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Pray make a little roomie for a Cobler, his work was done in time, but a fhip fetting Jayle one day too foon makes it appeare fome weeks too late; Seeing hee is fo reasonable as to demand no other pay for his labour and leather, but leave to pay us well for our faults, let it be well accepted, as Coun fell in our occafions to come,and as Teftimony to what: is past,


By a Friend.

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ITHER I am in an Appoplexie, or that man is in a Lethargie, who doth not now fenfibly feele God fhaking the heavens over his head, and the earth under his feet: The Heavens fo, as the Sun begins to turne into darkneffe, the Moon into blood, the Starres to fall down to the ground; So that little Light of Comfort or Counsell is left to the sonnes of men: The Earth fo, as the foundations are failing, the righteous fcarce know where to finde reft, the inhabitants stagger like drunken men: it is in a manner diffolved both in Religions and Relations: And no marvell; for, they have defiled it by tranfgreffing the Lawes, changing the Ordinances, and breaking the Everlafting Covenant. The Truths of God are the Pillars of the world, whereon States and Churches may stand quiet if they will; if they will not, Hee can easily fhake them off into delufions, and diftractions enough.




Sathan is now in his passions, he feeles his passion approaching; hee loves to fifh in royled waters. Though that Dragon cannot fting the vitals of the Elect mortally, yet that Beelzebub can fly-blow their Intellectuals miferably: The finer Religion grows, the finer hee spins his Cobwebs, hee will hold pace with Christ so long as his wits will ferve him. Hee sees himselfe beaten out of groffe Idolatries, Herefies, Ceremonies, where the Light breakes forth with power; he will therefore beftirre him to prevaricate Evangelicall Truths, and Ordinances, that if they will needs be walking, yet they shall laborare varicibus, and not keep their path, he will put them out of time and place; Affaffinating for his Engineers, men of Paracelfian parts; well complexioned for honefty; for, fuch are fittest to Mountebanke his Chimistry into ficke Churches and weake Judge


Nor fhall hee need to ftretch his ftrength overmuch in this worke: Too many men having not laid their foundations fure, nor ballasted their Spirits deepe with humility and feare, are preft enough of themselves to evaporate their owne apprehenfions. Those that are acquainted with Story know, it hath

ever beene fo in new Editions of Churches: Such as are least able, are most busie to pudder in the rubbish, and to raise duft in the eyes of more steady Repayrers. Civill Commotions make roome for uncivill practifes: Religious mutations, for irreligious opinions: Change of Aire, difcovers corrupt bodies; Reformation of Religion, unfound mindes. Hee that hath any well-faced phanfy in his Crowne, and doth


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