
"Directions for Impregnating the Buxton Waters with its own and other Gases, and for composing Artificial Buxton Water. Lond. 1785," 8vo.

"Translation of the Table of Chemical Nomenclature proposed by de Guyton, formerly de Morveau, Lavoisier, Bertholet, and de Fourcroy; with Additions and Alterations. To which are prefixed, an Explanation of the Terms, and some Observations on the New System of Chemistry. Lond. 1794," 4to. 2d edit. enlarged and corrected. 1799, 4to.

"Experiments and Observations on the Constituent Parts of the Potato Root. Lond. 1795," 4to.

"An Inquiry concerning the History of the Cow-pock, principally with a view to supersede and extinguish the Small-pox. Lond. 1798," 8vo.

"The Substance of a Lecture on the Inoculation of the Cowpock. 1798," 8vo.

"An Arranged Catalogue of the Articles of Food, Seasoning, and Medicine, for the Use of Lecturers on Therapeutics and Materia Medica. Lond. 1801," 8vo.

"An Examination of the Report of the Committee of the House of Commons, on the Claims of Remunerations for the Vaccine Pock Inoculation; containing a Statement of the principal Historical Facts of the Vaccina. Lond. 1802," 8vo.

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Report on the Cow-pock Inoculation during the Years 1800, 1801, and 1802, with two coloured Engravings. 1803," 8vo.

"A Statement of Evidence from Trials of Variolous and Vaccine Matter in Inoculation, to judge whether or no a Person can undergo the Small-pox, after being affected with the Cowpock. 1804," 8vo.

"A Communication to the Board of Agriculture, on the Use of Green Vitriol, or Sulphate of Iron, as a Manure; and on the Efficacy of Paring and Burning depending partly on Oxide of Iron. Lond. 1805," 4to. Also printed in Nicholson's Journal, vol. x. p. 206.

"A Syllabus of Lectures," an octavo volume.

"An Address to the Heads of Families, by one of the Physicians of the Vaccine Pock Institution."

"A Paper, containing the results of eleven Years' Practice at the Original Vaccine Pock Institution, read at a Meeting of the Governors and Friends of that Establishment. 1811," 8vo.

To the Philosophical Transactions, Doctor Pearson contributed the following communications, already adverted to in the extract from Mr. Gilbert's Address to the Royal Society :

"Experiments and Observations to investigate the Composition of James's Powder." (Abr. xvii. 87.) 1791.

"Experiments made with the view of Decompounding Fixed Air, or Carbonic Acid." (Ib. 221.) 1792.

"Observations and Experiments on a Wax-like Substance, resembling the Péla of the Chinese, collected at Madras by Doctor Anderson, and by him called White Lac." (Ib. 428.) 1794. "Experiments and Observations to investigate the Nature of a kind of Steel manufactured at Bombay, and there called Wootz; with Remarks on the Properties and Composition of the different States of Iron." (Ib. 580.) 1795.

"Observations on some Ancient Metallic Arms and Utensils found in the River Witham; with Experiments to determine their Composition." (Ib. XVIII. 38.) 1796.

"Observations and Experiments, made with the view of ascertaining the Nature of the Gas produced by passing Electric Discharges through Water." (Ib. 104.) 1797. "With a Description of the Apparatus for these Experiments." (Nicholson's Journal, 1. 243.) 1797.

"Observations and Experiments tending to show the Composition and Properties of Urinary Concretions." (Phil. Trans. 1798, p. 254.)

"Observations and Experiments on Pus." (Ib. 1810, p. 294.) "On the Colouring Matter of the Black Bronchial Glands, and of the Black Spots of the Lungs." (Ib. 1813. p. 159.)

The last paper Doctor Pearson wrote for the Royal Society, was a Bakerian Lecture, to which he gave the title, "Researches to discover the Faculties of Pulmonary Absorption with respect to Charcoal." This was not printed.

To other periodical publications Doctor Pearson contributed:

"Case of Diseased Kidney." (Med. Obs. and Inq. vi. p. 236.) 1784.

"Of the Effects of the Variolous Infection on Pregnant Women." (Med. Com. XIX. 213.) 1794.

"Some Observations and Experiments on Vaccine Inoculation." (Annals of Med. iv. 318.) 1799.

"A Statement on the Progress in the Vaccine Inoculation, and Experiments to obtain Determinations concerning some important Facts belonging to the Vaccine Disease." (Med. and Phys. Jour. II.213.) 1799.

"On the Eruption, resembling Small-pox, which sometimes appears in the Inoculated Vaccine Disease." (Ib. 111. 97.) 1800.

"On Vaccination." (Med. and Phys. Jour. 111. 309.)

"An Account of a singular Cure of Dropsy." (Med. Trans. 111. 319.) 1785.

"An Account of the Division of the Liver, occasioned by a Fall." (Ib. 377.)

"On Expectorated Matter." (Ib. xxv. 216.) 1810.

"Observations and Experiments on Pus." (Ib. xxx. 17.) 1811. "A Reply to some Observations and Conclusions in a Paper in the 2d volume of the Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, on the Nature of the Alkaline Matter contained in various Dropsical Fluids, in the Serum of the Blood." (Ib. xxxI. 145.) 1812.

"A Rejoinder to a Paper published in the Philosophical Journal, by Dr. Marcet, on the Animal Fluids." (Ib. xxxii. 37.) "Remarks on the Correspondence between Dr. Bostock and Dr. Marcet, on the Subject of the Uncombined Alkali in the Animal Fluids." (Ib. xxxIII. 285.)

In perusing this list of Dr. Pearson's literary labours, it will have been perceived how greatly he was interested in the Vaccine question. He took up the subject on philosophical principles; and for the purpose of honestly testing the discovery with the same accuracy as for a chemical experiment, he founded, in 1799, the "Original Vaccine Institution," which, for twenty-seven years, maintained a correct and impartial record of facts. This, together with his extensive foreign connections, tended much to the general diffusion of Vaccination. It is a memorable circumstance, that, to attain this salutary end, the severities of the revolutionary war were relaxed, by the consent of the hostile Governments of France and England; and, for the purposes of science and humanity, an uninterrupted correspondence was carried on by Dr. Pearson, with the medical men of France and Italy.

Dr. Pearson was devoted to Shakspeare, was in the constant habit of quoting him, and has left in manuscript some clever commentaries on the great dramatic bard. He and Kemble knew each other at Doncaster, and their intimacy continued long after. Dr. Pearson was also very intimate with Horne Tooke and Sir Francis Burdett; so much so, that he was considered by many as a party man; but, in truth, he never interfered with politics, and has been heard to declare his

complete ignorance in them, which, considering his numerous professional avocations, was perfectly accountable and natural. Dr. Pearson was acknowledged, by good judges, to be a sound Greek and Latin scholar. He was a hospitable landlord, a disinterested friend, and a very good-humoured and jocose companion he abounded in anecdotes, which he told with excellent effect. He would often observe to his friends, that he knew he was growing old; but that he had made up his mind to die "in harness." The circumstances of Dr. Pearson's death were peculiarly melancholy. It took place at his house in Hanover Square, on Sunday, November 9. 1828, in consequence of a fall down stairs. Notwithstanding his great age, Dr. Pearson was indefatigable in the pursuit of study, and sat up every night later than any person of his family. On the night preceding his death, he remained, as usual, the last up. When the footboy got up and came down early on Sunday morning, he found his master's candlestick and the extinguisher at the top of the first flight of stairs, and on going down lower, he heard a loud breathing, which alarmed him so much, that he ran back to the attics for a fellow-servant, with whom he returned to ascertain the cause. On reaching the bottom, they discovered their unfortunate master on the ground at the entrance of the hall, breathing still heavily, but senseless, and with a large wound on his head, from which a quantity of blood had flowed. He was taken immediately to his bed, and medical aid procured. In the course of the day he recovered his consciousness, but expired towards the evening. It is supposed that he was seized with giddiness, and fell backward on reaching the top of the first flight of stairs, and rolled down to the bottom without being able to call for help, or without the noise of his fall being heard.

Dr. Pearson lost an only son some years since, which was a great affliction to him. He has left two daughters; one is married to John Dodson, D. C. L. (and formerly M. P.), and the other is single.

A silhouette of Dr. Pearson, taken about 1800, was pub

lished in Lettsom's "Hints." A portrait of him in middle life was suspended in his parlour; and a fine bust of him was, not many years ago, executed by Chantry. In the library of St. George's Hospital is an exceedingly good resemblance of him in his latter years, —a pen and ink sketch by one of his pupils; from a copy of which a plate has, since his death, been engraved, to illustrate a Memoir of him in "The Gentleman's Magazine."

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