
PROTOCOL relative to the Affairs of

tiations with the Ottoman Porte, which Greece. Signed at St. Petersburgh, may be the consequence of that Mediation,

should be determined hereafter by the comApril 4, 1826. (Translation.)

mon consent of the governments of his BriHis Britannic Majesty having been tannic Majesty and his Imperial Majesty. requested by the Greeks to interpose his 3. If the Mediation offered by his Brigood offices, in order to obtain their re- tannic Majesty should not have been acconciliation with the Ottoman Porte; cepted by the Porte, and whatever may having, in consequence, offered his Media- be the nature of the relations between his tion to that Power, and being desirous of Imperial Majesty and the Turkish governconcerting the measures of his Govern- ment, his Britannic Majesty and his Imment, upon this subject, with his Majesty perial Majesty will still consider the terms the Emperor of all the Russias; and his of the arrangement specified in No. 1 of Imperial Majesty, on the other hand, being this Protocol, as the basis of any reconequally animated by the desire of putting ciliation to be effected by their intervenan end to the contest of which Greece and tion, whether in concert or separately, the Archipelago are the theatre, by an ar- between the Porte and the Greeks; and rangement, which shall be consistent with they will avail themselves of every favourthe principles of religion, justice, and able opportunity to exert their influence humanity;

with both parties, in order to effect their The Undersigned have agreed : reconciliation on the above-mentioned basis.

1. That the arrangement to be proposed 4. That his Britannic Majesty and his to the Porte, if that Government should Imperial Majesty should reserve to themaccept the proffered Mediation, should selves to adopt, hereafter, the measures have for its object, to place the Greeks to- necessary for the settlement of the details wards the Ottoman Porte, in the relation of the arrangement in question, as well hereafter mentioned :

as the limits of the Territory, and the Greece should be a dependency of that names of the Islands of the Archipelago Empire, and the Greeks should pay to to which it shall be applicable, and which the Porte an annual tribute, the amount it shall be proposed to the Porte to comof which should be permanently fixed by prise under the denomination of Greece. common consent. They should be exclu. 5. That, moreover, his Britannic Masively governed by Authorities, to be jesty and his Imperial Majesty will not chosen and named by themselves, but in seek, in this arrangement, any increase of the nomination of which Authorities the Territory, nor any exclusive influence, nor Porte should have a certain influence. advantage in cominerce for their Subjects,

In this state, the Greeks should enjoy which shall not be equally attainable by a a complete liberty of conscience, entire all other Nations. freedom of commerce, and should, exclu- 6. That his Britannic Majesty and his sively, conduct their own internal govern- Imperial Majesty, being desirous that their ment.

Allies should become parties to the definiIn order to effect a complete separation tive arrangements of which this Protocol between individuals of the two nations, contains the outline, will communicate and to prevent the collisions which must this Instrument, confidentially, to the be the necessary consequences of a contest Courts of Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, and of such duration, the Greeks should pur- will

propose to them that they should, in chase the property of Turks, whether concert with the Emperor of Russia, situated on the Continent of Greece, or in guarantee the treaty by which the reconthe Islands.

ciliation of Turks and Greeks shall be 2. In case the principle of a Mediation effected, as his Britannic Majesty cannot between Turks and Greeks should have guarantee such a Treaty. (Signed) been admitted, in consequence of the steps

St. Petersburgh, WELLINGTON. taken, with that view, by his Britannic April 4-March 23, NESSELRODE. Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople, 1826.

LIEVEN. his Imperial Majesty would exert, in every TREATY FOR THE PACIFICATION OF case, his influence to forward the object GREECE, between his Majesty, the of that Mediation. The mode in which, Most Christian King, and the Emand the time at which, his Imperial Ma

peror of all the Russias.

Signed jesty should take part in the ulterior nego- London.July 6,1827 (Translation.)

In the name of the Most Holy and Un- Russias, the Sieur Christopher Prince de divided Trinity.-His Majesty the King Lieven, General of Infantry of his Imperial of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Majesty's Forces, his Aide-de-Camp GeneIreland, his Majesty the King of France ral, Knight of the Orders of Russia, of those and Navarre, and his Majesty the Emperor of the Black Eagle and of the Red Eagle of of all the Russias, penetrated with the Prussia, of that of the Guelphs of Hanover, necessity of putting an end to the san- Commander Grand Cross of the Order of guinary struggle, which, while it abandons the Sword of Sweden, and of that of St. the Greek Provinces and the Islands of John of Jerusalem, his Ambassador Extrathe Archipelago to all the disorders of ordinary and Plenipotentiary to his Britananarchy, daily causes fresh impediments nic Majesty : to the commerce of the States of Europe, Who, after having communicated to and gives opportunity for acts of piracy each other their Full Powers, found to be which not only expose the Subjects of the in due and proper form, have agreed upon High Contracting Parties to grievous losses, the following Articles :-but also render necessary measures which Art. 1. The Contracting Powers shall are burthensome for their observation and offer their Mediation to the Ottoman Porte, suppression ;

with the view of effecting a reconciliation His Majesty the King of the United between It and the Greeks. Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and This offer of Mediation shall be made his Majesty the Kingof France and Navarre, to that Power immediately after the Ratifihaving moreover received from the Greeks cation of the present Treaty, by means of an earnest invitation to interpose their a joint declaration, signed by Plenipotenmediation with the Ottoman Porte ; and, tiaries of the Allied Courts at Constantogether with his Majesty the Emperor of tinople; and, at the same time, a demand all the Russias, being animated with the for an immediate Armistice shall be made desire of putting a stop to the effusion of to the Two Contending Parties, as a preblood, and of preventing the evils of every liminary and indispensable condition to the kind which the continuance of such a state opening of any negotiation. of affairs may produce ;

2. The arrangement to be proposed to They have resolved to combine their the Ottoman Porte shall rest upon the folefforts, and to regulate the operation there- lowing bases :of, by a formal Treaty, for the object of re- The Greeks shall hold under the Sultan establishing peace between the contending as under a Lord paramount; and, in conParties, by means of an arrangement called sequence thereof, they shall pay to the for, no less by sentiments of humanity, Ottoman empire an annual tribute, the than by interests for the tranquillity of amount of which shall be fixed, once for Europe.

all, by common agreement. They shall be For these purposes, they have named governed by Authorities whom they shall Their Plenipotentiaries to discuss, to con- choose and appoint themselves, but in the clude, and sign, the said Treaty, that is to nomination of whom the Porte shall have say:

a defined right. His Majesty the King of the United In order to effect a complete separation Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the betwen the individuals of the two Nations, Right Honourable John William Viscount and to prevent the collisions which would Dudley, a Peer of the United Kingdom of be the inevitable consequence of so proGreat Britain and Ireland, a Member of his tracted a struggle, the Greeks shall become said Majesty's Most Honourable Privy possessors of all Turkish Property situated Council, and his Principal Secretary of either upon the Continent, or in the Islands State for Foreign Affairs :

of Greece, on condition of indemnifying His Majesty the King of France and the former proprietors, either by an annual Navarre, the Prince Jules, Count de Po- sum to be added to the tribute which they lignac, a Peer of France, Knight of the shall pay to the Porte, or by some other Orders of his Most Christian Majesty, arrangement of the same nature. Maréchal-de-Camp of his Forces, Grand 3. The details of this arrangement, as Cross of the Order of St. Maurice of Sar- well as the limits of the territory upon the dinia, &c. &c. and his Ambassador at Continent, and the designation of the London :

Islands of the Archipelago to which it shall And his Majesty the Emperor of all the be applicable, shall be settled by a nego

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tiation to be hereafter entered into between tions with the Greeks, and by sending to the High Powers and the Two Contending and receiving from them, for this purpose, Parties.

Consular Agents, provided there shall exist 4. The Contracting Powers engage to in Greece Authorities capable of supporting pursue the salutary work of the pacifica- such relations. tion of Greece, upon the bases laid down 2. If, within the said term of one in the preceding Articles, and to furnish, month, the Porte does not accept the without the least delay, their Representa- armistice proposed in the first article of tives at Constantinople with all the In- the patent Treaty, or if the Greeks refuse structions which are required for the exe- to carry it into execution, the high concution of the Treaty which they now tracting powers shall declare to either of sign.

the contending parties which may be dis5. The Contracting Powers will not posed to continue hostilities, or to both seek, in these arrangements, any augmen- of them, if necessary, that the said high tation of territory, any exclusive influence, powers intend to exert all the means which or any commercial advantage for their circumstances may suggest to their pruSubjects, which those of every other clence, for the purpose of obtaining the Nation may not equally obtain.

immediate effects of the armistice of 6. The arrangements for reconciliation which they desire the execution, by preand peace which shall be definitively venting, as far as possible, all collision agreed upon between the contending between the contending parties ; and in Parties, shall be guaranteed by those of consequence, immediately after the above the Signing Powers who may judge it mentioned declaration, the high powers expedient or possible to contract that ob- will, jointly, exert all their efforts to acligation. The operation and the effects of complish the object of such armistice, such guarantee shall become the subject without, however, taking any part in the of future stipulation between the High hostilities between the two contending Powers.

parties. 7. The present Treaty shall be ratified, Immediately after the signature of the and the ratifications shall be exchanged in present additional article, the high contwo months, or sooner if possible. In tracting powers will, consequently, transwitness whereof, the respective Plenipo- mit to the admirals commanding their retentiaries have signed the same, and have spective squadrons in the Levant, conaffixed thereto the Seals of their Arms. ditional instructions in conformity to the Done at London, the Sixth day of July, arrangements above declared. in the Year of our Lord, 1827.

3. Finally, if, contrary to all expecta(L. S.) Dudley.

tion, these measures do not prove sufficient (L. S.) THE PRINCE DE POLIGNAC. to procure the adoption of the propositions (L. S.) LIEVEN.

of the high contracting parties by the Additional Article.--In case the Ot- Ottoman Porte; or if, on the other hand, toman Porte should not, within the space the Greeks decline the conditions stiof one month, accept the mediation which pulated in their favour, by the Treaty of is to be proposed to It, the High Contract- this date, the high contracting powers ing Parties agree upon the following will, nevertheless, continue to pursue the measures :

work of pacification, on the bases upon 1. It shall be declared to the Porte, by which they have agreed ; and, in conseTheir Representatives at Constantinople, quence, they authorise, from the present that the inconveniencies and evils described moment, their representatives at London, in the patent Treaty as inseparable from to discuss and determine the future mea

i the state of things which has, for six years, sures which it may become necessary to existed in the East, and the termination employ. of which, by the means at the command of The present additional article shall have the Sublime Ottoman Porte, appears to be the same force and validity as if it were still distant, impose upon the High Con- inserted, word for word, in the Treaty of tracting Parties the necessity of taking this day. It shall be ratified, and the raimmediate measures for forming a con- tifications shall be exchanged at the same nection with the Greeks.

time as those of the said Treaty. It is understood that this shall be In witness whereof the respective plenieffected by establishing commercial rela- potentiaries have sigued the same, and


have affixed thereto the seals of their arms. the means of prejudicing the cause of the

Done at London, the Sixth day of July, Catholics in the eyes of their friends. He in the year of our Lord 1827.

was convinced that the resolution would (L. S.) DUDLEY.

have no effect on the conduct of any per(L. S.) THE PRINCE DE POLIGNAC. son, and that every member would join (L. S.) LIEVEN.

with him in reprobating it.

Lord Clifden said, that no man was HOUSE OF LORDS.

less disposed than he was to countenance

such proceedings, but still he thought that Friday, February 1.

some allowance ought to be made for the Roman Catholic Association.] use of intemperate language. He agreed, The Marquis of Londonderry said, he that many things which had been said by wished to offer a few words on the sub-members of the Catholic association had ject connected with the Roman Catholics displeased the friends of their cause; but of Ireland. As a friend to them and to their lordships ought not to look at a great their cause, it was impossible for him to public question under feelings excited by see without anxiety the public journals the intemperate harangues of this man or teeming with such monstrous resolutions of that. The king of the Netherlands as those which had been submitted to an had entered into an arrangement with the assembly of persons calling themselves Pope, respecting his Catholic subjects. the meeting of the Roman Catholics of Why could not we do the same? It was Ireland. Their lordships would recollect, not to be wondered at, if intemperate lanthat a bill had been passed to put down guage should break forth from a people such associations. Notwithstanding that whose hopes had been deferred for seven bill, these associations continued to exist, and twenty years. It was not in human and a resolution had been laid before nature to put up with such injustice. them of so extraordinary a nature, that it was impossible for him not to allude to it; TURKEY AND GREECE.] Lord Holfor if that resolution was actually the re- land said, that he rose for the purpose of solution of the Roman Catholics of Ire- giving notice of a motion. The papers land, he, as one of their sincerest friends, which his noble friend the Secretary for would declare, that instead of making him Foreign Affairs, had brought down the hope that their cause would advance, it other day, were highly satisfactory as would give him reason to wish that it showing a disposition, on the part of his might not. Precisely the same sentiment majesty's government, to give every inhe had expressed two years ago. He had formation on the subject to which the then said, that if he thought the Catholics papers referred. They nevertheless, apof Ireland would, by intimidation or threat, peared to him to be incomplete. He endeavour to carry their object, he would therefore gave notice, that he intended to be the first to oppose them. The resolu- move for the production of certain papers tion to which he had alluded was as fol- on Monday next. His motion would lows :-“Resolved; that we feel it a duty comprise two objects: first, to ascertain we owe to the Irish people to declare, that the state of the relations between this we shall consider every Irish member of country and the Ottoman Porte; and parliament an enemy to the freedom, next, the nature of the instructions given peace, and happiness, of Ireland, who shall to the admiral commanding the combined support, either directly or indirectly, any feet in the Mediterranean. administration of which the duke of Wellington, or any individual professing his HOUSE OF COMMONS. principles, is the head or contriver; and

Friday, February 1. we call on all counties, cities, towns, and COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY.] Lord Palparishes in Ireland, to act upon the spirit merston gave notice, that on Monday he of this resolution.” Now, he must look would move, that the House should resolve upon this resolution as a complete threat; itself into a Committee of Supply. but he believed that the Catholics of Ire- Mr. Hume asked, whether it was the land would not approve of it. He was intention of the noble lord to call upon sure that a better spirit prevailed amongst the House to vote any of the supplies for

а them. If such proceedings, however, the current year before, the chancellor of were suffered to continue, they would be the Exchequer had taken his seat ?


Lord Palmerston said, it was bis inten- it to parishes. At present, no parish tion to move only for certain supplies out could adopt this useful system of commuof funds, which were not strictly available tation without making a special applicawithout the authority of the House. His tion to parliament; and the enormous object was to prevent the obstruction expense attendant upon such application of the public service from the want of rendered it, in many instances, impracticathose funds.

ble. By the intended bill commissioners Mr. Hume said, that with regard to any would be appointed ; and to prevent fraud balance which might remain in the Trea- or collusion, one of those commissioners sury from last year, he had no objection would be the clergyman of the parish : all that government should bring it forward their proceedings would be public, and to meet the current expenses.

every party interested would have an opMr. Maberly trusted, that when the portunity of informing himself of the acts estimates were brought forward, they would done by the commissioners and the tithe evince a due attention to economy in valuators every department of the state. It would Leave was given to bring in the bill. be impossible for the finance committee to make any report until a late period of

HOUSE OF COMMONS. the session. In the mean time, he would urge upon government the adoption of as

Monday, February 4. severe a system of economy as if that re- King's ANSWER TO THE Address.) port was before the House.

Lord Palmerston presented the King's Mr. Calcraft supposed that as the new Answer to the Address of Thanks as foladministration had not had time to prepare lows :fresh estimates, they would bring forward “ I thank you for this loyal and dutiful those which the late ministry had left behind Address. The assurances of your cordial them. If that was the case, he had no co-operation, in advancing the welfare and doubt, that a due attention would be paid prosperity of my People, are highly satisto economy and retrenchment. He un factory to me. You may rely upon my derstood it to be merely the noble lord's unwearied endeavours to maintain the intention to propose on Monday to render national interests and honour, and to preavailable certain funds, to do which the serve to this country and the world, the authority of the House was necessary.

inestimable blessings of peace.' Lord Palmerston said, that the hon. member had correctly stated the object of CORPORATION AND Test Acts.] Mr. his motion.

John Smith, in presenting a petition from

the Unitarian congregation assembling in FINANCE COMMITTEE.] Mr. E. D. the New Gravel-pit Meeting House at Davenport wished to know, whether any | Hackney, praying for the repeal of these steps had been taken towards the appoint- acts, said, he was bound to observe that it ment of the Finance Committee, and was signed by individuals of talent, wealth, whether the noble lord could state the and moral excellence, inferior to no class names of its intended members.

of the community. There was one point Lord Palmerston said, it was impossible connected with the numerous classes of for him to anticipate the names of the persons, of whom the petitioners formed a members, whom the House, in its wisdom, branch, on which he was anxious to say a would nominate upon the committee. few words. It had been stated in the

newspapers and elsewhere, that the DisCorn-Rent Tithes.] Mr. Green said, senters had coalesced with the Catholics, he rose to bring in a bill “to enable for the purpose of obtaining, in conjuncclergymen and their parishioners to com- tion, the removal of their mutual disabilimute for Corn-Rents the Tithes within ties. Now, he was authorised positively their respective parishes." The hon. to state, that they had done no such thing member dwelt upon the beneficial effects A united committee had been appointed which would flow from such a measure. 1 by the Dissenters, to whom was intrusted The principle upon which the bill was the management of the application to parfounded was not a novel one. It had liament for a repeal of the Corporation frequently been applied in the instances and Test Acts. That conumittee, which, of private bills; and he wished to extend he could say, without fear of contradic

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