Journal, how it should be kept, 113, 202, 481.
Journal des Savants, 148. Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 227-8, 231-2, 234, 252-3, 320, 383, 398, 414.
Junius, authorship of, 418.
Kames, Lord (Henry Home), 35, 155.
Kemble, John, 504-6. Kempis, Thomas à, 515.
Kindness, duty of cultivating it, 343.
Kings, 109, 117, 147, 189. Knitting, 362.
Knowledge, desire of it innate, 122; diffusion of it not a dis- advantage, 403-4.
Knowles, Mrs., the Quakeress, 314, 377-82.
Langton, Bennet, account of him, 58-9; a 'frisk,' 60-1; Johnson visits him at Langton, 130; at Rochester, 442-3, 502; at War- ley Camp, 413; dinners and suppers at his house, 375-6, 406-7; his expenditure and foibles criticised, 321, 392, 393; his attention to Johnson in his last illness, 553; present at his funeral, 558; his reminiscences
of Johnson, 9, 81, 436-46; men- tioned, 222, 241, 245, 247, 300. Langton, Mrs. (Bennet Lang- ton's mother), 79, 130, 436. Langton, Miss Jane, Johnson's god-daughter, 511. Langton, old Mr. (Bennet Lang- ton's father), 112, 130, 436, Language, formed on manners, 163-4; origin, 492; scanty and inadequate, 497; speaking one imperfectly lets a man down,
Latin, essential to a good educa- tion, 122.
Laughers, time to be spent with them, 484. Laughter, 256, 407. Law, the study and practice of,
Lawrence, Dr. Thomas, 79, 294,
Lawyers, 140, 185, 212, 244, 256,
Learning, 118, 122, 496. Lectures, 139, 456.
Lee, Arthur, 309, 313. Leeds, Duke of, 440. Levellers, 119.
Levett, Robert, 56, 58, 87, 107, 114, 138, 200, 293, 396, 414; his death, 473; Johnson's lines on him, 477, 512.
Lewis, F., 51. Lexicographer, defined, 74. Libels, 290.
Liberty, 155-6, 188, 217, 219-20, 420, 496.
Lichfield, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 18, 230, 314; Johnson's visits to, 87, 153, 181, 472, 543, 545-6.
Life, general reflections on, 197,
365-6, 523. Lincolnshire, 414, 491. Lintot the younger, 115. Literary Club, list of members, 131-2; Johnson's attendances at, 144, 222, 234, 358, 439, 454; his last dinner there, 532; mentioned, 212, 214, 239, 325, 372, 375, 434, 440, 445, 484, 559.
Literary fame, 211, 250. Literary Journals, 148. Literary property, 245, 415. Literary reputation, 211. Literature, state of, 390, 403-4. Lives of the Poets, 323, 327, 408,
415-7, 423, 432, 446-8, 461. Lives of the Poets, by Theophilus Cibber, 42.
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson, 274. Lobo's Abyssinia, 289. Lochlomond, 420, 483. Lofft, Capel, 515. London, a Pоет, 30-1, 44. London, its immensity and va- riety, 108, 160, 181, 202, 248, 293, 428; its advantages and superiority over the country, 366; living in, 26, 204, 248, 493; Boswell's love of, 126, 181, 287, 341, 364; Johnson's love of, 76. 160, 178, 287, 341, 544, 546.
Long, Dudley (afterwards North), 449, 452.
Loughborough, Lord (Alexander Wedderburne, afterwards Earl of Rosslyn), 88-9, 255.
Louis XIV, 149, 189. Louis XVI, 258.
Love, passion of, 275.
Lucan, first Earl of, 132, 434, 532. Lucan, Lady, 434, 532. Luton Hoe, 466, 469.
Luxury, 188, 202, 357.
Macaulay, Mrs. Catherine, 119, 203, 240, 302, 314, 344. Macbean, Alexander, Johnson's amanuensis, 42, 198, 296, 457. Macclesfield, Countess of, 39. Macpherson, James, 96, 229-31,
233, 245, 304, 484. Madness, 14, 97, 296.
'Mahogany', a drink, 450. Malagrida, 481.
Mallet, David, 67, 80, 187, 210,496. Malone, Edmond, 51, 471, 532, 557.
Man, 378, 448. Mankind, 115, 359. Manley, Mrs., 490.
Manners, 412.
Mansfield, William Murray, first Earl of, 186, 194, 197, 234, 329, 371, 482.
Marchmont, Hugh, fourth Earl of, 407-9, 425.
Marie Antoinette, 258.
Marlborough, John, first Duke of, 271, 306.
Marriage, 161, 177, 275-6, 283, 287.
Martyrdom, 218, 440. Marylebone Gardens, 531.
Mason, Rev. William, 2, 380, 527. Materialism, 184.
Matter, non-existence of, 130.
Maxwell, Rev. Dr., Collectanea of
Johnson, 177-81.
Mayo, Rev. Dr., 217-20.
Melancholy, 14, 268, 287, 340-1. Merit, 116-18, 480.
Metcalfe, Philip, 471, 475. Methodists, 123, 178-9, 194.
Meynell, 'old,' 441.
Mickle, William Julius, 193, 299, 506, 524.
Middle Class, 259.
Middlesex election, 430.
Milton, John, 51, 429, 448, 523, 532.
Misery, 296, 352, 523. Modern times, better than an-
Modesty, how far natural, 411. Monboddo, Lord, 160, 203, 339,
Monckton, Hon. Mary (Countess of Cork), 463.
Money, 188, 248, 341, 343, 371, 420, 441, 468.
Montagu, Mrs., 168, 180, 446, 449, 513.
Monthly Review, 149. Moody, the player, 242-3. More, Hannah, 367, 458-9, 462, 513, 523.
Morris, Miss, 557.
Mounsey, Dr., 157.
Mudge, Rev. Zachariah, 90, 459. Murphy, Arthur, 85, 89, 507, 512. Music, 352, 442.
Necessity, doctrine of, 447. Newgate Gaol, 330.
Newspapers, 189, 199, 315. Newton, Sir Isaac, 121, 179, 379. Nichols, John, 464, 507, 530, 554.
Ode to Mrs. Thrale, a caricature, 550.
Ode to the Warlike Genius of
Britain, 416.
Ofellus, 26.
Ogilvie, Dr. John, 109-10. Oglethorpe, General, 30, 191-3,
202, 210-2, 247, 304-5, 479.
Old age, 349, 366, 405. Oliver, Dame, 8.
Oratory, 199, 241, 461. Orchards, 491.
Osborne, Thomas, 36, 408. Ossian. See Macpherson, James.
Ostentation, 127. Otaheite, 217, 524.
Oxford, 146, 153, 255, 456; Christ Church, 13, 19, 68, 146, 269; Pembroke College, 12, 67, 384, 386; Trinity College, 68; Johnson, as undergraduate, 12,
13, 15-19,68; -presents Works, 18; -receives M.A., D.C.L., 70, 240; visite, 67-70, 84, 151-5, 268-71, 472, 517-26, 547.
Painting, 267, 529. Pantheon, 187-8.
Paoli, General, 159, 163-4, 187, 195, 204-6, 224, 298, 304, 397, 425, 460, 534-5.
Parliament, 29, 430, 497. Parsimony, 394. Patriotism, 246.
Patrons, of authors, 62-6, 480. Pennant, Thomas, 246, 373-5. Pension, defined, 73, 88-90, 112, 465-6, 528, 532-4, 536-42, 544-5.
Percy, Dr. Thomas, 10-11, 17, 32, 157, 274, 367, 373-5, 394, 459. Peyton, Johnson's amanuensis, 42, 185.
Pig, a learned, 546.
Piozzi, Mrs. See Thrale, Mrs. Piozzi, Signor, 539.
Pitt, William. See Chatham,
Pity, not natural to man, 115. Plantations (settlements), 141. Players and the art of acting, 38,
45, 211, 260, 343, 505. Pleasure, 363, 399, 424, 528. Poetry, 200, 247, 299, 334, 367-8. Politics, 255.
Pope, Alexander, 13, 30-3, 68, 138, 165-6, 214, 240, 366-7, 403, 407-9, 438.
Port, liquor for men, 419, 451. Porter, Miss Lucy (Johnson's step-daughter), 6, 53, 277, 281- 2, 490, 546, 550. Portraits, Johnson's, 94, 181, 483. Poverty, a great evil, 117, 335. Praise, 357, 453. Prayer, 191, 521.
Prayers, by Johnson, 47, 61, 132; before study, 74, 134, 318-19; death of his wife, 52, 53; for Catherine Chambers, 150; New Year, 61; birthday, 132; Eas- ter, 319; last communion, 556.
Presbyterians, 184. Press, liberty of, 29, 156. Priestley, Dr. Joseph, 503. Printing, 189.
tions on, 17, 112, 118, 207, 251, 302, 349, 422, 442, 524.
Rebellion of 1745-6, 34, 39, 337. Rehearsal, The, 529.
Religion, remarks on, 171, 381–2, 440, 496. Reynolds, Miss, 79, 367, 394-5. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 37-8, 57-8, 90-1, 149, 165-7, 210-12, 245, 300, 317, 370, 383, 390-1, 399- 402, 423-5, 434, 445, 449, 458-9, 471, 476, 482, 507, 527-8, 529, 530, 533, 537-41, 544-5, 555; dinners, 364, 394-7, 405-6, 419, 450-1, 535, 538; on Johnson, 33, 37, 47, 57, 89, 484; por- traits, 94, 181, 483.
Rhyme, essential poetry, 368.
Richardson, Samuel, 35, 87, 152,
190, 343, 392, 436, 445.
Ridicule, 418. Rising early, 339.
Robertson, Dr. William, 153, 210,
Rochester, Wilmot, second Earl of, 349.
St. Paul's Cathedral, 116, 189, 201, 214, 250, 295, 456. Saints, invocation of, 174. Salamanca, University of, 121. Salusbury, Mrs. (Mrs. Thrale's
mother), 405. Salvation, 522-3.
Savage, Richard, 36-9, 324, 519. Savages, 115, 160, 208, 217, 286, 493, 524.
Schools, discipline in, 193-4, 262, 526.
Scotland and the Scotch, 162, 168, 186, 233, 313-14, 322, 362; character of people, 162, 233, 237, 424, 432, 439, 460-1, 504; church, 123, 126; education, 153, 252-3; Johnson and the Scotch, 41-2, 110, 162, 226-7, 231-3, 252-3, 314, 340, 364, 410, 424, 432, 439, 460, 478, 485; laws and institutions, 286, 313-14, 460.
Scott, Dr. (afterwards Sir William Scott, and Lord Stowell), 124, 132, 268, 370, 389, 456, 486.
Scotticisms, 160, 168. Scripture phrases, 200. Second sight, 184, 234. Selden, John, 186.
Seward, Miss Anna, 377, 546. Seward, Rev. Mr., of Lichfield,
Seward, William, F.R.S., 161, 232, 338, 350, 495.
Shakespeare, Johnson's edition, 76, 137.
Shakespeare, William, 80, 166-8, 370, 441, 443-4; Hamlet, 16, 448; Henry VIII, 505; Мас- beth, 168, 246, 420, 551;
Shiels, R., Johnson's amanuensis, 42, 56, 299.
Ship, worse than a gaol, 84, 266. Shorthand, 206, 373, 478.
Siddons, Mrs., visits Johnson, 504 -5.
Simpson, Joseph, 83.
Sixteen-string Jack, 300.
Slavery, 353.
Sleep, 339, 437.
Trinity, doctrine of the, 221. Truth, 357-8, 395, 498. Tyers, Thomas, 388.
Universal Visiter, 245.
University, should be a school
where everything may be learnt, 153, 255, 289.
Uttoxeter Marker, 545.
Valetudinarians, 275, 287, 331. Vanity of Human Wishes, 43-4, 143.
Vauxhall Gardens, 388. Versailles, 258.
Vesey, Right Hon. Agmondesham, 131, 234, 434, 445.
Virgil, 350, 403. Virtue, 113, 205, 499. Vivacity, an art, 277.
Voltaire, 82, 114, 138, 141, 370, 403.
Wales, 136, 184, 228.
Wall, taking the, 28. Waller, Edmund, 154, 251, 392. Walmsley, Gilbert, 19-20, 280. Walpole, Horace, 527.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 197, 306, 452, 527.
Warburton, William, Bishop of Gloucester, 65, 80, 147, 519.
Warley Camp, 413. Warton, Rev. Dr. Joseph, Head Master of Winchester College. 79, 132, 149.
Warton, Rev. Thomas, 67-71, 131, 270, 527.
Waste, 393.
Watts, Dr. Isaac, 415. Wealth, 465, 480.
Weather and seasons, 111, 120, 249, 387.
Wedderburne, Alexander. Loughborough, Lord. Wesley, Rev. Charles, 381. Wesley, Rev. John, 358, 381, 426, 456.
Westminster Abbey, 214, 317, 517, 558.
Wetherell, Rev. Dr., 249, 268, 524.
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