
And at the Mufe's unexperienc'd wing,
WeGoodness,theme divine, the foars to fing!
The all thy attributes, divinely fair,
The fa perfection, glorious God! declare;
Yet if one beams fuperior to the reft,
Oh let thy Goodness faireft be confefs'd:
As fires the moon amidst her starry train,
As breathes the role amongst the flow'ry fcene,
As the mild dove her filver plumes difplays,
So iheds thy mercy its diftinguish'd rays.
This bed, Creator mild, thy gracious hand,
When formes Chaos heard thy high command;
Wen, pis'd, the eye thy matchlefs works re-

Attend the swains, purfue the starry road,
And nail to earth the Saviour and the God!

Redemption! oh thou beauteous mystic plan!
Thou falutary fource of life to man!
What tongue can fpeakthycomprehenfivegrace?
What thought thy depths unfathomable trace?
When loft in fin our ruin'd nature lay,
When awful juftice claim'd her righteous pay!
See the mild Saviour bend his pitying eye,
And ftop the lightning juft prepar'd to fly!
(O ftrange effect of unexampled love!)
View him defcend the heav'nly throne above;
Patient the ills of mortal life endure,
Calm, tho' revil'd, and innocent, tho' poor!
Uncertain his abode, and coarfe his food,
His life one fair continued scene of good;
For us fuftain the wrath to man decreed,
The victim of eternal justice bleed!
Look! to the cross the Lord of life is tied,
They pierce his hands,andwound his facred fide,
See God expires! our forfeit to atone,
While nature trembles at his parting groan!

And Goodness, placid, fpoke that all was good!
Nor only does in heav'n thy Goodness shine;
Delighted nature feels its warmth divine;
The vital fun's illuminating beam,
The fiver crefcent, and the starry gleam,
As day and night alternate they command,
Proclaim that truth to ev'ry diftant land.
See fmiling nature, with thy treasures fair,
Conics thy bounty and parental care ;
Renew d by thee, the faithful seasons rise,
And earth with plenty all her fons fupplies.
The generous lion, and the brinded boar,
As rightly thru the foreft walks they roar,
From tase, Almighty Maker, seek their prey,
Nor from thy hand unfated go away:
To thee for meat the callow ravens cry,
Supported by thy all-preserving eye:
From thee the feather'd natives of the plain,
the who range the field,or plough the main,
Reseth conflant courfe th' appointed food,
And take the cup of univerfal good;
Ty thou open it, million d myriads live;
That, they faint, thou fmil'ft,and they
On Vibere,as on rapine's ftores, [revive!
See Heart inpartial deal the fruitful how'rs!
Lafe's common bleffings all her children fhare,
Tad the me earth, and breathe a gen'ral air!
Wat diftinction boundless bleflings fall,
And Goonies like the fun, enlightens all!

man degenerate man! offend no more!
Gn of brutes thy Maker to adore!
Shefe thro' ev'ry tribe his bounty own,
Cs works ungrateful thou alone!
Deen the tunetul voice of mercy cries,
And when fov reign Goodness charms the


thwretch hisawful name blafphemes, Hypares his clemency reclaims! Os patience with the guilty strive, At the criminal repent and live; kea tugitive with gentle eye, Be the Martinate, he would not die! Amg tenderness-amazing molt,

The t

Advance,thou hopeless mortal,fteel'd inguilt,
Behold, and, if thou canft, forbear to melt!
Shall Jefus die thy freedom to regain,
And wilt thou drag the voluntary chain?
Wilt thou refuse thy kind affent to give,
When dying he looks down to bid thee live!
Perverfe, wilt thou reject the proffer'd good,
Bought with his life,and ftreaming in his blood?
Whose virtue can thy deepest crimes efface,
Re-heal thy nature, and confirm thy peace!
Can all the errors of thy life atone,
And raife thee from a rebel to a fon!

on fuch mercy should be loft! But wear thou view the rays of goodness join In que teve point of radiuice all divine, Berde cal Mule! yon eitern light; To be pilin, adoing, bend thy fight ! hear the 1 raffige to the thepherds giv'n, Goodwi un carth to min, and peace in heav'n!

O bleft Redeemer, from thy facred throne, Where faints and angels fing thy triumphs won! (Where from the grave thou rais'd thy glorious


Chain'd to thy car the pow'rs infernal led)
From that exalted height of blifs fupreme,
Look down on those who bear thy facred name;
Reftore their ways, infpire them by thy grace,
Thy laws to follow, and thy fteps to trace;
Thy bright example to thy doctrine join,
And by their morals prove their faith divine!

Nor only to thy church confine thy ray,
O'er the glad world thy healing light difplay;
Fair Sun of Righteoufnefs! in beauty rife,
And clear the mifts that cloud the mental kies!
To Judah's remnant, now a fcatter'd train,
Oh great Meffiah! fhew thy promis'd reign;
O'er earth as wide thy faving warmth diffuse,
As fpreads the ambient air, or falling dews;
And hafte the time when, vanquish'd by thy

Death fhall expire, and fin defile no more!

[blocks in formation]

Let your chafte hands the holy altars raise,
Fresh incenfe bring, and light the glowing blaze,
Your grateful voices aid the Mufe to fing
The fpotlefs juftice of th' Almighty King!

As only Rectitude divine he knows,
As truth and fanctity his thoughts compofe;
So these the dictates which th' Eternal Mind
To reasonable beings has affign'd;
These has his care on ev'ry mind imprefs'd,
The conscious feals the hand of Heav'n atteft!
When man, perverse, for wrong forfakes the

He ftill attentive keeps the fault in fight;
Demands that strict atonement should be made,
And claims the forfeit on th' offender's head!
But Doubt demands-"Why man difpos'd
"this way?

"Why left the dang 'rous choice to go aftray?
"If Heav'n that made him did the fault forefee,
"Thence follows, Heav'n is more to blame than
No-had to good the heart alone inclin'd, [he."
What toil, what prize had virtue been affign'd?
From obftacles her nobleft triumphs flow,
Her fpirits languish when the finds no foe!
Man might perhaps have fo been happy still,
Happy, without the privilege of will,"

That all who feel, condemn the dreadful ro
Shall own that righteous are the ways of G

Oh then, while penitence can fate difarm
While ling'ring Justice yet withholds its ar
Whileheav'nlypatiencegrants the preciousti
Let the loft finner think him of his crime;
Immediate, to the feat of mercy fly,
Nor wait to-morrow-left to-night he die!

But tremble, all ye fins of blackest birth,
Ye giants, that deform the face of earth;
Tremble, ye fons of aggravated guilt,
And, ere too late, let forrow learn to melt:
Remorfelefs Murder! drop thy hand fevere
And bathe thy bloody weapon with a tear;
Go, Luft impure! converfe with friendly lig
Forfake the manfions of defiling night;
Quit, dark Hypocrify, thy thin difguife,
Nor think to cheat the notice of the skies!
Unfocial Avarice, thy grafp forego,
And bid the useful treasure learn to flow!
Restore, Injustice, the defrauded gain!
Oppreflion, bend to ease the captive's chain,
Ere awful Justice ftrike the fatal blow!
And drive you to the realms of night below
But doubt refumes-"If Juftice has decre
"The punishment proportion'd to the deed

And juft, because his hands were tied from ill!" Eternal mifery feems too fevere,
O wond'rous fcheme, to mend th' almightyplan," Too dread a weight for wretched man to bea
By finking all the dignity of man!
"Tooharth!-that endless torments shouldrep

Yet turn thy eyes,vain fceptic,own thy pride," The crimes of life-the errors of a day!"'
And view thy happiness and choice allied;
See virtue from herself her blifs derive,
A blifs, beyond the pow'r of thrones to give;
See vice, of empire and of wealth poffefs'd,
Pine at the heart, and feel herself unbless'd:
And, fay, were yet no farther marks affign'd,
Is man ungrateful? or is Heav'n unkind?

"Yes, all thewoes from Heav'n permitive fall,
"The wretch adopts-the wretch improves them
From his wild luft, or his oppreffive deed, [all."
Rapes, battles, murders, facrilege proceed;
His wild ambition thins the peopled earth,
Or from his av'rice famine takes her birth;
Had nature giv'n the hero wings to fly,
His pride would lead him to attempt the sky!
To angels make the pigmy's folly known,
And draw ev'n pity from th' eternal throne.
Yet while on earth triumphant vice prevails,
Celestial Juftice balances her fcales.
With eye unbiafs'd all the fcene furveys,
With hand impartial ev'ry crime the weighs;
Oft close pursuing at his trembling heels,
The man of blood her awful prefence feels;
Oft from her arm, amidst the blaze of
The regal tyrant, with fuccefs elate,
Is forc'd to leap the precipice of fate!
Or if the villain pafs unpunifh'd here,
'Tis but to make the future ftroke fevere;
For foon or late eternal Justice pays
Mankind the juft defert of all their ways.

In vain our reason would prefumptuous pr
Heav'n's counfels are beyond conception high
In vain would thought his meatur'd justice sca
His ways how different from the ways of ma
Too deep for thee his fecrets are to know,
Enquire not, but more wifely fhun the woe;
Warn'd by his threat'nings to his laws atten
And learn to make Omnipotence thy friend
Our weaker laws, to gain the purpos'd ends,
Oft pats the bounds the lawgiver intends;
Oft partia pow'r, to ferve its own defign,
Warps from the text, exceeding reafon's line;
Strikes biafs'd at the perfon, not the deed,
And fees the guiltlefs unprotected bleed!

But God alone, with unimpaffion'd fight,
Surveys the nice barrier of wrong and right;
And while fubfervient, as his will ordains,
Obedient nature yields the prefent means;
While neither force nor paffions guide his views
Ev'n Evil works the purpofe he pursues!
That bitter fpring, the fource of human pain!
Heal'd by his touch,does mineral health contain
And dark affliction, at his potent rod,
itate,Withdraws its cloud, and brightens into good.
Thus human juftice (far as man can go)
For private fafety ftrikes the dubious blow;
But Rectitude divine, with nobler foul,
Confults each individual in the whole!
Directs the iffues of each moral strive,
And fees creation struggle into life!

'Tis in that awful ail-difclofing day,
When high Omniscience thall her books difplay,
When Justice fhall present her strict account,
While Confcience fhall atteft the due amount;

And you, ye happier fouls! who in his way
Obfervant walk, and fing his daily praife;
Ye righteous few! whofe calm unruffled breafts
No fears can darken, and no guilt infefts,


To w his gracious promifes extend,
In the they center, and in whom shall end,
Wes donthat foundation fure whobuild)
Saw eternal Justice be fulfill'd:
Test life, to whose glad hope is giv’n
The bright reverfion of approaching heav'n,
W grateful hearts his glorious praife recite,
Whose love from darkness call'd you out to
So let your piety reflective shine, [light;
An may thence confefs his truth divine!
And when this mortal veil, as foon it mult,
Stal drop, returning to its native duft;
The work of life with approbation done,
Receive from God your bright immortal crown.


But oh advent'rous Mufe, reftrain thy flight,
Dre not the blaze of uncreated light!
Before whole glorious throne with dread furprife
Thadoring teraph veils his dazzled eyes;
Whare pure effulgence, radiant to excess,
Na colours can defcribe, or words exprefs!
Al the far beauties, all the lucid ftores,

Werthyworksthyhand refplendent pours,
Fee thy brighter glories to display,
Pale as the men before the folar ray!

See on his throne the gaudy Perfian plac'd,
In all the pump of the luxuriant eait!
Wangling gems a borrow'd day unfold,
Yet mark this icene of painted grandeur yield
And the rich purple waves embofs'd with gold;
To the fly that adorns the field!
Sund, behold that fainter lily lies,

His praife around, ye flow'ry tribes, exhale,
Far as your fweets embalm the spicy gale!
His praife, ye dimpled ftreams, to earth reveal,
As pleas'd ye murmur through the flow'ry vale!
His praife, ye feather'd choirs, diftinguifh'd fing,
As to your notes the vocal forests ring!
His praife proclaim, ye moniters of the deep,
Who in the vaft abyfs your revels keep!
Or ye, fair natives of our earthly scene,
Who range the wilds, or haunt the pasture green!
Nor thou, vain lord of earth, with careless ear
The univerfal hymn of worship hear!
But ardent in the facred chorus join,
Thy foul tranfported with the task divine!
While by his works th' Almighty is confefs'd,
Supremely glorious, and fupremely blefs'd!

Great Lord of life! from whom this humble
Derives the pow'r to fing thy holy name, [frame
Forgive the lowly Mufe, whofe artlefs lay
Has dar'd thy facred Attributes furvey!
Delighted oft thro' Nature's beauteous field
Has the ador'd thy Wifdom bright reveal'd;
Oft have her withes aim'd the fecret fong,
But awful rev'rence still withheld her tongue.
Yet as thy bounty lent the reas'ning beam,
As feels my conscious breaft thy vital flame,
So, bleft Creator, let thy fervant pay
His mite of gratitude this feeble way;
Thy Goodnefs own, thy Providence adore
And yield thee only-what was thine before.

the rich bird's inimitable dyes; Yeee survey confounded and outdone B. per luftre of the fun; Ti withdraws his leffen'd beam Fra Tree, the glorious Author of his frame! Transcendent Pow'r! fole arbiter of fate! How great thy glory! and thy blifs how great! Tew from thy exalted throne above, (Eter curce of light, and life, and love) Is the heav'ns, or beautify the earth; bed creatures draw their fmiling birth, ems roll, obedient to thy view, rejoice-which Newton never knew. e the fong, the gen'ral anthem raife,


And we the concert of eternal praife!
torbs, that form this boundless whole,
the womb of space unnumber'd roll;
Yes who compofe our leffer fcheme,
A seat, concertive, round the folar frame;
Tere of nature! whofe extenfive ray
es charms adorns the face of day;
Carafe th' harmonious joyful found,
Ahis praises thro' the vait profound!
Sastry país along your pinions bear!
ye winds that fan the cheerful air,
Far as her circling billows can convey!
Free ocean thro' her realms difplay,
He paie, ye milty vapours, wide diffuse,
Is decending, or in milder dews!
Ha praises whisper, ye majestic trees,

As your tops rutle to the gentle breeze}

$51. The Day of Judgment: a Seatonian Prize
Poem. By Dr. Glynn.

THYJuftice, heav'nly King! and that great day,
Shall raife her penfive head; and Vice, that erft
When Virtue, long abandon'd and forlorn,
Rang'd unreprov'd and free, fhall fink appail'd;
I fing advent'rous-But what eye can pierce
The vaft immeafurable realms of space,
O'er which Meffiah drives his flaming car
To that bright region, where enthron'd he fits,
Firft-born of Heav'n, to judge assembled worlds,
Cloth'd in celeftial radiance? Can the Mufe,
Soar to that bright empyreal, where around
Her feeble wing all damp with earthly dew,
Myriads of angels, God's perpetual choir,
Hymn hallelujahs, and in concert loud
Chant fongs of triumph to their Maker'spraife?
Yet will I ftrive to fing, albeit unus'd
To tread poetic foil. What though the wiles
Of Fancy me enchanted, ne'er could lure
To rove o'er fairy lands; to fwim the streams
That through her valleys wave their mazy way;
Or climb her mountain tops; yet will I raise
My feeble voice to tell what harmony
(Sweet as the mufic of the rolling spheres)
Attunes the moral world: that Virtue still
Mayhope her promis'd crown; that Vice maydread
Vengeance, though late; that reas'ning Pride may


[blocks in formation]

Infpir'd into the mortal mafs, fhall rest
Annihilate, till Duration has unroll'd
Her never-ending line; tell, if thou know'ft,
Why every nation, every clime, though all
In laws, in rites, in manners difagree,
With one confent expect another world,
Where wickedness fhall weep? Why Paynim-
Fabled Elyfian plains, Tartarean lakes, [bards
Styx and Cocytus? Tell, why Hali's fons
Have feign'd a paradife of mirth and love,
Banquets, and blooming nymphs? Or rather tell,
Why, on the brink of Orellana's stream,
Where never Science rear'd her facred torch,
Th' untutor'd Indian dreams of happier worlds
Behind the cloud-topt hill? Why in each breast
Is plac'd a friendly monitor, that prompts,
Informs, directs, encourages, forbids?
Tell, why on unknown evil grief attends,
Or joy on fecret good? Why confcience acts
With tenfold force, when fickness, age, or pain
Stands tott'ring on the precipice of death?
Or why fuch horror gnaws the guilty foul
Of dying finners, while the good man fleeps
Peaceful and calm, and with a fmile expires?
Look round the world! with what a partial hand
The fcale of blifs and mis'ry is fuftain'd!
Beneath the fhade of cold obfcurity
Pale Virtue lies; no arm fupports her head,
No friendly voice fpeaks comfort to her foul,
Nor foft-eyed Pity drops a melting tear;
But, in their stead, Contempt and rude Difdain
Infult the banish'd wanderer: on the goes,
Neglected and forlorn: Difeafe and Cold,
And Famine, worst of ills, her steps attend!
Yet patient, and to Heaven's just will refign'd,
She ne'er is feen to weep, or heard to figh.

Nowturnyoureyestoyon fweet-fmellingbow'r,
Where, flush'd with all the infolence of wealth,
Sits pamper'd Vice! For him th' Arabian gale
Breathes forth delicious odours; Gallia's hills
For him pour nectar from the purple vine.
Nor think for thefe he pays the tribute due
To Heav'n: of Heav`n he never names the name,
Save when with imprecations dark and dire
He points his jest obfcene. Yet buxom Health
Sits on his roly cheek; yet Honour gilds
His high exploits; and downy-pinion'd Sleep
Sheds a foft opiate o'er his peaceful couch. [this,
Seeft thou this, righteous Father! feeft thou
And wilt thou ne'er repay? Shall good and ill
Be carried undiftinguish'd to the land
Where all things are forgot?-Ah, no! the day
Will come when Virtue from the cloud fhall burft,
That long obfcur'd her beams; when Sin fhall fly
Back to her native Hell; there fink eclips'd
In penal darkness; where nor ftar shall rife,
Nor ever funfhine pierce th' impervious gloom.
On that great day the folemn trump fhall found,
(That trump whichonce inheav'n on man'srevolt
Convok'd th' aftonish'd feraphs) at whofe voice
Th'unpeopledgravesfhall pourforthall theirdead.
Then fhall th' affembled Nations of the Earth
From ev'ry quarter at the judgment-seat
Unite; Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks,

Parthians; and they who dwelt on Tyber's ban
Names fam'd of old: or who of later age,
Chinese and Ruffian, Mexican and Turk,
Tenant the wild terrene; and they who pitch
Their tents on Niger's banks; or, where the
Pours on Golconda's fpires his early light,
Drink Ganges' facred ftream. At once hall
Whom diftant ages to each others fight
Had long denied: before the throne shall kne
Some great Progenitor, while at his fide
Stand his defcendants through a thousand ling
Whate'er their nation, and whate'er their rank
Heroes and patriarchs, flaves and fceptred king
With equal eye the God of all fall fee,
And judge with equal love. What thought
With coftly pomp and aromatic sweets [gre
Embalm'd his poor remains; or through the don
A thousand tapers fhed their gloomy light,
While folemn organs to his parting foul
Chanted flow orifons? Say, by what mark
Doft thou difcern him from that lowly fwain
Whofemould'ringbonesbeneaththethorn bour
Long lay neglected? All at once fhall rife, [tu
But not to equal glory; for, alas!
With howlings dire, and execrations loud,
Some wail their fatal birth.-First among thef
Behold the mighty murd'rers of mankind:
They who in fport whole kingdoms flew; or th
Who to the tott'ring pinnacle of power [cur
Waded through feas of blood! How will they
The madnefs of ambition! how lament [wi
Their dear-bought laurels; when the widow
And childlef's mother at the judgment feat [the
Plead trumpet-tongu'd against them!-Here a
Who funk an aged father to the grave;
Or with unkindnefs hard, and cold difdain,
Slighted a brother's fuff 'rings.-Here are the
Whom fraud and fkilful treachery long fecur
Who from the infant virgin tore her dow'r,
And ate the orphan's bread; who spent the
In felfish luxury; or o'er their gold
Proftrate and pale ador'd the ufelefs heap.
Here too who ftain'd the chafte connubial bed 1-
Who mix'd the pois'nous bowl;-or broke t
Of hofpitable friendship; and the wretch [ti
Whofe liftlefs foul, fick with the cares of life
Unfummon'd, to the prefence of his God
Ruth'din with infult rude. How would they j
Once more to vifit earth, and, though opprei.
With all that pain and famine can inflict,
Pant up the hill of life? Vain with! the Jud
Pronounces doom eternal on their heads,
Perpetual punishment. Seek not to know
What punishment! for that th' Almighty wi
Has hid from mortal eyes: and fhall vain ma
With curious fearch refin'd prefume to pry
Into thy fecrets, Father? No! let him
With humble patience all thy works adore,
And walk in all thy paths; fo fhall his meed
Be great in Heav'n, fo haply fhall he 'fcape
Th immortal worm and never-ceafing fire.


But who are they, who bound in tenfold chai Stand horribly aghaft? This is that crew Who ftrove to pull Jehovah from his throne,


And in the place of heaven's eternal King
Set up the phantom Chance. For them in vain
Abate kafon's cheer'd the rolling year;
tan the sun o'er herb, tree, fruit and flow'r
Seed geal influence mild; and the pale moon
Repair'd her waning orb.-Next thefe is plac'd
The vile blafphemer; he whofe impious wit
Profan'd the facred myfteries of faith,
And gain th' impenetrable walls of Heav'n
Planted his eble battery. By these ftands
The Arch-Apoftate: be with many a wile
Extor them still to foul revolt. Alas!
No cope have they from black defpair, no ray
Shines through the gloom to cheer their finking

Conduct my fteps, fafe from the fiery gulph
And dark abyfs, where Sin and Satan reign!

But can the Mufe, her numbers all too weak, Tell how that reftlefs element of fire Shall wage with feas and earth intestine war, And deluge all creation? Whether (fo Some think) the comet, as through fields of air Lawless he wanders, fhall rush headlong on Thwartingth'ecliptic, whereth'unconfciousearth Rolls in her wonted courfe; whether the fun With force centripetal into his orb Attract her, long reluctant; or the caves, Thofe dead volcanos, where engend'ring lie Sulphureous minerals, from the dark abyss Pour ftreams of liquid fire; while from above, In iganes of grief they curfe the hour As erft on Sodom, "Heaven's avenging hand When it they left Religion's onward way. Rains fierce combustion.-Where are now the These on the left are rang'd: but on the right Of art, the toil of ages? Where are now [works A chien band appears, who fought beneath Th' imperial cities, fepulchres, and domes, The banner of Jehovah, and defied Son's united legions. Some, unmov'd Trophies and pillars? Where is Egypt's boast, Thofe lofty paramids, which high in air At the grintyrant's frown, o'erbarb'rous climes Rear'd their afpiring heads, to distant times Dthe Gobel's light: fome long immur'd Of Memphian's pride a lafting monument?— (de) in chains and dungeons pin'd; Tell me where Athens rais'd her tow'rs? where ur. dw all the agonies of pain, [they Thebes

[ocr errors]

their faithful lives. Thrice happy Open'd her hundred portals?-Tell me where W Heav' elected to that glorious ftrife!Here are they sac'd, whofe kind munificence Propt by feven hills, fat like a fceptred queen, Stood fea-girt Albion? where Imperial Rome, Made even-horn Science raife her drooping And aw'd the tributary world to peace?— And is the bars of a future race [head; Shew me the rampart which o'er many a hill, Through many a valley,stretch'd its wide extent, Rais'd by that mighty monarch to repel

Estas cher just reward. Thou amongst thefe,
Good Seaton whofe well-judg'd benevolence
Fring fair Genius, bade the poet's hand
5 of rings to his Maker's fhrine,
She generous care was not in vain.
Hite band, whom mercy mild,
Gattribute, adorn'd; whofe gate
Sevad ever go to the stranger's call;
War sed tangry; to the thirty lip

The roving Tartar, when with infult rude
Gainft Pekin's tow'rs he bent th' unerring bow.
But what is mimic art? E'en Nature's work,
Seas, meadows, paftures, the meand'ring streams,
And everlasting hills, thall be no more.

No more fhall Teneriff, cloud-piercing height
O'er hang th' Atlantic furge; nor that fam'd cliff,
Thro' which the Perfian steer'd with many a fail,
O'er half the wide gean.-Where are now
Throw to the Lemnian ifle its evening fhade
The Alps that confin'd with unnumber'd realms,
And from the Black Sea to the ocean ftream
Stretch'd their extended arms!-Where's Ararat,
That hill on which the faithful patriarch's ark,
Which fevenlong months had voyag'do'eritstop,

or theinendly cup, whofe care benign the rade Blalt fecur'd the pilgrim's fide; Ward the widow's tender tale, and fhook The gang shackle from the pris'ner's feet; Why end endearing tie, each office knew Cet, heaven-defcended Charity. Ch, thou nymph divinely fair! fe whom ancient poets bound diffoluble chain, The Gas how shall I effay to paint Tas, celeftial maid and in rude verfe Free nor rankling Envy can infect, the deeds thyfelf didit ne'er reveal? Rage tranfport, nor high o'erweening Pride That azure vault, with all thofe radiant orbs, Fth vain concert: ne er didit thou Sinks in the univerfal ruin loft. [fmile No more fhall planets round their central fun

To the inner as a verdant tree

First rested, when the earth with all her fons,
As now by ftreaming cataracts of fire,

Was whelm'd by mighty waters?-All at once
Are vanish'd and diffolv'd; no trace remains,
No mark of vain diftinction: heaven itself,

Call'd from their wond'rous height, to read their

Saxuriant branches o'er the ftream; Move in harmonious dance; no more the moon
We fome blafted trunk, the righteous fall Hang out her filver lamp; and those fix'd itars,
W tongues fhall cease, when knowledge is Which oft the Tufcan with his optic glafs
Pratarlorn. When prophecies fhall fail, Spangling the golden canopy of night,
Salt it trumphant. Thither, lovely maid! Shall quench; and (surest sign that all on earth
And this great day is come, thou by the throne And magnitude, fome winged minister [names
me, O bear me on thy foaring wing,
And through the adamantine gates of Heav'n

no mate,

Is loft) fhall rend from heaven the mystic bow.
Such is that awful, that tremendous day,

E 2

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