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St. Simon and St. Jude.

A festival to these apostles is maintained on this day in the church of England, whereon also it is celebrated by the church of Rome; hence their names in our almanacs.

Simon is called the Canaanite, either from Cana the place of his birth, or from his having been of a hot and sprightly temper. He remained with the other apostles till after pentecost, and is imagined on slight grounds to have preached in Britain, and there been put to death. Jude, or Judas, also called Thaddeus and Libbius, was brother to James the brother to Christ, (Matt. xiii. 55.) Lardner imagines he was the son of Joseph by a former wife. Some presume that he suffered martyrdom in Persia, but this is doubtful.*

as St. Swithin's. A character in the "Roaring Girl," one of Dodsley's old plays, says, “as well as I know 'twill rain upon Simon and Jude's day :" and afterwards, "now a continual Simon and Jude's rain beat all your feathers as flat down as pancakes." Hollinshed notices that on the eve of this day in 1536, when a battle was to have been fought between the troops of Henry VIII., and the insurgents in Yorkshire, there fell so great a rain that it could not take place. In the Runic calendar, the day is marked by a ship because these saints were fishermen.

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St. Narcissus, Bp. of Jerusalem, 24 Cent. St. Chef, in latin Theuderius, Abbot, A. D. 575.

New Literary Institution, in 1825.

At this period, active measures were adopted in London for forming a " Western Literary and Scientific Institution," for persons engaged in commercial and professional pursuits; its objects being

1. The establishment of a library of re

ference and circulation, and rooms for reading and conversation. 2. The formation of the members into classes, to assist them in the acquisition of ancient and modern languages. 3. The delivery of lectures in literature and science. This is an undertaking fraught with advantages, especially to young men whose situations do not permit them convenient access to means of instruction within the reach of their employers, many of whom may be likewise bettered by its maturity. The mechanics had an excellent "institution," while persons, who, engaged in promoting general business, and meriting equal regard, remained without the benefit which growing intelligence offers to all who have industry and inclination suffi cient to devise methods for reaching it. Other institutions have arisen, and are rapidly arising, for equally praiseworthy

This anniversary was deemed as rainy purposes.

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Green Autumnal Narcissus. Narcissus viridiflorus.

Dedicated to St. Narcissus, Bp.

October 30.

St. Marcellus, the Centurion, A. D. 298.
St. Germanus, Bp. of Capua, a n. 540.
St. Asterius, Bp. of Amasea in Pontus,

A. D. 400.


To the Editor of the Every-Day Book.
Oct. 29, 1825.

The ancient and beautiful collegiate
church of St. Katharine finally closes to-
morrow, previous to its demolition by
the St. Katharine's dock company.
destruction of an edifice of such antiquity,
one of the very few that escaped the
great fire of 1666, has excited much pub-
lic attention. I hope, therefore, that the
subject will not be lost sight of in your
Every-Day Book. Numbers of the no-
bility and gentry, who, notwithstanding
an earnest appeal was made to them, left
the sacred pile to its fate, have lately vi-
sited it. In fact, for the beauty and sim-
plicity of its architecture, it has scarcely
a rival in London, excepting the Temple
church the interior is ornamented with
various specimens of ancient carving; a
costly monument of the duke of Exeter,
and various others of an interesting kind.
This interesting fabric has been sacri-
ficed by the present chapter, consisting of
the master, sir Herbert Taylor, three bre-
thren chaplains, and three sisters, to a
new dock company, who have no doubt
paid them handsomely for sanctioning the
pulling down of the church, the violation
of the graves, and the turning of hundreds
of poor deserving people out of their
homes; their plea is, that they have paid
the chapter. I hope, sir, you will pardon
the liberty I have taken in troubling you
with these particulars; and that you will
not forget poor Old Kate, deserted as she
is by those whose duty it was to have
supported her.

I remain,

Your obedient servant,
P.S. There is no more occasion for
these docks than for one at the foot of

The purpose of this correspondent may be answered, perhaps, by publishing his

well-founded lamentation over the final dissolution of his church; his call upon me could not be declined. I did not get his note till the very hour that the service was commencing, and hurried from Ludgate-hill to the ancient "collegiate church of St. Katharine's by the Tower," where I arrived just before the conclusion of prayers. Numbers unable to get accommodation among the crowd within, were coming from the place; but "where there's a will there's a way," and I contrived to gain a passage to the chancel, and was ultimately conducted to a seat in a pew just as the rev. R. R. Bailey, resident chaplain of the tower, ascended the curious old pulpit of this remarkable structure. This gentleman, whose "History of the Tower" is well known to topographers and antiquaries, appropriately se lected for his text, "Go to now, ye that say, to-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell and get gain." (James iv. 13.) He discoursed of the frailty of man's purpose, and the insecurity of his institutions, and enjoined hope and reliance on Him whose order ordained and preserves the world in its mutations. He spoke of the "unfeeling and encroaching hand of commerce," which had rudely seized on the venerable fabric, wherein no more shall be said

"Lord, how delightful 'tis to see,
A whole assembly worship thee."

To some of the many present the building was endeared by locality, and its bu rial ground was sacred earth. Yet from thence the bones of their kindred were to be expelled, and the foundations of the edifice swept away. For eight centuries the site had been undisturbed, save for the reception of the departed from the world-for him whose friends claimed that there "the servant should be free from his master," or for the opulent, who, in his end, was needy as the needy, and required only " a little, little grave." Yet the very chambers of the dead were to be razed, and the remains of mortality dis persed, and a standing water was to be in their stead. The preacher, in sad remembrance, briefly, but strongly, touched on the coming demolition of the fane, and there were those among the congregation who deeply sorrowed. On the features of an elderly inhabitant opposite to me, there was a convulsive twitching, while, with his head thrown back, he watched

the preacher's lips, and the big tear sprung from his eyes; and the partner of his long life leaned forward and wept; the bosoms of their daughters rose and fell in grief; matrons and virgins sobbed; manly hearts were swollen, and strong men were bowed.

After the sermon 66 sixty poor children of the precinct," for whose benefit it was preached-it was the last office that could be celebrated there in their behalf-sung a hymn to the magnificent organ, which, on the morrow, was to be pulled down. They choralled in tender tones

"Great God, O! hear our humble song,
An off'ring to thy praise,

O guard our tender youth from wrong,
And keep us in thy ways!"

These were the offspring of a neighbourhood of ill fame, whence, by liberal hands, they had been plucked and preserved as brands from the burning fire. It seemed as though they were about to be scattered from the fold wherein they had been folded and kept.

While the destruction of this edifice was contemplated, the purpose gave rise to remonstrance; but resistance was quelled by the applications, which are usually successful in such cases. "An Earnest Appeal to the Lords and Commons in Parliament, by a Clergyman," was ineffectually printed and circulated with the hope of preventing the act. This little tract says:

"The collegiate body to whom the church and precinct pertain, and who have not always been so insensible to the nobler principles they now abandon, owe their origin to Maud, wife of king Stephen-their present constitution to Eleanor, wife of king Henry III.-and their exemption from the general dissolution in the time of Henry VIII. to the attractions (it is said) of Anne Boleyn. The queens' consort have from the first been patronesses, and on a vacancy of the crown matrimonial, the kings of England. The fabric for which, in default of its retained advocates, I have ventured now to plead, is of the age of king Edward III., lofty and well-proportioned, rich in ancient carving, adorned with effigies of a Holland, a Stafford, a Montacute, all allied to the blood royal, and in spite of successive mutilations is well able to plead for itself: surely then, for its own sake, as well as for the general interests involved in its preservation, it is not too much to ask, that it may, at least, be confronted with

those who wish its destruction—that its obscure location may not cause its condemnation unseen-that no one will pass sentence who has not visited the spot, and that, having so done, he will suffer the unbiassed dictates of his own heart to decide."


Mixen Agaric. Agaricus fimetarius. Dedicated to St. Marcellus.

October 31.

St. Quintin, A. D. 287. St. Wolfgang, Bp. of Ratisbon, A. D. 994. St. Foillun, A. D. 655.




Respecting this, which is the vigil of All Saints-day, Mr. Brand has collected many notices of customs; to him therefore we are indebted for the following particulars :—

On this night young people in the north of England dive for apples, or catch at them, when stuck upon one end of a kind of hanging beam, at the other extremity of which is fixed a lighted candle. This they do with their mouths only, their hands being tied behind their backs. From the custom of flinging nuts into the fire, or cracking them with their teeth, it has likewise obtained the name of nutcrack night. In an ancient illuminated missal in Mr. Douce's collection, a person is represented balancing himself upon a pole laid across two stools; at the end of the pole is a lighted candle, from which he is endeavouring to light another in his hand, at the risk of tumbling into a tub of water placed under him. A writer, about a century ago, says, "This is the last day of October, and the birth of this packet is partly owing to the affair of this night. I am alone; but the servants having demanded apples, ale, and nuts, I took the opportunity of running back my own annals of Allhallows Eve; for you are to know, my lord, that I have been & mere adept, a most famous artist, both is the college and country, on occasion of this anile, chimerical solemnity."

Life of Harvey, the conjuror, 8vo., 1728,

Pennant says, that the young women in Scotland determine the figure and size of their husbands by drawing cabbages blind-fold on Allhallow Even, and, like the English, fling nuts into the fire. It is mentioned by Burns, in a note to his poem on "Hallow E'en," that "The first ceremony of Hallow E'en is pulling each a stock or plant of kail. They must go out, hand in hand, with eyes shut, and pull the first they meet with. Its being big or little, straight or crooked, is prophetic of the size and shape of the grand object of all their spells-the husband or wife. If any yird, or earth, stick to the root, that is tocher, or fortune; and the taste of the custoc, that is the heart of the stem, is indicative of the natural temper and disposition. Lastly, the stems, or, to give them their ordinary appellation, the runts, are placed somewhere above the head of the door; and the christian names of the people whom chance brings into the house, are, according to the priority of placing the runts, the names in question." It appears that the Welsh have a play in which the youth of both sexes seek for an even-leaved sprig of the ash: and the first of either sex that finds one, calls out Cyniver, and is answered by the first of the other that succeeds; and these two, if the omen fails not, are to be joined in wedlock."*

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Burns says, that "Burning the nuts is a favourite charm. They name the lad and lass to each particular nut, as they lay them in the fire; and accordingly as they burn quietly together, or start from beside one another, the course and issue of the courtship will be." It is to be noted, that in Ireland, when the young women would know if their lovers are faithful, they put three nuts upon the bars of the grates, naming the nuts after the lovers. If a nut cracks or jumps, the lover will prove unfaithful; if it begins to blaze or burn, he has a regard for the person making the trial. If the nuts, named after the girl and her lover, burn together, they will be married. This sort of divination is also in some parts of England at this time. Gay mentions it in his "Spell:


“ Two hazel nuts I threw into the flame, And to each nut I gave a sweet-heart's name :

There are some lines by Charles Graydon, Esq.-"On Nuts burning, Allhallows Eve."

"These glowing nuts are emblems true
Of what in human life we view ;
The ill-match'd couple fret and fume,
And thus, in strife themselves consume;
Or, from each other wildly start,
And with a noise for ever part.
But see the happy happy pair,
Of genuine love and truth sincere ;
With mutual fondness, while they burn,
Still to each other kindly turn:
And as the vital sparks decay
Together gently sink away:
Till life's fierce ordeal being past,
Their mingled ashes rest at last.'

Burns says, "the passion of prying into futurity makes a striking part of the history of human nature, in its rude state, in all ages and nations; and it may be some entertainment to a philosophic mind to see the remains of it among the more unenlightened in our own." He gives, therefore, the principal charms and spells of this night among the peasantry in the west of Scotland. One of these by young women, is, by pulling stalks of corn. "They go to the barn yard, and pull, each, at three several times, a stalk of oats. If the third stalk wants the toppickle, that is, the grain at the top of the stalk, the party in question will come to the marriage bed any thing but a maid." Another is by the blue clue. ، Whoever would, with success, try this spell, must strictly observe these directions: steal out, all alone, to the kiln, and, darkling, throw into the pot a clew of blue yarn; wind it in a new clew off the old one; and, towards the latter end, something will hold the thread; demand, 'wha hauds?' i. e. who holds? and answer will be returned from the kiln-pot, by naming the christian and surname of your future spouse." A third charm is by eating an apple at a glass. "Take a candle and go alone to a looking-glass; eat an apple before it, and some traditions say, you should comb your hair all the time; the face of your conjugal companion to be, will be seen in the glass, as if peeping over your shoulder."

In an appendix to the late Mr. "Pennant's Tour," several other very observ

This with the loudest bounce me sore amaz'd, able and perfectly new customs of divina

That in a flame of brightest colour blaz'd; As blaz'd the nut, so may thy passion grow, For t'was thy nut that did so brightly glow!"

* Owen's Welsh Dictionary.

tion on this night are enumerated. Qne is to "steal out unperceived, and sow a

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handful of hemp-seed, harrowing it with any thing you can conveniently draw after you. Repeat, now and then, hemp seed I saw thee, hemp-seed I saw thee; and him (or her) that is to be my true, come after me and pou thee.' Look over your left shoulder and you will see the appearance of the person invoked, in the attitude of pulling hemp. Some traditions say, 'come after me and shaw thee,' that is, show thyself; in which case it simply appears. Others omit the harrowing, and say, " come after me and harrow thee.'"

Another is," to winn three wechts o'naething." The wecht is the instrument used in winnowing corn. charm must likewise be performed unper"This ceived and alone. You go to the barn and open both doors, taking them off the hinges, if possible for there is danger that the being, about to appear, may shut the doors and do you some mischief. Then take that instrument used in winnowing the corn, which, in our country dialect, we call a wecht, and go through all the attitudes of letting down corn against the wind. Repeat it three times; and, the third time, an apparition will pass through the barn, in at the windy door, and out at the other, having both the figure in question, and the appearance or retinue marking the employment or station in life."

Then there is "to fathom the stack three times." "Take an opportunity of going unnoticed to a bear stack (barley stack), and fathom it three times round. The last fathom of the last time, you will catch in your arms the appearance of your future conjugal yokefellow." Another, "to dip your left shirt sleeve in a burn where three lairds land's meet." "You go out, one or more, for this is a social spell, to a south-running spring or rivulet, where three lairds' lands meet,' and dip your left shirt sleeve. Go to bed in sight of a fire, and hang your wet sleeve before it to dry. Lie awake; and some time near midnight, an apparition, having the exact figure of the grand object in question, will come and turn the sleeve, as if to dry the other side of it."

The last is a singular species of divination "with three luggies, or dishes." "Take three dishes; put clean water in one, foul water in another, and leave the third empty blindfold a person, and lead him to the hearth where the dishes are ranged: he (or she) dips the left hand; if


by chance in the clean water, the future husband or wife will come to the bar of matrimony a maid; if in the foul, a widow; if in the empty dish, it foretells with equal certainty no marriage at all. time the arrangement of the dishes is alIt is repeated three times and every tered." Sir Frederick Morton Eden says, that "Sowens, with butter instead of milk, is not only the Hallow E'en supper, but the Christmas and New-year's-day's breakfast, in many parts of Scotland."

In the province of Moray, in Scotland, first of November as a thanksgiving for "A solemnity was kept on the eve of the the safe in-gathering of the produce of the it is observed in Buchan and other counfields. This I am told, but have not seen: tries, by having Hallow Eve fire kindled on some rising ground."+

up on the four great festivals of the Druids,
In Ireland fires were anciently lighted
but at this time they have dropped the
fire of November, and substituted can-
November, but can give no reason for the
The Welsh still retain the fire of

shire, describing that parish, says:
The minister of Logierait, in Perth-
the evening of the 31st of October, O. S.
" On
among many others, one remarkable ce-
dressings of flax, are tied upon a pole.
remony is observed. Heath, broom, and
it upon his shoulders; and, running, bears
This faggot is then kindled. One takes
it round the village. A crowd attend.
When the first faggot is burnt out, a se-
the same manner as before. Numbers of
cond is bound to the pole, and kindled in
about together; and when the night hap-
these blazing faggots are often carried
pens to be dark, they form a splendid il-
lumination. This is Halloween, and is a
night of great festivity." Also at Cal-
lander, in Perthshire:-"On All Saints
Even they set up bonfires in every vil
lage. When the bonfire is consumed, the
ashes are carefully collected into the form
the circumference, for every person of the
of a circle. There is a stone put in, near
several families interested in the bonfire;
and whatever stone is moved out of its
the person represented by that stone is
place, or injured before next morning,
live twelve months from that day. The
devoted, or fey; and is supposed not to

*Eden's State of the Poor.
+ Shaw's Hist. of Moray.
Vallancey, Collect. Hibern.
Sinclair's Stat. Acc. of Scotland.

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