
104. In all schools, one leading object should be, to teach the science and art of reading and speaking with effect: they ought, indeed, to occupy seven-fold more time than at present. Teachers should strive to improve themselves, as well as their pupils, and feel, that to them are committed the future orators of our country. A first-rate reader is much more useful than a first-rate performer on a piano, or any other artificial instrument. Nor is the voice of song sweeter than the

Proverbs. 1. He that seeks trouble, it were a pity he should miss it. 2. Honor and ease-are seldom bed-fellows. 3. It is a miserable sight to see a poor man proud, and a rich man avaricious. 4. One cannot fly without wings. 5. The fairest rose at last is withered. 6. The best evidence of a clegyman's usefulness, is the holy lives of his parishoners. 7. We are rarely so unfortunate, or so happy, as we think we are. 8. A friend in need, is a friend indeed. 9. Bought wit is the best, if not bought too dear. 10. Disputationsleave truth in the middle, and the parties at both

voice of eloquence: there may be eloquent ends. 11. We must do and live. 12. A diligent readers, as well as eloquent speakers.

105. G has three sounds: first, name sound, or that of J, before e, i, and y, generally: GEM; Gen-eral Ghent, of gi-ant ge-nius, suggests that the o-rig-i-nal mag-ic of the frag-ile gip-sey has gener-a-ted the gen-e-al-o-gy of Geor- [Gin GEM.) gi-um Si-dus; the geor-gics of George German are ex-ag-er-a-ted by the pan-e-gyr-ics of the log-i-cal ser-geant; hy-dro-gen, og-ygen and ging-seng, ger-min-ate gen-teel ginger-bread for the o-rig-i-nal ab-o-rig-i-nes of


106. It is of the first importance, that the reader, speaker and singer be free and unrestrained in his manner; so as to avoid using the chest as much as possible, and also of being monotonous in the flow of his words: thus, there will be perfect correspondenceof the feelings, thoughts and actions. Look out upon Nature; all is free, varied, and expressive; such should be our delivery. Naure-abhors monotony, as much as she does

a vacuum.

107. Irregulars. J generally has this sound. The je-june judge just-ly jeal-ous of Ju-lia's joy, joined her toju-ba James in June or July; the ju-ry jus-ti-fy the joke, in jerk-ing the jave-lin of Ju-pi-ter from the jol-ly Jes-u-it, and jam-ming it into the jov. i-al Jew, to the jeop-ar-dy of the jeer-ing


Notes. 1. This triphthongal sound, as are most of the other vocal consonants, is composed of a vocal and aspirate. To make it, compress the teeth, and begin to pronounce the word judge, very loud; and when you have made a sound, e. i, got to the u, stop instantly, and you will perceive the proper sound; or be

gin to pronounce the letter g, but put no e to it: see engraving. 2. The three sounds, of which this is composed, are that of the name sound of d, and those of e, and h, combined. 3. Breath as well as voice sounds, may be arrested, or allowed to escape, according to the nature of the sound to be produced.

Anecdote. A pedlar overtook another of his tribe on the road, and thus accosted him: "Hallo, friend, what do you carry?" "Rum and Whisky," was the prompt reply. "Good," said the other; "you may go uhead; I carry gravestones."

The quiet sea,

Th't, like a giant, resting from his toil, Sleepsin the morning sun.

pen supplies many thoughts.

Authority and Truth. Who has not observed how much more ready mankind are to bow to the authority of a name, than yield to the evidence of truth? However strong and incontestible-the force of rea

soning, and the array of facts of an individual, who is unknown to fame, a slavish world -will weigh and measure him by the obscu

rity of his name. Integrity, research, science, philosophy, fact, truth, and goodness-are no shield against ridicule, and misrepresentation. Now this is exceedingly humiliating to the freed mind, and shows the great necessity of looking at the truth itself for the evidence of truth. Hence, we are not to be lieve what one says, because he says it, but because we see that it is true: this course is well calculated to make us independent rea soners, speakers, and writers, and constitute us, as we were designed to be-FREEMEN, in feeling, thought and act.

Varieties. 1. How long was it, from the discovery of America, in 1492, by Columbus, to the commencement of the Revolutionary War, in 1775? 2. Most of our laws would never have had an existence, if evil actions had not made them necessary. 3. The grand secret of never failing-in propriety of deportment, is to have an intention of always doing what is right. 4. Only that,

which is sown here, will be reap'd hereafter.

5. Is there more than one God? 6. The human race is so connected, that the well intentioned efforts of each individual-are never lost; but are propagated to the mass; 80 that what one-may ardently desire, another -may resolutely endeavor, and a third, or tenth, may actually accomplish. 7. All thought is dependent on the will, or voluntary principle, and takes its quality therefrom: as is the will, such is the thought; for the thought-is the will, in form; and the state of the will-may be known by that form.


Go abroad, upon the paths of Nature, and when
Its voices whisper, and its silent things
Are breathing the deep beauty of the world,
Kneel at its simple altar, and the Gcd,
Who hath the living waters--shall be there.


108. Elocution is not, as some errone- 112. Freedom of Thought. Beware

ously suppose, an art of something artificial
in tones, looks and gestures, that may be
learned by imitation. The principles teach
us to exhibit truth and nature dressed to
advantage: its objects are, to enable the rea-
der, and speaker, to manifest his thoughts,
and feelings, in the most pleasing, perspic-
uous, and forcible manner, so as to charm the
affections, enlighten the understanding, and
leave the deepest, and most permanent im-
pression, on the mind of the attentive hearer.
109. The second sound of G, is hard,
or gutteral, before a, o, u, l, r,
and often before e, and i; also,
at the end of monosyllables, and
sometimes at the end of dissyl-
lables, and their preceding sylla-

bles. GAME; a giddy goose [G in GAME.]
got a ci-gar, and gave it to a gan-grene beg-
gar: Scrog-gins, of Brob-dig-nag, growls
over his green-glass gog-gles, which the big
ne-gro gath-er-ed from the bog-gy quag-mire;
a gid-dy gig-gling girl glides into the grog-
ge-ry, and gloats over the gru-el in the great
pig-gin of the rag-ged grand-mother, ex-
claim-ing, dig or beg, the game is gone.

110. Foreigners and natives may derive essential aid from this system of mental and vocal philosophy; enabling them to read and speak the language correctly; which they most certainly ought to do, before they are employed in our schools: for whatever children learn, they should learn correctly. Good teachers are quite as necessary in the primary school, as in the Academy or College: at least, so thought Philip, king of Macedon, when he sent his son Alexander to Aristotle,

the great philosopher, to learn his letters: and Alexander says, he owed more to his teacher, than to his father.

111. Irregulars. Gh, in a few words,

of pinning your faith to another's serve--of' forming your own opinion entirely on that of another. Strive to attain to a modest independence of mind, and keep clear of leading strings: follow no one, where you cannot see the road, in which you are desired to walk: otherwise, you will have no confidence in your own judgment, and will become a changeling all your days. Remember the old adage "let every tub stand on its own bottom! And, "never be the mere shadow of another."

Proverbs. 1. He dies like a beast, who has done no good while he lived. 2. 'Tis a base thing to betray a man, because he trusted you. 3 Knaves-imagine that nothing can be done without knavery. 4. He is not a wise man, who pays more for a thing than it is worth. 5. Learningis a sceptre to some, and a bauble-to others. 6.

No tyrant can take from you your knowledge. 7. Only that which is honestly got-is true gain. 8. Pride-is as loud a beggar as want; and a great deal more saucy. 9. That is a bad child, that goes like a top, no longer than it is whipped. 10. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. 11. Learn to bear disappointment cheer fully. 12. Eradicate your prejudices.

Anecdote. A sharp Eye. A witness, during the assizes, at York, in Englant, after several ineffectual attempts to go on with his story, declared, "he could not proceed in his testimony. if Mr. Brougham did not take his eyes off from him."

Varieties. 1. Which does society the most injury, the robber, the slanderer, or the murderer? 2. In every period of life, our talents may be improved, and our mind expan. ded by education. 3. The mind is powerful, in proportion as it possesses powerful truths, reduced to practice. 4. Give not the meats and drinks of a man, to a child; for how should they do it good? 5. A proverb, well applied at the end of a phrase, often makes

has this sound: tho', strictly speaking, the ha very happy conclusion: but beware of

is silent. The ghast-ly bur-gher stood aghast to see the ghost of the ghyll, eat the ghas-tly gher-kins in the ghos-tly burgh. They are silent in the neigh-bors taught their daugh-ters to plough with de-light, though they caught a fur-lough; &c.

Notes. 1. This vocal sound is made, by pressing the roots of the tongue against the uvula, so as to close the throat, and beginning to my go, without the o; the sound is intercepted lower down than that of first d, and the jaw dropped more; observe also the vocal and aspirate; the sound is finished, however, in this, as in al other instances of making the vocal consonants, by the organs resuming their natural position, either for another effort, or for silence. 2. If practice enables persens with half the usual number of fingers to accomplish whatever manual labor they undertake; think, how much may be done in this art, by those who possess their vocal organs complete, provided they pursue the course here indicated, there is nothing like these vocal gymnasties.

'Tis autumn. Many, and many a fleeting age
Hath faded, since the primal morn of Time;
And silently the slowly journeying years,
All redolent of countless seasons, pass.

using such sentences too often. 6. Extrav-
agant and misplaced eulogiums-neither
honor the one, who bestows them, nor the
person, who receives them. 7. Apparent
truth-has its use, but genuine t'th a
greater use and hence, it is the pof
wisdom to seek it.

"Tis midnight's holy hour-and silence now
Is brooding, like a gentle Spirit,

The still and pulseless tworld. Hark! on the wina
The bell's deep tones are swelling, 'tis the knell
Of the departed year. No funeral train
Is sweeping past,-yet, on the stream, and roood,
With melancholy light, the moonbeams rest,
Like a pale, spotless shroud, -the air is stirred,
As by a mourner's sigh-and on yon cloud,
That floats on still and placidly through heaven,
The Spirits of the Seasons-seem to stand;
Young Spring, bright Summer, Autumn's solemn Sora
And Winter, with his aged locks, and breathe,
In mournful cadences, that come abroad
Like the far wind-harp's wild and tonching wail,
A melancholy dirge-o'er the dead y sar-
Gone, from the Earth, forever.

113. These principles of oratory-are well calculated to accustom the mind to the closest investigation and reasoning; thus, affording a better discipline for the scientific, rational, and affectuous faculties of the mind, than even the study of the mathematics: for the whole man is here addressed, and all his mental powers, and all his acquirements, are called into requisition. This system is a fiery ordeal; and those who pass through it, understandingly, and practically, will come out prerified as by fire: it solves difficulties, and sads the mind to correct conclusions, respecting what one is to do, and what one is not to do.

114. The third sound of G is that of Zh, which, tho' common to s and z, is derived to this letter from the French; or, perhaps we should say, the words in which G has this sound, are French words not Anglicised [Gin ROUGE.] -or made into English. The

pro-te-ge (pro-ta-zha, a person protected, or patronized,) during his bad-e-nage, (bad-enazh, light or playful discourse,) in the menag-e-ry, (a place for the collection of wild animals, or their collection,) on the mi-rage, (me-razh, an optical illusion, presenting an image of water in sandy deserts,) put rouge, (roozh, red paint for the face,) on the charge-d'af-fair, (shar-zha-dif-fare, an ambassador, or minister of secondary rank.)

115. This work informs the pupil, as the master workman does the apprentice: it teaches the principles, or rules, and the way to apply them; and when they are thus applied to practice, he has no more use for them: indeed, its rules and directions serve him the same purpose as the guide-post does the traveler; who, after visiting the place, towards which it directs, has no fur

ther need of of it.

116. Irregulars. S often has this sound. and Z, generally. The az-ure ad-he-sion to the am-bro-sial en-clo-sures is a ro-se-ate treas-ure of vis-ions of pleas-ures; the seizure of the viz-ier's en-thu-si-asm is an inva-sion of the gla-zier's di-vi-sions of the scis-sors; the ho-sier takes the bra-zier's cro-sier with a-bra-sions and cor-ro-sions by ex-po-sure, and treas-ures it up without e. lis-ions.

Notes. 1. This vocal triphthongal consonant sound may be made, by placing the organs, as if to pronounce sh in shove, and ad&ng a voice sound, from the larynx; or, by drawing out the sound of the imaginary word Wurs, zhure. 2. Analyze these sounds thus; give the first sound of e, keep the teeth still compressed, add the aspirate of h, and then prefix the vocality; or reverse the procca Gis suent in the ma-ligu phlegm of the poig-nant gnat, impregns the en-sign's di-a-phragm, and gnaws into Char-le-magne's Be-ragl-io.

Anecdote. A considerate Minister. A very dull clergyman, whose delivery was monotonous and uninteresting to his hearers, putting many of the old folks asleep-said to tle boys, who were playing in the gallery; "Don't make so much noise there; you w.ll awake your parents below."

For me, my lot was what I sight; to be,
In life, or death, the fearless, and he fres.

Proverbs. 1. Impudence, and wit, are vastly different. 2. Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee. 3. Listeners-hear, no good of themselves. 4. Make hay while the sun shines. 5. Ar. ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit. 6. Purposing, without performing, is mere fooling 7. Quiet persons are welcome every where 8. Some have been thought brave, because they were afraid to run away. 9. A liar is a brave towards God, and a coward towards men. 10 Without a friend, the world is a wilderness 11 A young man idle, an old man-needy. 12. Resolution, without action, is a slothful folly.

Reading Rooms. Incalculable good might be done to the present and the rising generation, by the establishment, in every town and village in our country, of Public Reading Rooms, to be supported by voluntary subscription: indeed, it would be wise in town authorities to sustain such institutions of knowledge by direct tazation. Oh! when shall we wake up to a consideration of things above the mere love of money-making.

Varieties. 1. Did Napoleon-do more evil than good-to mankind? 2. A necessary part of good manners-is a punctual observation of time; whether on matters of civility, business, or pleasure. 3. It is absurd to expect that your friends will remember you, after you have thought proper to forget them. 4. How much pain lias borrowed trouble cost us. 5. Adversity-has the effect of eliciting talents, which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant. 6. When the infidel would persuade you to abandon the Bible, tell him you will, when he will bring you a better book. 7. When the mind becomes persuaded of the truth of a thing, it receives that thing, and it becomes a part of the person's life: what men seek, they find.

The spacious firmament-on high,
With all the blue etherial sky,

And spangled heavens, a shining frame,
Their great original proclaim.

Th' unwearied sun--from day to day,
Does his Creator's power display;
And publishes-to ev'ry land,

The work of an Almighty hand.

Soon as the evening skades prevail,
The moon takes up the wond'rous tale
And, nightly, to the list'ning earth,
Repeats the story of her birth;

Whilst all the stars, that round her burn,
And all the planets in their turn,
Confirm the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth, from pole to pole.

What, though, in solemn silence, all
Move round the dark terrestrial ball?
What, though no real voice nor sound
Amid these radiant orbs be found 1
In reason's ear they all rejoice,
And utter forth a glorious voice,
Forever singing, as they shine,
"The hand that made us-is divine"

17. Be very particular in pronouncing the jaw, or voice-breakers, and cease not, till you can give every sound fully, correctly and distinctly. If your vocal powers are well exercised, by faithful practice on the more difficult combinations, they will acquire a facility of movement, a precision of action, a flexibility, grace, and force truly surprising. 118. H has but one sound, which is

an aspirate, or forcible breathing, made in the glottis: HALE: his high-ness holds high his haugh-ty head, and ex-hib-its his shrunk shanks to the ho-ly horde in the hu-mid hall; the [Hin HALE.] hard-heart-ed hedge-hog, heed-less of his hav-oc of the house-wife's ham, hies him self home, hap-py to have his head, his hands, and his heart whole; the harm-ful hum-ble-bee hur-tles through the hot-house, and ex-horts his ex-haust-ed hive-lings to hold their house-hold-stuff for a hob-by-horse till har-vest-home.

119. It is said, that no description can adequately represent Lord Chatham:


comprehend the force of his eloquence. it was necessary to see and to hear him: his whole delivery was such, as to make the orator a part of his own eloquence: his mind

was view'd in his countenance, and so embodied was it in his every look, and gesture, that his words were rather felt than follow ed; they invested his hearers; the weapons of his opponents fell from their hands; he spoke with the air and vehemence of inspi ration, and the very atmosphere flamed around him.

120. H is silent at the beginning and end of many words. The hon-est shepherd's ca-tarrh, hum-bles the heir-ess in her dish-a-billes, and hu-mors the thy-my rheto-ric of his rhymes to rhap-so-dy; the humor-some Thom-as ex-plained diph-thongs and triph-thongs to A-bi-jah, Be-ri-ah-Calah, Di-nah, E-li-jah, Ge-rah, Hul-dah, Isa-iah, Jo-nak, Han-nah, Nin-e-vah, O-badi-ah, Pis-gah, Ru-mah, Sa-rah, Te-rah, Uri-ah, Va-ni-ah, and Ze-lah.

Notes. 1. This sound is the material of which all sounds are made, whether vowel or consonant, either by condensation, or modification. To demonstrate this position, commence any sound in a whisper, and proceed to a vocality; shaping the organs

to form the one required, if a vowel or voca. consonant, and in a proper way to produce any of the aspirates. 2. Those who are a the abit of omitting the A, when it ought to be pronounced, can practice on the preceding and similar examples: and also correct such sentences as this; Hi took my 'orse hand went hout to 'unt

my 'ogs, hand got hoff my 'orse, hand 'jched im to a hoak tree, hand gave 'im some hoats. 3. It requires more breath to make this sound, than any other in our language; as in producing it, even milily, tre lungs are nearly exhausted of air. It may be made by whispering the word huh: the higher up, the more scat. tering, the lower in the throat, the more condensed, till it becomes vocal.

I am well aware, that what is base,

No polish-can make sterling-and that vice, Though well perfumed, and elegantly dressed, Like an unburied carcass,-trick'd with flowers, Is but a garnished nuisance, -fitter far

For cleanly riddance,-than for fair attire.

Proverbs. 1. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 2 One may be a wise man, and yet not know how to make a watch. 3. A wicked companion invites us to hell. 4. All happiness and misery-is in the mind. 5. A good conscience is excellent divinity. 6. Bear and forbear-is good philosophy. 7. Drunkenness-is a voluntary madness. 8. Envy shoots at others, and wounds herself. 9. Fools lade out the water, and wise men catch the fish. 10. Good preachers give fruits, rather than flowers. 11. Actions are the raiment of the man. 12. Faith is the eye of love.

Anecdote. Frederick the Great, of Prussia, an ardent lover of literature and the fine arts, as well as of his people, used to rise at three or four o'clock in the morning to get more time for his studies; and when one of his intimate friends noticed how hard he worked, he replied, - " It is true, I do work hard,but it is in order to live, for nothing has more resemblance to death, than idleness: of what use is it, to live, if one only vegetates?" Wrong Choice. How miserable some people make themselves, by a wrong choice, when they have all the good things of earth before them, out of which to choose! If good judgment be wanting, neither the greatest monarch, nor the repeated smiles of fortune, can render such persons happy; hence, a prince may become a poor wretch, and the peasant-completely blessed. To know one's self is the first degree of sound judgment; for, by failing rightly to estimate our own capacity, we may undertake-not only what will make us unhappy, but ridiculous. This may be illustrated by an unequal marriage with a person, whose genius, life and temper-will blast the peace of one, or both, forever. The understanding, and not the will should be our guide.

Varieties. 1. What can the virtues of our ancestors profit us, unless we imitate them? 2. Why is it, that we are so unwilling to practice a little self-denial for the sake of a future good? 3. The toilet of woman-is too often an altar, erected by self-love-to vaniti. 4. Half the labor, required to make a first-rate musician, would make an accomplished reader and speaker. 5. Learn to unlearn what you have learned amiss. 6. A conceit of knowledge-is a great enemy to knowledge, and a great argument for ignorance. 7. Of pure love, and pure conception of truth, we are only receivers: God only is the giver ; and they are all His from first to last. It is a beautiful belief, that ever-round our head, Are hovering, on noisless wing, the spirits of the dead. It is a beautiful belief, when ended our career, That it will be our ministry to watch o'er others here; To lend a moral to the flower; breathe oudom on the wind: To hold commune, at night's pure noon, with the im prisca'd mind To bid the mourner-crase to mourn, the trembling be forgiven To bear away, from ills of cay, the infant to its heaven. Ah! when delight-was found in life, and joy-in every breath, I cannot tell how terrible the mystery of death.

But nove, the past is bright to me, and all the future-clear?
For 'tis my faith, that after death, I still shall linger hors

121. Important Remarks. Every pupil should be required to notice, distinctly, not My all the specific sounds of our language, raple and compound, but also the different and exact positions of the vocal organs, necessary to produce them. The teacher should, unyieldingly, insist upon having these two things faithfully attended to: for success in elocution, and music, absolutely demands it: no one, therefore, should wish to be excused from a full and hearty compliance. Master these elementary principles, and you will have command of all the mediums for communicating your thoughts and feelings.

122. L has only one sound, which is its name sound. LAY; the laird's little fool loudly lauds the lil-y white lamb the live-long day; Lem-u-el Ly-ell loves the lass-lorn lul-la-by of the landlord's love-ly la-dy, and, with [Lin LAY.] bliss-ful dal-li-ance, gen-teel-ly lis-tens to the low-ly lol-lard's live-ly song; the law yer le-gal-ly, and plain-ly tells his luck-less cli-ent, that he lit-er-al-ly re-pels the il-logi-cal re-ply of the nul-ly-fy-ing leg-i-lator, who, in list-less ban-guor, lies, and regales him-self over the el-der blow tea: (not 1-oo-t loot.)

123. Pronounce my, you, your, and that, when emphatic, with the vowels full and open. My harp is as good as yours. He told you, but would not tell me. I said he was my friend, not yours. That man related that story. When these words are not emphatic, the sounds of y and u are shortened, the o silent, and its second sound, while the a is entirely suppressed. My pen is as bad as my paper. How do you do? Very well; and how do you do? Have you got your book? This is not your book; it is my book. I said that you said, that you told him so.

u having

Notes. 1. This vocal lingual dental sound (from the larynx, tongue and teeth,) is made by pressing the tongue against the upper gums and the roof of the mouth: pronounce the word to,

by prolonging the sound of 1; 1-0. 2. Do not let the cys mis

lead the ear in the comparison of sounds; gay and ghay are alike to the car, tho' unlike to the eye: so are ph in philosophy and f in folly: the sune may be observed of th in thine and thou 3. Never forget the difference between the names of letters, and their respective sounds; weigh their natures, powers and qualities. 4. Notice the dissimilarity between the letters o-n-e, and the word one (wun;) also e-i-g-h-t, and eight (ate;) e-n-o-u-g-h, and enuff. Is there not a better way? and is not this that way? 5. Lis silent in balm, sive, could, psalm, would, chalk, should, talk, hal-ser (hato-ser,) fal-con (faro-k'n,) salm-on, folks, malm-sey (2da) almonds, &c.

Anecdote. One Tongue. Milton, the author of Paradise Lost and Regained, was one lay asked, by a friend of female education, if he did not intend to instruct his daughter in the different languages: "No Sir;" replied Milton, "one tongue is sufficient for a


Te derpots, too long-did your tyranny hold us

In a vassalage vile-ere its rocakness we knew;

But we learn'd, that the links of the chain, that enthrald us, Were forg'd by the fears of the captive alone.

Proverbs. 1. Almost, and very nigh, save many a lie. 2. A man may buy even gold too dear. 3. He, that waits for dead men's shoes, may long go barefoot. 4. It is an ill cause, that none dare speak in. 5. If pride were an art. there would be many teachers. 6. Out of sight, out of mind. 7. The whole ocean is made of single drops. 8, There would be no great ones, if there were no little ones. 9. Things unreasonable-are never durable. 10. Time and tide wait for no man. 11. An author's writings are a mirror of his mind. 12. Everyone is architect of his own character.

In the Truth. How may a person be said to be in the truth? This may be understood, rationally, by a comparison: we say-such a man is in the mercantile business; by which we mean, that his life is that of merchandizing, and is regulated by the laws of his peculiar calling. In like manner, we say of a christian, that he is in the truth, and in the Lord, when he is in the true order of his creation; which is to love the Lord, with all his heart, and his neighbor as himself; and to do unto others-as he would they should do unto him: such a one is, emphatically, in the truth, and the truth makes him free; and this is the only freedom on earth, or in heaven; and any other state is abject slavery.

Varieties. 1. Why is the L, in the word military, like a man's nose? Because, it is between two ii. 2. No one is wise at all times; because every one is finite, and of course, imperfect. 3. Money is the servant of those, who know how to use it; but the master of those, who do not. 4. Romewas built, 753 years before the christian era; and the Roman empire-terminated 476 years after it; what was its duration? 5. The tales of other times are like the calm dew of the morning, when the sun is faint on its side, and the lake is settled and blue in the vale. 6. As is the state of mind, such is the reception, operation, production, and manifestation of all that is received. 7. Ends of actions show the quality of life; natural men ever regard natural ends; but spiritual men-spiritual ones.

Changing, forever changing!-So depart
The glories of the old majestic wood:
So-pass the pride, and garniture of fields;
The growth of aga, and the bloom of days,
Into the dust of centuries; and so-

Are both-renewed. The scattered tribes of men,
The generations of the populous earth,

All have their seasons too. And jocund Youth
Is the green spring-time-Manhood's lusty strength
Is the maturing summer-hoary Age

Types well the autumn of the year and Death
Is the real winter, which forecloses all.
And shall the forests-have another spring,
And shall the fields-another garland wear,
And shall the worm-come forth, renew'd in life,
And clothed with highest beauty, and not MAN?
No! in the Book before me now, I read
Another language; and my faith is sure.

That though the chains of denth may hold it song,
This mortal-will dermaster them, and break

Arway, and put on immortality.

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