[blocks in formation]

Corsica, 140, 151, 155, 159.
Cotterells, the Miss, 57, 87.
Country gentlemen, 341, 476-7.
Country life, 365, 412, 498, 539.
Courage, 164, 242, 372, 379, 522.
Court mourning, 531.

Courtenay, John, 132, 390, 527.
Cowley, Abraham, 446.
Crabbe, Rev. George, 481.
Craven, Lady, 293.
Critical Review, 149.

Crown, the, 189, 498.

Cruikshank, the surgeon, 504, 551.
Cumberland, Richard, 446, 549.
Cumming, Tom, the Quaker, 495.
Curiosity, 489.

Dalrymple, Sir John, 213.
Dancing, 451.

Dante, 214.

Dartineuf, Charles, 270.
Davies, Mrs., 133, 502.

Davies, Thomas, 93-6, 109, 133,
158, 170, 198, 227, 231, 257,
323, 356, 438, 502; dinners at
his house, 242, 300.

Dead, prayers for the, 53, 55.
Death, reflections on, 169, 175,
332, 334.

Debates of Parliament, 29, 389,
527, 554.

Dedications, 41, 62, 138.
Dempster, George, 114-6, 197,
383, 518.

Derby, 23, 335, 337.
Derbyshire, 285, 542.
Derrick, Samuel, 121, 488.
Desmoulins, Mrs., 53, 356, 382,
392, 415, 416, 456, 479-80, 557.
Devonshire, fifth Duke and Duch-
ess of, 469, 542, 545.
Dick, Sir Alexander, 320, 490.

Dictionary, Johnson's, 40-3, 62-7,

72-4, 198, 408, 429, 436.

Dilly, Charles, 534.

Dilly, Messrs, Edward and
Charles, booksellers, 217, 241,
307-15, 377-80, 413, 460-2,

Dilly, Squire, 466-70.

Dodd, Rev. Dr. William, 328-32,
338, 492.

Dodsley, Robert, 40-1, 45, 65, 70,

270, 299, 429, 442.

Dogs, 170.

Douglas, Rev. Dr. John, Bishop
of Salisbury, 30, 103, 112, 132,

Dreams, 52.
Dress, 46, 286, 483.
Drunkenness, 340.

Drury Lane Theatre, 40, 44, 51,

Dryden, John, 122, 133, 215, 236,
312, 410.

Duelling, 191, 494.
Dunning, John, first Lord Ash-
burton, 131, 186, 361.
Dyer, John, The Fleece, 273.

East Indies, 292, 294, 427.
Edial, 23.

Edinburgh, 110, 126.
Education, 8, 120, 262.
Edwards, Oliver, 384-8, 455.
Eglintoune, Alexander, tenth Earl
of, 158, 347, 393.
Elibank, Patrick, fifth Lord, 295,
305, 466.

Eliot, Edward, first Lord Eliot,
305, 450, 532.
Ellis, 'Jack,' a scrivener, 293.
Elphinston, James, 48-9, 207, 368.
Emigration, 359.

Emmet, Mrs., the actress, 279.
Erskine, Hon. Thomas, after-

wards Lord Erskine, 190.
Essex Head Club, 507, 543.
Eternal punishment, 522-3.
Eugenio, 215.

Excise, defined, 73, 408.

Faith, merit in, 382.

Fame, 250, 370.
Families, 185, 281.

Fergusson, Sir Adam, 188-9.


Fiddlers, and Fiddling, 195, 207,


Fielding, Henry, 152, 190, 302.
Fine clothes, 160, 165, 286, 483.
Fitzherbert, William, 204, 311,

Flattery, 211.
Flint, Bet, 461.

Floyd, Thomas, 122.

Foote, Samuel, 85, 170-1, 201,

231, 260, 265, 310, 371, 482,
513, 525.
Foppery never cured, 180.
Forbes, Sir William, of Pitsligo,
301, 316-18.

Ford, Rev. Cornelius (Johnson's
cousin), 11, 410.
Fornication, 122, 291.
Forwardness, 270.
Fox, Charles James, 365, 370,
372, 478.

France, 28, 179, 258, 383, 411,
441, 479.

Frederick the Great, 114, 117,


Free Will, 164.

Friends, in a future state, 391,

Friendship, 74, 306, 379, 423, 516.
Future state, 187, 332.

Gaming, 190, 294.
Garagantua, 366-7.
Garden, a walled, 491.
Gardiner, Mrs., 293, 506.

Garrick, David, 20, 24, 28, 35, 38-

40, 44, 51, 61, 132, 165, 263,
367-9, 380, 390, 423, 436, 443,
458-60, 499; Johnson's criti-
cisms and appreciations of, 95,
98, 163, 168-9, 196, 207-8, 212,
237, 278-9, 298, 304, 310-12,
344, 370-1, 423-4, 438, 505.

Garrick, Mrs., 458-60, 513.
Garrick, Peter, 28, 277, 280.
Gastrell, Mrs., 282.
Gay, John, 254, 396, 457.

Gentility, 164, 242, 305, 445.
Gentleman's Magazine, 28-9.
George I, 243.

George II, 34, 243, 462.
George III, 88, 145-50, 376.
Ghosts, arguments for and against
their existence, 103, 187, 191,
358, 381, 410, 426, 452.

Giant's Causeway, 430.


Gibbon, Edward, 246, 251, 305,
372, 449.

Gibbons, Rev. Dr., 469, 515.
Gluttony, 127.

Goldsmith, Oliver, 104-7, 109,
142-3, 150, 165, 172, 191-4,
197, 199, 201, 209-14, 249-50,
299, 339, 364-5, 390, 439-40,
443, 445, 465, 491, 484, 512;
his death, 338; Johnson's epi-
taphs on, 228, 315-18; Ani-
mated Nature, 193, 213, 290,
336; Deserted Village, 212;
Good-natured Man, 151-2, 395;
History of Rome, 213; Life of
Parnell, 187; She Stoops to Con-
quer, 198, 202, 203, 205-6, 211,
395, 531; The Traveller, 106,
138, 212, 365, 370, 396; The
Vicar of Wakefield, 106, 396,

Good-breeding, 164.
Good Friday, 248, 392, 418, 455,

Good-humor, 252, 404.
Gothic buildings, 69.
Government, forms of, 189.
Gower, first Earl of, 73.
Graham, Marquis of (third Duke

of Montrose), 420, 463.
Grainger, Dr. James, 273.
Gray, Thomas, 101, 187, 238, 300,
380, 440.

Greek, 122, 443, 549.
Greeks, 189.

Green, Richard, of Lichfield, 279,


Greenwich, 122-4.
Gresham College, 290.
Grief, 50, 283, 297, 326.
Gwynn, John, the architect,

Hailes, Lord (Sir David Dal-
rymple), 333, 349.
Hale, Sir Matthew, 185.
Hanover, House of, 112, 477.
Happiness, 114, 116, 139, 188, 287,
304, 352, 363.

Harleian Library and Catalogue,

Harrington, Countess of, 328.
Harris, James (Hermes Harris),
206, 253, 367-9.

Hawkesworth, Dr. John, 43, 51.
Hawkins, Sir John, 55, 81, 272 п.,
507, 539, 547, 551 п., 552, 558.
Heath, Dr., 449.
Heberden, Dr., 501, 551.
Hebrides and the Highlands, 7,

183, 364; tour, 120, 210, 226-7,
489; account of the tour, 231-2.
Hector, Edmund, 7, 9, 21, 274-6,
473, 510, 547.

Hell, its pavement of good inten-
tions, 250.

Helmet, hung out on a tower, as a
sign of hospitality, 375.

Henderson, John, 522.

Hervey, Hon. Henry, 27, 44.
Hervey, Hon. Thomas, 144, 242.
High Life below Stairs, 437.
Highwaymen, 360.

Hill, Dr. Sir John, 148, 377

History, 253.

Hogarth, William, 34.

Home, John, 235.

Homer, 404.

Hoole, John, 240, 299, 455, 486,

506, 516.

Hope, 86.
Hospitality, 204, 498.
House of Commons, 359, 498.
House of Lords, 194.

Humanity, its common rights,
488, 518.

Hume, David, 46, 139, 159, 175,
346, 488.

Hunter, Johnson's school-master,


Hypochondria, 349.

Hypocrisy, 528.

Iceland, 56, 375.

Idleness, 112, 439.

Idler, The (Johnson's), 81.

Ignorance, 98.

Immortality, 250, 347.
Incivility, 445.

India, 244, 384, 428.
Indians, American, 493.
Infidels and infidelity, 164, 431.
Inquisition, 127.

Intellectual labor, mankind's aver-
sion to it, 98.

Ireland and the Irish, 215, 222,

232, 430.

Irene, 27-8, 44, 437.
Islam, 7.

Italy, Johnson's projected visits to
it, 264, 288, 291, 297, 298, 532,

Ivy Lane Club, 43, 507.

Jackson, Henry, of Lichfield, 277.
Jacobitism, Johnson's, 7, 39, 112,
204, 220.

Jamaica, 534.
James II, 243.

James (the Pretender), 112.
James, Dr. Robert, 20, 287, 294.
Jenyns, Soame, 379.

Johnny Armstrong, 101.



wife), 22-4, 48, 52-6, 161, 386,
433, 542.

Johnson, Michael (Johnson's fa-
ther), 3-5, 12, 13, 19, 545-6,

Johnson, Nathanael (Johnson's
younger brother), 4, 550.
Johnson, Samuel: Chief events of
his life.-1709, birth, 3; 1712,
'touched' by Queen Anne, 7;
1716 (about), enters Lichfield
school, 7; 1725, enters Stour-
bridge School, 11; 1726, re-
turns home, 11; 1728, enters
Pembroke College, 12; trans-
lates Pope's Messiah, 13; 1729,
returns home, 19; 1731, death
of his father, 19; 1732, usher at
Market Bosworth, 20; 1733,
at Birmingham, 21; 1735,
marries Mrs. Porter and opens
a school at Edial, 23; 1737,
visits London with Garrick, 24;
returns to Lichfield and finishes
Irene, 27; removes to London,
28; 1738, becomes a writer in
the Gentleman's Magazine, 28-9;
London, 30; 1739, seeks the mas-
tership of Appleby School and
the degree of Master of Arts,
32; 1740, Lives of Blake, Drake,
and Barretier, 35; Debates, 29;
Proposals for printing Bibli-
otheca Harleiana, 36; Life of
Savage, 36; sketching outlines
of his Dictionary, 39; 1746, gets
to know Levett, 56; 1747, Pro-
logue on the opening of Drury
Lane Theatre, 40; 1749, Vanity


of Human Wishes, 43; Irene
acted, 44; forms the Ivy Lane
Club, 43; 1750, begins The
Rambler, 46; death of his wife,
52; Miss Williams begins to
reside with him, 51; gets to
know Reynolds, 57; 1753, be-
gins vol. ii. of the Dictionary,
61; visits Oxford, 67; Letter
to Lord Chesterfield, 63; be-
comes an M. A. of Oxford, 71;
publishes the Dictionary, 72;
Proposals for an edition of
Shakespeare, 76; 1758, begins
The Idler, 81; gets to know Dr.
Burney, 80; 1759, death of his
mother, 81; Rasselas, 81; visits
Oxford, 84; 1761, visits Lich-
field, 87; 1762, pensioned, 88;
trip to Devonshire, 90; 1763,
gets to know Boswell, 94; trip
to Harwich, 126; 1764, visits
Langton in Lincolnshire, 130;
Literary Club founded, 131;
becomes an LL.D. of Dublin,
134; suffers from a severe ill-
ness, 132; gets to know the
Thrales (either this year or in
1764), 134; publishes his Shake-
speare, 137; takes a house in
Johnson's Court, 138; 1767,
interview with the King, 145;
1768, Prologue to the Good-
Natured Man, 151; 1769, visits
Brighton, 159, appears as a
witness at Baretti's trial, 171;
1771, visits Lichfield and Ash-
bourne, 181; 1773, publishes
the fourth edition of the Dic-
tionary, 198; tour to Scotland,
226; 1775, publishes his Jour-
ney to the Western Islands, 231;
Taxation no Tyranny, 233; be-
comes an LL.D. of Oxford, 240;
tour to France, 258; 1776,
visits Oxford, Lichfield and
Ashbourne with Boswell, 266;
projected tour to Italy aban-
doned, 288; visits Bath, 302;
first dinner with Wilkes, 306;
exerts himself in behalf of Dr.
Dodd, 328; meets Boswell at
Ashbourne, 326; 1778, visits
Warley Camp, 413; 1779, pub-
lishes the first four volumes of


the Lives, 415; 1780, writing
the last six volumes of the Lives,
432; publishes the last six vol-
umes of the Lives, 446; second
dinner with Wilkes, 460; visits
Southill, 466; visits Oxford,
Birmingham, Lichfield, and
Ashbourne, 472; 1782, takes
leave of Streatham, 475; visits
Brighton, 475; 1783, has a
stroke of the palsy, 500; visits
Rochester, 502; visits Heale,
502; threatened with a surgical
operation, 504; founds the
Essex Head Club, 507; at-
tacked by spasmodic asthma,
507; 1784, visits Oxford with
Boswell, 508; projected tour
to Italy, 532; visits Lichfield,
Ashbourne, Birmingham, and
Oxford, 542-7; death, 557;
funeral, 558.

Johnson's Letters. - To Allen,
Edmund, 500; Bagshaw, Rev.
Т., 542; Barber, Francis, 156;
Baretti, 87; Boswell, James,
(see under Boswell); Boswell,
Mrs., 318, 325, 474; Brockles-
by, Dr., 542-4; Burney, Dr.,
71, 77, 504, 548; Chesterfield,
Earl of, 63; Davies, Thomas,
502; Dodd, Dr., 330, 331;
Elphinstone, James, 49; Green,
the Lichfield apothecary, 550;
Langton, Bennet, 78, 143, 227,
257; Langton, Miss Jane, 511;
Lawrence, Dr., 433, 473; Мас-
pherson, James, 229; Porter,
Miss, 490, 508; Reynolds, Sir
Joshua, 181, 316, 471, 476, 507,
517, 541, 544-5; Simpson,
Joseph, 83; Taylor, Dr., 54;
510; Thrale, Mrs., 501, 504;
Thurlow, Lord Chancellor, 541;
Warton, Rev. Thomas, 70-1;
Wesley, John, 426.

His character, general traits,
and mode of living. Abstemi-
ous, not temperate, 128, 448;
acquisition, powers of, 442;
affectation, abhorrence of, 445;
almsgiving, 178; amusements,
427; anecdotes, love of, 140;
arguing, habit of, 172, 294, 402,
464, 512; attention to small
things, 487; behavior in com-
pany, 305; benevolence, 42-
235-6, 356, 387, 414, 487, 530;
bigotry, freedom from, 102,
184, 347; books, fondness for,
253; and manner of using them,
196, 377; calculation, fondness
for, 41, 245, 354; candor, 488,
503; character, 331, 402-3, 504,
506, 559; charity to the poor,
42, 471, 487, 517, 530; chemis-
try, fond of, 115, 427, 503;
children, love of, 488; church,
attendance at, 15, 189, 200, 291,
295-6, 384, 391, 428, 473, 490,
493; complaints, not given to,
249; conversation, 47-8, 172,
210, 214, 236, 237, 265, 322-3,
331, 369, 394, 405, 444, 460,
464-5, 466, 477-8, 484-5, 486,
521-2; courage, anecdotes of
his, 230; death, dread of, 169,
230, 332, 510, 515, 550; dress,
45-6, 58, 97, 260, 261, 286, 398,
532; eating, habits of, 127-8,
310, 387, 448, 534; female
charms, sensible to, 22, 314,
336, 430, 470, 513, 520; for-
eigners, prejudice against, 441;
forgiving disposition, 227, 266;
fortitude, 504, 523, 555; good-
humored, 249, 314, 451; good-
natured, 252; hilarity, 17, 225-
6, 256; humility, 555; idle-
ness, his supposed, 10, 18, 60,
112, 125, 126, 132, 182, 227,
435; insight into character, 293;
irascibility, 252, 518; kindness
to others, 107, 150, 278, 296,
414, 488; and to animals, 489;
ladies, could be very agreeable
to, 449; law, knowledge of,
293; liberality, 487; liberty,
love of, 5, 110, 156, 189; liter-
ature, love and respect for, 12,
16, 17; madness, dreaded, 14;
melancholy, 4, 14, 319, 409,
523; memory, powers of, 5-6,
10, 440; metaphysics, fond of,
16; moderation in his char-
acter, absence of, 448; music,
how affected by, 262, 352, 362,
443; passion, fits of, 480, 530;
peculiarities of conduct and
temperament, 22, 33, 133, 237,

309, 332, 374, 413, 447, 448,
463, 532; personal appearance,
60, 124, 130, 261, 413, 447, 487;
piety, early, habitual, and sys-
tematic, 15, 16, 74-5, 130, 182,
195, 256, 319-20, 419, 433, 446,
472, 495, 511, 515, 554; polite-
ness, 20, 71, 147, 256, 403, 405,
469; disliked extravagant
praise, 357, 453; pride, defen-
sive, 66; provincial accent, 186,
278; puns, aversion to, 528;
questioning disliked, 306, 372;
reading, amount and rapidity
of his, 12, 16, 118, 127, 147, 207,
209, 287, 377, 497, 526, 554;
residences, 430 n.; romances,
love of, 11; roughness of man-
ner, 20, 142, 158-9, 252, 256,
406, 516, 521; sight, his, 5-7,
374, 526; society, love of mix-
ing with, 19, 20, 235, 246, 508;
sophistry, love of, 156; speak-
ing, impressive mode of, 237,
373; spirit, lofty, 546; swear-
ing, dislike of, 347; tea, fond-
ness for, 108; tenderness of
heart, 159, 296, 537; truth-
fulness, 216, 264, 357; wine,
use of, 265, 301, 363, 387, 399-
402, 430, 448; wit, 210;
world, knowledge of the, 111,
293; young people, love of,

His works. - Manner of com-
posing his Poetical Works, 27,
43, 143; his other Works, 37,
47, 81, 82, 302; rapidity of
composition, 17, 37, 47, 81, 82,
143, 469, 554; wrote by fits and
starts, 554; never wrote fair
copies, 446, 525.

Style.-Formed on writers of
the seventeenth century, 50;
precision, 487; criticised by
himself, 436-7; imitations of,

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