his own apt language. Some youth will ask the state, or its Educator; "You have undertaken the care of the development of my characteryou will teach me astronomy, and algebra and geometry-will make me acquainted with the nature of the globe, and tell me about the starsisn't there something above the stars-something that made all thiswhy don't you tell me about that-why are you silent on that subject." The state may answer-" I am ignorant-I know nothing. All about the material-the worthless-I know entirely, but that on which the soul depends is all dark and blank to me." Will this avowal lead to confidence in those who profess such ignorance as this? Or the State inay say, "I am not ignorant-I know this very well-but so little of your interests or your happiness depends upon it, that there is no occasion to teach it." Will this be listened to for a moment? will a boy listen to it? Have not boys souls-feelings-moments of remorse and anxiety-glimpses of the Spiritual world, which is the first thing they long to be instructed in ? Will they not cast off with scorn and contempt the being who professes to educate them, without a care of their souls? Or the State may go on to say-" I do know the truth, but I dare not say that that truth possesses vital importance. I am a slave, fettered by those in authority over me. God placed me on this throne of empire-placed your souls under iny care-gave the sole dominion into my hands-but all this grandeur, these gorgeous robes. are mockery-I dare not speak on that which I know to. be so immeasurably important." Be assured then the child will put another question "By what right and authority do you hold a position you are incompetent to exercise? Is your power of God or of man? If of God -why are you silent about God? If your commission be from heaven, why is heaven the only thing excluded from your teaching?" And if the answer be, From men, then the youth will say "Am not I a man like yourself? with the same faculties-with knowledge with reason? Are we not all equals? What right have you to stand over me as a man?" Then will come the hour when man shall be arrayed against man-with no superiority on either side-no prerogative, privilege, or power of any kind-no consecrated authority-only brute force against brute force." May God avert this fate from British India, direct our legislators to. timely wisdom, and teach them to discern the latter end of their beginnings! |