
and, defeating the French troops which occupied the town, he disabled the guns and works, captured part of a large convoy in the harbour, and burnt the remainder, together with all the vessels on the stocks.

The year 1813 teemed with important naval events in the Adriatic; but none were productive of such great and permanent effects as the reduction of the fortresses of Cattaro and Ragusa, by which the allies became masters of every place in Dalmatia, Croatia, Istria, and the Frioul, with all the islands in the Gulf of Venice. In the operations against these places, Captain Hoste commanded the naval force and a detachment of military; and we give in his own words the account of the actions which led to their fall.

"Bacchante, off Castel Nuova, October 16. 1813. "SIR, I arrived off Ragusa on the 12th instant, and joined the Saracen and three gun-boats, with a detachment of the garrison of Curzola on board, commanded by Captain Lowen, who had been directed by Colonel Robertson to act on this coast. From the information I received from Captain Harper of the Saracen, together with the state of the country about Cattaro, and the insurrection of the Bocchese, I lost no time in proceeding to this place, with the vessels under my orders. On the 13th, in the morning, we forced the passage between Castel Nuova and the fort of Rosa, and, after some firing, secured a capital anchorage for the squadron, about three miles above the former. In the evening, I detached the boats of this ship and two Sicilian gun-boats, under the orders of Captain Harper, who very handsomely volunteered his services, to capture the enemy's armed naval force, which I understood were lying between Isle of St. George and the town of Cattaro. Captain Harper completely succeeded: the had deserted their boats on his approach, and having enemy succeeded in manning them with the armed Bocchese in the neighbourhood, he most gallantly attacked and carried the island, the commandant and his garrison surrendering at discretion. I enclose his report of the affair, with the account

of the guns, &c. captured. This is a point of the utmost importance to our future operations: it commands and fronts the narrow channel to the narrow branch of the river that leads up to Cattaro itself; and, fortified as it is, it would have been with difficulty, if at all, the ships of war could have passed it. The fort of Peroste was taken by the Bocchese the same night; and I have now the pleasure to acquaint you, that Castel Nuova and Fort Espagnol surrendered by capitulation to the British force this morning. The garrison remain prisoners of war till exchanged; the officers are allowed their parole. There are several Croats amongst the garrison, who are willing to enter the Austrian service, and I intend sending them to Fiume. I shall lose no time in getting up to Cattaro. Fort St. John is the only place the enemy possess in the Bocco. The French general, Gauthier, has retired into the fort, with about 600 men: it is about fifteen miles up the river, and is a very strong place. I intend proceeding there directly our affairs are arranged here. I have left a garrison in Fort Espagnol, and enclose the return of the stores, guns, &c. taken in the three places.* The Montenegrins have been of considerable service in closely blockading the country round Espagnol, and the neighbourhood. I cannot mention in too warm terms the conduct of Captain Harper; he is ever ready, and most indefatigable, and the capture of Isle St. George does him, the officers, and men, the highest credit. I am much indebted to Captain Lowen for the ready advice and assistance he at all times gives me; and the zeal that animates every one is highly praiseworthy. I have the honour to be, &c.

"Rear-Admiral Freemantle."



Four gun-boats, mounting in the whole four long 24-pounders, and two 12-pr. carronades; and having on board four large brass 24-pounders, carriages, &c. complete, intended to be mounted on the fortifications at Cattaro. Found at Isle St. George, Castel Nuova, and Fort Espagnol, 11 brass, and 23 iron guns, one brass 64-inch mortar, seven iron swivels, 6000 shot, upwards of 4500 live shells, about 12,300 pounds of gunpowder, 400 cartridges for the great guns, ready filled, 900,000 musket-ball cartridges, eight cases of musket-balls, 900 hand grenades, three cases of ditto, one furnace for heating shot, and a quantity of provisions. Total number of prisoners, 438.

"Bacchante, before Cattaro, Jan. 5. 1814.

"SIR, I have much satisfaction in acquainting you, that, after ten days' cannonade, the fortress of Cattaro surrendered by capitulation this morning to the Bacchante and Saracen. The terms I granted to the garrison are, to lay down their arms on the Marina, to be transported to some port in Italy, to be considered as prisoners of war, and not to serve against England or her allies till regularly exchanged. It is unnecessary I should enter further into detail, than to say, that by the exertions of the officers and crews of both ships, our batteries were enabled to open from four different points on the castle and works at daylight on Christmas morning; that on the 1st of January, two additional batteries of 18 and 32-pounders, were opened and played against the castle; and that on the 3d I had arranged every thing with the chief of the Montenegrins for a general assault, when the commandant, General Gauthier, sent out, expressing his wish to capitulate. "This morning the capitulation was signed; a copy of which I enclose, with the state of the garrison.* Our loss, I am happy to say, has been trifling; one seaman killed, and Lieutenant Haig, R. M., slightly wounded.

"The mouths of the Cattaro are now freed of the enemy, Sir; and in bringing this business to a successful issue, the officers and men have exerted themselves to the utmost. We have received no assistance but from a few Montenegrins; we have had to trust to our own resources alone, and we have found them in the zeal and perseverance which has actuated all parties. From the exertions of Captain Harper and Lieutenant Milbourne, two 18-pounders and two mortars were got up the range of mountains before Cattaro, to the astonishment of friends and foes; and what was deemed impracticable by the French General was completed in ten days. The zeal and activity of Captain Harper are well known to you, Sir; and I assure you, in no instance have they been

The place to be given up to the British on the 8th of January; the garrison, consisting of 295 officers and men, to be disposed of in the manner already described.

more conspicuous than on the present occasion: he is a most invaluable officer. It is my duty to mention the meritorious conduct of Lieutenants Milbourne and Rees (acting) of the Bacchante; Lieutenant Hancock of the Saracen; Mr. Vale, Master of ditto; Lieutenant Haig, R. M.; and Mr. Charles Bruce, midshipman of the Bacchante; and the whole of the officers and men of both ships have tried to excel each other on this occasion. The torrents of rain, and the fatigues and privations attending an attack of a fortress like Cattaro, at this season of the year, have been borne with a cheerfulness that entitled them to every praise. I cannot conclude this without acknowledging in the warmest terms the active assistance I have received from Captain Angelo, of LieutenantGeneral Campbell's staff, who was waiting in the Bacchante for a passage to Zante. His zeal and ability have supplied many deficiencies on our part, and considerably tended to the speedy reduction of the place. I have the honour to be, &c. "W. HOSTE.

“Rear-Admiral Freemantle."


"Bacchante, before Ragusa, Jan, 29. 1814. "SIR,-My letters of the 6th instant will have acquainted you of the capture of Cattaro, and of my intention to attack this place as soon as the artillery and stores necessary for the siege were embarked from that fortress. On my arrival here on the 19th, I found the place invested by the Austrian General Milutinovitch, with two Croat battalions; but not a single piece of artillery had arrived. Four mortars and two guns were immediately landed from the Bacchante, and opened on the works of the town, and Fort Lorenzo, the morning of the 22d. The enemy returned a heavy fire from all his batteries. The approach to Ragusa is extremely difficult, by the commanding situation of Fort Imperial and the island of Croma; and it became an object of importance to secure this latter post before we could advance our batteries; two 18-pounders were therefore landed, and by the great exertions of the officers and seamen under Lieutenant Mil

bourne, one gun was brought round the mountains at the back of Ragusa, a distance full six miles, and placed immediately opposite the island, which it completely commanded.

"The French General, however, on the morning of the 27th, sent out a truce to request our batteries would cease, and a capitulation was commenced and signed on the 28th, for the surrender of the town and its dependencies. The British and Austrian troops took possession the same day; 120 pieces of cannon were mounted on the works of the town and Fort Lorenzo, 21 in Fort Imperial, and 11 in the island of Croma, with a garrison of 500 men, and nearly six weeks' provisions. The garrison are prisoners of war, not to serve against England or her allies till regularly exchanged. I am happy to say the best understanding has prevailed between the allied troops; and general Milutinovitch has expressed himself in the handsomest terms for the assistance he has received.

"The object for which you sent me here, Sir, is now, I believe, obtained, by the expulsion of the French troops from the provinces of Cattaro and Ragusa, and it only remains for me to mention the meritorious conduct of all the officers and men who have shared the fatigues and privations attending it. I beg leave also to mention the great assistance I have received from Captain Angelo, who accompanied me from Cattaro. His ready and active services have considerably diminished the difficulties we have met with. The loss of the British, during the siege, has been 1 killed and 10 severely wounded. I have the honour to be, &c.

"Rear-Admiral Freemantle."



On the capitulation of the French General at Cattaro, when his whole force grounded their arms to the crews of the Bacchante and Saracen, it was exceedingly interesting to view the manner in which these crews disposed their numbers to the best advantage, the marines and small-armed seamen being extended in single file along the beach to as long a line

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