
middle of the fifteenth century was written Pandolfini's Governo della Faniglia. An old man advises his two sons and three grandsons on the philosophy and policy of life. He urges thrift and advises to stay far removed from public life. It is, he says, a "life of insults, hatreds, misrepresentations, and suspicions." He advises not to come into the intimacy of great nobles and not to lend them money. He has a low opinion of all women and would not trust a wife with secrets. Della Casa, in the first half of the sixteenth century, wrote Il Galateo, a treatise on manners and etiquette. He lays great stress on cleanliness of person and house, and he forbids all impropriety, for which he has a very positive code. Castiglione's Courtier inculcates what the age considered sound ideas on all social relations, rights, and duties. In the dialogue different views are put forward and discussed, from which it results that the views to be regarded as correct often lack point and definiteness. Symonds thinks that the type presented with approval differs little from the modern gentleman.1 Cornaro wrote at the age of eighty-three a book called Discorsi della Vita sobria, which is said to set forth especially the diet by which the writer overcame physical weakness and reached a hale old age. When ninety-five he wrote another book to boast of the success of the first. He died in 1565, over a hundred years old.2

728. Moral anarchy. The antagonism between a virtue policy and a success policy is a constant ethical problem. The Renaissance in Italy shows that although moral traditions may be narrow and mistaken, any morality is better than moral anarchy. Moral traditions are guides which no one can afford to neglect. They are in the mores and they are lost in every great revolution of the mores. Then the men are morally lost. Their notions, desires, purposes, and means become false, and even the notion of crime is arbitrary and untrue. If all try the policy of dishonesty, the result will be the firmest conviction that honesty is the best policy. The mores aim always to arrive at correct notions of virtue. In so far as they reach correct results the virtue policy proves to be the only success policy. 2 Burckhardt, 335, 338.

1 Renaissance, I, 118.

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Full titles of all books cited are given below in the alphabetical order of the authors' names or of the leading word of the title. Numbers after the title are the pages in the present volume on which the book is cited or used as an authority.

Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed,


Abdallatif, Relation de l'Egypte (trad. de Sacy) (Paris, 1810), 336 Abel, C. W., Savage Life in New Guinea (London, 1902), 317

Abercromby, J., The Pre- and Proto-historic Finns, Eastern and Western, with Magic Songs of the West Finns (2 vols. London, 1898), 485 Achelis, H., Virgines Subintroductae (1 Cor. vii) (Leipzig, 1902), 295, 525, 526, 620

Achelis, T., Die Ekstase in ihrer kul

turellen Bedeutung (Berlin, 1902), 210 Aelian, Variae Historiae, 318 Aeneas Silvius. See Piccolomini Alanus ab Insulis, De Planctu Naturae (Migne, Patrol. Lat., V, 210), 369 Alberi, E., Relazione degli Ambasciatori Veneti al Senato (Firenze, 1840): Letter of D. Barbaro, sent to England for the Accession of Edward VI (Series I, Tome II, 230), 257 Alec-Tweedie, Mrs., Sunny Sicily (New York, no date), 458, 589 Am Urquell, 137

Ameer Ali, The Influence of Woman in Islam (Nineteenth Century, XLV, 75.5)

American Anthropologist, 17, 121, 142, 149, 305, 315, 326, 339, 460, 485, 533 American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, 536 American Journal of Sociology, 112 Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum (libri 18, out of 31), 418, 586 Ammon, O., Die Gesellschaftsordnung und ihre natürlichen Grundlagen

(Jena, 1896), 39, 475, 541 d'Ancona, A., Le Origini del Teatro in Italia (2 tomes. Firenze, 1877 e 1891), 227, 445, 580-582, 591-595

Andree, R., Die Anthropophagie (Leipzig, 1887), 329, 332

Andree, R., Ethnographische Parallele und Vergleiche (2 Folgen. Leipzig, 1889), 326

Angerstein, W., Volkstänze im Deutschen Mittelalter (2te Aufl. Berlin, 1874), 599

l'Année Sociologique, 482. See Durkheim l'Anthropologie, 130, 146. See Bulle


Apostolic Constitutions. Die Syrischen Didaskalia übersetzt und erklärt von A. Achelis und J. Fleming (Leipzig, 1904) contains the "Two Ways," 316 Appianus, Historia Romana, 281 Apuleius, Metamorphoses, 364, 571 Arabian Nights, 287, 434. See Lane Archiv für Anthropologie, 329, 447, 536

537, 543, 548-549, 563, 577-578 Archiv für Kunde der Esterreichischen Geschichtsquellen, 443

Archiv für Religionswissenschaft, 525 Ashton, J., Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne (London, 1883), 523 Athenæus, Deipnosophistorum libri 15, 436, 529, 542

Athenagoras, Apologia (on the resurrection of the dead), 390

Augustine, Opera (Paris, 1635), 290, 348, 360-361, 390-391, 529, 542, 585 d'Aussy. See Legrand

Australian Association for the Advancement of Science Fourth Meeting, at Hobart, Tasmania, January, 1892 (Sydney, 1892), 187, 204, 264, 314, 317, 330, 334, 382. 459, 461 d'Avenel, G., Histoire Economique de la Propriété, des Salaires, des Denrées, et de tous les Prix en général, depuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800 (2 tomes. Paris, 1894-1898), 165-166, 298

Babelon, E. C. F., Les Origines de la Monnaie (Paris, 1897), 154 Bancroft, N. H., The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America (New York, 1875-1876), 271, 324, 337, 422, 543, 548, 553, 586 Barthold, F. W., Die Geschichte der Hansa (Leipzig, 1862), 370, 524 Barthold, F. W., Jürgen Wüllenweber von Lübeck (Räumer, Histor. Taschenbuch, VI), 524

Barton, G. A., Semitic Origins (New York, 1902), 535, 557, 563 Bastian, A., Die Deutsche Expedition an der Loango-Küste (Jena, 1874), 459

Bebel, A., Die Frau (Zurich, 1883), 346 Becke, L., Pacific Tales (New York), 441, 460, 630

Becker, W. A., und Hermann, K. F., Charikles (3 Bände. Leipzig, 1854), 204, 390, 488

Beloch, J., Die Bevölkerung der Griechisch-Römischen Welt (Leipzig, 1886), 105, 279

Beloch, J., Griechische Geschichte (4) Bände. Strassburg, 1904), 106–107, 199, 279, 468, 565

Bender, H., Rom und Römisches Leben im Alterthum geschildert (Tübingen, 1880), 280

Bent, J. T., The Sacred City of the

Ethiopians (London, 1893), 459 Bergel, J., Die Eheverhältnisse der alten Juden im Vergleiche mit den Griechischen und Römischen (Leipzig, 1881), 398, 409 Berlin Museum, 427, 432-433, 435, 438, 446, 459

Bernardin, N-M., La Comédie Italienne en France, 1570-1791 (Paris, 1902), 602

Bethe, E., Die Geschichte des Theaters

im Alterthume (Leipzig, 1896), 447 de Bethencourt, J., Le Canarien livre de la Conquête et Conversion des Canaries (1402-1422) (ed. G. Gravier Rouen, 1874), 121, 339 Bijdragen tot de Taal-Land-en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indië, 187, 273, 298-300, 314, 335, 358, 383, 484 Binet, A., La Suggestibilité (Paris, 1900), 21

Biot, E. C., De l'Abolition de l'Esclavage ancien en Occident (Paris, 1840), 298-299

Bishop, Mrs. (Isabella Bird), Among the Thibetans (New York, 1894), 353, 441

Bishop, Mrs., Korea and her Neighbors (New York, 1898), 453

Blair, W., Slavery amongst the Romans (Edinburgh, 1833), 284, 319

Bock, C., Reis in Oost-en Zuid-Borneo (s'Gravenhage, 1887), 274

Bodin, J., De Republica libri sex (7a ed. Frankfort, 1641), 291, 301 Boggiani, G., I Caduvei (Roma, 1895), 272

Boissier, G., La Religion Romaine d'Auguste aux Antonins (2 tomes. Paris, 1874), 101, 199, 566 Bourquelot, Foires de

Champagne (Acad. de Belles Lettres et d'Inscriptions, 1865), 298

Bousset, D. W., Die Religion des Judenthums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (Berlin, 1903), 295, 340, 515 Bridges, T., Manners and Customs of the Firelanders (A Voice for South America, XIII, 201-214), 272 Brinton, G., Nagualism (Philadelphia, 1894), 271, 338

Brunache, P., Le Centre de l'Afrique

(Paris, 1894), 268, 334, 339, 433, 437-438

Bücher, K. W., Die Aufstände der Un

freien Arbeiter (Frankfurt, 1874), 280-281, 283

Buchholtz, E. A. W., Homerische Realien (3 Bände. Leipzig, 1871-1885), 278

Budge, E. A. W., The Gods of the Egyp tians (Chicago, 1904), 433 Buhl, F. P. W., Die Socialen Verhältnisse der Israeliten (Berlin, 1899), 154, 277

Bühler, G., The Laws of Manu (trans.)

(Oxford, 1886), 356, 384, 388, 544 Bulletins] et M[émoires] de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris (Paris, 1901): Art. by Guyot on Les Indigenes de l'Afrique du Sud,based on the Report of the South African Committee (Pres. J. Macdonell) on the Natives of South Africa (Series V, Tome II, 362), 368

Burchard, J., Diarium sive verum urbanarum commentarii, 1483-1506 (ed. Thusane) (3 tomes. Paris, 1885), 256

Burckhardt, J., Griechische Kulturgeschichte (3 Bände. 2te Aufl. Stuttgart, 1898), 105-107, 109-110, 468, 487 Burckhardt, J., Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien (Basel, 1860), 22, 249, 592, 598, 601, 627, 643–645, 650, 652-653

Burckhardt, J. L., Arabic Proverbs (London, 1830), 448, 455, 544 Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, Annual Reports, 14, 17, 25, 125, 127, 129-130, 139, 152, 186, 270-271, 317, 325, 337, 383, 442, 453, 485, 497, 501, 512, 515, 518, 533

Burnaby, A., Travels through the Mid

dle Settlements of North America in 1759 and 1760 (London, 1775), 528 Burrows, G., The Land of the Pigmies (London, 1898), 453

Büttner, C. G., Das Hinterland von Walfischbai und Angra Pequena (Heidelberg, 1884), 188

Cambridge History of Modern Europe,
(ed. by A. W. Ward and G. W.
Prothero) (New York, 1902, etc.), 531
Cameron, V. L., Across Africa (2 vols.
London, 1877), 145
Campbell, H., Differences in the
Nervous Organization of Man and
Woman (London, 1891), 343-344
Cantacuzene, J., Romana Historia
(Bonn, 1832), 264

Carey, B. S., and Tuck, H. N., The

Chin Hills (Rangoon, 1896), 186, 273 Carmichael, M., In Tuscany (3d ed. New York, 1902), 216, 623-624 Cartwright, J., Isabella d'Este, Mar

chioness of Mantua, 1474-1539 (2 vols. New York, 1903), 598, 650651

Castiglione, B., The Book of the

Courtier [1528] (trans. by L. E. Opdyke) (New York, 1903), 651, 653 Cato Major, De Agri Cultura, 280-281, 289

Cator, Dorothy, Everyday Life among the Head-hunters (New York, 1905), 305 Cayley-Webster, H., Through New Guinea and the Cannibal Countries (London, 1898), 150 Cellini. See Symonds Celestina. See Mabbe

Century Magazine, 193, 441, 462

Ch. Br. R. A. S. = China Branch, Royal Asiatic Society

Chandler, F. W., Romance of Roguery: I. The Picaresque Novel in Spain (New York, 1899), 320, 597 Charles, R. H., The Book of Enoch (trans.) (Oxford, 1893), 431

Charles, R. H., The Book of Jubilees or the Little Genesis (trans.) (London, 1902), 431

Christian, F. W., The Caroline Islands
(London, 1899), 139, 151, 423
Chrysostom, Opera (Migne, Patrol.
Graeca, XLVII-LXIV. Homily on
Matthew in LVIII), 591
Churchman, The, 456

Cibrario, G. A. L., Della Politica Economia del Medio Evo (2a ed. 3 tomes) (Torino, 1841-1842), 300

Cicero, Orations, 405; Tusculan Disputations, 570

Clement, K. J., Das Recht der Salischen
Franken (Berlin, 1876), 495
Clement, P., Jacques Cœur et Charles
VII, France au XV siècle (Paris,
1853), 443

Cockayne, O., Hali Maidenhad (Early English Text Society, London, 1866), 621

Codrington, R. H., The Melanesians (Oxford, 1891), 149, 272, 314, 317, 325, 334, 339, 438, 533

Cook, K. R., The Fathers of Jesus: a Study of the Lineage of the Christian Doctrines and Traditions (2 vols. London, 1886), 294–295, 379, 615-616 Corpus Juris Canonici (Colon. Munat., 1717), 348, 404, 406, 410

Corpus Juris Civilis (Lipsiae, 1858), 403 Corpus Poeticum Boreale, the Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue (Oxford, 1883), 296-297

Coryate, T., Crudities (New York, 1905), 444

Cranz, D., Historie von Grönland bis
1779 (Leipzig, 1780), 323
Crawford, J., History of the Indian
Archipelago (2 vols. London, 1820),


Crawley, A. E., Sexual Taboo (JAI, XXIV, 116, 219), 116, 219, 430, 452, 459 Creighton, M., Historical Essays and Reviews (New York, 1902), 647, 650 Cunningham, A., Ladak (London, 1854), 352

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