
J. Clarke' of Cbarweston, 35; his in-
fant son, by John Wright, 46; James
Barber, by his wife, 49; J. Swain,
50; Miss Thompson, 54, 77; S.
Cawthorne, by her husband, 54;
Joseph Strong, 57; Mr. Going, 155;
Miss Hamilton, 174.
Murdock, T. his confession respecting
the mutiny on board the Kate, 63.
Mutiny on board the Kate, 62.

Naples: discussions in parliament re-
lative to, [100]; neutrality of the
British, [223]; congress at Laybach,
[223]; its resolution to invade Na-
ples, [224]; patriotism of the Neapo-
litans, [224]; power of resisting
Austria, [225]; popular indifference,
[226]; defective military prepara-
ions, [227]; attack the Austrians,
[229]; but retreat, [230]; dispersion
of the army, [231]; Naples occupied
by the Austrians, [232]; dissolution
of the parliament, [233]; manifesto
of the government of the Two Sicilies,
589; instructions to Pepe, 593; the
king's proclamation, 595; Frimont's
ditto, 596.

Napoleon, see Buonaparte.
Narratives, 314.

National debt, table of, 277.
Natural history, 680.

Navigation laws, [77], [78].

Navy estimates, [85]; expenditure,
[96]; French navy, [135]; statement
of, 180; table, 288.

Needle, compass, 689; dip of the mag-

netic, 702.

Netherlands: expedition against Palem-
bang, [147]; new finance law, [148];
decree respecting the slave trade,
561; the king's speech to the States
General, 561.

Neveu, apprehension and death of, 21.
Newdigate prize poem, 732.

Newgate, state of, 7; right of the grand
jury to be admitted there, 80.
Newfoundland, affairs of, [288]; an
antiquity discovered in, 725.
Newspapers, number of in United States,
146; state of the newspaper press in
England, 720.

New South Wales, fine district disco-
vered in, 33.

Nile, 678.

Nismes, restoration of the Maison
Carrée at, 725.

Norway measures of the Storthing to
abolish nobility, [148]; its remon
strance for a prolongation of its ses-
sion, [151]; the king's refusal, [152] ;
his speech at close of session, [153].

Nocturnal increase of sounds, 690.
Nubia, 677.

O'Bryen, Mr., trial of, 427.
O'Donaju, viceroy of Mexico, death of,

Oersted, Professor, on magnetic pheno-
mena, 692, 694; his results, 696.
Offences, see Police.

Old Bailey, trials at: Margaret Warren,
theft, 14; Hayward and Judd, bur-
glary; Wright and Quested, illegal
assembling with fire arms, 61; E. M.
Jones, perjury, 66.

Opium, culture of in Great Britain, 713.
Optical machine, new, 710.
Owen, Mr., his plan, [81].

Pæstum, prize poem on, 732.
Palembang, expedition of the Dutch
against, [147].

Paris: trials of Barginet and Flocon,
[145]; of Desjardins, [146]; appre-
hension of Neveu, 21; anniversary
service for the duc de Berri, 30;
trial of Roquefort, 38; duel be-
tween Manuel and Beaumont, 60
ceremony of the last supper, 70;
baptism of the duc de Bourdeaux,
74; orders respecting the reports of
the trial for the conspiracy, Aug. 19,
79; a religious society, 138; trial of
M'Dougal, forgery on the bank of
Scotland, 158; lord Byron's Marino
Faliero performed, and bissed, 165;
disturbance at the theatre, 167; trial
of lieut.-gen. Mazeau, 176; impri-
sonment of Moithe, 180; trial of M.
Berenger, 182.
Parkins, Ex-sheriff, application against
the Constitutional Society, 88.
Parliament, proceedings of:

speech, [1]; motion on the omission
of the queen's name in the Liturgy,
[4], [9]; County-meetings, [5]; ad-
dress of the presbytery of Langholme,
[7]; queen's message, [14]; debate
. on proceedings against her, [15];
motion for restoring her name to the
Liturgy, [25]; infringement of the
privileges of the church of Scotland,
[26]; queen's annuity bill, [28];
Roman Catholic claims, [29]; parlia-
mentary reform, [44]; Grampound
disfranchisement, [46]; county re-
presentation of Scotland, [48]; breach
of privilege, [49]; improvement of
the criminal code, [52]; bill for al-
lowing counsel to prisoners for felony,
[56]; Scotch juries, [58]; English
courts of justice, [58]; Constitutional
Association, [60]; judge Best, [64];

bishop of Peterborough, [64]; agri-
cultural distress, [60]; currency,
[70]; timber-trade, [74]; revision of
the commercial code, [77]; Mr.
Owen's plan, [81]; Mr. Scarlett's
poor laws bill, [83]; retrenchments
proposed by Mr. Hume, [84]; Mr.
Western's bill for a repeal of cer-
tain duties on malt, [88]; agricul-
tural horse duty repealed, [89];
budget, [91]; Mr. Hume's motion
for the reduction of public expendi-
ture, [93]; Mr. Bankes's amend-
ment on ditto, [99]; Neapolitan
affairs, [100]; the declaration of
Laybach, [108]; Sicily, [109]; slave
trade, [111]; administration of the
Ionian islands, [114]; prorogation,

Patents, granted to Englishmen by the

French government, 169; list of, 713.
Peat, lady, robbery of, 45.

Pendulum, vibrating seconds, length of,
536; captain Kater's experiments
with, 538.

Pepe, Neapolitan general, [227], [228];
attacks the Austrians, [229]; re-.
treats, [230].

Perigord, cardinal, death of, 244.
Perry, James, death of, 246.
Peterborough, bishop of, petition against
his 87 questions, [64].

Phenomena: luminous figure seen in
the air at Cosenza, 14; sudden form-
ation of a pit of water, Bishop-Monck
ton, 69; meteorical, at Bamberg,
197; rain of silk, 681.
Phosphorescence of marine animals,

Picture cleaning, 710.

Piedmont: plots at Turin, [235]; Span-
ish constitution proclaimed at Ales-
sandria, [236]; revolution at Turin,
[237]; abdication of the king, [238];
attachment of the people to hint,

Piracies in West Indies, [288].
Pitt, right hon. W., extracts from Tom-
line's Memoirs of, 626; his first
speech in parliament, 63.
Plunkett, Mr., motion on the catholic
claims, [29]; resolution proposed by,

Poetry, 729.

Police: Bow-street; W. Lill's robbery
at Mr. Ellison's chambers, 1; rob-
bery of Grenier, the French ambassa-
dor's courier, 4; conspiracy among
the performers of the band at Drury-
lane theatre, 13; Wraight and Quested
examined on a charge of murder, 32;
Kopf, a German, 40; unlicensed ball-

room, 58; Lock, a brothel keeper, 95.
Mansion-house; Woolf, robbery, 7;
Thames-fishery, 94; a young house.
breaker, 187. Union-hall; Decker,
the American prophet, 188.
Polidori, Dr., death of, 241.
Pomerania: restraints on the press,
[158]; commission for a constitution,

Poor laws bill, [83].
Poor-rates, report on, 542.
Portugal: slave trade, [112]; installation
of the Cortes, [207]; the new consti-
tution, [208]; political amnesty,
[209]; arrival of the king, [210]; his
speech to the Cortes, [211]; liberty
of the press, [212]; new ministry,
[213]; discussions in the Cortes,
[214]; Austrian and Russian envoys
quit Portugal, [216]; inquisition,
157; speech of Sampayo, on the
installation of the Cortes, 584; ad-
dress of the king, July 4th, 586;
king's instructions relative to the
Brazils, 588; intercourse with the
United States, 621. See also Lisbon.
Powder manufactory, explosion of, near
Feversham, 43.

Pozzo di Borgo, Russian ambassador, 94.
Presbytery of Langholme, address from,

Press, newspaper, 720.

Prisoner, escape of, at Chester, 82.
Princess Elizabeth, death of, 37.
Prices, general depression of, and its
effects on trade, 37.

Proclamation at Corfu, 78; of the coro-
nation, see Coronation; king of Na-
ples 595; Frimont's, 596.
Prussia dispute with Anhalt Köthen,
[154]; finance, [157]; Schill's cap-
ture of Stralsund, 654; death of
Schill, 655; Buonaparte's treatment
of Schill's followers, 655.
Public expenditure: Army, [85], [93];
navy, [85], [96]; civil list, [97]

Queen of George I. [11].
Queen Caroline: Mr. Wetherell's mo-
tion respecting the omission of her
name from the Liturgy, [4]; lord A.
Hamilton's ditto, [9]; her message
to the house, [14]; lord Tavistock's
motion, condemning the proceedings
against her, [15]; motion for the re-
storation of her name, [25]; a cler.
gyman put under arrest for praying
for, [26]; bill for her annuity, [28];
her claim to be crowned, [124], 108,
325; her illness and death, [125],
118; funeral, [127]; her letter to
the king, 112; ceremonial of the fu-

weral procession, 119; correspond-
ence relative to the funeral, 120;
funeral, 124; the trustees of her
Italian property renounce their office,
176; libel on her, 176; protest and
remonstrance, 326; refused admit-
tance at the Abbey, 346; biographical
sketch, 636.

Queen's college, Cambridge, chancery
suit respecting the mastership, 415.
Queensbury annuities, 65.

Quested murders Mr. Mackenzie, 32,
61; his execution, 103.

Radford, Miss, wounded by a pistol, 42.
Rain, quantity of, near Exeter, 202.
Rain of silk, 681.

Rainbow, lines to, by Campbell, 729.
Receivers-general, [86], [98].
Reform, parliamentary, [44]; lord Rus-
sell's motion for, [44].

Rennie, J., engineer, death of, 243.
Rent, causes of its increase, 508.
Reports Foreign trade, [74], 498;
East India trade, 499; agricultural
report, 506; weights and measures,
536; making and sale of bread, 539;
poor-rates, 542; London-bridge, 548;
vaccine establishments, 533; African
institution, 556.

Revenue, [93]; official statement of,
107, 152.

Revolution, in the Brazils, [217]; Turin,
[238]; Genoa, [241]; St. Michael's,

Ricardo, Mr., on the distress of the
country, [68]; the currency, [70].
Riego, disgraced, [189].
Rigby, Dr., death of, 246.
Ring, J., surgeon, death of, 244.
Rio Janeiro, revolution at, [218]; junta
of, [219].

Robbers, attempted rescue of convicts
by, 23; fate of the Vardarelli band,

Robberies of Mr. Hunter, 1; by
Woolf, a jew lad, 7; of Mr. Simpson,
of Derby, 118; the Skipton and
Barnley mail-post, 200.
Rockets, experiments with, in India,
707; application of Congreve rockets
to whale fishing, 708.
Rodeur, slave vessel, 557.
Rodriguez, Spanish astronomer, death
of, 229.

Roman catholic claims, motion and de-
bate on, [29]; second reading of Mr.
Plunkett's two bills, [34]; debate in
the lords, [41].
Roquefort, trial of, 38.


Rundell, Mrs., her injunction against
Mr. Murray, the bookseller, 168.
Runnington, C. serjeant, death of, 230.
Russell, lord J., motion on parliamen-
tary reform, [44]; bill for the dis-
franchisement of Grampound, [46].
Russia: finances, [245]; embassy to Bu-
charia, [245]; encroachments
Western American coast, [246]; con-
duct towards Turkey, [247]; treaty
with ditto, [251], [252]; statistics of,
34; trade with, 70; anecdote of the
emperor, 70; regulations for the
trade of the Aleutian islands, 605;
dissatisfaction with Turkey, 607; let-
ter from the vizir to count Strogonoft,

St. Michael's, revolution at, 37.
Salts, their action on chlorurets of gold,

Sardinia the king's abdication, [238],

[243]; act of ditto, 397; act confirm-
ing ditto, 598. See also Piedmont and

Savoy: public affairs, [240]; see Pied-


Scarlett, Mr., his poor-laws bill, [83].
Schill, major, his resistance to France in
1809, 652; stanzas on, 733.
Scotland: lord A. Hamilton's motion on
its county representation, [48]; Mr.
Kennedy's, for removing the defects
of Scotch juries, [58].

Scott, J., duel and death of, 35, 232.
Scott, rev. Thomas, death of, 234.
Sculpture: the dying gladiator, 727;
Canova's Washington, 728.
Seduction, case of, 156.
Serres, Mrs., her claims and privileges as
princess of Cumberland, 106; her ad-
dress to the nation, 150; her family,
151; letter to lord Sidmouth, 165.
Sessions, Westminster, W. Soames, 8.
Middlesex, Edith Smith, firing a
pistol at W. Johnson, 10.
Ships, number of, [96].
Shipwrecks: the Sprightly, revenue-
cruizer, 12; Lapwing, 64; Moira
packet, 128; Juliana, E. India-man,
197; Essex, American vessel, de-
stroyed by a whale, 200; method of
saving lives in shipwreck, 709.
Shrewsbury, fall of part of the theatre,


Sicily, lord W. Bentinck's motion re-
specting, [109]; no assistance afforded
by, to Naples, [227]; an Austrian
force sent to, [234].

Sierra Leone, American colony at, [279].

Royal exchange, dome of the tower Silk, rain of, 681.
finished, 72.

Slave-trade, debate on the present state

of, [111]; lord Lansdowne's address
on, [114]; carried on by France,
[135]; regulations in Columbia, re-
specting slaves, [283]; report of the
African Institution on, 556; horrors
of a slave-ship, 557; extent to
which the trade is carried on by the
French, 559; decree of the king of
the Netherlands respecting, 561.
Small-pox, 551.

Smyth, Dr. J. C., death of, 239.
Sounds, nocturnal, increase of, 690; pro-
pagation of in elastic fluids, 691.
South-pole, country discovered near, 686.
Sowing-machine, 709.

Spain: state of parties, [170]; Cortes,
[172]; disturbances at Saragossa, &c.
[172]; Abuela's insurrection, [173];
Vinuesa, [173]; his plan of a counter-
revolution, [175]; king's speech to the
Cortes, [176]; new ministry, [179];
Merino's insurrection, [179]; murder
of Vinuesa, [182]; tumults at Madrid,
[183]; sentence of Elio, [185]; in-
surrections, [186]; Riego's disgrace
and subsequent commotions, [190];
the extraordinary Cortes, [194]; new
division of Spain, [195]; tumults at
Cadiz, Seville &c., [196]; measures
of the Cortes, [197]; distracted state
of the country, [204]; finances,
[205]; plague, ([206]; king's speech
on opening the Cortes, 565; ditto at
prorogation of the Cortes, 568; letter
of general Morillo, justifying his con-
duct, 572; representation of the Valla-
dolid patriotic club to the king, 574;
speech of the king at opening the
Extraordinary Cortes, 576; report
of the special committee of the
Cortes, 577; representation of the
deputation of Cadiz, 581.
Spider, American, 681.
Stair, earl, death of, 238.
Stamps, distributors of, [88]; stamp-
duties, 86.

Stock, fraudulent creation of, 79.
Stones, meteoric, 689.

Stothard, A. C., artist, death of, 237.
Stralsund, taken by Schell, 654.
Strathmore Peerage, the, 103.
Suffield, lord, death of, 241.
Suicides extraordinary case of one, 17;
admiral sir G. Campbell, 19; Mr.
A. Murray, 68; Mrs. Notley, 96; A.
King, 156; J. Baines, 172; table of
suicides, 181.

Sweden dispute with Norway, [148];
ex-king of, 37.

Switzerland, account of l'Aiguille du
Gouté, 662; Glaciers, 665; ascent of
Mont Blanc, 662.

Tables: viz. Bankrupts, 307.
Bills of mortality, 312.
Butcher's meat, prices of, 310.
Cattle, prices of, 310.
Corn, prices of, 309.
Debt, funded, 268.

redemption of, 270.
Ireland, 275.

national, 277.

unfunded, 267.

Portugal, 274.

Expenditure of the United King-
dom, 282.

Funds, French, 308.
Gold, prices of, 308.
Grants, 259.

Hay, prices of, 308.
Meteorological table, 310.

Navy, 288.

Navigation of United Kingdom, 280.
Population of Great Britain, 250.
Ireland, 253.

Prices: gold, &c., 308; corn, 309;
meat and cattle, 310; wheat, 311.
Public expenditure, 256.

income, 254.
services, 259.
Revenue, 254, 284.

Irish, 255.
Silver, prices of, 308.
Stocks, 307.

Sugar, prices of, 308.
Suicides, 181.

Trade, Great Britain, 278.
Ireland, 279.

Wheat and grain, 311.
Taxation, remarks on, 528; question as
to its increase in this country, 529.
Thaarup, Danish poet, death of, 229.
Theatre, the new Haymarket, 103.
Thellusson property, the, 169.
Thibet goats, 680.

Thompson, Miss, murder of, 54, 77.
Threshing machine, 709.
Thurlow, chancellor, his dismissal from
office, 634.


Tierney, Mr., his speech on the conduct
of ministers towards the queen, [18].
Timber, alteration of duties on,
trade, report on, [74].
Timbrell, Mr., his improvements in the
rudder and steerage of ships, 711.
Tomline's Memoirs of Pitt, extracts
from, 626.

Tortosa, plague at, [206].

Trade, state of, [69]; report of foreign,
[74]; timber trade, [74]; foreign,
84; flourishing, in the United States,
145; see also Reports; corn-trade,
see Corn.
Travelling, cheap, 182.
Treason, Irish laws of, [58].

Treasury expenses, [97].
Trials: R. Goulstone, at Chelmsford,
wounding a boar, 39; Lingard, &c.
at ditto, burglary, 40; E. M. Jones,
perjury and abduction, 66; J. Thomp-
son, murder, 173; J. Sharp for steal-
ing some bread and beef, 183; Mr.
O'Bryen, &c., 419; Turner, forgery,

Trials, in France, [145]; remarkable,

Turin, plots at, [235]; revolution, and
abdication of the king, [238]
Turkey resistance of Ali Pacha, [246];
revolt in Wallachia and Moldavia,
[247]; in the Morea, [248]; tumults
at Constantinople, [249]; Ypsilanti,
[250]; stipulations with Russia, [251];
hostile movements of Persia, [256];
letter of the grand vizier to count
Nesselrode, 606; reply of the Porte
to the Russian minister, 608.
Turner, a clerk in the Bank of England,
fraud and apprehension of, 79; his
trial, 451.

Twiss, R., death of, 233.

Vaccine Establishment, report on, 551.
Van Rees, experiments on sound, 691.
Vardarelli robbers, 672.

Vessels, collision of, cases respecting,
tried, 406, 409.

Vesuvius, eruption of, from Atherstone's
Herculaneum, 737.

Vince, Prof., death of, 247.

Vinuesa, arrest of, [173]; plan of a
counter-revolution, [175]; his death,


Volcano in the isle of Bourbon, 117; in
the moon, 687.

Voltaic apparatus, magnetic phenomena
belonging to, 692.
Unicorn, an animal described by Mr.
Campbell, 682.

United States: occupation of the Flo-
ridas, [278]; new territory purchased,
[279]; Missouri added to the union,
[279]; president's speech, [280],
614; finance, [280]; trade, 145;
number of newspapers, 146; increase
of revenue, 622; manufactures, 623;
survey of the coast ships, 624.

Walker, Adam, death of, 231.
Walking on water, Mr. Kent's machine
for, 83.

Wallace, Mr., on the timber trade, [74];

on the commercial code, [77]; and
navigation law, [78].
Wallachia, revolt in, [247].
Washington, Canova's statue of, 728.
Watch, astronomical, 709.

Water, machine for walking on, 83; its
specific gravity at temperature, 539.
Ways and Means, [91].
Weather, 72.

Weber, musical composer, death of, 229.
Weights and measures, report on, 536.
Weimar, public affairs of, [164].
Wellington, rioters apprehended at, 27.
Western, Mr., his bill for the repeal of
certain duties on malt, [88].
West Indies, [288].
Westminster Abbey, fitted up for the
coronation, 333.

Hall, opened for public in-
spection, 112; the fittings up claimed
by lord Gwydir, 169; preparations for
the coronation, 328.

- sessions, 8.
Wetherell, Mr., motion on the omission
of the queen's name in the Liturgy,
Whale-fishery, application of the Con-
greve rockets to, 708.

Whateley, T. surgeon, death of, 245.
Whittaker, rev. T. D. death of, 247.
Will, the queen's, 391; Napoleon's,

Wills, forgery of, [64].

Wilson, sir R., his motion respecting the
affairs of Naples, [104]; dismissed
his majesty's service, [128]; letter to
the commander-in-chief, 145.
Wirtemburg: trial of M. List, for libel
against the government, [165]; penal
code, [167].

Wollaston, Dr., on magnetic phenomena,

Woollens, British, increased duty laid
on, by Portugal, [215].
Worcester, Marchioness, death of, 236.
Wraight and Quested murder Mr. Mac-
kenzie, 32; 61.

York, duke of, opposes the Catholic
Bill, [42].
Yorkshire: two additional members

granted to, [41]; cloth returns, 76.
Ypsilanti, his revolt in Moldavia, [247].

Zante, disturbances and persecutions at,
[119], [121].

Zetlitz, J., Danish poet, death of, 229.


T. C. Hansard, Printer, Peterborough-court, Fleet-street, London.

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