
"To describe the horrid spectacle is impossible; the spectators were themselves the actors in the bloody scene, hardly knowing whether they beheld it or not, and so confounded, as to be unable to judge of what was passing. The reader must figure to himself our horror at two ships blowing up above two hundred athoms into the air, where there was formed, as it were, a mountain of fire, water, and wreck; the awfulness of the explosion below, and the cannon going off in the air; the rending of the masts and planks; the tearing of the sails and cordage, added to the cries of the men. These things, I say, must be left to the imagination of the reader, and I shall only describe what befel myself.

"When the ship first took fire, I was on the forecastle giving orders, and then carried so far up on the deck, that it was the height alone, as I conceive, that saved me from being involved in the wreck of the ships, where I must have infallibly perished. I fell back into the sea, and remained a considerable time under water, without being able to gain the surface. At last, struggling like one afraid of being drowned, I got up and seized a piece of a mast, which I found near at hand. I called to some of my men, whom I saw swimming around me, and exhorted them to take courage, as we might yet save ourselves, if we could fall in with any of the boats.

"What gave me more distress at this moment than even my own misfortune, was seeing two half bodies, still with some remains of life, rising from time to time to the surface of the water, and then disappear, leaving the place dyed with blood. It was equally deplorable to behold many limbs and fragments of bodies, spitted, for the greater part, on fragments of wood.

"At last one of my men having met with a boat, almost entire, amidst all the wreck, swimming in the water, informed me that we must stop some holes which were in it, and endeavour to take out the yawl lying on board. Fifteen or sixteen of us, each supported by a piece of wood, nearly reached the boat, and attempted to disengage the yawl. which we at length effected. All then went on board, and, after getting there, saved the principal gunner, who had his leg broken in the engagement. Then taking up three or four oars, we soughtout something to make a small mast and a sail; and, having prepared all things as well as we possibly could, committed ourselves to the protection of Divine Providence, who could alone give us life and deliverance." They at length reached Cape Corso, where they were relieved by some negroes, and, after enduring many hardships, arrived at Martinique.


A native of Berlin had accompanied some of his companions to the house of a fellow who assumed the character of a fortune-teller; and having disobliged him, by expressing a contempt for his art, the fellow, out of revenge, prophesied, that this man should die on a scaffold. This seemed to make little impression at the time, but afterwards recurred often to this unhappy creature's memory, and became every day more troublesome to his imagination. At length, the idea haunted his mind so incessantly, that he was rendered perfectly miserable, and could no longer endure life.

He would have put himself to death with his own hands, had he not been deterred by the notion, that God Almighty never forgave suicide: he resolved therefore to commit murder, that he might be deprived of life by the hands of justice; and mingling a sentiment of benevolence with the cruelty of his

intention, he reflected that if he murdered a grown person, he might possibly send a soul to hell. To avoid this, he determined to murder a child, who could not have committed any sin, but dying in innocence would go immediately to heaven. He actually murdered an infant of his master's. Such was the strange account, given by this infatuated creature on his trial: and thus the random prophecy proved the cause of its own completion.


Lord Tyrone and Miss

were born in Ireland, and were left orphans in their infancy to the care of the same person, by whom they were both educated in the principles of deism.

Their guardian dying when they were each of them about fourteen years of age, they fell into very different hands. The persons on whom the care of them now devolved used every means to eradicate the erroneous principles they had imbibed, and to persuade them to embrace revealed religion, but in vain. Their arguments were insufficient to convince, though they were strong enough to stagger their former faith. Though separated from each other, their friendship was unalterable, and they continued to regard each other with a sincere and fraternal affection. After some years were elapsed, and both were grown up, they made a solemn promise to each other that whichever should die first, would, if permitted, appear to the other, to declare what religion was most approved by the Supreme Being. Miss was shortly after addressed by Sir Martin Beresford, to whom she was, after a few years, married, but a change of condition had no power to alter their friendship The families visited each other, and often for some weeks together. A short time after one of these visits, Sir Martin remarked, that when his lady came down to breakfast, her countenance was disturbed, and inquired of her health. She assured him she was quite well. He then asked her if she had hurt her wrist: “Have you sprained it?" said he, observing a black ribbon round it. She answered in the negative, and added, "Let me conjure you, Sir Martin, never to inquire the cause of my wearing this ribbon; you will never see me without it. If it concerned you as a husband to know, I would not for a moment conceal it: I never in my life denied you a request, but of this I entreat you to forgive me the refusal, and never to urge me further on the subject." " Very well," said he, smiling," since you beg me so earnestly, I will inquire no more." The conversation here ended; but breakfast was scarce over when Lady Beresford eagerly inquired if the post was come; she was told it was not. In a few minutes she ran again and repeated the inquiry. She was again answered as at first. "Do you expect letters?" said Sir Martin, “that you are so anxious for the arrival of the post?" "I do," she answered, "I expect to hear that Lord Tyrone is dead; he died last Tuesday at four o'clock." "I never in my life," said Sir Martin, " believed you superstitious; some idle dream has surely thus alarmed you." At that instant the servant entered and delivered to them a letter sealed with black. "It is as I expected," exclaimed Lady Beresford, "Lord Tyrone is dead." Sir Martin opened the letter; it came from Lord Tyrone's steward, and contained the melancholy intelligence of his master's death, and on the very day and hour Lady Beresford had before specified. Sir Martin begged Lady Beresford to compose herself, and she assured him she felt much easier than she had done for a long time; and added, "I can communicate intelligence to you which I know will prove welcome; I can assure

you, beyond the possibility of a doubt, that I shall in some months present you with a son.' Sir Martin received this news with the greatest joy. After some months, Lady Beresford was delivered of a son; she had before been the mother of only two daughters. Sir Martin survived the birth of his son little more than four years. After his decease his widow seldom left home; she visited no family but that of a clergyman who resided in the same village; with them she frequently passed a few hours every day; the rest of her time was spent in solitude, and she appeared determined for ever to banish all other society. The clergyman's family consisted of himself, his wife, and one son, who, at the time of Sir Martin's death, was quite a youth; to this son, however, she was after a few years married, notwithstanding the disparity of years, and the manifest imprudence of a connection so unequal in every point of view. Lady Beresford was treated by her young husband with contempt and cruelty, while at the same time his conduct evinced him the most abandoned libertine, utterly destitute of every principle of virtue and humanity. By this, her second husband, she had two daughters; after which, such was the baseness of his conduct, that she insisted on a separation. They parted for a few years, when so great was the contrition he expressed for his former conduct, that, won over by his supplications, promises, and entreaties, she was induced to pardon, and once more to reside with him, and was in time the mother of

a son.

The day on which she had lain-in a month, being the anniversary of her birth-day, she sent for Lady Betty Cobb (of whose friendship she had long been possessed), and a few other friends to request them to spend the day with her. About seven, the clergyman by whom she had been christened, and with whom she had all her life been intimate, came into the room to inquire after her health. She told him she was perfectly well, and requested him to spend the day with them; "For," said she, "this is my birth day. I am fortyeight to-day.' "No, madam," answered the clergyman, " you are mistaken; your mother and myself have had many disputes concerning your age, and I have at last discovered that I was right. I happened to go last week into the parish where you were born; I was resolved to put an end to the dispute ; I searched the register, and find that you are but forty-seven this day." "You have signed my death warrant," she exclaimed; "I have but a few hours to live. I must, therefore, entreat you to leave me immediately, as I have something of importance to settle before I die." When the clergyman had left her, Lady Beresford sent to forbid the company coming, and at the same time to request Lady Betty Cobb, and her son (of whom Sir Martin was the father, and was then about twenty-two years of age), to come to her apartment immediately. Upon their arrival, having ordered the attendants to quit the room, "I have something," she said, "of the greatest importance to communicate to you both before I die, a period which is not far distant. You, Lady Betty, are no stranger to the friendship which subsisted between Lord Tyrone and myself: we were educated under the same roof, and in the same principles of deism. When the friends, into whose hands we afterwards fell, endeavoured to persuade us to embrace revealed religion, their arguments, though insufficient to convince, were powerful enough to stagger our former feelings, and to leave us wavering between the two opinions: in this perplexing state of doubt and uncertainty, we made a solemn promise to each other, that which died first should (if permitted) appear to the other, and declare what religion was most acceptable to God: accordingly, one night, while Sir Martin and myself were in bed, I suddenly awoke and discovered Lord Tyrone sitting by my bedside. I screamed

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out and endeavoured to awake Sir Martin; "For heaven's sake," I exclaimed, "Lord Tyrone, by what means, or for what reason, came you hither at this time of night ""Have you then forgotten our promise ?" said he. "I died last Tuesday at four o'clock, and have been permitted by the Supreme Being to appear to you, to assure you that the revealed religion is true, and the only religion by which we can be saved. I am further suffered to inform you that you will soon produce a son; who, it is decreed, will marry my daughter: not many years after his birth Sir Martin will die, and you will marry again, and to a man by whose ill treatment you will be rendered miserable: you will have two daughters, and afterwards a son, in child-birth of whom you will die in the forty-seventh year of your age." "Just Heavens!" I exclaimed, "and cannot I prevent this?" Undoubtedly you may," returned the spectre ; "you are a free agent, and may prevent it all by resisting every temptation to a second marriage; but your passions are strong, you know not their power; hitherto you have had no trials. More I am not permitted to reveal, but if after this warning you persist in your infidelity, your lot in another world will be miserable indeed!" "May I not ask," said I, "if you are happy?" "Had I been otherwise," he replied, "I should not be permitted to appear to you." "I may then infer that you are happy?" He smiled. "But how," said I, "when morning comes, shall I know that your appearance to me has been real, and not the mere representation of my own imagination ?" "Will not the news of my death be sufficient to convince you?""No," I returned, "I might have had such a dream, and that dream accidentally come to pass. I will have some stronger proofs of its reality." "You shall," said he, and waving his hand, the bed-curtains, which were of crimson velvet, were instantly drawn through a large iron hoop by which the tester of the bed was suspended." In that," said he, " you cannot be mistaken; no mortal arm could have performed this." "True," said I, "but sleeping we are often of far more strength than when awake; though walking I could not have done it, asleep I might, and I shall still doubt." "Here is a pocket-book," said he; "in it I will write my name: you know my hand-writing." I replied, "Yes." He wrote with a pencil on one side of the leaves. "Still," said I, "in the morning I may doubt; though waking I could not imitate your hand, asleep I might." "You are hard of belief," said he: " it would injure you irreparably; it is not for spirits to touch mortal flesh." "I do not," said I, "regard a light blemish." "You are a woman of courage," replied he, "hold out your hand." I did: he touched my wrist: his hand was cold as marble: in a moment the sinews shrunk up, every nerve withered. "Now," said he, "while you live, let no mortal eye behold that wrist: to see it is sacrilege." He stopped; I turned to him again; he was gone. During the time I had conversed with him my thoughts were perfectly calm and collected, but the moment he was gone, I felt chilled with horror, the very bed moved under me. I endeavoured, but in vain, to wake Sir Martin, all my attempts were ineffectual, and in this state of agitation and terror I lay for some time, when a shower of tears came to my relief, and I dropped asleep. In the morning, Sir Martin arose and dressed himself as usual, without perceiving the state the curtains remained in. When I awoke I found Sir Martin gone down; I arose, and having put on my clothes, went to the gallery adjoining the apartment, and took from thence a long broom (such as cornices are swept with), by the help of this I took down with some difficulty the curtains, as I imagined their extraordinary position might excite suspicion in the family. I then went to the bureau, took up my pocket-book, and bound a piece of black ribbon round my wrist. When I came down, the agitation of my mind had left an impres-

sion on my countenance too visible to pass unobserved by my husband. He instantly remarked it and asked the cause; I informed him Lord Tyrone was no more, that he died at the hour of four on the preceding Tuesday, and desired him never to question me more respecting the black ribbon; which he kindly desisted from after. You, my son, as had been foretold, I afterwards brought into the world, and in a little time after your birth your lamented father expired in my arms. After this melancholy event, I determined as the only probable chance to avoid the sequel of the prediction, for ever to abandon all society; to give up every pleasure resulting from it, and pass the remainder of my days in solitude and retirement. But few can long endure to exist in a state of perfect sequestration: I began an intimacy with a family, and one alone; nor could I then foresee the fatal consequences which afterwards resulted from it. Little did I think their son, their only son, then a mere youth, would form the person destined by fate to prove my destruction. In a very few years I ceased to regard him with indifference; I endeavoured by every possible way to conquer a passion the fatal effects of which I too well knew. I had fondly imagined I had overcome its influence, when the evening of one fatal day terminated my fortitude, and plunged me in a moment down that abyss I had so long been meditating to shun. He had often solicited his parents for leave to go into the army, and at last obtained permission, and came to bid adieu before his departure. The instant he entered the room he fell upon his knees at his feet, told me he was miserable, and that I alone was the cause. At that moment my fortitude forsook me, I gave myself up for lost, and regarding my fate as inevitable, without further hesitation consented to an union, the immediate result of which I knew to be misery, and its end death. The conduct of my husband, after a few years, amply justified a separation, and I hoped by this means to avoid the fatal sequel of the prophecy; but won over by his reiterated entreaties, I was prevailed upon to pardon, and once more reside with him, though not till after I had, as I thought, passed my fortyseventh year. But alas! I have this day heard from undisputable authority, that I have hitherto lain under a mistake with regard to my age, and that I am but forty-seven to-day. Of the near approach of my death then I entertain not the slightest doubt; but I do not dread its arrival; armed with the sacred precepts of Christianity, I can meet the King of Terrors without dismay, and without fear bid adieu to mortality for ever. When I am dead, as the necessity of concealment closes with my life, I could wish that you, Lady Betty, would unbind my wrist, take from thence the black ribbon, and let my son with yourself behold it."

Lady Beresford here paused for some time, but resuming the conversation. she entreated her son would behave himself so as to merit the high honour he would in future receive from an union with the daughter of Lord Tyrone. Lady B. then expressed a wish to lay down on the bed and endeavour to compose herself to sleep. Lady Betty Cobb and her son immediately called her domestics, and quitted the room, having first desired them to watch their mistress attentively, and if they observed the smallest change in her, to call instantly. An hour passed, and all was quiet in the room. They listened at the door and every thing remained still, but in half an hour more a bell rang violently; they flew to her apartment, but before they reached the door, they heard the servants exclaim, "Oh, she is dead!" Lady Betty then bade the servants for a few minutes to quit the room, and herself with Lady Beresford's son approached the bed of his mother; they knelt down by the side of it; Lady Betty then lifted up her hand and untied the ribbon; the wrist was found exactly as Lady Beresford had described it, every sinew shrunk, every nerve withered.

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