
collision with the head of the government, not apply to him. He had expressed no who differed from him respecting it: and, dissent from the principles of the corn bilk as he could never, under such circum- brought in by Mr. Canning: and, in fact, stances, continue to act with satisfaction at the time when Mr. Canning's state of to himself, he decided that he could not health rendered it doubtful whether he take part in that administration. But, could bring it forward, it had been agreed when the duke of Wellington took the that, in the right hon. gentleman's absence, office of prime minister, no such ground of he should introduce it to the House. A objection existed, and he felt himself at noble lord opposite (Milton) had spoken liberty to join his government. His recol- of the amendment moved by the duke of lection of what passed on the formation of Wellington upon that bill

, which ended in that government was very much in accord- its rejection ; and had inferred that, from auce with what had been stated by his that event, there could be no junction in noble friend, the Secretary at War, for, a government between the noble duke and from the moment that the duke of Wel- the right hon. Secretary for the Colonies. lington determined that an offer should be Now, he denied that there was any evimade to the members of lord Liverpool's dence that the duke of Wellington was government, the duke said, “ let us put hostile to the principle of that bill. He the matter to them fairly and freely upon had sat in the cabinet when it was intropublic grounds.” No stipulations were duced; he had voted for the second readoffered or required, but there was a spon- ing of it; and there was nothing, as retaneous desire on the duke's part, to make garded principle, which could be objected such propositions to those individuals as to him for having altered the details. The must prove acceptable to all. The duke amendment which the noble duke had felt the importance of preserving unchanged moved to the bill which had been lost, the existing policy respecting the general formed no bar to his supporting another affairs of Europe, especially as concerned bill brought in upon similar principles. the affairs in the East; and he felt also, But the fact was, that a consistency and a that it would be a great public advantage unanimity of opinion was called for, or to secure the valuable assistance of earl affected to be called for, in the members Dudley in the Foreign-office. On the of the government, which it was folly to 10th of January the noble duke had suppose ever could exist. In consenting assured him, that no change should take to become a member of an administration, place in the government of Ireland ; and he did not surrender, or believe that he although some dissatisfaction had been was bound to surrender, his opinions to expressed, in some quarters, respecting the any man. He protested that he never appointment of the right hon. gentleman would enter the service of the Crown, or who was secretary for that country, he of the country, if the terms were, that he could only say, that if it were left to name was implicitly to adopt the views of any any person to that office, he could not minister-of lord Liverpool, of the duke of select an individual better qualified than Wellington, or of Mr. Canning. With that right hon. gentleman.— Respecting respect to the last-mentioned right hon. the Catholic question, every member of gentleman, if the Catholic question could the present administration was at liberty have been put out of sight, and if Mr. to take what line of conduct he might Canning had asked him to become a memchoose : it was deemed to be an open ber of his administration, he should have question; and the patronage of Ireland answered—“There are matters on which was to remain neutral, as it was pledged we do not think alike; but we have sat to be in Mr. Canning's government. The in the same cabinet for five years, and I noble duke had agreed in opinion with know of no cause which should preclude him on these points; and he believed that me from serving with you, or under you.” it was his intention to act steadily and For, could it be supposed that any head honestly up to the declarations which he of an administration ought to expect-or had made upon this subject. With re- would any one who acted with him consent spect to the com question, that had been that he should be permitted- to lay down referred to as a reason why a union never his personal opinions like a formula, to could take place between the remnant of which every one about him was bound, two former administrations. Now, what- without objection or qualification, to subever was the value of the objection, it did I scribe? He repeated, that he would have

served with the late Mr. Canning, or under who caused the destruction of Mr. Canhim. He saw no point on which he ought ving. to have declined to do so, except the single Mr. Secretary Peel continued. He point of the Catholic question. A noble would not moot the point with the hon. lord had spoken of the policy of the South gentleman ; for the principle was that American question, and of the expedition which he desired to go upon. Was there to Portugal. He had concurred in the never to be an end of the desire to make South American policy. He believed that every transient hostility interminable? The many of the South American colonies had, noble lord at the head of the Foreign at the time in question, established a de Affairs had treated this dangerous and unfacto independence of the mother country, reasonable desire as it deserved, when he and that it was time that that independ- bad spoken of the praise which was due to ence should be formally acknowledged. Mr. Canning, for having forgotten his perAs for the expedition of Portugal -he sonal difference with the late marquis of found Portugal in a state of danger which Londonderry, the instant that the country gave him every disposition to act, and as seemed likely to be assisted by their union. the question stood, he was not bound to For himself, he could only say, that if it call principle to his aid upon the subject, was a point of honour tó recollect one's for we found the country bound by treaties, own quarrels, or the quarrels of one's from which it was impossible, in honour friends, he thought it an act incomparably or in justice, for her to depart. He did more noble, to forget those animosities not stand there as the “laudator temporis when the public interest would be served acti," but he repeated--that perfect agree- by burying them in oblivion. He hoped, ment in any administration could not, and therefore, most sincerely, that there would ought not, to be looked for. It could not be an end of these demands for explanafairly exist. He was ready to serve in the tion, and of explanation itself, as of every government, if he could ; but never unless other circumstance which could tend to he were allowed to retain his own views impede that cordial union for the promoand feelings upon ten thousand possible tion of the public welfare, which he was questions, which, in the complicated state sure, if it was permitted to do so, would of society, would arise, and to provide for distinguish the conduct of the present which, by any arrangement or settlement ministry. If government was allowed to of principle, was impossible. He thought take its course, as much unanimity and as that the proposal which the noble duke at much exertion would mark the administrathe head of affairs bad made to the mem- tion of the duke of Wellington, as had bers of the present administration was one distinguished any ministry that had ever which it was impossible for any of them existed in the country; certainly as much to reject; unless those who meant to say, as could belong to any ministry capable of that the fact of their once having been in being formed in the existing state of paroffice under Mr. Canning precluded them ties. He trusted that what had been done from taking office under anybody else. The already, since the business of the session explanations given upon this point seemed had commenced, had evinced at least a to him fully satisfactory. The hon. mem- disposition, from which no evil to the ber who spoke last gave little encourage- country would be expected. As far as he ment to explanation, when he declared, was concerned, his object should be to do that he would not be satisfied although that which he had recommended; namely, parties should go on explaining to eternity; to forget all differences which had existed, but he believed that every circumstance and to ask only, how far the expectations which required notice had been accounted of the public from the government as it for. The same hon, member charged bis stood was likely to be realized. He had right hon. friend, the Secretary for the never sought to be recalled to office. His Colonies, with having given a pledge to being replaced in it was neither of his his friends and to the country, that he asking nor of his particular desire : but, never would take office under the duke of since he was in office, he would steadily Wellington, or

perform that which he believed to be his Mr. T. Duncombe said, “No." He had duty: he would execute the trust which, merely said that which was the fact ; in taking place, he had contracted with namely, that the right hon. gentleman had the Crown and with the nation; especially declared he never would act with those aiming to promote the union of the minis

try with which he was connected, and to green, and too fresh, to admit of his. avoid exciting any differences by which its serving in the same ministry with those stability could be endangered.-One word who had deserted the service of their more was all with which he would detain country when the ministry of his friend, the House. It referred to a subject which Mr. Canning, had been formed.". He it was right should be fully understood, as complained scarcely less of the violation connected with the dissolution of the late of private confidence which would have ministry and the formation of the present. betrayed his real words, than of their On the 8th of January, when his majesty conversion into the monstrous calumny had commissioned the noble duke at the which he had now refuted; but there was head of affairs to form a new government, a difference, and a wide one, between his his majesty had accompanied his com- speaking of his feelings while his wounds mands for that purpose with the following were green and fresh, and a declaration, declaration :—- I commit to you the of hostility, wbich was to bind his conduct formation of a new ministry: the last ad- to eternity. The right hon. gentleman ministration has been dissolved. But it went on to justify himself against the want is my duty to inform you, that, if that ad- of confidence imputed to him by the right ministration had not been dissolved by acts hon. member for Knaresborough. If of its own, I would have remained faithful there had been any design or any cabal, to it to the last.” There were circum- to him it was entirely unknown. So late stances which made it expedient that this as the 26th of December, he had the firmfact should be known. For himself, he est intention of remaining in the councils believed it was impossible to attribute the of the country. Of this he could not give dissolution of the late government, to any a stronger proof than by stating, that other than the causes which had been after that time two persons of great emi., brought before the House in the course of nence, politically opposed to him, had inthe explanations of the evening. He re- timated plainly, that the embarrassments of peated, that he thought there had been the government were so evident, that some discussion enough. If there was any measures ought to be taken, and that they point connected with his personal accept- were disposed to address the king upon ance of office that wanted explanation, he the subject. To this communication he was ready to give it to any member who had answered, that the point was one might call upon him. But he thought his upon which he could give no opinion; but right hon. colleagues had gone as far as it that, whatever resolution they might take, was necessary, or possible, for them to go. he thought they ought decidedly to state

Mr. Secretary Huskisson rose to explain it first to lord Ğoderich. It was in conHe said, he trusted that his peculiar sequence of this occurrence, that lord situation would excuse his intrusion upon Goderich had waited on his majesty on the House for a few moments. The de- the 8th of January; and at that time he. claration of the hon. member opposite, as had absolutely not been aware whether to what he had heard of his pledge not to the noble lord went to submit his grieve join the opponents of Mr. Canning—those ances to the king, or to propose some plan words of his which the hon, member had by which those grievances might be reconverted into a pledge, and which he medied. could only have heard by some scandalous Mr. Brougham said, that at so late an violation of private confidence-had been hour he should not be suspected of inso much talked of and so grossly misre-tending to trespass long upon the patience presented, that he would state what they of the House. Indeed, the subject in dereally were. He had never uttered any bate was one upon which an immense deal thing like the words that were imputed to of what was needless had already been him; namely," that he would never again said, and upon which it might have been take office with those who had persecuted sufficient, by taking up the question at Mr. Canning to the death”—to the death, the right point, to have said very little. or to destruction ; for it mattered little The right hon. gentleman, the late chanwhat the precise expression was which was cellor of the Exchequer, had explained to thus sought to be put into his mouth. What the House every thing but the short facts he had said was this—when he returned which it was desirous to have explained. to England in August, he had used the As to the few material points which had expression, that "his wounds were too been suggested by the noble opener of the debate, there had been a very abundant things in the cabinet: in the House of discussion upon all the other topics, but Commons it was scarcely more intelligible. upon those the country was nearly as the right hon. the master of the Mint much in the dark as ever. As the story spoke of his anxiety to make up the gostood, it illustrated the well-known saying vernment: but the proceedings taken to of chancellor Oxtenstern to his son._“You that end were the most extraordinary it see with how little wisdom the world can was possible to conceive. For lord Ğobe governed.” The whole of the late derich, he could bear witness to the conministry appeared to have been in a doubt duct of that noble lord while a member of for some time, whether it was the ministry the House of Commons; and he had no at all, or whether office belonged to some hesitation in declaring, that the country other party, and was vested in some other was indebted to him for his services there. place. Two members of the cabinet were The honourable feeling and amiable diswalking about in considerable uncertainty position of the noble lord were the theme whether they belonged to the cabinet or of commendation by all who knew him: not. The head of the government was and he must say, that he felt a good deal chiefly distinguished for always moving surprised at the tone of sarcasm in which about with the resignations of two of his the late chancellor of the Exchequer had chief officers in his pockets; and for an spoken of the noble lord. For himself, apparent alarm, when they left him, as to he was not surprised that the noble lord what he should do to provide himself with had been distracted, surrounded as he new ones. Then the letter of the right was with such elements of discord as the hon. the present master of the Mint made House had seen that night. If any one a considerable figure in the scene: it wanted the history of his distress, the two answered all questions, and was referred right hon. gentlemen on the other side had to in all emergencies. The noble lord at given a very good account of it. For how the head of Administration was terrified could any man alive, unless he was a Jest he should lose his chancellor of the military man as well as a politician, have Exchequer. But the right hon. gentle-controlled and quelled the tumults of the man was inexorable, and constantly re-right hon. gentleman. Unless he was a ferred to his letter of the 22d of December. soldier with a provost-martial at his back, " But pray do not resign,” said the noble how could he reduce them to any show of lord at the head of affairs. “ My letter order ? The only chance for a civilian of the 22d of December," said the chan- would have been to have carried them cellor of the Exchequer. “But I am both to Bow-street, and have had them agitated beyond measure," said the noble sworn to keep the peace, before he swore lord. “My letter of the 22d of Decem- them in members of the cabinet. All ber," continued the chancellor of the Ex- which were measures of discipline too chequer. The noble lord pleaded almost strict for the mild and amiable character in tears ; but still the stony-hearted chan- of lord Goderich to resort to. The facts, ceHor of the Exchequer pointed to his however, of the right hon. the late chanletter of the 22d of December. In short, cellor of the Exchequer, in his address to not a word could be got out of the right the House, were peculiarly worthy of athon. gentleman, but a stern reference to tention. The right hon. gentleman scoffed his letter of the 22d of December! Then at the thought of his having broken up the quarrel between the two right hon. the late ministry. He said that it was a gentlemen opposite was of the most ex-joke, a farce, a hollow pretext, and twenty traordinary description. It was endless, other things beside, to accuse him of hopeless, walls of brass were raised to having broken up the government. The divide the contending parties for ever. To dissolution was brought on by, some communicate with each other was impos- other cause-by a design, an intrigue, a sible. Then both parties communicated cabal, to dissolve the administration. to a third person ; but still, each with a Mr. Herries said, the hon. and learned caution, that what he said was, on no ac- gentleman was in error. He had used no count, to be repeated to the other. Every such terms, nor any like them. He had possible course resorted to, to avoid the not spoken of any cabal. possibility of a reasonable explanation, Mr. Brougham said, that he himself which would have put an end to the diffi- did not recollect the word “ cabal :" it culty altogether. This was the state of lihad been recollected for him by an hon.

friend on his right hand. But it was a matter of no consequence. It should not be called a cabal, but a simple design, a plan, any thing the right hon. gentleman thought fit. That such a plan, or design, however, did form part of the right hon. gentleman's argument was beyond denial; and the right hon. gentleman had put the fact in the strongest way. He said, "I know it." The House would not forget those words, from the loud cheers by which they had been followed. The high Tory party-who supported the right hon. gentleman because they knew that he would go any lengths to serve them, consistently with his duty-as soon as they heard the words, "I know it," uttered a cheer which rent the House; upon which the right hon. gentleman had repeated the words, with an appeal to the table, as could be testified by the hon. members near him. Now, as a constitutional lawyer, he would offer an opinion to the House. He entirely agreed with his right hon. friend, the member for Knaresborough, that if any person, being of the privy council, conceived a design to put an end to the king's government--if any party (also of the privy council) knew of that design, not being himself a sharer in it, and did not disclose it to the king, that person's secrecy was an impeachable offence. Now, let the House mark-no sooner did the right hon. the late chancellor of the Exchequer hear this opinion of the right hon. member for Knaresborough, than he straightway began to explain, that he had not meant to say that he knew the thing, but only that he must have known it. Presently it came to this that he had reason to conclude, to infer, to think, and so forth. The right hon. gentleman also, in his extreme modesty, found a cause why he could not have dissolved the government. It was impossible that so insignificant a person as he was in the cabinet could have accomplished such an act. Now the right hon. gentleman in this point, certainly did himself injustice: it was impossible that a gentleman, who had been near breaking up a government in August, and absolutely did break up one in January, could be properly called insignificant. The hon. and learned gentleman then proceeded to examine the letters of lord Goderich and Mr. Herries, and contended that, from those letters, it appeared that, at the time when that right hon. gentleman complained of having

been overlooked and neglected in the appointment of lord Althorp, he must have known that that appointment was not finally decided upon. It had been talked of, and with the approbation of lord Goderich. The letter of lord Goderich distinctly stated, not that he was not a party to the mention of the appointment, but that it was not final. Early in December, the right hon. gentleman was acquainted with the fact, that nothing finally was concluded upon. He was informed of what was done, and made no objection; and yet, three weeks afterwards, he talked of having arrangements made behind his back, and of the caballing, planning, appointing, determining, and finally arranging, a matter in which he ought to have been, but was not, officially consulted. But another ray of light broke in upon them in this matter. That was the letter of lord Goderich in January. That letter, which went into a detail so long, that it might be called prolix, clearly showed, that the right hon. gentleman was mistaken. It admonished him on the subject of his mistake, and advised him to reconsider his offer of resignation. After all these repeated communications, the right hon. gentleman complained that it was intended to thwart him in his office. What object could the right hon. the member for Liverpool, or the right hon. the member for Knares borough, have in thwarting him? They both denied it, and declared, that, from the time of his appointment, they had uniformly behaved towards him with the greatest kindness. What, then, could be meant by the complaint of being thwarted? The House had, upon this occasion, been let a little into the secret of the manner in which part of the business in that House was arranged. It appeared that one member of the cabinet pulled out from his pocket a list of some seventy names, from which the committee was to be selected. Many hon. members imagined, in their simplicity, that, the House elected committees of this kind, but no such thing. From the secrets which had slipped out, it seemed that though they were permitted to go through the form, they were spared the trouble of the selection. One member, pulling out his list, said, "have you any objection to this or that man?" and the other replied, by asking whether there was any objection to another. And they not only saved the House the trouble of electing the committee, but even the committee

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