
thrifts with bitter teares to the worlds end.

If you fee no cause to pray,


Jer. 18. 1. ----10.

Be alfo intreated to have a continuall and confcientious care not to impeach the Parliament in the hearts one of another by whispering complaints, eafilier told then tryed or trued. Great bodyes move but flowely, especially when they move on three leggs and are over-loden with weighty occafions. They have now fate full fix years without intermiffion to continue your being, many of their heads are growne gray with your cares, they are the High Councell of the Kingdome, the great Gilead of your Balme, the Phifitians of all your fickneffe; if any of them doe amiffe, blame your felves, you chofe them, be wiser hereafter; you cannot doe the State, your felves, your pofterity a more ungratefull office then to impaire them with difparagements and difcoragements who are fo ftudious to repaire your almoft irreparable ruines.

Be likewise be seeched, not to flight good ministers, whom you were wont to reverence much, they are Gods Embaffadours, your Ephods, your Starres, your Horse-men & Chariots, your Watchmen, & under Chrift your Salvation, I know no deadlier Symptome of a dying people than to undervalue godly Minifters, whofoever defpifeth them fhall certainly be despised of God and men at one time or other.


A most humble heel-piece.


Most Honourable Head-piece


Parliament of England.

Might excufe my felfe in Part, with a speech Lycurgus ufed in the like exigent of State, fenectute fio audacior, publica neceffitate loquacior, but it much better becomes mee with all lowlineffe and uprightneffe, wherein I have failed to pray pardon on both my knees, which I moft humbly and willingly doe; only, before I rise, I crave leave to prefent this fix-fold Petition.

That you would be pleased

To preferve the Sacred reputation of Parliaments, or, wee shall have no Common-wealth.

To uphold the due estimation of good Ministers, elfe, wee shall have no Church.

To heale the fad dislocation of our Head, throughly, prefectly, or, wee fhall have no King.


To oppugne the bold violation of divine Truths, elfe wee fhall have no God.

To proceed with what zeale you began, or what you began can come to little end.

To expedite worke with what speede you fafely may, elfe ignorant people will feare they shall have no end at all.

Hee that is great in Counfell, and Wonderfull in Working, guide and helpe you in All things, that doing All things in Him, by Him, and for Him, you may doe All things like Him.

So be it.


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ARRE bee it from mee, while I dehort others to flight you my felfe, or to despise any man but my felfe, whom I can never defpife enough: I rather humbly intreate you to forgive my boldneffe, who have most just cause to judge my felfe leffe and leffe faithfull than the leaft of you all, yet

I dare not but bee fo faithfull to you and my felfe,

as to say

They are the Minifters of England, that have loft the Land; for Chrifts fake, put on His bowels, His wifdome, His zeale, and recover it.

[blocks in formation]

I pray let me drive in half a dozen plaine honest Country Hobnails, such as the Martyrs were wont to weare; to make my work hold the surer; and I have done.


Here, lives cannot be good,
There, Faith cannot be fure,

Where Truth cannot be quiet,
Nor Ordinances pure.

2. No King can King it right,
Nor rightly fway his Rod;
Who truely loves not Chrift,
And truely fears not God.

3. He cannot rule a Land,

As Lands fhould ruled been,
That lets himself be rul'd
By a ruling Romane Queen.

4. No earthly man can be

True Subject to this State;
Who makes the Pope his Chrift,
An Heretique his Mate.

5. There Peace will goe to War,
And Silence make a noife:
Where upper things will not
With nether equipoyfe.

6. The

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