowed to remain in
active, but received the appointment of
Oriental Professor at the Royal Military
and East India Colleges, &c. a situation
which he filled with great credit, and the
University of Oxford conferred upon
him the honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws, June 26. 1805. As an author he
will long be remembered in the follow-
ing works which he published.

In 1786, "A Translation of the Me-
moirs of Eradut Khan (a nobleman of
Hindoostan), containing interesting anec-
dotes of the Emperor Alumgeer Au-
rumgzebe, and of his successors Shaw
Aulum, and Jehaundar Shaw, in which
are displayed the causes of the very pre-
cipitate decline of the Mogul Empire."
Quarto, pp. 96.

In 1794, "A Translation of Ferishta's
History of Dekkan, from the first Ma-
hummedan conquests, with a continua-
tion from other native writers of the
events in that part of India, to the re-
duction of its last monarchs by the Em-
peror Aulumgeer Aurumgzebe. Also
the reigns of his successors in the em-
pire of Hindoostan to the period of pub-
lication. With the History of Bengal

from the Accession of Aliverdee Khan to
the year 1780." 2 vols. quarto, pp. 411.


This work contains several notes show-
ing the History and Manners of the Na-
tives, and illustrating foreign customs
and uncommon names.

In 1798, an "Historical and Political
View of the Decan," including a sketch
of the extent and revenue of the Myso-
rean Dominions, as possessed by Tippoo
Sultaun at the commencement of the
war in 1798." Octavo, pp. 56.

This pamphlet contains an appendix,
preceded by a refutation of some stric-
tures on the accuracy of the revenue
statements, and showing the alterations
which have happened in the finance and
relative condition of the Prince Tippoo,
in consequence of the partition treaty
concluded in 1792, and subsequently to
the time when the pamphlet was pub-

In 1799, "Bahar Danush; or, Gar-
den of Knowledge, an Oriental Ro-
mance translated from the Persic of
Eiwaint Oollah." S vols. octavo.

In 1800,"Tales, Anecdotes, and
Letters, from the Arabic and Persian."
Octavo, p. 446.

In 1811 he published, in six volumes,
"The Arabian Nights' Entertainments,"
carefully revised and corrected from the
Arabic; to which he added a selection of
new tales, then first translated from the
Arabic originals. To these he prefixed
a copious introduction, interspersed also
by many valuable notes illustrative of
the religion, manners, and customs of
the Mahummedans.

Dr. Scott was a gentleman possessed
of a disposition the most kind and ge-
nerous, quite retired in his habits, and
unostentatious in his manners; whilst
his extreme modesty in reference to his
literary productions and mental endow-
ments was remarkable, though he was
on all occasions most ready to foster and
encourage the dawn of rising talent in
others; and his townsman, the present
Professor of Arabic in the University of
Cambridge, is known to have partici-
pated in his valuable instructions.
was warmly attached to the Church of
England, and adorned the doctrines
which he professed by the kind and ef-
ficient aid he afforded to every deserving


Nothwithstanding the effects of a long
residence in an eastern clime, laborious
study, and a protracted life, had con-
siderably enfeebled him, yet the energies

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