derly, and, consequently, beneficial manner, it is necessary that the body be in a natural and upright position. The following engraving represents the Thorax, or Chest, which contains the Heart and Lungs; and reason teaches, that no organs should be in the least infringed upon, either by compressions, or by sitting in a bent position. The Lungs are reservoirs for the air, out of which we make sounds, by condensation. All are familiar with the hand-bellows: observe the striking analogy between it and the body, in the act of speaking, singing and blowing. The wind-pipe is like its nosle, the lungs like the sides, and the abdominal and dorsal muscles, like its handles; of course, to blow with ease and power, one must bones and viscera are more or less distorted and take hold of the handles; to speak and sing right, enfeebled. Cease to do evil, and learn to do well. the lower muscles must be used; for there is only one right way of doing anything. 17. This engraving, of a bell-shaped glass, Larynx, Wind-pipe, Collar bone, 7 Long Ribs, Diaphragm,... 5 Short Ribs,.. Dorsal and Abdominal Muscles. 14. This is a view of a well developed and naturally proportioned chest; with space for the ungs, the short ribs thrown outwardly, affording ample room for the free action of the organs: it is the true model of the form of one who would live to a good old age. 15. TIGHT DRESSING. No one can enjoy good health, or perform any kind of labor with ease, or read, speak, or sing, when the thorax is habitual ly compressed. It diminishes the capacity of the lungs, for receiving the necessary quantity of air to purify the blood, and prevents the proper action of the diaphragm. The following engraving shows the alarming condition of the chest, when compresred by tight lacing; a practice that has hurried, and is now hurrying, hundreds of thousands to a premature grave; besides entailing upon the offspring an accumulation of evils, too awful to contemplate. What is the difference between killing one's self in five minutes with a razor, and doing it in five years by tight lacing, or any other bad habit? Our clothing should never be so tight as to prevent the air from coming between it and the body. 16. Here follows an outline of the chest, or thorax of a female, showing the condition of the bones of the body, as they appear after death, in every one who has habitually worn stays and cors, is, enforced by tight lacing. But,' says one, I do not lace too tight. If you lace at all, you most certainly do, and will, sooner or later, expe C D C, C, shows how the air gets into the lungs, and some of its effects. A head is placed on the cork, T, representing the wind-pipe, and having a hole through Cit. L, represents a bladder, tied to the lower end of the cork, to indicate a lung. At D, is seen the diaphragm. The cavity of the bell represents the inside of the thorax, where the heart and lung are: there is no communication with the external air, except through the hole in the cork; air, entering through that hole, can go only into the bladder. Now, when the centre of the diaphragm is raised to D, the bladder will be flaccid and devoid of air; but when it is dropped, to the situation of the dotted line, a tendency to a vacuum will be the consequence, which can be supplied with air, only through the hole in the cork; the air expand ing the bladder to its full extent, is shown by the dotted circle, around L; and when the diaphragm is elevated again, the air will be forced from the bladder; thus, the lungs are inflated and exhaus ted by this alternate operation of the diaphragm, and of the contraction and elongation of the abdominal muscles; hence, the comparison between the vocal organs proper, and a pair of bellows, is distinctly seen. MUSCULAR ACTION. These two engravings represent some muscular fibres in two states: the upper one at rest, with a re filament ramified through the fibres, laxed nervous 18. Here is a representation of the Air Cells | viscera and diaphragm upwards: the lungs co in the Lungs, laid open and highly magnified. The body is formed by Blood, which consists of the nutritious portions of our food, and 2 it undergoes a purification: hence may be seen the importance of an upright position, and perfect inflation of the lungs; no one can live out his days without them. 19. Here are two attitudes, sitting, and standing, passive and active. Beware of too much operate with the diaphragm and abdominal mue cles; or rather, the soul, mind, nerves and mus cles act unitedly, and thence with ease, grace and effect. Observe, the Stomach, Liver, &c. are be low the diaphragm, and are dependent on it, in a measure, for their actions. stiffness, and too much laxity, of the muscles; be natural and easy. Avoid leaning backwards or forwards, to the right or left: and especially, of resting your head on your hand, with the elbow on something else: by which practice, many have caused a projection of one shoulder, induced spinal affections, &c. Beware of every thing that is improper: such as trying how much you can lift with one hand, &c. 20. Here follows a representation of the position of the diaphragm, and illustrations of its actions, in exhaling and inhaling. Figure 1, in the left engraving, represents the diaphragm in its greatest descent, when we draw in our breath: 2, muscles of the abdomen, when protruded to their full extent, in inhaling: 1, in the right engraving, the diaphragm in its greatest ascent in expiration: 2, the muscles of the abdomen in action, foreing the and wholly fill up the cavity of the chest: every one has two hearts, for the two different kinds of blood, and each heart has two rooms: a, right auricle, that receives all the blood from every part of the body, through the vena cava, or large vein, which is made up of the small veins, e, e, e, e ; it thence passes into the right ventricle, i, thence into both lungs, where it is purified; after which it passes into the left auricle, and left ventricle, then into the aorta, o, and the carotid and subclavian arteries (u, and v,) to every part of the body: returning every three or four minutes. pipe, and enter the lungs about one third of the distance from the upper end: hence, how foolish for persons having a sore throat, or larynx, to suppose they have the brouchitis; which consists in a diseased state of the bronchia; generally brought on by an improper mode of breathing, or speaking, &c., with exposure. The remedy may be found in the practice here recommended, with a free use of cold soft water over the whole body, and bandages wet with the same, placed about the chest and neck, to be removed every few hours, as they become dry. 23. Here is a horizontal view of the Glottis: N, F, are the arytenoid cartilages, connected with the chordæ vocales, (vocal cords, or ligaments,) T, V, stretching across from the top of the arytenoid to the point of the thyroid cartilage: these cords can be elongated, and enlarged to produce lower sounds, and contracted and diminished for higher ones: and, at the same time, separated from each other, and allowing more condensed air to pass for the former purposes; or brought nearer together, to favor the latter: there are a greet many musc'es attached to the larynx, to give variety to the modifications of voice in speech and song |