Anecdote. Plato-defines man-"An animal, having two legs, and no feathers." This very imperfect description attracted the ridicule of Di-og-e-nes; who, wittily, and in derision, introduced to his school-a fowl, stripped of its feathers, and contemptuously asked,-"Is this Plato's man?" 1. THIS SYSTEM unfolds the true Philoso-, in, where-on, where-with, &c. : also, in the conpay of MIND and VOICE, in accordance with traction of ever and never,-as where-e'er I go, the nature of Man, and the structure of Lun-where-e'er I am, I ne'er shall see thee more. guage. The Elements are first presented; "How blest is he, who ne'er consents, By ill adthen, the common combinations, followed by vice to walk." the more difficult ones; all of which are to be practiced in concert, and individually, after the Teacher. These exercises essentially aid in cultivating the Voice and Eur, for all the objects of Speech and Song: while the Principles and Practice tend to develop and perfect both mind and body, agreeably to the Laws, that should govern them. The l'owels must first be mastered, then the Consonants; and the exercises interspersed with reading, and rigid criticism on the Articulation and Pronunciation. N. B. The words printed in italics and CAPITALS, are more or less emphatic; though other words may be made so, according to the desired effect: the dash (-) indicates a pause for inhalation: connecting words are sometimes excepted. Notes. 1. Don't caricature this sound of a and e before r, by giving it undue stress and quantity, in such words as-air, (ay-ur,) pa-rent, (pae-rent,) dare, (day-ur,) chair, there, where, &c. nor give it a flat sound, as some do to e in bleat, pronouncing it laat. To give this sound properly, separate the teeth an inch, project the lips, and bring forward the corners of the mouth, like a funnel. 2. It would be just as proper in prose, to say, wherecever I go, where-eever I am, I neever shall see thee more; as to say in poetry, where-ear I am, I near shall see thee more. 3. Ein weight, whey, (i, y, gh are silent,) and a in age, whale, &c., are just alike in sound; and as this sound of e does not occur among First, its natural, or regular sounds, as classed by our orthocpists, it is called "irregular;" i. e. it borrows this name sound of a; or is sounded like it. 4. Some try to make a distinction between a s fate, and a in fair, calling it a medial sound: which error is ow. ing to t being an abrupt element, and r, a prolonged one: but re one can make a good sound of it, either in speech or song, when thus situated, by giving it a sound unlike the name sound of a; beware of unjust prejudices and prepossessions. I say na-shun-a!, ra-shun-al, &c., for the same reason that I say no-tional and de-vo tional; because of analogy and effect. [A in ALE.] 2. A has four regular sounds: Name sound, or long: ALE; ate, a-zure; rare a-pri-cots; scarce pa-tri-ots; fair bracelets for la-tent mus-ta-ches; hai-ry ma-gi and sa-pi-ent liter-a-ti for pa-trons; na-tion-al "a-ter-er for ra-di-a-ted stamens, and sa-li-ent pas-try with the ha-lo gra-tis; the ra-tion-al plain-tiff tears the cambric, and dares the stairs for the sa-vor of rai-sins; they drain the cane-brakes and take the bears by the nape of the neck; the may-or's oray-er to Mayn-ton Sayre is-to be-ware of he snares pre-par'd for the matron's shares: -men has both syllables accented; but it should never be pronounced ah-men (2d a,) nor aw-men. 3. Position. Sit, or stand erect, with the shoulders thrown back, so as to expand the chest, prevent the body from bending, and facilitate full and deep breathing. Open the mouth wide enough to admit two fingers, side-wise, between the teeth, and keep the lips free and limber, that the sounds may flow with clearness and precision; nor let there be too much, nor too little moisture in the mouth. A piece of hard wood, or ivory, an inch, or an inch and a half long, of the size of a pipe-stem, with a notch in each end, if placed between the teeth, perpendicularly, while practicing, will be found very useful in acquiring the habit of opening wide the mouth. Proverbs. 1. Accusing is proving, when malice and power sit as judges. 2. Adversitymay make one wise, but not rich. 3. Idle folks -take the most pains. 4. Every one is architect of his own fortune. 5. Fine feathers make fine birds. 6. Go into the country to hear the news of the town. 7. He is a good orator-who convinces himself. 8. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth. 9. Lawyers' houses-are built on the heads of fools. 10. Little, and often, fill the purse. 11. Much, would have more, and lost all. 12. Practice-makes perfect. The Bible-requires, in its proper delu. ery, the most extensive practical knowledge of the principles of elocution, and of all the compositions in the world; a better impres sion may be made, from its correct reading, than from the most luminous commentary. Varieties. 1. Love what you ought to do, and you can easily do it ;-oiled wheels run freely. 2. Cicero says, that Roscius, a Roman orator, could express a sentence in as many different ways by his gestures, as he himself could by his words. 3. Why is the letter A, like a honey-suckle? Because a B follows it. 4. Never speak unless you have something to say, and always stop when you have done. 5. The most essential rule in de livery is Be natural and in earnest 6. Our education should be adapted to the full development of body and mind. 7. Truth can never contradict itself; but is eternal and immutable-the same in all ages: the states of men's reception of it-are as various as the principles and subjects of natural creation. 4. E has this sound in certain words; among which are the following: ere, ere-long; feint heirs; the hei-nons Bey pur-veys a bo-quet; (bo-ka;) they rein their prey in its ey-ry, and pay their freight by weight; hey-dey! o-bey the eyre, and do o-bei-sance to the Dey; they sit tete-a-tate (ta-tah-tate,) at trey: also, there and where, in all their compounds,-there-at, there-by, there-fore, tl.ere-in, there-on, therewith; where-at, where-by, where fore, where- As good have no time, as make bad use of it. [A in FAR.] Anecdote. A clergyman, whose turn it was to preach in a certain church, happening to get wet, was standing before the sessionroom fire, to dry his clothes; and when his colleague came in, he asked him to preach for him; as he was very wet. "No Sir, I thank you;" was the prompt reply: "preach yourself; you will be dry enough in the pulpit." 5 Eloculum-is an Art, that teaches me how within-out; not from without-in. The to inanifest my feelings and thoughts to beautiful rose-does not grow by accretion, others, in such a way as to give them a true like the rocks; its life flows into it through idea, and expression of how, and what, I feel the nutriment, imbibed from the earth, the and think; and, in so doing, to make them air, and the water, which are incorporated feel and think, as I do. Its object is, to enable with the very life-blood of the plant as a meme to communicate to the hearers, the whole dium: it is a manifestation of the LIFZ that truth, just as it is; in other words, to give me fills all things, and flows into all things, acthe ability, to do perfect justice to the subject, cording to their various forms. The analogy to them, and to myself: thus, involving the holds good as it respects the human mind; philosophy of end, cause, and effect,-the cor- tho' vegetables are matter, and mind-i respondence of affection, thoughts and words. spirit; the former is of course much more 6. The second sound of A is grave, confined than the latter. The powers of the or Italian. Aн; alms, far; pamind-must be developed by a power from pa calms ma-ma, and comwithin, and above itself; and that is the best mands Charles to craunch the education, which will accomplish this most al-monds in the haun-ted paths; rapidly, and effectually, in accordance with his ma-ster de-man-ded a the laws of God,-which always have referhaunch of par-tridge of faence to the greatest good and the most truth. ther; aunt taun-ted the laundress for salve from the banu-na tree; Jar-vis farms sar-sa-pa-ril-la in A-mer-i-ca; ma-nil-la balm is a charm to halve the qualms in Ra-ven-na; he a-bides in Chi-na, and vaunts to have saun-tered on the a-re-na, to guard the vil-la hearths from harm-ful ef-flu-vi-a; they flaun-ted on the 80fa, ar-gu-ing for Quarles' psalms, and for-muProverbs. 1. A burden that one chooses, is la for jaundice in Mec-ca or Me-di-na; a not felt. 2. A guilty conscience needs no accucalf got the chol-e-ra in Cu-ba, and a-rose to ser. 3. After-wit is every body's wit. 4. Enough run the gaunt-let for the ayes and noes in A--is as good as a feast. 5. All is but lip wisdom. cel-da-ma. 7. In making the vowel sounds, by expel-7. Children and fools often speak the truth. 8. ling them, great care must be taken, to convert all the breath that is emitted, into pure sound, so as not to chafe the internal surface of the throat, and produce a tickling, or hoarseness. The happier and freer from re-example. straint, the better: in laughing, the lower muscles are used involuntarily; hence the adage, laugh, and be fat. In breathing, reading, speaking, and singing, there should be no rising of the shoulders, or heaving of the bosom; both tend to error and ill health. Beware of using the lungs, as it is said; let them act, as they are acted upon by the lower muscles. Notes. 1. This, strictly speaking, is the only natural sound in all languages, and is the easiest made: it merely requires the under jaw to be dropped, and a vocal sound to be produced: all other vowels are derived from it; or, rather, are modifications of it. 2. When a is an article, i. e, when used by itself, it always has this sound, but must not be accented; as, "a man saw a horse and a sheep in a meadow:" except as contrasted with the; as, "I said the man, not a man." 3. When a forms an unaccented syltable, it has this sound: as, a-wake, a-bide, a-like, a-ware, a-tone, 1-nid, a-way, &c. 4. It has a similar sound at the end of words, sather with, or without an h: as, No-ah, Han-nah, Sa-rab, Afri ca. A-mer-i-ca, i-o-ta, dog-ma, &c. Beware of saying, No-er, Sary, &c. 5. It generally has this sound, when followed by a single that wants experience. 6. Better bend, than break. Out of debt, out of danger. 9. Wade not in tnknown waters. 10. Do what you ought, and let come what will. 11. Empty vessels make the greatest sound. 12. Pause, before you follow an Natural and Spiritual. Since we are possessed of both body and soul, it is of the first importance that we make use of natural and spiritual means for obtaining good; i.e. natural and spiritual truths. Our present and eternal destinies-should ever be kept in mind; and that, which is of the greatest moment, receive the principal attention: and, since death-is only a continuation of life, our education should be continuous: both states of being will be best attended to, when seen and attended to in connection. Varieties. 1. Horses will often do more for a whistle, than a whip: as some youth are best governed by a rod of love. 2. Why is a bankrupt like a clock? Because he must either stop, or go on tick. 3. True reading is true exposition. 4. Conceive the intentions of the author, and enter into the charac ter. 5. The sciences and mechanical arts are the ministers of wisdom, not the end. 6. Do Education. The derivation of this word we love our friends more when present, or -will assist us in understanding its mean-absent? 7. All natural truths, which respect ng; it being composed of the Latin word the works of God in creation, are not only real -du-co, to lead or draw out. All develop-natural truths, but the glasses and containing ments, both of matter and spirit, are from principles of spiritual ones. in the same syllable: as, ar-son, ar-tist, &c.; also in star-ry, (full of stars,) and tar-ry, (besmeared with tar.) |