

The condition and prospects of St. Paul's Church are steadily improving. Her debt is wholly provided for, and is being liquidated in quarterly installments, as the subscriptions come in. She proposed a union with Christ Church lately, which resulted in demonstrating mutual feelings of entire accord between the two parishes. She will. in the near future, remove some two miles up town, near the center of her constituency. JEFFERSONVILLE -ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-REV. F. C. JEWELL.

It gives me great pleasure to report the purchase of a large and centrally located lot, valued at $2,500, on which it is purposed to erect the new church. The indebtedness. the first in many years, now resting on the parish, was incurred in purchasing this lot. The parish is deeply indebted to one generous lady, who gave $500 towards this object. Considering all things, the outlook is happy and favorable, and I trust by another year to report work begun on the new church.


Services have been held on each alternate Sunday and on each alternate Tuesday evening. The ignorance of, and prejudice against, the Church is gradually giving way, and it is hoped and believed that a harvest will be reaped from patient sowing.


We should have a larger financial showing, but for the absence in this report of blanks, for gifts to the cause of Christian education, which have here been numbered in hundreds of dollars, and are about to amount to many thousands. These gifts are, practically, for the Diocese to establish permanent Christian educators.


The report for my work covers ten months from August 1, 1887. In addition, I have visited Kokomo five times and held three services. There are six communicants there. I have also visited Crown Point five times and held five services, and administered Holy Communion once. There are ten communicants there. The work can be continued, and is encouraging at Crown Point


For three months during the past year no services were held in this parish. The Rev. W. G. Woolford had charge for two months during the summer of 1887. I began my work here November 1, 1887. The outlook here is encouraging, and I do not hes itate to predict that in a few years Gethsemane, Marion, will be a strong and self-supporting parish. This town is increasing in population very rapidly. Over two thousand people have moved to the place during the last year.


Our school, Barker Hall, is now fully equipped for the work of preparing pupils for college or business The growth of the advanced department is among the surprising things connected with the work. We thank God and take courage.


This parish is entitled to credit for having paid within two years its full quota of the Episcopal Endowment Fund. The final payment was made, as an offering of $150, on Palm Sunday last.


Baptisms-Infants, ore; adults, one. Confirmed persons, eight. Communicants added, three. Present members. females, four. Baptized individuals-Adults, thirteen; children, ten; total, twenty-three. Sunday-school taught by the missionary, aggregates, at catechising, about twenty. Performed service, Sundays, five; other days, four: total, nine. Communion administered in public, two; siek, one; total, three. Contributions towards the expenses of the missionary and rent of the Court House.

$8.58; for rent of Rink, $5.00; Bible and Prayer Book Society, sale of books, 25 cents; total, $13.83. Week day services, monthly, were begun in January, and on Sunday in April and May. One of the services above was rendered at Sleeth.

Monon.-Number of confirmed persons, 2. Baptized individuals-Adults, 3: child ren, 2: total, 5.

Rensselaer.-Number of baptized individuals, 4 (probably more).


We have celebrations of the Holy Communion on each Sunday and holy day and twice on Easter; also on Christmas when it falls on Sunday. At the request of the Bishop, I held services morning and evening at Marion. Ind., Thursday, January 26, 1888. Baptized six persons (children) at Poneto, Ind. Confirmed four persons at Poneto, Ind. There are three communicants at or near Hartford City, Ind. Besides the above number of services held, I should report four services at Poneto, Ind., one service near Montpelier, Ind., and three services at Hartford City, Ind.


The Rev. C. C. Leman, of Marietta, Ga., came to St. Paul's in June, 1887, and was its Rector until February, 1888. Since his departure the parish has been vacant, and during the vacancy Mr. Mallet has been employed as lay reader. He was a Methodist minister in this city, of excellent reputation, and had become a candidate for deacon's orders in our Church. In the ordinary course he will be a deacon in three months, and a priest in nine months from this time. He gives great satisfaction here; he not only reads the services but he performs all the other work of a clergymau which the rubric will permit him to perform, and he has been quite successful in increasing the church membership. The sacramental services, which none but a priest can perform, have been supplied for us by the Rev. Mr. Jewell, of Jeffersonville, the Rev. Mr. Smith, of Louisville, Ky., and the Rev. J. R. Bicknell, of Jacksonville, Fla., who is spending a vacation here.


I was appointed to this charge October 1, 1887. The report purports to include the official acts of my predecessor as well as of myself, and a financial statement for the entire year. The loyalty and liberality to the Church of our faithful few is much to be commended, and they will, I trust, receive their reward in due season.


It is impossible to give a full report, as the church has been without a rector during the past year.


We have the pleasure of recording a year of aggressive work in this parish and of fruits gathered into the garden from the world and from the numerous sects of the day. Some of those who had strayed from their homes have returned, and are taking an active part in the war against the world and its vices. While we have much to cause us grief, we have reason to thank God and take courage, knowing that in due season we shall reap if we faint not.

I send you my report of this parish, and will only say that in addition to services reported at home, I have visited and officiated in Rochester on twenty-two occasions, baptized two, confirmed three, administered sacrament six, and things are encouraging. In Hamlet I have preached on two occasions, baptized two. In Kewanna I have made two visits, preached, baptized one infant. I have visited Walkerton four times and baptized one child. I have also visited Mentone once, have given services to North Liberty each alternate week up to and inclusive of December 1, 1887, when I resigned the charge. I have, as reported, visited Hammond, and I shall officiate on Sunday next in that flourishing city.


I am pleased to report that semi-monthly week day services have been held at above place, with good attendance and much interest manifested. Confirmed persons, six; interested in the mission, about thirty-five; expenses, hymnals, $6.00; traveling expenses, $15.00; rent for building, $19.00, all raised by the ladies of the mission; offerings about $18.00, the same devoted to the missionary. Performed services, week days, fifteen.


St. James's Guild, a parish society composed of the older ladies of the parish, has raised for parochical missions this year $449.67. St. Mary's Altar Guild, composed of the young ladies, has raised for church improvement and for parochial mis⚫sions, $119.06.

According to your request, I herewith send you a special report of the work done at St. John's Mission, North Vincennes.

The work consists of a weekly choral service and address by the rector each Thursday evening, a Sunday-school of ninety-three pupils, the Superintendent and six teachers, a day school of sixty pupils taught by two young ladies, communicants of the Church and an industrial school each Friday afternoon conducted by the teachers of the day school and the ladies of St. James's parish, in which the girls are taught plain sewing and the boys wood carving. Quite a number of the boys and girls have attained marked proficiency in these arts. There has been an average attendance for the year of fifty-one. The school receives almost daily visitations from the rector of the parish. It is opened and closed each day with choral service, and about twenty minutes of each morning are devoted to the Church catechism.

Of the sixty pupils in the day school, more than one-half are poor in this world's goods. They have to be supplied with books, shoes and clothing, besides groceries, fuel, house rent and medicines for their families. The parish has been called upon for expenditures in this work this year, $1,021.35. Of this amount Maj. W. P. Gould, U. S. A., has generously given one-half.

The line of studies pursued in the school is much the same as that of the public schools of the State. We graduate four pupils this year to the High School of Vincennes. As some of the visible fruits of our work at St. John's Mission, since the middle of November, there have been received upon the Diocesan Roll of Honor thirty children, twenty five baptized and nineteen confirmed.


Four months report, or since January 15th, owing to the extreme indifference of more than half the members of this parish, the progress of the work has been very slow. But attendance at the services has increased; a larger number than formerly come to the Holy Communion. The prospect of clearing of the debt is encouraging, and it is hoped that a steady growth of the parish may be maintained.


The church building, 24x50, was opened for service January 20, last. Since then the women of the place have carpeted the chancel and alley, and by some outside help neat pews have been provided. The work here, as at Kennard, is entirely of a pioneer nature. The Sunday-school, conducted on Church lines, without a resident Churchman, is a unique and promising feature of the mission. There is a growing disposition in the community to follow the example of the Bereans in regard to the Church's claims. WORTHINGTON-ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH-REV. J. A. MCGLONE.

The present rector took charge of this parish September 1, 1887, from which time this report dates. Sunday services have been held thirteen times at Washington, be<ides several week day visits. At Petersburg two Sunday services and regular monthiy week day services were given. Bloomfield and Spencer have also been visited.


To the Right Rev. David Buel Knickerbacker, D. D., Bishop of Indiana:

During the year just closed I held services for deaf mutes at Christ Church, and the State school for the deaf, Indianapolis; St. Paul's Church, Evansville; St. James's Church, Goshen: St. John's Church, Elkhart, and St. Paul's Church, Laporte, with good congregations, those at Indianapolis numbering from 100 to 350. The services at the school reach and interest many from all parts of the Diocese. Several of the pupils are communicants.

My ministry is among a widely scattered people. My congregations are usually made up of persons from points within a radius of twenty-five miles.

Baptisms during the year, seven; confirmations, four; number of communicants, thirty-eight, distributed as follows: Indianapolis, twenty-four: Michigan City, four; Muncie, one; Goshen, four; Bluffton, one; Hartford City, one; Richmond, one; Evansville, one; New Albany, one; Carbon, Clay county, one; Acton, one.

Baptisms since the commencement of the Deaf Mute Mission in Indiana, fortyeight; confirmations, thirty-six. The deaf-mute population of the Diocese is about 1.200.

I have held services in the principal cities of the other Dioceses besides Indiana, and am the only clergyman to the deaf west of the Alleghenies. In order to meet the needs of this very extensive district, I have to be on the move every week throughout the year. The Prayer Books and tracts which have been distributed have done great good. Their influence has extended beyond the deaf-mute circle, for their hearing and speaking friends, most of them of other religious bodies, have been enabled to learn of the Church. My thanks are due the generous officers of the railway lines for special facilities of travel, without which it would be exceedingly difficult to pursue the work, and to the brethren of the clergy who have most kindly furthered my efforts to reach my widely scattered brethren.

[blocks in formation]

To the Rt. Rev. David Buel Knickerbacker, D. D., Bishop of Indiana:

I beg to submit to you the following report of the Howe Grammar School: First-As to attendance. During the past year there have been entered twenty-two boarders and seven day pupils; in all twenty-nine.

Second-As to instruction. The school has employed three instructors, besides the rector, who gives much of his own time to the class-room. Of these three. two are graduates of colleges, and the third, the instructor in modern languages, is a graduate of a high school of advanced grade. It is believed that rarely do pupils of no greater numbers enjoy like advantages.

Third-As to religious instruction and care.

Religious and moral training are made the basis of the work. There are held daily the morning and evening prayers, shortened to meet the needs of a school. The family attend Church twice on Sunday, and on Sunday afternoon a brief but careful religious instruction is given to all the pupils in classes. Every effort is made to induce the young life committed to us to devote itself to an up- right and earnest performance of duty under the forms and in the faith of the Church. Eleven of the pupils are communicants. Four have been confirmed during the past year. One is soon to be baptized. A surpliced choir has been formed, chiefly from the school, and by it is rendered most satisfactorily the music of the Church. To all the pupils constant instruction in sacred music is given.

Fourth-As to physical training. Our excellent and completely furnished gymnasium is in constant use. Our grounds afford the finest advantages for athletic games. ball, cricket, foot ball, etc., all of which are encouraged and practiced. On the fine property of nearly thirty acres, lately purchased by you, situated upon a chain of beautiful lakes, and given for the free use of the school, a large boat-house has been erected and a number of safe boats have been secured. Here, under careful oversight, our boys enjoy fishing, boating and bathing.

Fifth-As to improvements of property. Many of these have been made. The place is already very attractive and unique. But I am happy to report that as a gift from our constant liberal friend and patron. Mrs. Frances M. Howe, large and expensive additions are to be made. These include new and fine dormitories, school-rooms, recitation-rooms, bath-rooms, assembly-room, dining-room, kitchen, etc., with probably a chapel. All these will be of the best construction and with all the modern improve ments of ventilation, hot water, heating, etc. The plans are now being projected by an architect of great reputation, and in a few days the work will be begun.

The prospects for the coming year appear bright, and we can not be too thankful for the prosperity which has been allotted to our diocesan school.

C. N. SPALDING, Rector.


To the Right Rev. David Buel Knickerbacker, D. D., Bishop of Indiana:

The second year of the Diocesan School for girls opened in September, with three times the number of pupils in attendance the first year. There have been fifty-five pupils in attendance upon the regular course during the year, besides many others who have pursued special studies. Including specialists, a corps of nine teachers has been engaged in the school. As to the work done in the school room, the committee appointed by you to be present at the examination will report.

The boarding department was opened last September in the Diocesan property, which was furnished largely through your personal liberality. During the year the school has had six resident pupils, from whose parents we have had repeated assurance of satisfaction. We have been fortunate in having, as a nucleus of the boarding department, girls, who, by their exemplary conduct and cheerful obedience, have established an esprit de corps which I trust will always continue in the school.

We are thankful to be able to report that all the members of the household, both teachers and pupils, have been free from serious sickness.

With its advantages of location, its provision for the health and comfort of the pupils, its comprehensive and practical course of study, and its superior corps of teachers, I believe the Indianapolis Institute offers advantages unsurpassed and in many respects unequaled.

Among the pupils the past year have been graduates of other schools. The school is now well known in Indianapolis. To make it more generally known throughout the Diocese the co-operation of Church people is necessary.

Very respectfully yours,


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